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The End Is Near Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is awake and is watching bideos. Her tentative plan is to play Tekken with chat, Dead space, and end the night with more Satisfactory with Connor.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/ark_evil02/status/1843423532329644247

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/TMP89R5B

Subathon Stuff
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>86944708
You beat me too it but its crazy I was going to use the same image.
>You see this through your doorbell camera
Mouse is strong.
We love you.
uuhh.......i guess its from experience......
boring whore.
She never really tries to hid it, she just doesn't want to talk about it.
Who sent her a video about linux kek
don't let her in connor
I'm going to guess someone from Thor's audience
why is her voice audio so loud and the video so low? this is so annoying because you hear whispers then next second is her shrieking. i just want to hear everything equally....
ffz compressor will save your life
she's a small indie streamer that's only been streaming for 7 years cut her some slack
you'll have to forgive her she's going deaf
>ffz compressor
thank you i'll see what this is

whenever arielle comes on in a collab, i go there first thing because her volume is all equalized especially easy to hear zen and mouse on the same level
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The settings I use
This works, specifically the settings change. Before this was posted I would have to toggle it on and off.
I refuse to use this. Should not be needed
Then suffer.
Mouse your a proud parter with AI now you can't say that shit any more.
TTS Mouse about her audio.
Am I the only one who finds Ryan Reynolds just okay? Like he seems nice and can be funny but overall I don't get why he of all actors gets idolized by so many.
Mouse is wet right now
>>86992028 (me)
I'm really dumb and mixed up positive and negative skew again, it's the other way around
this is such an improvement. i can't believe this is not addressed by anyone in chat. like ear-rape is so not cool.
They're just as deaf as her, also her mods will immediately contradict you if you say anything about the audio
I'm listening with a 1dollar earphone and I don't feel I needed this
I'm listening on audiophile headphones I'm not ruining the audio further with audio compression.

try listening on a vizio soundbar. it is much needed.
Is that like a speaker?
Holy kek
I can't believe mouse hadn't seen that yet. god it killed her though I'm so glad SHE'S STILL HOWLING
Holy fuck lmao
mouse finally saw the clip kek
Just looked it up, fucking gross man
Mouse dying laughing will never not make me happy
Shit overpriced speaker that is one step above using your monitors audio.
whats wrong with a soundbar? you guys making me feel uncivilized now
Use a normal speaker
Ah okay so Mouse's oilers did more than Kai's. That kind of makes things even more interesting. I recall after week 1(?) we only had about 2600 individual donors (unable to catalog anonymous ones) vs. 3100 or so same time 2023 subathon. We ended up with over 6000 by the end, and I think the bonus subs and record breaking had a shit ton to do with that, but I think for a majority of the month it was carried pretty hard by a very small minority.
my monitor has no audio. what should i replace it with? $100 budget

(my soundbar was $70 and i didn't want to deal with logitech speaker wires getting tangled up).
They are fine if you don't have room for something good but for that price you can get a decent 5.1 system.
bluetooth headphones/earbuds
speakers suck and always will in comparison
>speaker wires getting tangled u
How often are you going to move them?
I want to figure out why some of my starts did not match yours, what did you use to get them again?
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All the people wanting Mouse to fight for vtubers against twitch's tos are idiots. Mouse does everything she can not to rock the boat.
A Mouse fansly account would be amazing.
She'd make millions.
Did Mouse just fucking sniff her cinnamoroll?
That tool doesn't give raw irc which includes a lot of extra info, so I used a justlog instance instead, the site where we can see any users logs logs.spanix.team
The apis docs are here https://logs.spanix.team/docs and I used "Get channel logs from the given day" for every day of the subathon and then filtered off the timestamp. Be very careful and cache everything, they have limited bandwidth and the entire chat logs for the month are 1.6GB. I have the post-processed csv/parquets with the sub/gift info if you want
pretty sure it just rubbed against the mic but it did sound like that kek
Absolutely she did
>One or two more videos
>50 minutes later
She's maybe doing one thing before Connor turns up
shhh don't ruin it
>entire chat logs for the month are 1.6GB
Strange I have 3.4GB of chat logs mine is in Json so maybe that make a difference.

I have the post-processed csv/parquets with the sub/gift info if you want
Does it have the comment IDs? I would be interested to see which ones I'm missing
God dammit Alex
>This cinnamoroll sniffa sniffa sniffa
Ngl I would sniff the fuck out of that cinnamoroll too
>Strange I have 3.4GB of chat logs mine is in Json so maybe that make a difference.
It shouldn't be that much of a difference. I have 3633608 messages before filtering for time
>Does it have the comment IDs
No, but I can rerun the processing and add them real quick if you'd like
>Tekken 8
>Trading Card Game Simulator
>Dead Space
>Dead Cells
Anything else?
Mouse your attention span. You already have 5 games on the menu and you're locked into react.
I know I'm missing some from the couple of ~5 minute vods that got deleted but I have 3,509,793 chats so we are close.
I think my files might have a lot of extra data for each comment and commenter

>but I can rerun the processing and add them real quick if you'd like
I'm not sure its worth it now, It just would have been interested to see what I'm missing and why.

I have been processing this all in excel which has been a little bit of a pain since I had to do each vod in batches and remove all the non gift, sub or bits messages because of its limitations. I'm planning to set something up that can just run live and put all the chat into a database I could do a lot more with that in future.
>I'm planning to set something up that can just run live
You could run your own justlog instance https://github.com/gempir/justlog or https://github.com/boring-nick/rustlog (slightly improved version)
the csv(s) are a few MB so I couldn't uploaded them to pastebin, so they're here instead https://gofile.io/d/jxVqVd
I added the comment ids
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dead space fags btfo
i will complain about dead space, i would rather it be dropped, its her goal no one asked for
>the game mouse spends the most time talking to chat wins
as if we needed more proof mouse's chat is just chatting starved
Am I alone in finding TCG sim boring as hell? It just feels so plain once you get past opening packs and the smelly customers.
Mouse's chat wants chatting and she chats a lot during it. It is really that simple.
just like all sim games
I voted for it to avoid Dead Cells.
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Got some nice react. Enjoy the games Goodnight Mousenation
I need a poll of games I never want to hear about ever again.
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That is so weird. It's like the downloaded chat logs are missing random ones.
I was expecting to be missing a block of them or something.
I've even searched the json files themselves and they are not there.
wtf, usually it's the other way around, the tool you suggested uses the official twitch api, spanixx just connects to irc and sometimes has downtime or gets disconnected
All I can think is twitch removed some chat logs after the vod is published but I don't know why they would. I'm going to try re downloading the first vods logs.
Idk. Doing a sidestep into a kick doesn't seem like a beginner's move
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So I just downloaded the very first subathon vod logs again.
Now they are there and the file is a little bigger. Really strange, I don't trust twitchdownloader now.
I just downloaded it 4 times each time the file size was different.
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wtf????? Is the tool messing up or is twitch deliberately not showing all the messages at once to prevent scraping like this?
I forgot to mention but justlog does let you download the logs as json, I just prefer raw irc since it's smaller, but the json includes all the same info
>I have to finish that damn game
I cackled very loudly
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two worlds collide
i like how wholesome she is
I like the tiny hand claps
What was that horror game Mouse was going to play but got interrupted 5 minutes into it by Connor?
not much point in a dead space like an hour or two before connor
Did Mouse entirely stop doing karaoke after debut?
Every NCSoft MMO is automatically dogshit
fuck you
Zone in Mouse's chat, kek
if the poll said one hour of dead space no one would have voted on it
Zone is a regular for years
How about something fun instead of games after games after games. Something different.
Accept the death of the Just Chatting nominated streamer, it is now Gamer of the Year streamer.
>Something different
Like the hours of videos she did after waking up?
She has done mostly videos today. watch streams and go back to the other thread
Its not even JC.
Didn't she want to do the chat presentations?
She could have done Fan Art and Cosplay Review, discussed the Chat chooses new emotes, discuss Chat creates new merch or the loads of other goals that need discussing or can be done.
Also when is the tier lists with Mel?
tier list along with other submissions are open until the 12th still
I thought she had enough chat presentations already?
The Tier lists with Mel was separate to the just Tier lists solo.
Watch streams and stop whining
As soon as Mouse opens most games she goes straight to the second monitor.
Let me rephrase she does have enough chat presentations because she was going to do them.
And I'm not wrong about the tier list being separate things.
You watch streams.
there were over 40 presentations
also plenty of confessions
Yeah she could easily do either of these at any point even if she did a few hours.
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I like this new model but I loved Decora and I miss it a bit.
Too lewd for me
>Too lewd
You shut your filthy mouth.
no such thing as too lewd, It sexy and cute.
After that parkour minecraft video, I never want non gaming again.
ugly goblin face
Why are you gay?
I liked it and would rather watch that than most games.
I miss vchiban collabs
I can't wait till we watch the sequel
Literal brain rot content and the creator deserves to be sent to Guantanamo for the damage he has inflicted on our future generations.
I thought she had a date planned for the Mel collab?
I’d rather watch that parkour video again then this
This type of game is fun when it leads to more chatting but Mouse is not really talking about anything other than the game itself.
I want to have sex with mouse
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seems we got some vsj+ threadshitters being annoying
that anon who brought up the theory that there's at least one of them who shits in here to get people to go back to vsj is right on the money
fighting ghosts?
God I miss Racing Princess.
I really hope she brings back model switching in some form for normal streams. like after a debut use that model for like a solid week then have some form of model switching. I honestly liked people being able to switch it for 1 hour.
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>like after a debut use that model for like a solid week
>Remember how awful it was that Trickster and Yokai Hunter were used so little? Lets do that with every model
Please no. I'm already not a fan of the recent monthly debut trend.
No, I mean the new model will be the main model until the next debut but the model switching is off for the first week and then after that people can switch it out for a some amount of time but its still the default. otherwise our only chance to see old models will be subathons.
Trickster and Yokai Hunter belong in the bin.
Yokai especially.
I'm not a fan of Yokai but Trickster is great get fucked.
Mouse should say cunt more.
Now she's too scared to say pussy or vagina.
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How many years will it take Mouse to complete the game this time?
We won't have to worry about that for another 5 years minimum with how long games take to fucking make these days.
finally got around to watching piratesoftware's stream on the final stretch to mouse becoming number one. he hypes her up so much, it's so sweet and kind
I had a dream Mouse started a fansly
I once had a nightmare that mouse stopped moaning and talking about lewd stuff on stream
Good job that was a dream I think I would jump out of a window if it was real.
Subathon has been lacking good moans compared to last year but it was better in every other way.
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I got away with another pair of panties but I'm not sure about going back for the bra until my injuries heal.
>Sometimes a lady needs a screw

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