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See you my guy Edition.

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Vereverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>86977119
s-she said maybe next year
kawaii schedule
added kaya
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Don't panic
Everything will be ok
so what about meimi?
i was about to make fun of charzu for saying game recognizes game but she immediately shit on herself
my guy, how am i supposed to make jokes if you say it first
Faith is belief in kawaii
and the Generations
The talents and the managers,
and the holy Idol Project
And to believe in skeb funds
That concerts and 3D Models both come from kawaii
And outfit debuts
there is no Production but kawaii.

kawaii is the small corpo
of unicorns and of gachikoi
Nothing may compare with kawaii,
kawaii is the seiso corpo
Our oshi's are best in VTubing
Sent to all nations and all tribes
To spread the message of kawaii
and cuteness to the worlds.
>evening tomos get to hear Nene talk to them 0 times
post charzucat
thinking about Nene and Nami eating a bunch of egg salad and then sitting on Charlotte Taylor Suzu's face, releasing their farts for her to inhale.
kill yourself arbiter
evening tomos get an announcement and two asmrs
charzu's spitting
they're open again
Quick mass maro charzu on producing her own daki.
they keep fucking teasing tomorrow's announcement man
>it will be alright though
bet you'd want to know heh
They are keeping the IP. That's the good news.
if i post this in charzu's chat do you think she'll know how to open it?
if they go indie I will support them.
If this is a mass organized graduation bait, that would be the lowest of the low and I would be forced to admit Mozu did nothing wrong and was right about the DNA of this company being rotten.
Charzu is a filthy DM leaker. What the hell.
wtf charzu you can't talk about that on stream
any stream?
what if they go indie and join vdere?
Nigga, I don’t know what to tell you, but you convinced yourself that it will be a graduation announcement. That’s a you problem.
Fuck. Am I going to keep paying a corpo cut tax until the end of the year?
>next SONA is on november
they live as a group for one more month lol
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It is a test for the faithful to see who has the strength of spirit and the unwavering courage to join their oshi in holy war against anti's, threadshitters, normalfags and traitor-gen supporters.
This is the pathway carved out for us who follow the sacred path of Esoteric-kawaiism which was first handed to us by the prophet of kawaii and the appointed Caliph of all VTubers Charlotte bint Suzu (pbuh).

There is Production but kawaii and Nene is my Oshi.
yeah i will feel manipulated if it is anything but some people leaving tomorrow
punch yourself for being so retarded
Shee members and she's spilling ALL the beans
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yes anon this is a him problem.
would not be at all manipulative and predatory
Ben dipped, sad!
I kinda liked the guy, he wasn't really an sperg, or at least he did not show it publically that much
sooo... ehmmm...hmmmm... are we schizo and the announcements are actually not that bad o what?
it is entirely possible this is a big brain plan to try and grab a viewership buff. Yes, I think they are that desperate and things are not going well at all.
Thats the vibe im getting and if it isnt something bad then the way they are doing this is retarded as fuck.
we just don't know
Yeah, it is not. If you think it’s graduation, then that’s on you. Not all black and white text means graduation/termination.
We are schizo's of a higher cause. Unveil your eyes brother and see what has been shown from ancient times.

if no announcement is made by the company twitter prior to streams tomorrow, then I don't think it is disbandment.
although, this is the same management that saw it fit for talents to hold court about Oceane and then again when the Gen3 mutiny happened.
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same vibe as the people who thought this meant nothing
Are…are you fucking kidding me? I don’t know if you’re the threadshitter, but man…
fryla is dead and kawaii killed her
Prediction time
Only Nene is leaving
Everyone else will do a mini talent show as a goodbye to Nene
it is arbiter
he is a massive retard copetomo
Yes management in this company are a bunch of retards who sucks ass at doing basic pr.
stop leaking shee members
that is a black company tactic and I would rather them go out with some dignity.
kawaii would become the laughingstock of the scene if a drama tuber picks up on a mass organize graduation bait publicity stunt
>black company tactic
Dude the management isnt that competent to pull that kind of shit off.
would be the most masturbatory and self serving thing since Phase's Tenma pressured people to skinwalk as her to sooth her ego (and then she got butthurt at her genmates who didn't participate)
>he cares about the opinions of drama trannies and antis
i feel sorry for you
kawaii is the longest running small corpo. they are above doing such low rent tactics.
thought the tenma thing was her taking the piss off her model getting leaked
and no, ran had everyone else throw her a karaoke party
>kawaii would become the laughingstock of the scene
whos gonna tell this poor pure hearted anon
Yuno did it for Ran
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>taking the piss
>took shots at pippa and lia for not participating in her ego trip
pick one
Do you regret a thing? Are there still songs left to sing?
At this point if its all some weird bait tactic for attention ill drop Nene and kawaii completely
See you on Wednesday
Nothing indicates she was in a relationship or in a bad circle my guy.
Pillows mom oughted her pretty hard though, keep coping
everyone still wanted to make it a warm send off
you think I watch phase?
If it is the company closing, then they 100% need to make a press release before then. Would be very very off to have a random talent announce the death of you company on stream.
the fact that public perception is already set that kawaii is finished is not great. so even if it is a smokescreen, a certain amount of damage and stench of death has been attached to the company brand after all of this.
we become vreverie.
It's afternoon time for them now. They should do it by the end of the business day if they have sense.
Hmm, does Isla knows how to animate like that?
it's AI
it would just further cement that Kawaii is destined to be nothing more than they are and Forever Bloom was the peak.
Public perception? It’s either overreacting “fans” who already thought it’s the end, threadshitter scaring you, and drama trannies forcing their narratives, and anti’s in 4chan.
Nenes mom wont even talk to her because of the stuff nene did.... Think that speaks for itself, I cant imagine what her mom would say about her. If you think nene stayed single and didnt get dicked down all those years living in Japan you are delusional. Additionally the male Japanese voice yab of hers pretty much confirms she indeed lived with a guy
They will always find any reason to make fun of you.
Overreacting fans you say, does the 7 graduation bait thumbnail announcement stream waiting rooms not seem pretty ominous to you?, i think the reaction of the talents and now the fans is quite justified. You can feel the difference in the atmosphere of recent streams
kawaii friend miu is live btw
take a load off anon
I thought heavenrend's rurumi was graduation baiting when she said big announcement stream and even opened the stream with a special sad funeral intro. she had just gotten a new model 2 months before.
she graduated and the company folded. it has been 3 months.
Surely you have proof it wasn't actually her brother when living with her grandma, I like how you add a little bit everytime to make it more outlandish
>her mom won't talk to her
>"Japanese" male voice yab
Clearly you can't even threadread the right way tourist-kun
can't be friends with a dead corpo
>the group is dissolving
>this is a publicity stunt to try and save a struggling group
i don't know what I should be hoping for.
the fact that either of these scenarios are possible shows how dire things are. it is both believable the company is closing, but also believable they would try to do something so dumb as bait mass grads.
A bait and switch for a positive announcement or banal shilling on this scale would simply be insulting for the audience. I would hope that the girls have the decency to tell off any retarded corpo drone forcing them to go through with that. Otherwise, kawaii gets the free publicity, but good luck actually profiting from that and getting longtime viewers.
Nene said several times it's something serious, she didn't say the word bad at any point, only serious
i think the fact that 3D concert 1 was held at a venue with real promotion, and 3D concert 2 was free in no venue and management thought so little of it that they expected 500 viewers... that told me everything I needed to know about that the company is not healthy and was headed for down sizing at the very least.
The free concerts were promotion anon
as he writes on the eve of the imminent closing of the company
You have got to be shitting me
>management thought so little of it that they expected 500 viewers
this is the key part. that is how little hope they have in the endeavor.
i think the free concerts were a thank you to the talents who have been around since the beginning
I always wondered how the forever bloom concert did money wise but seeing how the didn't even think about doing another one is probably a big enough sign. Didnt seem like the free concerts did much for viewership either which is unfortunate, seems we were doomed to fail and just had to wait out the clock
Nene's solo concert also charged admission and was almost certainly underwater as I recall. But, as Charzu reminded us, Kaya and Hiyo are signed onto a paid concert at this very moment. We didn't organize that one though, it's a SEA thing with vshojo and mint.
Fair take. Every impression was that they enjoyed it and were proud of getting to do that. I pray Isla gets a better venue than El Rey, the internet, and Hyper Japan some sunny day.
Less than 100 people attended in person. The venue seats about 900.
Concerts are for the girls and for the experience. Those who got to do Forever Bloom ended up eternal victors because, for a lot of vtubers, getting to do a venue 3D concert is the pinnacle. Likely made it all worth it
Yeah i was there in person it wasn't empty but it sure wasn't full, to be fair it seemed a pretty good turnout considering only a handful of fans per talent would probably be willing to make the expensive trip. Hell it cost me over 2000 just for the plane tickets and hotel for a few days, that's alot to ask of small corpo fans
Companies take stock of these events, I'm not asking from the girls perspective, I'm asking from a company perspective did it make any money or offer better exposer and therefore be worth the cost. Things like this lead us to where we are now
Guess ill be waking up to a company announcement tomorrow by the looks of it, it was fun while it lasted.
Once again, I'm seeing "predatory" being used completely out of context. This years buzzwords are apparently "predatory" and "dystopian" from my personal experience. People just learn a new word and want to use it everywhere no matter if it makes sense.
I’d say it was at about a 100. Capacity is 750 not 900. It was ambitious and they wouldnt trade it for anything.

Concerts at a venue don’t make money unless you are HoloLive. They are a serious investment. Now, there is a difference between losing a little money and completely losing your ass. I think most companies that have some extra money are fine losing some if it means they can have a 3D concert at a venue. Just depends on if a CEO is a pure bean counter or if they have idol ambition like the talents.
Most of our viewers are from THOSE parts of the world. Please understand.
Cheers brother
Good evening /pkg/ I just want to let you know that a couple days ago I became a fan of this company. I came across nene birth ad in this board and thanks to that ad I went and check out some of her streams and since then I’ve been hooked up to the kawaii girls. I want to give my most sincere gratitude to the anon that paid for the ad and made me a kawaii fan.

God bless these cgdct girls. I love them and from now on I will oshi them.
You are welcome anon. Making me smile over here. Nene loves you very much, remember it always.
Charzu accept my marriage proposal!
You are welcome anon. And remember, whatever happens tomorrow, you are nene’s angel.
Gooning to Kaya's thighs
From a company perspective, since a large amount of funding came from the Kickstarter, then yes Forever Bloom 3D live event made money.
>Her brother doesn't speak Japanese
Source my ass
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tiktok /pkg/
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It's me. I'm the ass.
>kawaii would become the laughingstock of the scene
You got wedding money my guy?
CE sold us to Brave
>He doesn't even know the timeline of events and is confused
At least you gave us a good laugh tourist.
why do you people love ntr so much
I like seeing the girl get their pride crushed and become mind broken because they cant resist cock. There's no other genre that does it as well as NTR so I have to put up with the cuck boyfriend part.
Tourists hate GFE and CGDCT, half of them are 2view whores that are envious and the other half are low T "men" that hate all women because they were rejected once in middle school since they are fat fucking creeps
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Look Ma, we made it into the drama cycle
but this general is all about being the cucked boyfriend.
Nano loves NTR and cucking (You)
I don't want to lose Isla-sama
Barely. Shondo banned again with Twitch banning all lewd loli and Pippa's Joker 2 takes overshadowed any publicity Kawaii would have gotten if they announced this at a better time. A few months ago droves of tourist would have checked out their indie accounts and they would have retained 10%. Now it will be much less because of the bad timing
You really want drama tourists to start following our girls? We already have hate watchers, homobeggars and niji expats that is everything currently wrong with the fan side of things. If the current box gave like 10 bucks each a month to their oshi they wouldn't need donothons and live better than pretty much anyone outside of hololive and the 1% earners in the indie sphere
If they are keeping the IP and channels and being cut free of the corpo cut that's a 50% pay raise at least. Trying to think positively.
That's a 100% pay raise retard
You do have to take into account what they lose in free budget.

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