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Hoshimachi Suisei Thread

>Latest songs
ムーンライト / Moon Light

>Youtube Channel + Playlists (Original MVs, Covers, Collab songs, Etc.)
https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati - https://twitter.com/suisei_submati
https://pastebin.com/Jp67bL4F (Twitter music-related uploads)

Buy/stream the album
Shout in Crisis Blu-ray
Vinyl https://cover.lnk.to/Specter_LP

>Still Still Stellar
Buy the album
Stellar Stellar (The First Take Ver.)
Stellar into the Galaxy Blu-ray
Vinyl https://merch-matome.com/still-still-stellar-lp/

>Midnight Grand Orchestra
Buy/Stream the albums

>Upcoming Events
[11.14 / 12.10 / 12.28] Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 - Spectra of Nova

Suisei x KAF Interview
Now on Space (VILLS Ver.)
scrap & build ! (Shiraken's 1st EP)

>Music Space & NHK Radio (requires a VPN)
NHK Radio Archives / ぶいあーる: https://pastebin.com/Q8tBPxLK

For any questions you may have and older threads, check the FAQ:

Previous thread: >>86887313
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Sui cute
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We love Suityan~!
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Relaciones sexuales con Suityan
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Holy moly
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Manesan's accident wasn't your fault, suicyan.
You have to let it go.
what instrument do you guys think would best represent suityan in an instrumental version of a song of hers?
Brass instruments
could you imagine, I'm trying to hear that in my head and it sounds really funny
actually surprisingly fitting, honestly hadn't thought of brass instruments but she could totally be like those in NCP or stellar stellar
Sax is very versatile, just like Suityan.
It’s like the electric guitar of jazz for me
piano or violin
Live human windpipe
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Oof almost
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Probably today or tomorrow if she's inviting guests to her tour...
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So what's next?
rock n' roll hall of fame.
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I can't believe she's still playing this fucking game
Unironically based
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what accident?
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Business shill tweet. They changed the packaging.
evil strawberry...
Suityan's big suikas....
Does this mean it's for sale again?
I wanted to buy more, been craving Suicurry recently. Nice.
what did Sui eat today..... it bothers me.
I can't sit straight on my ass until submachi tweet is delivered.
she hasn't done that in a long while
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Mein wurst.
Yakiniku with mentaiko
The souls of 10 virgins
>best score
I also watch tiny videos in PiP mode
youtube's pip no longer works on my phone and i have no idea why
suityan is a hacker
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>suityan is a hacker
>fucked up obs for 2 years and still going
you should try to update the app and your phone btw. I remember something similar happened to me and that fixed it
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She did it to herself lmao
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It's your own fault dumb comet
things are easier when Inotac can do the instrumentals for Stellar Stellar in a program.
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heh, I already have it in HD.
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10K to 1.5 Million
That's a terrible comparison, OBS fucking sucks
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Today is "Stellar Stellar" MV 3rd anniversary
Datte boku wa hoshi dakara~
Legendary day
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i love supportive anemachi with small sui
su su sussudio
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Every Sui Until You Tyan
holy shit yuna returns
It's poignant, isn't it? Anemachi's idol dream lives on with Suityan too.
Anemachi merch never ever...
I want an anemachi plush (´;ω;`)
I don't think Anemachi is that much older than Sui. Does she even work or is she just Suityan's live in maid now?
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No one knows. Suityan pretty much cut any mentions on Anemachi years ago. She’ll mention her every once in a while though
>I don't think Anemachi is that much older than Sui
Yes, but it's more poignant that way. Let it be.
Is Suityan, dare I say, cute? Today as well?
Other holos mention Anemachi more than Suityan
Yes, of course de gozaru. Today as well.
Didnt Suityan say at one point that Anemachi kinda didn't give a shit about idols and music and stuff? I could swear it was to the point where she said she didn't even listen to her music.
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Pretty sure that was about Suisei's own career & music and Anemachi saying she doesn't care about them registered to me as typical sibling banter. T. Sibling
It's been so long that I probably just started distorting what I remembered.
Plaid! nice choice Past Suicyan. Now come back to that.
I love those images.
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i accidentally dropped my MGO water bottle into concrete and it got a tiny bend on its corner now. i love how "used" it looks now.
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this is the kind of thing worth killing myself over
You're in the suithread anon, you can cry as much as you need until you feel better.
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nah, i genuinely don't like it when things that are meant to be used just get all super overly protected and barely touched just in fear of it not getting worn. obviously i don't feel -happy- that i dropped it but i do use this bottle nearly every single day and everytime i go out and this gives it some "evidence". dunno, my dad is the same way so maybe he passed that onto me.

now, if something happened to my suisei beer mug i would absolutely kill everyone present in the room and then myself
I'm very overprotective of glass things, I wouldn't let my family touch something like the beer mug in a million years.
need suityan ctg kamige stream
Me but with the plate instead of the mug
Not getting the mug has been a great regret
Cute femyomi hand
uuuhhh... I don't think that's a female hand, anon.
That's a man.
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he's probably surprised to see a non american male not being insanely fat.
Oh, I didnt see all the hair on the arm.
Cute maleyomi hand then.
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strangely flattering.
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Suijig in 15 minutes, you weirdos.
damn you anon i was free yesterday
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GHOST suijig!
336 pieces, mystery, edges first.

Funny thing, I won't be able to help either, sorry.
A random thought came to mind but Bibbidiba could hit 100M views the day of the Saitama Super Arena concert, which would be neat. It needs to average 260K views per day, which is doable.

It might even hit the milestone before then, which I wouldn't have predicated a few weeks ago.
I love suityan
hot off the press
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The two dozen completely identical starry sky pieces were pretty hard.
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hot off the press 2
Where the fuck are these from?
Isnt that from the CD live(?) TV program from a couple days ago?
>a couple days
it happened yesterday...
She didn’t wear SiC for that unless I completely missed a segment from the show
Something earlier then that then, had a peek through the previous thread and there's most of these images in a hexagon, was there a YouTube music thing recently?
Ah gotcha. I always forget to check the TikTok links when they get posted.
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finally caught up on the CDTV live video, damn those were great performances.

anyway, hot off the press 3 for this cool ass shot.
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Thank you for the new things
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More announcements??
man the new waiting video is so great
that's a very early frame, nice.
Guest announcement most likely
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December 31st
Kek she’s gonna lose it
Crap, now I have to choose between the hololive countdown or watching Suichan's performance somewhere else.
If the holo countdown won't have Suityan there's no way in hell I'm watching it lol
I'll stick to the vod
She probably won’t be the closing act so there might be a slight chance she can make it home before the year ends
Just watch the Hololive countdown, the time for the 2425 countdown is from 14:40 until 29:00 lmao.
Hololive countdown is prerecorded, she'll be there.
It's not like Countdown Japan isn't placed at a time that would collide with the Holo's. She'll likely be in both.
i don't doubt she'll be in both but man, they're really stretching her thin ...
That's why she's underweight.
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She's gonna make it wether we or she likes it or not.
When's the NHK Red and White teams' singing contest?
Kohaku? December 31st.
So, it's safe to assume she won't appear there this year...
This was a good year, with BIBBIDIBA exploding and such...
She's a virtual entity she can travel between 2 places instantaneously provided there are monitors
It's still possible depends on the schedule.
Based on the event's schedule last year, each artists will have an hour for themselves.
>Comiket 29th and 30th
>CDJ 31st
Perfect timing
I read this with mochidoru voice
Based. Keep up updated numberyomi
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Electric Guitar
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I'm trying to get some opinions to contemplate about things. How do you feel when Suisei became a mainstream vsinger?
Any positive or negative opinions will be appreciated.
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Suithighs my beloved
Apparently there has been similar cases in the past of artists being in both programs so it shouldn't be a problem especially with Sui cyan living in virtual tokyo
I wonder if they ship overseas. I want to try it
less utawakus because now her singing costs her money, and she has better things to do with her voice.
Cutetyan on the telly
Suityan's too much of an ojisan to understand OBS...
Well, doesn't look like she'll be part of the live segments of the Hololive New Year stream.
why does suicyan look sooo KIND...?

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