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I'll start
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im da jonkeller baybeee
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Buy a fucking ad
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At least she admitted to the fact that she never saw the first Joker film.
she was a real for one, a real retard
First she liked Last Jedi and now Joker 2... 2 strikes out of 3. One more and I drop her and become full time anti.
ok sister
So was Joker 2 actually bad?
Yup, they made a big point that it was gonna be a one off with the first one but....needed to milk the cash cow
Why does she torment me so? Does she secretly hate us?
not mari mari too...
Last Jedi was very rude but they never butt-raped Luke
>Unrequested sequel to an already completed story.
>Made specifically to destroy the original's legacy.
>Heavy handed in the extreme, fucking depleted uranium gloves on these hands.
Pippa always has the worst take on everything
One day her contrarian grift is gonna get her shot
Zomza... you have to stop with the death threats Zomza
>Saying the most retarded shit you've ever heard
Name a more iconic duo
Holy shit, I can see how one can stomach the clown movie 2 especially not watching the first one beforehand. It's just less insulting. But tlj is genuinely an awful movie by itself.
So bad it made a grown man (me) cry
Aside from not advertising it was a musical in promos (the Sweeney Todd strat), its spends too much time doing nothing before abruptly wrapping up in the worse ending possible.
Why would you go watch a sequel to a movie you didn't watch?
I think she's just baiting for attention and didn't even watch it
Mari is retarded so of course she'd enjoy the Jester.
Mari never said she likes Joker 2
I said "one day it will backfire hard" you esl spastic
It's a 200$ Million musical with no original songs. Go figure.
Joker 1:
>Mentally ill man gets ruined by society
>Eventually starts to snap
>Kills people that blighted him so badly
>Plans to kill himself on TV
>Ends up killing the host instead
>Becomes a "hero" in his own movie despite being a villian
>Arguably one of the best villian movies ever and the best Joker since Heath
>Some hated it but it was mostly loved

Joker 2:
>Literally gets rape corrected
>The movie is basically a musical
>Lady Gaga is there for some reason
>Everything in the last movie is now undone
>Joker: It's jork i'm not actually the joker lol
>Killed by random inmate
>Movie does a dogshit tease pretending the inmate is actually Heath Ledger's Joker
>Everyone universally hates it other than grifters
>that image
congratz that's the funniest image of today sir
I watched guardians of the galaxy 2 before watching the first movie because who cares about continuity in capeshit I'm just here for laughs at the script and getting wowed from the effects and fights
There was already a bump limit thread about this, what else is there to talk about?
Stop bullying my retarded sister!
>is actually Heath Ledger's Joker
But hes dead....
>Todd Phillips: Yes, and?
People want to talk about the Joker 2 on /vt/ for some reason (tv is dogshit) nobody actually cares about Plappa.
*raises hand*
I like Plappa
makes sense, you never get the best discussion on the actual appropriate boards for topics on 4chan
The clot worms reached her brain. It's terminal.
I know right? I had more fun discussing about Warhammer these last 2 days with my /vt/ tomos than the last 2 years on tg.
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she's just like me fr fr
tlaj was alright and had interesting ideas but jew jew ruined it because he makes movies for clapping seals
>Joker: It's jork i'm not actually the joker lol
It's so fucking insane that they just reversed him back to be Arthur when in previous movie he fully committed to be the clown.
let this just be a lesson that pippa understands nothing about entertainment, hence why she cant get views aside from pretending to be "based"
Isn't Pippa a massive Fujo who would get off to ass rape?
No one asked for the movie, maybe besides the big wig big executives because the first one made lots of money with a relatively small budget.
And it's bad. Like bafflingly bad with really bizarre creative decisions.
No. I don't get what anons are crying about. Probably projected onto the joker and feel like they got raped so they're whining or something.
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Pippicaca got cancelled by her amazing community for liking a movie they hate.
I thought chuds liked the Joker movie
Fucking kek this image.
Yes but the real kino is the seethe resulting from it.
Said it today on Criken's stream.
There's no Taxi Driver 2 so they had to come up with something on their own and it went off the rails instantly with the main character being raped and ending up mentally healthier because of it. It's just a nonsense movie.
It's more insane that they literally raped him into not wanting to be the Joker anymore. There was no other reason for that part to exist other than to mock the fans of the first.
> internet women who sees joker 2’s portrayal of someone who is a symbol to others but doesn’t want to and can’t actually live up to those expectations and thinks “the joker is me” versus internet man who sees joker 1’s portrayal of someone who is worth nothing to anyone expect as an object of scorn and if they try to express their unhappiness with their circumstances they’re shamed as a bad person and thinks “the joker is me”
So what you're saying is Pippa thinks being raped would make her better
She LOVES both musicals and MxM rape
In the first movie the joker is supposed to be a stand in for what are underprivileged people in the leftist worldview so non-whites and sexual minorities etc. and the violence is supposed to be kind of positive because of that. Obviously the movie wasn't interpreted like that but that's how it was written.

Now wise from the first movie's reception, In the second movie, he's written to be a stand-in for incels, white supremacists etc.

That's the difference. It's a weird power fantasy movie where they just made cartoonishly horrible things happen to him since he represents people they don't like now instead of heroic oppressed minorities. It's also artistically bankrupt since they basically gave up and conceded that "yeah you're right the joker is basically king of incels" just to be able to torture him instead of sticking to their own vision.

Imagine watching the movie with no idea about any of this cultural context as someone from a foreign country. The movie makes no fucking sense. Also, if you watch the first one and don't get the incel message, but the writers' intended heroic rebellion of the oppressed message, the second movie will seem insane with how much they punish the jonkler.
It makes more sense when you consider she likes Femboys like Colress, she's a closeted Fujoshi and the prison rape scene got her rocks off
Why do people think she is some kind of Uber based girl
I mean she bent the knee to the troons after hogwarts, defended her decision by claiming she never pandered to kiwifarms types ever and even before that she defended forced smut reading for elementary kids.
Exactly, thank you. I said it before, I give Pippa a pass on this one. Her reasoning makes sense, death of the author.

Movie is still garbage.
>death of the author
>we should pay for our goyslop
Tell me how Pippa isn't a fraud poser again
Looks like kiwifags will have to look for another girl to groom after all.
Add fat fuck Hinabobina to this list
oh pippa is one of these art girls who look into something and finds a deeper unexisting meaning in things that lack any actual meaning, i imagine she is trying to look for something that not even the original author intended, trying to make sense of the often malicious or nonsensical giberish presented as art.
i really like that part of her, is so cute and she means well, makes my heart melt, and i am not saying it in a condecending way either, i really wish her perspective was the actual meaning
You described breadtubers
first time hearing that term, but after looking it up they come off as die hard leftists, raging faggots and grifter streamers, and from what i know, pippa doesn't falls into that category
Jews want to rape me. They call me a goyim beast. They think it's funny. Go to fucking Israel and get missile attacked by Muslims. Now. I'm preheating the ovens. It'll be real funny.
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shut up hoity toity bitch
Did she really like it?
>Continuity in Hollywood
Lmao nigger are you serious?
>Why did the insane man not behave in logical and consistent manner?
Anon? You okay there buddy?
Yeah they totally weren't fucking him over time and again in the first movie. Clown.
You're mentally ill, stop posting.
How do pippa's top clippers not realize she's a fraud by now?
>Get told
Lol. Cry about it faggot.
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>a thread had to die on catalog because incels are mad on /tv/
you said
>get her shot
you said this >>87007454
stop lying
>get told
your shit take isnt the own you think it is nigger
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I've been busting my ass being a Phase Connect fan for four fucking years. I've been called phaseshill, I've been banned by jannies countless times. And what do I get?
And yet here you are, failing to come up with a more sensible response than that laughable babble you posted.
this is a bot >>87033761
we aren't on /tv/ and it autoposts on any thread with certain keywords
reddit tier post, I'm not the other anon either
>Still can't come up with anything
Why are you still here anon? Humiliation ritual?
you don't need to like a chuuba to make clips of them that you'll profit from
>Muh art is le subjective
What a fucking retard
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Taking women seriously?
Scorsese surely must have another non-mobster film to rip off?
I think in the past she said she liked a24 movies, so you're pretty dead on.
It was a movie made to mock the audience of the first movie. Of course it was bad.
Enjoy your poptart gun-tuba
This, it was always grift.
I have not watched the movie, so I will withhold judgement even knowing her track record. SURELY, this is a case of Americlaps being willfully retarded (not terribly farfetched) and not my oshi.
Bruh, do you know how many 2/3-views would kill to have multiple threads about them, daily, just because they were a contrarian on Twitter?
Or believing in art at all in current year
Joker goes to Japan to spread Christia- er, jokes in secret. Gets caught and disavows joking, but lives out the rest of his life with Japanese Harley Quinn where they are jokers in secret
Those fucked up teeth make me wonder if there's a vtuber out there with a model using Gorillaz's artstyle, that would be cool to see it animated with Live2D.
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Kiara watched Joker with members, I wonder if she will watch Joker 2. She does prefer bad movies...
She's a leftist she'll love it
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People don't like your dogshit movie.
Get over it, schizo.
But nearly everyone universally hates it or at best are disappointed with it.
The only people I've seen that like it are redditors.
The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight and twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is a reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling things to the most important.

A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with serious matters; though he often makes them believe that he does both; which is the thing in the world they are most proud of; for they love mightily to be dabbling in business; and being justly distrustful that men in general look upon them in a trifling light, they almost adore that man who talks more seriously to them, and who seems to consult and trust them; I say, who seems; for weak men really do, but wise ones only seem to do it.
Why is pippa's voice so deep
She probably smokes.
It opened to less than Morbius, Madame Web, and The Marvels, all of which were notoriously panned bombs. You tell me.
Pippa dumb bitch thinks jojo part 1 is better than 2. Her taste is absolute shit
Doesn't this prove the pick me grifter accusations are false? She doesn't care that chuds liked the first movie, she didn't watch the first movie actually. She liked the sequel because she actually liked it despite what the chuds in her audience think.
No she’s just a retard and a pickme grifter with shit taste.
Part two got saved from being the low point of JJBA by part 5.

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