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teen wolf SOON

>Latest & Upcoming
Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w/community?lb=UgkxK6r2LC00TNlB7tBkjVe1MVkDWX_mMI6z
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice

>Recent Stream:
Fallout New Vegas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fLNpUBoHTI
Unarchived karaoke can be found here: >>86914123

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>86922324
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Good night grems
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Images like these make me wanna goose
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Teen Wolf S2 for Grembership tomorrow in case you don't have it yet:

I think gigi should gain 60-70 pounds
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You mean you haven't?
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I'm actually going to member for teen wolf vods of all things.
Until now I've never spent a penny on vtubers. Is this how it starts?
I fight a never ending battle every day!
im losing in slow motion
Is Teen Wolf a little gay or very gay?
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money well spent if you ask me, the watchalongs are hilarious
It's not gay at all, it's a generic teenage werewolf drama, but also one of those "so bad that it's good" shows. However the fandom is full of fujos like Gigi that enjoy shipping the male characters, so if you wanna stay away from gay you should stay away from the fandom
Mmmm that sounds tempting, maybe I could buy a grembership.
it's very gay but you get flacid whenever scott is on screen
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no... where is she?...
my crops...
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now what am i supposed to do...
Play New Vegas RPing as Gigi
Look forward to the ‘morrow, dear grem.
Get a life.
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Is she gonna post schedule later?
Read a book
It's already up>>87000827
Oh shit, how did I not see that
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she's so precious
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Gi night grems.
Goodnight Grem, hope you find a nice corner to huddle up to in the shoebox!
Gi night grem! I can see you are more war-ready than the otomos, nice
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More headcannon bullshit
1) Robot soldiers means he doesnt conscript anyone. Nice try ignoring that point

2) He shakles down nobody for moeny you made that up. He kills the Kings because they attack his Securitrons as they do the same shit they did to the Van Graffs ie they attacked a heavily armed out of their league opponent

The BOS kills you for having a toaster they dont approve of and were going to fight the NCR to the death because they were bigger than them the fuck do you think they are doing with House and his securitrons other than a suicide charge FOR THE CODEX.

Houses problem in the context of the game in the game is no proper downside exist but a couple faggots crying about the 1% IRL since that was in vogue at the time and lots of "Old world bad" sentinment. He keeps the invaders out he doesnt care about anyone and has everything he already needs by the end and the only indicator of whats next is "Fire up industry and o to space". Anything else you say is made up horseshit especially when the independant ending is just "House but worse because he isnt there working with you doiing everything"

Sorry I took so long to reply got a phone call typing this shit up and came back too late
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frame up
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Wow, Gigi went to bed early tonight
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i feel bad because i was tired during the nv stream and ended up falling asleep and missing a lot of the middle of the stream
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I want Gigi to get in a big shoe box with Grems and see them nibble on her. Forcing her to laugh her lungs out. Then watch the grems swarm her like the worms did to Sakura in fate.
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I can only assume at that time of night she was in a conference meeting for something with Cover and they all heard her "CREDIT CARDO!" move while she was sitting there bored either waiting for someone to address her or for the meeting to be over.
Gigi is great.
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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
lmao classic gigi. she's so silly
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So what's 7 days to die gonna be like? I have no idea what the gameplay is, but from Kiara's description it sounds like a wave-based base building defender kind of game. Will this be closer to the Rust servers a year (maybe two?) ago? I'm really hoping ENReco made them realize people love when you play a goofy role/'characture' when doing events like this. Don't need heavy RP, but having a bit and committing to it makes these kinds of events a lot more fun.
i imagine it's gonna be kinda like the playthrough gigi and cc did, if you saw that, at least from gigi's pov. yeah it's kinda like rust with zombies. idk how many people will rp, but i'm sure gigi and cc will bring back their old characters, and that'll probably convince some other girls to play along with some light rp
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domestic abuse *is* quite high in lesbian relationships
It's not abuse if it's mutual
I tried so hard to find that art of them both with scratched up faces from fighting but couldn't
I don't think beaver and thinker are coming back unless they become server outcasts
idk i think it'd be weird if they didn't bring them back in some form. we'll see. cute comic tho
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This one?
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Happy that Gigi loves her fandom, sad about the Doxx issues, but is cute that she likes her Grems
The usual, she mentioned yesterday that she is really into the Gigi fandom and would love to put Grem stickers on her water bottle, but she fears that could attract fans
Oh, that's kinda typical for this stuff at this point. Kiara's openly asked that fans wear her merch at airports when she's travelling so she can expressly avoid them if possible. She could decorate stuff like her PC case or anything else that won't leave her room for fun if she wants, not quite the same but she can look at cute grems when she's chilling around the house
Good karma courier + Mr. House ending seems like it's obviously the best outcome for the region unless you want to rip everything out by the root and "start over" with a good karma courier + healthy Caesar.
That’s rich. She’s scared the four people who watch her will recognize her, and then care enough to interact. I bet I’m the only person who knows who she is that lives near her. Gigi is so full of herself. She could try to get recognized and nobody would recognize her.
my schizo oshi
At first when she was talking about people recognizing her I was like "yeah okay that's reasonable", but then she started rambling about the person remembering their interaction forever and launching an investigation into her with CCTV footage so I'm not sure if she's joking around or if she's that paranoid. She talked about fears of doxx several times before so I think she might genuinely be a little schizo about it. which is not necessarily bad as there are some really psycho "fans" out there
Yep thanks anon, that's the one.
>Doxx issues
this makes it sound like she's been doxxed
If you work for Hololive it's not paranoid it's just logical. Autists have limitless power for doxxing and underestimating them is how you fuck up.
She lives in fear of Doxx, she had nightmares about that
>he says as he desperately scours xitter for west coast girls with grem stickers on their water bottles
you fucking retard
It's a lot harder for it to happen for non-JP Holo. It can still happen, but most of the big ones that you've probably heard about came up because they're relatively active as another persona.
In Japan though, all bets are off. Someonw followed Kiara to Shuba's house, someone tracked down another member by the sounds outside her place along with her talking about the weather, etc.

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