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Moom soon
Brown hair don't care!
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Delicious brownies.
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Last week was not very active
Well, she did have to cancel. Hopefully there's less homework left.
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Everyone else got absolutely addicted to that card game
Still waiting for her to start Dishonored.
They should play this again.
I missed Anya! Nice NA hours appearance.
Good of Moom to also not make a random 5 am guerilla
Cute sisters.
GTA seems so nostalgic now
We're Moomin now
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Yeah, what is this? Magic?
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Gangsters for life
Only 2 weeks late for this
Poor Anya missed the wedding.
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Next time they can RP more though.
>grandma died
>There she goes causing trouble again
Past GG...
The gangsters were really wholesome compared to the civilians...
Anya would never be able to grasp a heli.
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If Ina can't.
How do you crash on a skateboard?
Very carefully.
Hardly anybody saw the danger in giant rotating blades
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>Are you the pineapple?
She's armed, send backup!
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Not even the police are safe from the police
Perfect chance to play card games next time they play Clubhouse.
There was a severe lack of gambling this time
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Everyone follows different road rules.
This is why Anya needs to play the base game
Marine's ass love
i love it when these two collab
Here's the problem: ruptured ass.
So Mumei prefers buttered popcorn.
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>Ina watches the whole thing
>doesn't say anything
Marine is too kinky to be arrested
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It was a crime of passion.
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Last day was full of chaos
The sunglasses are for extra style points
GTA is the first use for streamdeck macros they ever thought of
Tragic... IRyS' car luck is as bad as Anya's.
It do be like that.
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Oh this is a good one.
The gang treats all their hostages with kindness.
Irys seems to be enjoying that arrangement
That's when Zeta got BTFO
Is that the same day? They just sent her in to be slaughtered lol.
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Staff is suppressing the truth.
This is monkey abuse.
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Meanwhile Anya is struggling with a picture puzzle in the background
Irys enjoying her PTO
Skippa clip ad
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Ghetto doctors.
Good thing they can heal...
Omg the clickbait titles!
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I can't believe Anya was one of the more competent ones.
>they both bleed out
She was a very good senpai.
Towa hentai
Aitai is so cute though
Well Towa's not very convincing.
Scared by the English lmao
They are such cute hentais!
I can feel her sweating through the screen.
Towa English is amazing
These girls have NO sense of self preservation
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>see flaming car
>better get close
Apology DAB
I didn't even know that could happen. In GTA 4 you lost control of your character.
Cops had so much free time cause they had to wait for the gangsters to do something.
So many of them really want to be moms, huh?
The server is full of brats up to no good.
They both do a good KANADEEEEEEEE
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Actually knowing how to swim. That's impressive.
The bakery arc is an entire anime season
They could do a second stream just for that.
America really influenced them.
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>goes to help her
>please shut up
Especially their prices
Fuwamoco is a schizo...
Oh yeah, poor Laplus.
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This was so sad on the last day, they couldn't even talk when the server died.
It was so hard to watch
Laplus can't break up the Millimon family
The Towa BGM really makes the scene.
It's about family, and that's what makes it so powerful
They should have watched some printer-chan clips
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Poor Miko.
There really was a lot of tragedy in the server when the gang wasn't involved
Speech 100
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JP skills!
Big brain to not step out of the car.
Evil brownie laugh...
[Distant Anya eigo]
>clipper donates in IDR
Thanks for the dollar.
They just need to make the heists simpler and it will be closer to all the other roles. There's far too much preparation.
They had a lot of off-stream practice too
That didn't feel long at all. There was still so much to see.
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I thought for sure they'd watch some wedding clips. Moom and Anya are really really cute together though.
Phew, felt like so long without Anya. If there's a schedule it should come up in a couple days, hopefully it's a good week too
She needs to join the others in the TCG craze.
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Brown gang cute.
Printer-chan got neglected. I don't know if any members knew how bugged her game was.
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I'm happy they could interact a lot during that week. And ANYA was perfect for translating on the go.
Since it's not her usual hour, it's probably a couple days for next stream.
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She better pick up a thing or two from the real criminals
Anya in the house. The gambling house.
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This is such a comfy couple.
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It was such a random bug, I don't know if anyone can believe it
I might kiss Anya one of these days
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She wouldn't even have to ask.
I love how smug this is
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Cute witch.
That's no staff, is it?
She is the sharpest witch of her age
The Bakery crew also needed more context. Oh well.
Ohanya. But sometimes there's no Anya.
Dangerous creature.
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Only a couple more months until the next merch drop. These illustrations don't miss.
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Anya butt.
Official butt
The best!
Anya is such a cute, dopey girl.
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