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Previous Thread >>86962803

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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7DTD will probably push 1M to next week if they don't do an endurance to 1M stream, but Patra might bring it a little closer. Still, I think it'd be a safe decision to replace Saturday's 7DTD stream with a 1M stream.
I like Fuwawa's teeth in this. big chomp
I still wish they had toothfangs instead of fleshfangs
rape and decapitate numberfags!!
>/biz/‘s linetards are now making lines for other things
fantastic, more retards screeching about muh trends
I want to have creampie sex with Fuwawa and Mococo.
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I do not understand the logistics on how having such type of teeth would make it so your dick would be a goner.
In their Advent trailer they have normal fangs tho. Kinda weird.
Is she a demon? What is she?
Friend is playing Silent Hill 2 today. I wonder if FWMC will play it.
Do they have to play with jp voices?
Don't think so. It should be the same as RE4.
They should play Space Marines instead
dev mentioned his hated for goyim on his twitter not even hiding it
The controls seem kinda complicated for them, but I don't mind them playing on easy mode. I think they will love it.
I miss them gunnai
do you think they will be able to join the MonHun collabs next year?
0 chance unless they start playing this year.
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Raora just started her training arc a couple days ago as an absolute beginner. Would be nice to see them train together
Fuck off that would kill their numbers, they need to play more jp horror games
Fuck that they need to play more VNs or finish the ones they have.
lol no, they should play maid of the dead
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They should play Dead Space
monster hunter does great numbers and it is guaranteed to be a major source of HoloJP collabs next year
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I hate some of you fags but we watched school days together how the fuck some prudes still stuck after that is beyond me
trannies dont watch streams
They like it for the drama! Fuwawa gets wet from drama.
People are delusional, gachikoi still stuck around for Kronii, Bae, Mori, Ame, etc. People believe what they want to believe.
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>Fuck off that would kill their numbers
Monhun is buff JP numbers.
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>gachikoi still stuck around for Kronii
I sure as hell didn't when that whore opened her legs for the homostars.
Koyori, FWMC monhun collab will be cool.
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Look at all these numbers!
homo(male) hate
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only if they get good enough to not fail missions for everyone
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Nice LARP but you're not Gabe. Kronies had actually (begrudgingly) accepted occasional Homocollabs after the unarchived member stream. It was her immediately going back on it that caused the exodus.
Liking violent or sexual things in fiction doesn't mean that you are interested in that IRL. FWMC are not interesting in anything sexual IRL, but they can appreciate some sexual VNs/animes.
good bait
Kill yourself, coomer.
bad bait
They have been getting mogged in art for HOLOctober.
sounds like cope to me
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Is very EN-centric. Their artists are mainly JP or JP-focused.
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I wish they had gotten sponsored to play the Metaphor demo
>getting the same localization hell experience that Bae got when she played engage with JP voices and EN text
I too wish for this but because I think it would be funny. Not Bae faggot btw
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you don't have to be ashamed of loving Bae here
It was pretty funny how she couldn't contain her reactions for how fucking different it wa
It's impossible to love whores, they aren't even people.
For what it's worth, the localized lines for Metaphor aren't as bad as what Treehouse gets away with for FE, but it's still just an unfortunate blemish on the game that I wish didn't happen Feels like Gallica got hit with the brunt of it for the demo. Hearing her cheerful demeanor overtop of a bitchy localized line is really jarring
cool check out her new cover with Ina it's really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
Oh I didn't know the cover had Bae in it, neat. I listened to Polka's cover for BBBB a little while ago. With how often FWMC have sung it lately I wouldn't mind an official cover from them too, but with how much time/money typically goes into one I'd understand them going for a different song
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Both versions are really good, but I give the edge to Bae x Ina's because Bae is a really really good rapper. If I'm being honest I would have rather just had Polka x Bae instead of two versions tho
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Fuwawa SEX.
Mococo RAPE.
RIP any chance of them hopping on the TCG trend
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Don't worry, they'll do a JP solo stream next week playing it.
So excited for the collab to start next week.
I approve of murder for FWMC but not slutty behavior
I approve of slutty behavior towards me and other girls.
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Promise anniversary tomorrow
Don't care
Who gives a fuck about those whores?
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I made sure to praise her as much as I could during that stream. I really want her to play it again, and just more games in general so she can build more confidence
"I don't know what I am" - Shiori Novella
I forget the Advent collab stream, but I think they were talking about power levels or maybe something like "normal humans have to do this" and someone asked Shiori "aren't you human"
I don't think they care about any Promise members as much as they care about certain other senpai
Fuwawa deserves all the praise in the world.
>inb4 what about mococo
all the praise.
they care about HoloENJP more than anyone else in their branch
I'm having a hard time remembering the last time they mentioned anyone from Promise
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They talk about Bae all the time, the fuck are you on about?
I'm guessing at least a 30 min delay for her singular stream of the week. Thank God FWMC doesn't give a shit about EN outside of Advent and Mori.
>They talk about Bae all the time
I mean comparatively to other members of HoloEN obviously it would be weird if they were talking about other members constantly
With how people were talking before I thought they were overlapped, but they're two hours apart. Paratopic isn't super long and a big EN collab outside of Advent always has delays anyway so it should be fine
honestly I don't care if I have to miss a horror slop stream because of overlap, there will be one or more next week anyways. they're not bad but not exactly a special event
But it's not your usual slop, it's RETRO horror slop
I'll only watch the Promise anni stream if they redirect us to it or they tell us to watch it.
Fair enough, it's a big milestone stream so I can't blame it taking priority for anyone. FWMC just always have my priority if they're live, so I'm only going to watch the anni after their own stream is over
They'd sooner be terminated than graduate
pretty sure if they leave it will be due to illness
oh they hit 988k earlier today. 990k before 7DTD?
It'd be cool if they hit 1M while streaming a VN.
So the last time they did a sub endurance stream they got ~6k subs in 12 hours. They're still riding on the GTA buff though, so I wonder if they'll just send it around 990k.
I want a handcam of them using the bowls
I'd settle for a picture of a batch of Fuwawasoup
>there's a lot going on this week ruffians, we may have to cancel one of the 7DTD streams
Could they have meant they might replace one with an endurance stream?
I don't think so. They implied they have work to do for that one future cancellation.
995k is better
So we only get one hour of Paratopic?
Paratopic is an hour long if you're lucky.
Its a short game
>he forgot about pause screen time
I think 7DtD will get them a lot of subs cause its a big event collab, and it isnt fucking EnReco so they wont be doing extreme RP.
fwmc do terribly in en collabs
They're horny right now.
why did they retweet Mococo bouncing on my cock
JOPbro was about to go menhera
I shouldn't have said anything about being thankful it was two hours...
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gn ruffians
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nite, im also gonna a nap
stream the hologra
brother eughhhh
FWMC are the only reason I haven't blown my brain out yet
you're tripping
Fuwawa will simply refuse to let Moco-chan pause for the entire playthrough
I don't remember another retweet
Go to sleep, ojisan.
>fwmc likes JP cocks
>/baubau/ likes JP cocks
>1 mil views
Did they ever celebrate the milestone on a FWMC Morning?
Oh no wuffians are the baubaus getting stuffed by JP dick again?
>JPschizos are reduced to shitposting about retweets and community posts
Holy fucking mindbroken
How easy is it to stalk ruffians on reddit? I'm pretty sure that influences how much time they spend on each platform
Reddit's just handy for talent posts because you make a post on the main sub and everyone sees it, that's why the sheep posts her songs there
Interacting and stalking are two different things. They don't have to respond to something, they just like looking at what ruffians are up to
holy #FWMCMORNING spam
This one isn't a JP schizo it's just the jealous seething woman who spends her day here crying over them getting in when she didn't
You can really tell the difference between the actual obsessed JPschizos, and the shitposters trying to start a loop
Only because they're BAUtistic. They also do terribly in JP collabs, with the only real exception being GTA cause they broke out of their shell FINALLY
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That was a really fast orbital
those are phonies, i'm chillin
>resorted to bumping the thread with actual posts to try and get some traction
Fucking kek
>resorted to bumping the thread with actual posts to try and get some traction
what did he mean by this
I think them having a job that forced them to interact in a meaningful way really helped them. Here's hoping all those interactions help them in future groups
some people really should be able to be electrocuted over the internet.
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>FWMC when every marshmallow question is about ASMR
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I didn't realize how many of the bumps were them until you pointed it out
Rare honesty from the jealous menhera in 87010317
It's not to be, because I asked them a question about Yakuza
that person isn't saying a single fucking thing in good faith, don't mistake any bullshit coming out of its mouth for actual opinions on anything here.
Based, I need them to play Yakuza 5 and listen to them teach about life in Japan and idol culture
It might have thought it's shitposting but it's 100% true for anyone who spends this much time and effort seething over vtubers
I agree, it was a great idea. Having an assigned job/role really worked because it gave everyone something they could focus on if they weren't sure what to do and a core of people they could interact with every day without unduly restricting them, so the storylines and interactions that emerged were kino. Much better than being dumped in a sandbox with "have fun"
Hopefully we see something like it in future collab series

It really would make for a better world.
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Get fucked, shitposting tranny.
This week is fine. The only way they could trigger JPschizos is by randomly adding a gorilla JP solo stream (which they won't do, because they are too busy) or doing ASMR in Japanese (which they won't do, because they already got criticized for doing that the last time)
Normal JP collabs were always okay, even the worst erenschizos can tolerate them.
>I need them to play Yakuza 5 and listen to them teach about life in Japan and idol culture
Gigabased and, dare I say it, baused
I, too, want to see their reaction to the kino that is ARE YOU READY GO

Haruka's idol storyline is the standout but honestly there's a bunch of stuff in the series I'd like to see them play through, from comfy island life to the different character stories of 4 and 5. I also think they'd really enjoy Ichiban's story in 7.
Yeah just being dropped into a sandbox is really only good for members that excel at improv or making their own fun, and those types of members typically do well in a job role anyway since they play off of it
so what have you guys been up in the meantime
Just finished watching this character voices trailer for the upcoming Stein's Gate collab
Warning: Has Japanese Text and Japanese Voices
Patra LOVE!
Paused my Yakuza 100% Legend series playthrough to play the Dead Space remake because it's spooky month. It's pretty good.
drawing my waifu
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I'm watching the latest season of Re:Zero and the elf has a huge rack now. Images of Fuwawa's floofies keep flashing in my every time I see her.
>video game/anime illustrator I follow RTs photo of a gravure model
>it turns out the gravure model is also followed by FUWAMOCO's RM
Interesting coincidence.
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I cant come up with a question, my head is always so empty
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Baused and same. My brain automatically associates big tits with Fuwawa.
I wanna ask her about LTSM full version lyrics but I'm dekinai
just ask her about lifetime showmaid in english, fwmc will translate for you
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I want to be raped by Fuwawa.
but then I won't get picked
Ask if Patra likes VNs and if she has any favorites.
This will allow them to have a discussion about VNs.
Post the photo
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I asked about Armored Core referencing an old series meme.
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Remember ruffians...
Cum for Fuwawa
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I was poking fun at the other anon
Great question, hope it gets picked
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I want to have sex with Fuwawa.
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Day 2 of waiting for Fate part 2.

I'm replaying it right now and you can totally accidentally end up in UBW at day 4, though from what I'm seeing it just leads to a super long bad end. I hope chat doesn't meme them into choosing that option.
I used to be wary of praising Fuwawa when Mococo was around. Never again, I will lavish upon her the praise and love that she deserves and Mococo can go sulk in the corner like a brat.
who knows, chat got goaded into not going to the part time job but at least they chose to walk sakura home, im really tempted to start replaying it too. I might try installing the phone version so that I play it here and there
I'm playing the remaster on my laptop while in bed through steam remote play. It's pretty comfy.
Though it's fucking annoying that you can't just outright fast forward the text unless you've seen it already. I had to keep it a x2 speed automatic mode for like an hour just to reach the place they've stopped at.
FUWAMOCO likeschizo report: Mugetsu self-confirmed for his good morning tweet, a couple of randos, and the Tracer got one for his cat video.
So what's the predictions for how shit this game they're playing tonight will be? Anyone get it and play it once they announced it, because I sure as fuck know no one even knew it existed before they posted their schedule.
that sucks, skipping unread text should be an option for every VN
Better than Fate/10
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Sorry anon, it's the truth.
Its not
no it's not
fate was comfy and they enjoyed it a lot
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Dude is trying to cope because deep down he knows that while they can enjoy horrorslop sometimes, they really love and want to play more VN.
it hasn't even been a week since those two got FuwaMoco likes. that's so unfair.
I'm talking about the game, since the question was about the game. Fate is nothing but writing, but said writing is complete garbage. At least the English version, anyway.
It's slavjank schizokino
It's no Pathologic, Turgor or EYE, but it's a fine introduction
Why does it matter if fuwamoco enjoyed playing it and the stream made good numbers, meaning that people also liked it?
I can't wait for the continuation because we've mostly passed the most atrocious lore dumps already and things will pick up soon.
>I'm replaying it right now and you can totally accidentally end up in UBW at day 4, though from what I'm seeing it just leads to a super long bad end.
Ah yes, the infamous TD 16. Probably the worst one to actually get if you didn't do it on purpose.
Because he asked about game quality. Why does it matter for this one but not the previous shit game they played? Weirdly defensive stance to take when the discussion started by talking about game quality and assuming it'll be shit. If you don't care about that as long as the stream is fun, then there you go. Question answered. I tend to agree.
Yea they should at least do one more stream of it that includes the iconic moment
>This game will start a Hololive Pathologic 2 arc
If the next one is like 7 hours long too then who knows where it'll stop. Definitely way past the saber summoning.
I think it's pretty stupid to do 2 back to back QnA streams that will be mostly filled with tourists
kek it's actually so annoying that the tiger dojo gives you step by step instructions on how to avoid it
Maros are a great way of having a first collab. The audience will give you the talk deck, and you can bring the next maro when topics run their course without awkward silence.
It's pretty boring imo
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Ignore and use your tools
I like it quite a bit. Also bypasses social expectations getting in the way of topics, like "I shouldn't ask for ASMR lessons, it's our first collab" getting ignored if a maro talks about it, giving them the perfect excuse. Just an example, I don't care about ASMR much.
they will finish it under an hour
Now that's a dream.
FWMC did like playing medics in HoloGTA, maybe we should suggest it to them...
I would 1000% rather they read me a story and get excited about CG/character designs than sit through cheap asset horror game #34.
If the comparisons to EYE and Pathologic are even a little bit deserved, this could be a fair bit different from the usual horror game they play.
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Shouldn't they go live with an endurance karaoke til 1m like right now?
They said Mama Puppy is also helping to keep an eye out for them. So they probably have a specific sub count target they're waiting for to do that stream. The horror game is fairly short, so if they get dangerously close they can just start a singing frame right after it. They said there are only two things this week that would stop them from doing that stream, so it's the Patra and the Marine collabs, anything else they'll stop to do it.
It's been a long while, but don't you have to finish Fate route before UBW is unlocked?
Makes sense, personally I'm not sure I care about this 7DTD event. I enjoyed ENreco and GTA but I dunno about this one
I feel similarly, hope they have fun but also I'm kind of hoping I don't like it so I can skip it, kek. Definitely feeling event fatigue at this point.
It's not even about wanting solo streams instead, I'd be ok with this week being only the non event streams we already have scheduled too.
I can only hope EN will take after the big group collabs and play on a 'characture' they make. Not RP, but playing up stuff like in Rust where a few memebers 'HAD TO GO GAMBLE ASAP' or Ame doing the taxi service when she got on. I have no idea how in depth this game gets, but I hope there's some stuff like that.
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Yes and no. You need to beat SN to start UBW for real, but the SN route lets you enter UBW once for a fair amount of time before slapping a bad end onto you and forcing you to restart from day 4 of SN.
It's kind of a bitch move desu.
I hope it was that simple, but they were talking about homework (some kind of important recordings) specifically, NOT the collabs, so they are limited by those collabs AND the homework. I'm actually a bit worried about them not being able to celebrate the million subs because of the homework...
They really do check mugetsu's profile every day so I can't really get menhera about anything he gets because he's a clear favorite by their own words.
Ah I see. I just straight up did it in order so at least didn't get trolled
>It's been a long while, but don't you have to finish Fate route before UBW is unlocked?
Normally, yes, but it's not a proper route in this case. If you make a specific choice on Day 4 of Fate, it shifts you to UBW but you're on a train to an unavoidable bad ending and when you get it you have to restart all the way back on Day 4 of Fate. That's why it's so infamous, since it forces you to play through two whole days before giving you the bad ending and most players won't even realise what they've done wrong.
If they end up missing the 1 million because of homework maybe it'll finally be a wake up call to stop saying yes to everything. I hope they don't miss it but it's hard to argue that it would be anyone else's fault but their own.
The dirty, dark truth is that it's WAY easier to fit streams in after the office closes and most people 'clock out' for the day so it most likely will be an 'endurance stream' at their non-regular hours. Just like the last 4 pushes/celebrations.
>feeling event fatigue at this point
Same. We've had ENreco, GTA and now 7DTD almost back to back. I just want to have at least a month of no events to relax a bit.
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Oh ok.. we were about to announce an event week where we have various kinds of sex with wuffians every day, but if you don't want it..
Also this is like, the one time it ever happens in the entire game. Normally you can't flip flop between routes like that and you get locked in by the end of day 3. It's bizarre.
they still haven't had the gigi event. And then it'll be Halloween events and ENreco 2 in November along with Rissa's birthday . And December and January are always event filled. Then fwmc birthdays, valentine's, expo/fes, en reco pt 3
FWMC would NEVER do that. They are pure idols.
Fuwawa would do it and Mococo would stand in the door watching while blushing but wishing she had the guts to join in
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They specifically said only two things. I don't think they're willing to bail out of that Marine collab just to achieve 1 million on stream.
I don't think I have a tired enough Mio to post for this
Kill yourself ERP faggot.
They weren't kidding when they said their calendar was filled until next May, anon
Individual events and concerts are always great fun, I'm tired of multi day game spam specifically.
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MAYBE Fuwawa would do it, but Mococo would definitely NOT be interested.
Mococo is asexual, she brutally shot down every advance that the coomers tried to make in SCs. She isn't interested in sex, she just wants headpats.
I'm guessing they did it to hide a Tiger Dojo in an obscure path
Ah purityschizo is here as usual
You guys act like it isn't the same for most of the other EN members either. The only difference is that they did full committal (almost) for ENReco, full committal for GTA (some EN didn't even parricipate), and are now doing possible full committal to 7dtd. At the end of the day it doesn't matter because one of the things they want to do a lot is collab with other members, and this is the easiest way to do it when you're autistic and surrounded by nostly other socially awkward members who never put the foot forward in EN.
I'm pretty sure they were talking about "important recordings" when they said that, so I think they were only talking about off stream homework, not the collabs
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I miss the femruffian...
That's why senpai kouhai culture is so important, but Loserbait didn't want that in EN, oh well.
Mori and Kiara and pre-2023 Ame feel like the only ones who push outside their bubble to do things with others. Promise always felt like it was in its own bubble, Biboo went ourwards and hooked up with Kaela, and Nerissa does pretty well trying to do things but it always feels like it's either Kiara or outside of EN as well. Justice is too new. It also doesn't help that the last 3 months havr been pretty busy for most of EN.

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