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>follow girl for 2+ years
>stay with her after she reincarnates
>day 1 member in both accounts
>one day she purges and privates her venting/personal-ish alt and wont let you follow
genuinely what do you do
I'm too in to drop her but knowing I'm a second tier fan makes me feel like a cuck
I just saw the followers counter go up btw
I think I'll fucking kill myself
Go hire a hooker
have sex
>Nooo! you're a parasocial fuck for not caring about following their rm and pl.
>send more akasupas
>appease her more
>but simp less because that's cringe
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but she doesn't like you anymore, she has found better men. Move on. It will hurt. A lot. But there are more 2views to groom.Up your game next time.
I hate to tell you this but you are not supposed to actually get this attached to a streamer.
Seems like she's doing you a favor if you're actually this attached to her.
Oh, did she wipe again so she has plausible deniability when her genmates ask her what the fuck she was thinking with the dogshit she posted the other day?
Enjoy your eating disorder nutjob
>I can't see Mozzu complain about random bullshit every 3 hours
>I'm getting cucked
You are not. You're actually better off
Hey it could be worse my oshi blocked me specifically on her RM account
That's how they let you know that they really hate you
good advice
let's just ignore her posting silhouettes etc on there
gg go next
pick your oshi better next time
This isn't the first time - you shouldn't be so surprised.
Are you actively participating in chat, comments, or on twitter?
get a real girl anon
I’m gonna see if she lets me follow and cuck op
What do you think is more likely?
That mozzu wiped and locked the account to post silhouettes or wiped and locked the account to bitch about internal vdere stuff more
With the japan trip paid for by Elia right around the corner the answer is pretty obvious
yes, yes, yes
do you not get caring about a vtuber? I wanna see what she is saying
Drop her. Remove membership, delete history and block her everywhere you can. She doesn't exist for you as of now. That's how what you do instead whining about being too deep.
Believe me it works quite well.
Every single retarded mind broken, brainwashed woman like her deserves to be laughed at. Hey Mozzu, you stupid bitch, here's some advice from a MAN, the thing you put in the “my most hated thing in the universe” pedestal because you are nothing but a lost, desperate, useless, mentally ill woman: CHILL THE FUCK-UP. Go and talk to your supposed friends in the old fashion way, with your humanity, assuming it is still there and not the NPC instructions women like your willingly install in your brain, let them tell you the simple answers you need to hear from someone who might not be so encapsulated as you.
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Not OP but I wish I was this strong willed.
She knows you and that’s exactly why she won’t let you follow her. Your infinite autism creeps her out, by extension your lack of any tact whatsoever is the reason you’ll never be given another chance.
You can care about vtuber without obsessing over them to the point of getting fomo from a private twitter alt account
yeah it went up again
NTA but this >>86999280 anon is right.
You sound like an insufferable faggot.
One of my biggest fears
you learn a lesson and dont get attached to an e girl pretending to be an anime character next time
Well I mean she locked it before and then someone leaked the Elia thing so I imagine she purged it and is slowly vetting people before letting them back in and if you're not in seek the answer to that question within yourself
Basically skill issue
That's what I did for everything shiori, couldn't stand hearing her talk to the favorites all stream anymore. Now I don't even collect hentai of her anymore.
This is why you only watch streams and don't engage with them beyond that. Don't talk in chat. Don't leave comments. Don't reply to tweets. You won't get attached that way, and they'll have no idea you even exist.
Any vtuber who expects their fans to follow their RM doesn't view their fans as people.
just find a chuuba who isn't a stupid whore?
You're retarded for not seeing this coming when she made the higher member tier to filter everyone else and cried like that twitch whore because ITS JUST 5 DOLLARS A MONTH, IF YOU'RE A TRUE FAN YOU'D GIVE ME THAT MONEY, and when people called her out on her shitty behavior she made fun of them for being poor
huh? she's not some corpo chuuba funneling people to her alt, that's just a twitter account where she posts more personal stuff she can't talk about on stream
That's the cowards way.
That is how e-girls are. They aren't real. They only interact with you because it is their job, not because they have met you or approved of you. That real-life approval is a mechanism that can not be circumvented.
I proposed the idea of a higher tier to filter giftfags
What do you say paypig?
You're a fucking nigger
It was a shit move for Mozzu
Mozzu convinced Coni to do the same
Coni is now trying to convince Poko to do the same
And so the cancer spreads despite Poko never having a problem with giftfags before
damn guess youll have to use the same recycled free chat screenshots for your shitposting
>basing your self worth off vtubers liking you
I agree with >>86999939 and >>86999280
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>Start posting the private tweets of a /here/tuber for days
>/here/tuber sees it and locks her account
Filtering gifted is based. Fuck gift faggots
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>Give me your fucking money asshole
retarded poorshitter post, buy the membership yourself you subhuman
>chuubas are greedy asshole and you are their personal ATMs
>Discards you if you're broke
Good heavens
You and even the other "inner circle" fans mean absolutely nothing to her, you are just a source of income. She wouldn't interact or even talk to any if you irl, realize you made a mistake falling for what is essentially an emotional prostitute and find yourself real girl
It's is precisely because I went the whole nine was I able to stay away without breaking. That is why you don't half ass things.
Well it's not like I did it for "punishing" her or anything. I unblocked her after several months but by that time she was just another girl to me. So whatever.
unironically drop her
she doesnt care about you, why give a shit about her?
Riro did it first, then Coni followed, then Mozzu followed in Janurary and then Poko in Feburary
>Trying to convince Poko to do the same
I hadnt realized that Poko changed her tier system but she used to have this and it was called pickpocket fandit and you could not watch ASMR without it
Mozzu doesn't do anything herself, she did it because of Coni
Every bad thing Mozzu does can be traced back to Coni/Menace
she was mozumi or someone else? i always forget..

i think one time she tweeted something about having a lot of flies in her house
Yeah she's tippled/mozumi pichi
Unironically learn to draw
5 dollars for tier 2 is normal. It keeps gifted members out of members-only streams. Streamers making fun of viewer poverty is never a good idea, though.
>makes me feel like a cuck
you are a cuck
learn and move on
I understand OP, I followed Sana's rm twitter way before she joined hololive, even before holoEN. I genuinely liked her art. I never said anything negative or simpish. I suddenly get blocked for no fucking reason other than me following her Sana account after she graduated. like what the fuck was her problem?
i mean at least sana was popular so she cant remember all of her fans
mozzu gets 200ccv and has like 50 regulars and she claims that she remembers every detail about all of them and says they're her friends
not op btw, but im also a day one fan and i got purged, she really only cares about the paypigs
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>knowing I'm a second tier fan makes me feel like a cuck
If your brain works this way, you don't belong in this hobby.
If you want these cunts to notice you giving them money is not the way. That is for sure. Maybe becoming a clipper or if you can draw would give you better chance than giving them money. Even though money is probably the most important thing to them once you give them money you are just a simp/paypig. It's over.
wow man, are you seriously worried about this?
>i think i'll kill myself
You should.
she streams once a week and doesnt use her main twitter so losing these tweets too is a big hit
You dodged a bullet and a half. You aren't even getting the euphoria you're getting with a hooker desu, just stress and more problems.
holy shit
just look at /vrt/ or /vrg/ when its up, someone is always talking about her vent account there
This is the answer.
/vrt/ hates her because she's anti-male, and looks like the /vrg/ people got blocked
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She's doing you a favor, buddy. If you're not able to move on do me a favor and empty your bank account on my oshi before you do a flip, okay?
Are you the one who keeps leaking her private stuff on 4chan? If so good riddance, I was wondering when they would finally pinpoint the snitch.
make sure to donate some more money for the norway tickets mozucuck
>too in to drop her
noun: sunk-cost fallacy
the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.
This is what happens when you oshi a menhera cunt like Mozzu. You have 2 choices OP:
>1. Be the bigger man, take the message, drop her and move on to someone or something else. It seems hard at first, but as long as you aren't completely mentally ill, you'll start feeling way better before long, trust me. If you rebound, make sure it's not to someone just as bad like her friend Menace, because guys who pick 1 bad girl usually end up picking another, and be careful about getting this invested again.
>2. Become her self-fulfilling prophecy and become the schizo she thinks you are. Create sockpuppets, leak shit, say things meant to get under her skin wherever you think she'll see it, and subtly pretend to be one of the C or B tier gachis in the process to create further problems and revel in the schadenfreude.
The choice is up to you
I think you're confused anon, I don't like her either
Coni is Menace!?!?
anon???? she doesnt even hide it
smartest carnie
What were your expectations?
Elia is better than mozushit
Why are kronies like this?
This doesn't just apply to vtubers but if someone doesn't want you around then it's best to oblige them, for your own sake. Focus your efforts elsewhere and give your time to someone that appreciates it, you'll be much happier.
I don't understand people's obsession with forcing their way into places that they aren't welcome
you guessed right...
one sided parasocial relationships are very common with vtubers and celebrities too
I think there's a perception that something that's rare, exclusive, expensive or otherwise difficult to obtain is objectively better than something free and easily available, this isn't always the case but pride and sunk cost make fools of us all
One day you will look back and be embarassed you cared about trash like her this much. It can take a month or a year but it will happen.
Anon, she isn't Gezu/Sava/Mozzu you once loved. Hell, she is barely a vtuber anymore. I saw the warning signs a year ago and all the negative aspects about her have just grown stronger. Reality is that she doesn't need you. She has enough mites in her echo chamber giving her money and saying yes to everything. If she didn't accept you, she only saw you as a number.
You fucked up along the way somewhere you could've had it all. It's clear she's planning on something with her inner circle and those 23 guys are the chosen
Losing weight on some anorexia diet to look better for an event, talking about showing up to a con in kig, one-on-one discord sessions with top donators, posting rotoscoped pictures of herself in her underwear, and now a private selection based twitter account where she is likely going to to go even deeper with this shit. It won't be long before she hosts a meetup through that account, and then of course you know what comes next
Should've either gone all in on your traitorous whore or should've stuck with Nene but you chose neither and now have nothing and are getting cucked for your trouble. Sad!
I blame Menace, it's only going to get worse since they live together now
How bad did it end up getting with her spending copious amounts of time talking to paypigs on stream? I remember it already becoming a problem even before she implemented membership.
What’s the story with Menace? I’m not familiar.
infamous grifter since pre/vt/ /wvt/ days
The sooner you realize no woman on earth is worth this level of stress the better off you'll be OP. Though given this post exists you're probably the kind of retard who will never come to that realization so uh good luck I guess
It's a long story and like many of those it starts with Cyberlive
What’s her grift? I’ve liked a few of her ASMR’s, but never bothered with watching streams since Twitch is annoying.
I assume this applies to Yoki as well? Same case as what I mentioned above, but just never got around to watching streams. I’ve seen very mixed opinions of them on here though. Mostly involving their alleged off-screen actions.
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>What’s her grift
doing the exact same thing Mozzu hates so much
Yoki's alright, she's just pretty busy these days so hasn't been streaming as much
Yoki's alright, Chapipi was good. Everyone else who ever got involved with Cyberlive should be avoided at all cost, including Lumi
Ignore any "muh grifter" shit and any "muh cyberlive" nonsense
The real problem with her is that she's a horrible influence. She's a white roastie that dresses like a whore complete with a navel piercing and fleshposting while she larps as a femcel because she her absolutely absurd standards don't match with her irl looks
She encourages everyone she streams with to do what she does and ever since she moved in with mozzu, mozzu has begun acting more whorish
Too big to reliably groom, fresh or broken down 1views are the best
Menace is like your ultra normie Tiktok enjoyer that does a good job at larping as an anime girl. She started out not leaning into anything but she soon figured out that if she did she would get more responses and attention which is where we are at now.
stop falling in love with mentally ill women.
Worse yet. You get nothing back by being this invested. ESPECIALLY from someone like Mozzu. You'd get more attention from a 1 view or low 2 view if thats what you wanted.
She's also pushing Mozzu to dress in more revealing clothes and dye her hair blonde
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>drop aka supas whenever i feel like it
>don't care if they say my name or not
>hope it helps them achieve all their goals

i ask for nothing in return. it's a peaceful life.
ask to be her manager. easy way to get indie pussy.
>following the Sana account AFTER she was graduated
What was even the point, you retard?
How did you get it all backwards
>send multiple akasupas in pesos
>get name/message read
>refund everything
>never return to that stream/whore
Give way for an actual chad, piggy
I don't watch frequently, but I swear to god there's been a huge surge of entitled fans with Advent onward. There's always been simps in chat, but the favoritism shit seems so much crazier around here since their induction although I can say I heard a bit about Kronii's general
Sure, there's always been a little bit of talk about it but it seems like every fucking discussion devolves into this shit all the time now. I tune in occasionally to Shiori and she 'reads me' on stream pretty frequently. Sure, it's not like she's talking back and forth to me or anything, but it's never felt like she isn't reading anyone but a select few.
Stop using vtubers as a less feel-bad version of an onlyfans girl. I want to say get a few hobbies that you really enjoy that can help you meet some friends, but I have no idea what your life is like so maybe you can't. Having things to do that aren't sitting on your computer/phone and hold your attention really helps in not giving a bunch of attention to someone who barely cares you exist beyond the support you give. No, you will not be the .001% who manage to hook up with the chuuba they watch because you dump money/time/attention on her.
The only way you can unironically belive it's backwards is if you're a /jidf/ threadreader
You belive that wormtongue shit when mozzu can't even keep her own corpo from male collabing?
Elia hate and rape btw.
this is a seething viridevil
elia didnt force airi to become a whore
You must be new if you don't know how bad Menace is
She literally did, she tried to force Mozzu too
My oshi has a private alt too and the only requisite to get accepted is showing off a minimun of activity in her or vod comments so that she knows you are a stream watcher.
I donate maybe $20 every 3 months if you pull the >muh favorite paypig
I don't care about the other vdere whores or what they do. I just hate that pitybaiting fuck and want her to die.
Serves you right, now get cucked while discordchads have private sessions with her.
Or I just don't believe everything said on 4chan and I choose to trust her instead. I've been following her long enough to know how kind and beautiful her soul is.
I like her too but don't speak like a faggot now
More chuuba should use locked alts that are the only accounts they actually use
and how did she force airi lmao
they are all indies, they can do whatever they want
Mozzu is genuinely one of the most predatory chuubas on the market and just a genuinely all-around awful person. Her lack of care for her fans goes way beyond a normal, healthy separation between vtubing and reality, she genuinely looks to you as nothing but a paypig (by the way, it's honestly quite sad when someone with mediocre numbers acts like a raging numberfag but that's another matter entirely). OP is a fucking idiot for getting himself this deep for her of all people.
It's Menace's influence, she wasn't like this
a-anon... my chuuba puts mushy posts on her member only youtube section in the early hours of the morning and always hearts comments and often responds, and tries to like all replies on Twitter... am I getting grifted/groomed too?
She was going back all the way
If anything Mozzu is a bad influence to Menace
>they're whores!!1 traitors! they see you only as a paypig!
I don't care about your opinions.
I'm having fun watching them and I will continue supporting them.
>he wasn't a 5k throne oiler
Your fault
you're a newfag, menace has been like this even since before mozzu started vtubing
she doesn't stream, retard
The menhera tendencies were there a long time ago, yes she's gotten worse lately probably due to a combination of bad influences and, probably more importantly, simply wanting more money (she is, after all, a frustrated hag with bills to pay) but the root of it was always there.
she's 21
This but with Rosemi
Coni dropped off hard since she became friends with Mozzu
she's been friends with her even before she was coni retard
Based cuck paying the bills
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>She started out not leaning into anything but she soon figured out that if she did she would get more responses and attention which is where we are at now.
checks out.
>As Menace Alchemilla: "I love my model but I think I should get a new one, this one feels too 'sexy' for me"
>gets an even sexier, obviously coombait model
I also remember seeing carnies in jidf confused about how she feels towards Coni being lewded, she's reprehensive one day and completely on board with teasing the next
she hates it but still does it because it's easy money
Before Mozzu got her new model she had a zatsu where she talked about how most girls with loli models hate lolis and are using it to grift, saying she has friends like that. It was obvious even back then she was talking about the Idol girls. Coni is disgusted by her model but knows she can grift with it to pay the bills.
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why are viewers always so surprised when a vtuber with a thinly veiled disdain for men turns out to hate their fans?
Bitch doesn't know what she wants herself
She changes her opinions on a whim, she complains about something or someone one stream and loves it the next, she condemns coombait then does coomer ASMR
The only thing she is consistent on is wanting to be bullied, at least her masochism is genuine
that was mainly about Yuko
but she did subtly talk about how bad Coni's audience is and she's glad that mites aren't like that
People were posting her tweets here and in other places, probably got wiped for that reason as she tried to find who was leaking.
i saw coni's debut, her audience is something she specifically cultivated from the very start
just start manufacturing tweets on her name until she is forced to close that account or make it public
be the man that knocks
This is actually a sound tactic, if you can fabricate believable posts which should be very easy she’ll have to shut it down or acknowledge it to save her ass
she literally wouldn't care because those 23 followers would know that the tweets are fake and she only cares about those paypigs
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we will see about that
Superb setup ngl
There's something about you or your personality she doesn't like but she'll never tell you what it is. Now she's taken the step to ghost you but she'll still accept your money. You lost anon, YOU were the one being groomed the entire time.
Anon, you're supposed to make her look bad, not shill her
>le based racist
You're 12
>racism is bad
You can't be older than 25.
lmao never trust women dummy
Wait she is black? This explain a lot actually
As a former carnie I can't disagree, but she's the one who cancermaxxed them, playing favorites with the paypig chat celebrities and encouraging TTS cancer worse than any twitch streamer.

People point fingers at the two and blame one for influencing the other, but it's pretty easy to see they're both equally bad and fake people, who don't actually like most of what they do or the people they do it for. Though Menace is better at hiding it these days compared to Mozzu, who's a retard who can't stop putting her own foot in her mouth 24/7. They say one thing and do another, as long as it bleeds money from the people they've gotten to fall in love with them, and they certainly trade notes back and forth on how to do it better. Wouldn't be surprised if they do shit like share all the maros or whatever they get with each other and laugh at them.
Retardchama...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you're just ESL.
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go back to *eddit
I just hate Elia. She's the witch of vdere and trying to ruin it by forcing the other girls to collab with eceleb men on Twitch.
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>what do you do when you are not inner circle
>inner circle
so that's who it is. How does she still have fans at this point?
based refoonder

even better if you somehow manage to get a refund on paypal after a $1000 donation since you're actually costing them considerable amounts of money on top the the -1000

god tier if you do it 4 months down the line so the original donation was already spent on something else
Aren't you supposed to be tweeting this on your alt, Mozzu?
she did you a favor desu

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