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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Youtooz figure

Previous Thread: >>86949147
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I love my wife so much!!
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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i love gura
Sex with a fembud.
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>*Le touché*
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
>*Lo touchõ*
does Gura have a bonus hole?
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Gura ugly Gura ugly!
It would be really funny if in a hundred years from now there’s a secret spy network and the passphrase riddle to get in is “Is Gura a lonely loli god” and the correct response is “Lo toucho”.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
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i still don't know what it means
>What are kitty cats related to?
A lot of things.
But their closest genetic relatives are civets, mongooses, meerkats, fossas, and weirdly enough... hyenas!
I actually didn't know this at all. I thought hyenas were related to dogs, but they're way more closely related to cats!
Cats are tall weasels?
It’s provocative. It gets the people going
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Actually, weasels are at the bottom there next to skunks and raccoons, right?
So weasels are closer to seals, bears, and dogs than cats.
Hmmmm. Very interdesting.
Computer: please show me all related species to the great beautiful bobr.
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Richard simmons was buried with a colon full of cum, reports are coming in. But what does this mean…
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wife thoughts
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Day 7! Give it up for day 7!
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What if Milton did a complete 360 and headed for Mexico.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
So is Gura safe or what? The other one didn't affect her much.
I guess he'd be in mexico?
With how uncoordinated she is, it is safe to assume she is always one heart beat away from danger.
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This is a good point that needs to be looked at more thoroughly.
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None of us know because Gura would only tell the people she cares about that she's safe.
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Goob night retard
sleep tight buddy
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Through the Goob down the well
(Through the Goob down the well)
So her cunny can be breed
(So her cunny can be breed)
You must make her smell your fart
(You must make her smell your fart)
Then we have a big par-ty
(Then we have a big par-ty!)
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homos and homobeggars come from third world countries, often from prisons and mental asylums.
If we win we will deport them all and build a big beautiful wall so they never invade our hobby again.
Vote Gura if you want to keep winning bigly!!!
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Apologies chumbie. I think the real dinoaibud went to bed
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It is daijobu, I'll pester him in the morning
Go back
Jim Milton? He's a good man.
Gura is safe, she told me.
What's a bobr
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I think it’s a kind of marsupial
a beaver, but in polish
that's a wombat, and not actually the original, although the meme became popular with the wombat (without the emojis)
also ew emojis...
Baguraette honhonhon
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Okay mister smarty pants, then why don’t you tell me what kind of animal this is, huh?
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a quaker oats parrot
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So cute...
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Hmmmm. Okay…your answer checks out…but I’m on to you…
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La basé
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>Please just don't play with meee, my paper heart will bleeeed
>This wait for destiny won't do, be with me please, beseech you
>Simple things that make you run awayyyy
>Catch you if I can…
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this was brought up with the last one. there's no way she doesn't listen to her mom who seems to dote on her whenever gura brings her up, and was the person who convinced her to audition for hololive in the first place
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Gura can't even drive and doesn't have a car. So how is she going to evacuate? Uber isn't going to drive into 3 feet of water.
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Goob night chumbies. My ashgawandha is kicking in
she mentioned her mom droving her to get ointment one time, whether she lives relatively close to her all the time is unknown
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Gura momma must be the queen loli…hmmmm
Sleep tight, gamer
I can't view them because i'm not signed-in.
why are they age restricted?
I'm not serious if you're shirley, but you usually evacuate before 3 feet of water is present
mom shark sounds more like a grandma
The guy says the f word in Polish
Yeah she does
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Be nice to momma shark. If she wants to be a loli then let her be a loli…
Reminder that Gura's mom wished us a happy Valentine's Day and therefore tacitly approved of our cyb0rseggz.
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>Hyenas are Feliforms
Oh. Huh.
Man, I feel stupid now...
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All this talk about the hurrican just made me worry.
not so much becasue she wont evacuate but rather because after these kind of events seeing all your things gone or destroyed is a punch to the gut.
As some one who lost his home in an eartquake i just hope she is acutally outside of the hit zone.
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For King and Cunny!
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For s’ghetti too!!!
clean yourself
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But I like being stinky when I’m by myself
About whether the hurricane would impact Gura, I could have sworn that all the past discussions I have read theorizing on her location put her more in the area of New England instead of Florida.
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I think I'm gonna make s’ghetti again soon!
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I only been through 1 minor earthquake. It happened at 3 in the morning and shook my room. My immediate first thought was that there was an angry ghost/poltergeist haunting me
here I made a streamable in case catbox doesn't work for you either
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I bet you eat your boogers
Nope. I actually put them on the edge of my bed and then throw them away whenever I get up.
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I used to smear my boogers under my desk, I stopped doing that when I got my new desk, now I smear them on used cups and bowls I'm gonna put in the dishwasher
I'm about to chug a bunch of tap water that tastes like metal again.
Stand back.
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I eat your boogers
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big earthquakes are the scariest shit. it has been more than 20 year since then. And will be a day iremember for ever.
why does it taste like metal? what kind of metal, is it red?
thats not gura
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You will NOT eat my boogers
Naturally a normie tries uncovering coveted knowledge even though many anons suggest such assessments could have underlying suspicions tied to stalking.
It tastes like metal cause I'm too lazy to go and buy more salt for the water softener.
And no, it still looks like regular water.
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>warlock wants to be spoonfed forbidden lore
out with ye, servant of the dark gods
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Stone Cold ET just wants a little cheeseburger, with a little onion, and a little lettuce. Can I get a hell yeah? HELL Yeah!!
does it need special salt or can you just use regular salt?
It has to be pink salt mined from the deepest caves of the Himalayan mountains.
Yeah. you need big, fat salt pellets from a heavy bag cause the water softener container thing is pretty big.
You'd need a LOT of regular salt to fill that thing up, though I imagine it probably only works with salt specifically produced to soften water.
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stay safe goobidibaa
Gura is a perverted lewd girl who loves whoring it up. I bet she went bar hopping tonight and got her guts stirred T u T.
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That didn’t happen
Proof it didn't happen?
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But they're so tasty tho...
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Boogers gross me out
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She's been in bed with me all night, stoopid
what if they were guras boogers
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You are so stoopid. You are so stoopid. And then he said, you are so stoopid
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I’ve never thought about Gura’s boogers before…
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Do you ever just think Gura?
Statistically when women break routine they're slutting it up. Proof she is any different?
How about you provide proof that she IS doing those things first, "Chumbie"
I’ve never heard of that stat before. And regardless of the stat is true, Gura has proven time and time again that she is an atypical woman. I rest my case.
Why do you make shit up all the time?
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faggot will argue about goobidiba being a slut rather than contacting their local shaman and asking for gura’s safety
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goob morning
i love gura
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goob mornin
mmmm 'cakes on the griddle...
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goob morning
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eat up!
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erm what the hell i should go to bed
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Makin pancakes. Makin bacon pancakes. Makin pancakes. Makin bacon pancakes.
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10Q for fulfilling my request AIDinobud ily
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What a beautiful sight
Truly the best poster itt
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Another nightshift another dollar
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Tell that to everyone who drowns in flash floods or storm surges.
How do I tell them if they’re already dead, mister know it all
I don't think you need to. I watch tons of stuff about animals and I had no clue either. I thought they were distantly related to the african wild dog.
So she's gonna be riding the cock if she starts streaming daily?
>i just hope she is acutally outside of the hit zone.
the hit zone is the entire state
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Yes BUT…wouldn’t it be more accurate to say hyenas are a subset of the cat?
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Pretty quick in here for an early morning.
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sorry, i woke up early today
What if atlantis moves north and south depending on the weather?
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And even more intriguing…would it be fair to say that cats are just a subset of dogs…? Hmmmmm….
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the condom broke. she might be preggers
NTA, but she never said she wasn't. She's never said that she's dedicated to her fans. Not once.
No. Because they're not felidae.
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even if she did you'd just say she's lying so why does it matter
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The plot thickens!!
nta but his is as close as you get to saying that as a holo
Actually, I think I'd feel a lot better if she did say it.
I think Gura is a liar, but she doesn't lie directly. She lies through ommission because it makes her feel less guilty. It's similar to the way she say says "I want to do x" instead of "I will do x".
If she said something as direct as "I'm single", then I think I would believe her. But she's never said it, even though it feels like she wants us to assume she is.
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An extra glass AFTER work? You spoil me choccybud...
NijiEN might be more your speed, check out Enna
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I sense another paragraph coming from the bar hopper poster
I think that time Gura said "semi-retired" actually got me to respect her more. Gura if you're /here/ say "HOOCHA!" within the first 2 minutes of speaking on your next solo stream.
Has ANY EN girl flatly declared "I'm single"? It's not like this is a Gura only issue.
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That's not true at all. In fact the majority of holos have said something about being single at some point.
Some of them never mention it though, and Gura is one of them that doesn't talk about it.
Yes. Even IDs have said it.
Give two EN examples besides Kiara and Kronii. Either clip or timestamp. Even if she did say it you would call her a liar.
Ok, who?
It made me really sad and I can't tell if she was joking or not.
She is de facto like that whether or not she wants to be. 2+ years of being a giga flake and getting shit for it has gotten to her hence all the self deprecation jokes. Shame her response isn't to come back but to be sad about it
it's 6AM squirmbeat
go to bed
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It's too early for this shitposting.
>Even if she did say it you would call her a liar.
I already said I wouldn't >>87015300
>Give two EN examples besides Kiara and Kronii
I'm not really sure why it has to be EN, but Mori and Nerissa have both definitely said it. So has Bae, FUWAMOCO, and Bijou.
Sometimes it's not "I am single", but stories like Bae saying that her family wants her to find a boyfriend and she told them no.
The most Gura has ever said was "I live alone", but that was two years ago and that doesn't mean anything.
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Are you guys overanalyzing dumb things again?
Anyway, I'm not saying Gura isn't. But you're wrong about other holos never talking about or mentioning that they are.
Gura just doesn't talk about it and I don't know why.
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Leave us be, faggots
I'm sorry Anon, but Gura isn't like your mom where she can't stop riding ten different dicks every single night.
Find another way to cope.
our larper goes to bed around this time and wakes up around 1pm-2pm ET. those aren't necessarily when he shitposts but when i see him active around the board
So some of them have implied it at some point and some haven't, going off of your word. There's not really an argument here; and it's not taking into consideration the girl's taste for what she wants to talk about or be seen as. There's a fine balance, you don't have to go all in one direction.
I'd rather she had a boyfriend but streamed regularly
I think the only acceptable reason for her to be sad about it is if her flakiness was outside of her control. But I don't think that's the case at all. Even if she were chronically ill, she could still make member posts or tweet like the others. We're the only fanbase that consistently gets nothing for months at a time and then no explanation why.
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God, I miss the IP counter...
i remember the larper purposely using a new ip every post to get a reaction out of us
>our larper goes to bed around this time and wakes up around 1pm-2pm ET. those aren't necessarily when he shitposts but when i see him active around the board
>around the board
This is a level of schizophrenia I never thought possible, lmao.
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I'm going to keep taking them away every time you get it wrong.
Anon, I've been in your most active threads for 3 years and you use the same characters daily. It's not hard to figure out with all those data points.
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>our larper
From your ironically distinctive and peculiar typing style I assume you're the schizoid who is obsessed with, and are currently referring to, Morshubud >(me), in which case I want you to know I'm laughing at you for thinking you've nailed down my sleep and/or posting patterns when I have none. Maybe my posts aren't as universally distinctive as you think, and maybe, just maybe, I'm not a shitposter, shitposter.
nah, you're just a weirdo. i have a guess for what your twitter account might be though
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>and you use the same characters daily
You caught me, anon. I admit it. I use around 36 different characters in these threads almost every day.
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I think I will go bed. Wake me if gooba.
>he thinks I have a Twitter account
Okay, I'll humor you and assume you're telling the truth - in that case, I am genuinely curious what you think "my" Twitter account is. Not even trying to be hostile, more just baffled and curious that I apparently have an evil twin.
You guys should laugh. That was a good joke.


Dear god.. we have a shitposter that needs to take credit for shitposting.
>The most Gura has ever said was "I live alone"
didn't she said one time no one has ever saw her naked or something?
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I don't know what all of this is, but I really love Gura.
Anon, he's accused me and others here of regularly posting in other threads for months, but he won't say which ones. He's making it the fuck up, lol.
Someone once lied and said Gura said the only people who've seen her naked are her family and doctors. But then someone else posted the timestamp and that wasn't what she said at all.
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>LARPerposter is apparently, himself, a LARPer
many such cases
Anon... think about what those "36 different characters" might be...
If you're not Donie he's definitely in here.
It's only "morshubud"'s Twitter account I'm making a guess at. The larper (not morshubud) lives in /#/, his oshi's thread, and less so in /hlgg/.
I'm pretty sure she did said that so now you are just denying reality like people said you would when confronted with gura saying stuff
This is the most retarded "discussion" yet.
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Never heard of him but I will now look him up. If he is similar to me then he may prove to be a useful ally in the coming days. Much obliged anon.
You accused me of being the larper, but I literally never go to /#/ unless I'm looking for /ggg/ in the catalog and I see the OP posts some loli feet art, and even then, it's just to see the first few template posts where the OP continues to post such art. Although I haven't seen any lately. Also I don't go to /hlgg/ either.
Which post are you referring to?
Two second archive search
So it was basically a heavy implication like this guy is on about
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All of you
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I laughed
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Not yet. I have 30 more minutes to kill.
But she literally didn't say that...
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What the heck is going on
neither did other girls he mentioned
It's just the Larper doing his thing with Morshubud enabling him.
Man. Besides the disappointment that she didn't in fact say that only family and doctors have seen her naked, this just reminded me of how she used to talk to us. She felt so much more relaxed and natural and goofy back then. It's completely different now.
The ones mentioned in that post have talked about or told stories about being single. Nerissa alone talks about it every time she has one of her married sisters on.
are you not a member? she talked about what's going on
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I know I'm talking to a wall here but this just seems like standard memba zatsu to me, which granted I'm missing right now because the last one was quite a while ago
How come all of EN doesn't make that their brand too?
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How am I enabling anybody?
>are you not a member? she talked about what's going on
She hasn't sounded that silly or goofy in like two years. I'm talking about how the way she talks to us is different now.
And the last members stream was almost two months ago and there have been zero posts since then, so what do you mean? She hasn't told us what's going on in members any more than what she's said publicly.
Nerissa hasn't had her sisters on in several months, and also the reason other holos don't do it as much is probably because they don't live with their siblings, doofus.
Suisei used to have Anemachi on all the time up until a couple years ago. And Matsuri used to have her brother and mom on back when she still lived with them around four years ago.
Mori's had her mom on twice, Subaru and Marine have had their dad's on. Ollie's had her mom on I think.
If you're going to act like a catty bitch and accuse one of them of doing something unusual, then you probably shouldn't be a newfag that doesn't know what you're talking about.
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Goob morning
I wonder if she's really going to get that second cat
Or maybe she's planning on moving in with someone with a different cat.
ok what the fuck is going on here? just memoryholeing her anime short, accodentally showing her naked L2D before debut, and every cunny art of herself she likes? You tards could disrupt the entire illicit narcotics industry with whatever dissociative drugs you're hooked on.
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The sun is usually shining in through my blinds by now.
Must be cloudy today.
>>87017657 (me)
and yes i have one typo because some retard decided to put three vowels next to each other on the keyboard
I want to call you names, but things have just become too sad.
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I miss my wife...
Where did it all go quite so wrong? We used to get explanations for any breaks. And what is cover doing? A multi millionaire company that can't wrangle a talent to communicate or take over comms for them..what are they doing with the millions they made off her/us?
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Goob nite
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pissy cun cun
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I just want things to be like they used to be.
If Fauna is playing the quintessential SNOT game (devour) with others then there's no chance Gura is coming back this month.
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I dunno about month but the merch drop is sign enough that she wasn't coming back in a week at least
this is her "new normal"
Tell Gura that
i’m going to vent my frustrations on all of you. sexually.
it's really hopeless
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Gura, talk to us
>Mori, Bae, Bijou
Lots of virgins here today.
why are you trying to achieve here? don't pretend that I'm ignorant of those "knowledge"
>someone saying
holy pickme, they might actually have no bf, but definitely they still could use your money for things like condoms or bitchboy hookers, or even worse, they straight up lie to you. they are women dumbass if they don't care about purity on stream why would they care about it off-stream?
>The most Gura has ever said
the most Gura has ever did was having brothershark as her best friend, only bocchi introvert autists are like that
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Not a furry but would have bed breaking sex with
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So you're fine with Gura's best friend being a male just because he's her brother? Unironic cuck mentality.
Why is there so much art of Gura with exposed armpits and feet?
I am the last chumbie I see.
Not so fast, faggot.
either a pigeon or a chicken
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Chumbies want to fuck this
I don't actually.
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Booba huhaha
She said her mom was her best friend, not her brother.
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peak female form
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Looks like I woke up to our schizo having another melty or something and miedos being AWOL again.
you can have my (You), you don't need to reply to yourself for another couple hundred posts, it's fine, really
Genuinely baffling post.
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MY wife
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At least we are not teamates.
>At least we're not the teamates
Not Ame will go back to streaming soon and will still have Holo activities. We've been in this partially retired limbo for 2 years and it keeps getting worse
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I want a turkey sandwich today
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Check this out
Fuck dem sharks
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Is this real?
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her mom sounded funny, I'm not a fan of a chuuba bringing her family to streams constantly but I wouldn't mind listening to her again
that's a lot of samefagging
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I jwu, but they're all me, I samefag in my sleep!
y do some artists keep giving her boobs
gura is flat
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She might like feet
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MY Gurandma.
If I remember right, Gura mentioned a long time ago that she wanted to buy a doll with dark/tan skin that she thought was beautiful, but it was too expensive. And recently she said she did get a doll like that.
i'm alright with gura having budding breasticles
I fucked a tan columbian girl once. A week later... chlamydia.
She's either a B-cup or she said she was thinking we'd call her out.
there's no way she's a b-cup
she's talked about aa and aaa sizes, why should she know that if she was a b
Maybe she grew.
ok anti
what a nightmare
it's belle delphine all over again
call me an anti or whatever, but man, I wish she would stream some more
Same, I miss masturbating to her voice T u T
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I'm heading out to buy some sliced turkey for my sandwiches

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