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have vtubers helped curb your hatred of women or have they only increased it?
Both, somehow. I've realized that there are many interesting women that I could get along with out there, but I've also realized that a disproportionately large number of women are more evil than I thought and are actually rewarded for being evil and are socially encouraged to be more evil.
Curb, definitely. There really are women out there that are legitimately funny, intelligent, quick-witted, and ambitious. It's unfortunate that even a lot of the ones who fit that criteria only continue to do so under pressure, but there's still so many more than I ever thought there would be. I'll take the W.
I had completely given up on relationships with women (or anyone for that matter because I'm not a fag).
But NOW I'd make an exception only for my oshi. So, whatever that means for an answer to the question.
increased it to the point where I would probably need a therapist to ever date someone again
made me want to kill myself for real
>women that are legitimately funny, intelligent, quick-witted, and ambitious
Post chuuba
Vtubers are not women they are sexual objects so I guess I feel the same about women. Just neutral
I haven't hated women
EN women? Yes.
JP though, I love hags now.
Vtubers have taught me that women are better when they live under a strict code of conduct.
This basically, some girls really are bros and would be amazing fuckbuddies or wives (maybe one leads to the other) but some are basically as scheming and temperamental as stereotyped and are literally like the worst fears people have about women realized.

Rushia IMO is the key example - one of the most hardcore and successful (money wise) vtubers of all time, the pillar of GFE in Holo... someone who tried so hard to convince her fans she was trustworthy and not cucking them, but in fact was going full monty max possible cuckening the entire time and trying to dismiss any evidence uncovered until she got caught in her web of lies. Worst yet was up until Cover gave her a convenient excuse to fire her assfor breaking NDA, they were trying to go to bat for her in defense despite bring shown up as a fucking utterly reprehensible human being. I never really gave much money to chuubas ever before that, but afterwards, I never will, not a fucking penny, ever. They are strictly free entertainment and never to be taken for actually caring about their fans' feelings for real about anything.
Listening to women yap on inside their safespace makes them infinitely less likeable
People often don't think deep enough about it, people have to realize all the other talents in holo knew what she was behind the scenes and continued to support and encourage her, while lying through their teeth to all their fans about giving even a slight fuck about the ideals they supposedly upheld.
Made me see that holo wasn't worth the juice
I've never hated women any more than I've hated men. Vtubers have done nothing to influence my opinion either way. There are some who seem like good people, just as some I've met IRL seem to be. Most seem to be at the least manipulative and dishonest while some are what I would consider bad people, just like IRL.
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No change in opinion since I wanted to be a woman way before I started watching chuubas
Vtubers helped for some time. But then Nijisisters attacked...
This. Also made me hate male simps with a passion.
vtubers unironically cured my one-itis
Hololive showed me that women can be interesting, funny, and charming when they want to be. Speaking to the women who came here after Tempus completely redpilled me on the Female Question, though.
I watch vtubers because I don't see them as real women.
What if i never hated women though?
cute nerdy funny girls do in fact exist, tons of them, but they don't go out and meet people and will be disturbed if someone randomly approaches them in public, so without a miracle the only real avenue is online, but relationships over the internet are inherently frivolous no matter how hard long distance cucks cope about it, it's a losing battle. those 2views who just stream video games for the hell of it and don't put on a show or actively seek out an audience are my dream girls. I wish I could find one in the wild irl because the notion of grooming one online is just depressing
Yeah, I also realized that a lot of anons aren't even grooming them to take advantage of them, their instincts are kicking in to literally just support a woman with even a speck of their tastes, none nearby IRL or close fit the speck part so they default to 0 view chuubas and others because their brain still registers it as providing because after the words or money is sent, they get possitive affirmation back. Something many have NEVER sincerely gotten ever.
Meanwhile, actual deluded simps are a terminal version of this mixed in with an obssessive disorder and apprehensive behavior.
It's all just depression, anxiety and mental disorders causing people to accidentally create a second online dating scene in which most don't realize until it is too late that they are effectively "matching" with strangers in hopes of finding more. Not just money, but an actual stability.
Anyways, Gura sex.
It's never too late to start
Increased my hatred. Fell in love with shondo. She seemed cute, witty and genuinely cared about her fans. Felt sorry for her shitty situation so felt a bit looser with donos than I'd normally like.

...then the mod bomb dropped where it turns out she'd been using that money to fly out to the US to 'hold hands' with a mod from chat. I've never felt so much like a cuck

Never trusting a whore again.
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I realized the only women who deserve to be loved are Japanese women aged 30 or older
Chuubers were and still are a way for physical attractiveness to no longer factor into the equation as a streamer, but it only highlights just how big of a gulf there is between women and w*m*n. There are so precious few of the former and it only makes hatred of the latter yet more pronounced and justified.

The twisted game needs to be reset, billions of genetic lines must be left on the cutting floor.
Mixed bag. Do I think they can be charming? Yes. But they're too dangerous to get close to. It's like a lion. Maybe they're cool to look at, but you get too close and the claws sink into you. But I suppose I feel like that about people in general. They're better when you can interact with them from a distance.
>people have to realize all the other talents in holo knew what she was behind the scenes
I don't buy that. She was more of a loner, even with her own genmates
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The rrat is that Flare somehow ended up knowing or suspecting what was up with her because she was the only one who openly showed her disdain for Rushia's BS down to not wanting to even think about her GFE schtick and even had a sort of "happyface" after she got canned (the stream right after the termination). She didn't hate Rushia for being well... INSANE, she hated her because she put everyone in the gig at risk of losing their reputation or even getting doxxed. Which allegedly soft happened because when she gave MafuMafu some docs, they allegedly had some other non-Rushia Holo delicate info, ofc MafuMafu skipped over all of that or outright censored it all to be completely unreadable from viewers PoV because he's a Pro at Japanese internet drama handling but this was what broke the camel's back, what forced COVER to kill Rushia as a character. That Rushia ENDANGERED the other talents wellbeing just to kill baseless rrats that would have died out had she and MafuMafu just shut their mouths and settled it all behind closed doors (because the reality was way worse now that we know what went down).
Not even Aki "Delete all Matsuri collabos on-sight" Roze has been as outspoken against someone as Flare was with Rushia's Bullshit. Because all-things considered, she could have destroyed the livelihood of well over what?, 30-40 girls at the time? + all the ones wishing to get into Hololive sending applications constantly, not even mentioning trainees if there were any at the time too.
Rushia had to fucking go if Flare wanted Hololive to stay alive and her "zen" to stay as it was. And Flare couldn't do anything to get that to happen, but Rushia slipped and got herself killed by her own hand. And Flare loved that the problem solved itself. This also by proxy saved Noel's ass who could have been part of the collateral damage in the long run too. And she defo needs this gig even if just for the fact that it gives her friends for real.
Job saved, financial stability secured, wife saved? (i didn't keep up with NoeFure lore after the "No More public NoeFure" video) and menhera bitch gotten out of the way. Hololive saved.
That son of a bitch Elf of Flare won at life yet AGAIN by doing nothing (but barely complain and wait). That son of a bitch Elf.
most women are mid
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you should already know anon
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I realized that Japanese women are superior.
>Average reaction to finishing any MGS game.
Understandable and justifiable.
kojima will destroy the amercan empire inshallah
She is a grifting whore that got rejected by white men irl so she hates them now
> Aki "Delete all Matsuri collabos on-sight" Roze
Care to elaborate? I thought only Nanora hated Matsuri's guts for leading her on?
There are very, very few women on this earth who could hide that shit from coworkers whom they talk to pretty frequently. Women love to talk about themselves, so unless all Hololive friendships are purely professional (hint: they aren't) a good chunk already knew. Who gives a fuck, speculating on their relationship status does nothing but revv up retards on both sides. Just stop getting financially committed to women on the internet who care about you only in the moment.
Why should I hate women in the first place?
The hatred turned into fear. They are very good liars, and change their mind in a heartbeat. They are very okay with taking things, but incapable of giving.
the leaked chat from 2022 that was confirmed real this year (and is apparently a bannable offense to post on /vt/ because the threads about it had to move to /jp/) confirmed that aqua knew at least
My opinion on women per se hasn't changed but I have come to realize 99% of VTubers have some form of cluster B personality disorder, whether that's narcissism, psychopathy, borderline, etc. and they should be removed from society entirely. This entire model of entertainment is a form of spiritual vampirism that allows people without souls to parasitize the mentally vulnerable.
People need to realise that at the end of the day hololive is still a business like any other, cover invested a lot of money in her and she used to bring the big bucks, cover tried to keep her until Rushia herself forced their hands.
What do you think girls who want to be idols are? They chase being cute, popular, and loved by thousands, it's pretty narcassistic to the core. It takes effort like anything else in life, but instead of farming dudes around them locally, they want to get bigger and bigger. The money is a bonus to stroking the ego. It also doesn't mean that they can't be somewhat genuine sometimes, and vtubing with the inherent naturing of NEEDING to stream to keep a crowd means you will have moments where you 'get real'. There are very few who could hold it as well as Rushia did for example.
Got a link I must have missed that
Women aren't real, take your meds
Are you any chance a celibate when you write this post? There is nothing vampiric about it, people just need to think things less impulsively especially with money.
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I love Fauna. I love Fauna so much.
What's an assfor?
This right here but in real life. My exwife had one of her friends over and they got to talkin'. Must've forgot I was there or something because her friend starts talkin' about this new boyfriend she had. Jesus fucking Christ I tell you right now everything you're afraid your girl is saying behind your back to her friends is 100% true. I never felt so uniquely disgusted.
You'd be surprised about how easy it is to spin things just enough to make it essentially divorced from the truth, especially to people who want to believe you. And the worse the offense, paradoxically the easier it can be.
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Are you saying the dead internet theory applies to vtubers?
I want a mommy
I never hated women exclusively, I hate everyone :D
if anything they made me start hating men a bit more
Lumi is my oshi so yes I do despise women and look forward to the day that artificial wombs replace them so we can exterminate every last one of those demons
My opinion about women hasn't really changed. However it has opened my eyes to the abysmal state of the internet in general, 4chan in particular, how terrible SEA is, and a few other things.

God I hope AI flood makes the internet unusable except for highly gatekept sites requiring tech knowledge and a paywall to get in, this way most of the underages, thirdworlders, culture wars tards, shills, bots, schizos and other undesirables are forced to get out of the internet while things can be properly enjoyed again.
Most women I've heard talk, and granted it's not a large sample size, view men like they do shoes. They talk about men like they would talk about shopping for shoes, with absolute cold hard calculating cost/benefit analysis; and they are NEVER satisfied with one pair of shoes, they are always eternally seeking the next pair of shoes and comparing their shoes to those shoes over there.

As an unwilling listener of these talks, I was disgusted, and I can understand why women feel disgusted when they believe men are objectifying them or treating them like sexual objects; but I have never heard men talk about women the way those women talked about men. There's something deeply different about how women approach it, about how cold it is. While men are animal-like, women are machine-like.
pretty much this, yeah
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UUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuu I miss Faufau
>he says on 4chan
If that were true you'd leave now you fake ho
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>don't forget, you are here forever
I remain out of nostalgia mostly, and a quick way to check news of various topics.
It made me stop hating women altogether... until the magic was gone and I realized they were, too, just women at the end of the day. They judt hid their shit better and showed your their best face on stream. Then they stopped doing even that, got involved in retarded shti that made me check their PLs and it was downhill from here. Still unsure if I should hate or thank Mori for breaking the illusion for me.
It's okay to be inexperienced anon, everyone has to start somewhere.
she didn't win shit, Rushia killed herself but did the damage anyway
this is why you can't trust elves
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The truth is, women are people, and just like people are analphabet when they aren't taught how to read, it baffles me when some people expect mental stability, moral standards and so on when cultures don't teach or train people at all for these things.

Worse, schools play this silly 19th century minigame where they drop various kinds of infodumps to kids and the kids have to regurgitate it later and nothing substantially changes. No useful life knowledge, little physical activities, no (real) therapy, or spirituality, philosophy, self-control, self-managing, awareness, coming of age rituals, anything that sustains one's character, really.

Most people are "analphabets" in various life critical subjects, and they just fumble around from trauma to failure to seething, manipulating and such. Violence, sex, they just return to beasts, as far as they can get away with. This goes for both men and women, they just manifest it in different ways.
As a whole, massive increase.
>no (real) therapy
Therapy isn't real. There are activities that are therapeutic, but "therapy" isn't a thing. Talking is therapeutic for women, manual labor is therapeutic for men. What we have today is women who misunderstood "talking is therapeutic" to mean "therapy is talking" and they try to apply that process to men and women the same way.
Talking can be therapeutic, as it is an elaboration of meaning and wisdom that changes the way you process events in life, or the way you see things. I'm 36 and talking to close friends has for sure helped me a lot at some points in life.
Granted therapy is mostly a forced meme attempt to encapsulate in medical science what is more akin to an art, starting with shamanism of all things, but still, has a collection of techniques that generally work.
Why would I hate women?
please let it not be real
no but they have increased my hatred of japs
>women BAD
Those niggers on this board are no better.

Being a naive kid is wanting the gamer girlfriend. Being an adult means wanting a more normal girl.
Being mature is realizing you should have gone for the gamer girlfriend the whole time.
Increased. Even though there are still a lot of shitty women that are vtubers, it taught me that there are still good women out there too
Vtubers taught me that women are capable of being funny, interesting, and endearing. Which is a huge improvement as I previously thought they had nothing of value.
There are certainly many vapid and whorish chuubas, but that is the default woman
Meanwhile, I just want the isolated hikkiNEET lifestyle. I don't know what you call that, but the fantasy of girls that's been sold to people is much better than the reality.

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