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Mikeneko's suit with Mafumafu is settled. You were wrong about everything. Apologize.
Japanese courts aren’t trustworthy
>No one did anything
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I don't think that's true.
I can't see her online rep recovering from everything that's happened, especially if she's still volatile and ready to sue anyone that breathes funny around her in the future.
She denied the claim of being infidel, but didn't deny cheating. And people also saw she hung out with men on stream
Could it be Aqua quitted because of threats from mike?
Ok is there a court doc confirming what she claims here? Should be easy to get a verdict in your favour, these are quite serious accusations to make in public.
hmmm now what does mafumafu have to say about this?
So does all the evidence just disappear now into the ether or...?

Because if she IS innocent, then it means Mafumafu committed one of the most horrific smear campaigns. Why isn't he being strung up for this with how easy it is to sue for defamation in Japan?
The only thing that makes sense is that they're agreeing to drop everything mutually because they finally realized how much it's hurting both of their careers.
If you don't understand English properly please don't post here.
What the Muslim terrorists who blow up your hotels call the Western Tourists propping up your shit fuelled country.
i always knew mafumafu is the liar one just one look on his face alone
Despite what people here will tell you, appearing on stream with a male is not akin to fucking them, at least not in the eyes of the law
>We settled out of court
>This means I didn't do anything wrong
That's not how that works, mike
>mutual consent
read nigga, read
Yeah neither party were winning and they both did not want to pay to keep the case going. So they mutually benefitted from not continuing it
Apologize for what? I'm not seeing her retracting any of the comments she made, so she still said some weird shit about Aqua and implied that Shion fucked mafumafu.
A settlement means that the accusing party abandons their claims in return for a monetary payment. They both stop legally pursuing the issue and the court no longer cares.
That's what a settlement is. The accused pays the accuser some money so they stop pursuing the issue because both parties think they will gain nothing.
just to prove mafu2 is a lying whore.
mike should sue him for defamation
>they're agreeing to drop everything mutually because they finally realized how much it's hurting both of their careers.
That's literally how every case involving the rich is resolved but people are so retarded that they act like this is a shocking revelation every time that a case gets brought back up twenty years later when they want the famous person hanged for some other reason.
>decides to settle outside of court where you're not under oath
>proven menhera and mental nutjob claims hurr durr I dindu nuffin
>this supposedly proves her innocence
Retard-chama, how brilliant of you!
>She denied the claim of being infidel
I wonder how much did she have to pay
I don't need to apologize about anything
I was right all along.
nigga do you even know what settling is, see >>87012802
That reminds me of her similar statement of
>I settled things with my previous corpo
>What they said happened but it wasn't as bad as it said. I will be talking to them to get them to change their statement, our relationship is still good etc.
Only for Cover to publish their own statement the day after saying that
>We heard there were rumors, but we didn't say anything wrong and our previous statement stands
Mike is really good at muddling things up and hoping that retards would believe her
>You were wrong about everything.
what crazy thing did the pedo utaite use to pressure her into settlement
Nah, everyone was right about her being a crazy cunt. That was well established before, during, and after this incident.
Tldr: She dropped the the lawsuit in exchange for money. No actual verdict was handed out
>Courts say Mikeneko didn't do the things she's accused of
>"Yeah but.."
too busy touching kids
She was the defendant in the case, retardo.
Courts didn't say shit, whatever-kind-of-cuck-her-current-fans-are-called-nowadays kun
Let's see fat bastard say something about this
he is a popstar who can do whatever the fuck he wants. maybe he will exposed years later like diddy
a mutual settlement does not exonerate anything, are you retarded?
In Cover's case there was no lawsuit and her little statement kind of just came out of nowhere and achieved nothing.
Here she and mafu both sued each other so the settlement on both sides shows that they either don't believe they can win their own cases or they don't want some of the details going public.
Her cucks got a small victory in being able to call mafu a bad guy.
She finally stopped harassing him after 2 years?
Settlement doesn't only mean >>87012802, mind you. It's one of the possibility, but another possibility is that both sides just talked together and realized the case isn't going to help either of them, and dropped it to avoid further damage
So either she paid him a lot of money to get it over with, or both of them realized that this case is fucking their career up and decided to call it a day. I'm more inclined to believe the latter is the case here.
I hope for her sake she can move on.
I doubt it, but I hope.
Did you forget that she also sued mafumafu, cuckfami?
mfmf lost. spouted so much shit and he's just gonna fold like this
Anon a settlement doesn’t mean she’s innocent it means she’s paying him out of court so shit doesn’t get exposed even more
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>Dispute between me and Mafmafu has been resolved by mutual consent,
>with both civil and criminal claims ABANDONED
Illiterate shitposting niggers like OP should be banned from any form of technology and strapped onto picrel until the end of time.
she likely doesn't have a lot of money she could pay him and he's rich anyway
sounds like selen
>niggas still can't read because they can't accept their narrative is broken now
She was also suing him in two separate courts so one of them would just pay the difference. It ended up probably costing her more.
I still never understood how he got so popular. He looks like a CGI alien and his voice is the same as any other Japtwink internet singer.
possibe. he just needs to not say anything about it to basically get out of this as the winner
>domestic violence against others
what did she mean by this?
maybe but accusations against Mike always seemed pretty flimsy and came from a shady femboy and some gossip tabloid to save his reputation in the eyes of sisters.
his fans are mostly kids
Anon, they are both lying whores.
Flimsy how? She literally posted shit about him publicly and privately so she was always going to lose.
pandering to fujosisters like luxiem etc.
apologize for what, both are menhera having a breakdown episode

But she's apologizing...
It wasn't back then, his voice stood out. He started just when vocaloid became popular and he may not be a twink but his avatar was.
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Doman! Seman! Doman! Seman!
Full and total exoneration.
Mafu said that she was fucking one of their mutual claims, anon.
Read up on the claims before commenting.
I'd wager the guy you're responding to isn't one of her fans, retard.
Imagine being this low IQ
>believing a woman
unironically ngmi
>believing a known scammer, lair and menhera
Having the stronger case, one would imagine.
She even admitted to shitposting about him online so how exactly do you think she was going to win it.
This only proves they are both guilty of fucked up shit they didn't want revealed so they settled. Many such cases.
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You owe her an apology.
Match made in heaven, honestly. Whore and a maleslut. Retard and imbecile. Menhera and menhera.
For fucking a twink while pretending to be her fan's girlfriend?
Do you think she pegged him?
Ok so they just both decided to drop the case because they were burning through money with no clear winner.
They should get together again for my entertainment honestly... wasted potential.
>both gave up
>still hid the fact that she was dating while gfe grifting in holo
>cuck fans will still say she won
They would say she won even if she lost by every conceivable metric. You can’t save the lost from their own delusions.
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mafu is a massive bitch and lying coward who is a cancer on the utaite community and i hope that this lawsuit taints him forever so he doesnt continue to be such a fucking parasite. that said, mike is a parasite and gross bitch too, so they really were a match made in heaven.
I mean, if you think about it. Guys like crazy women, women like crazy guys. No wonder they ended up fucking. I bet the sex life was great.
her model was so hot. for this one situation i wish they had just replaced the voice actor and kept the character
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>replacing voice actress
Hell no, I'd even take an ai recreation of her voice before I'd accept a different voice actress, even if it was legally allowed
There's 50+ women in hololive non of them ever admitted they were in relationship. She wasn't simply dating, she was married. Do you honestly believe all other 50 grown ass hololive women in their 20s and 30s are single?
Otherwise known as the evidence is so damaging Mike threatened suicide until mafu gave in. What a pussy.
>non of them ever admitted they were in relationship.
Do your fucking reps
Also, Miguel was claiming to be single on her non-Rushia account during that period and that she was her fan's actual girlfriend. Do any of the others grift that hard?
some of the holos are married
more than half of them are in an active relationship of some kind
ALL of them are having casual sex with men they don't know
Legal bills were racking up and mafumafu caved. Mike probably has a secret millionaire paypig.
Even the married ones? How scandalous.
Those men they don't know?
All me.
Sorry you still not coming back to Hololive
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Nice try, but Mike just got lucky that mafumafu is a pussy.
She settled and he just gave up and took her money because even the judge told him that this was a waste of time because it's not like she'd be sent to jail for this.

Why do you care about what was said about Aqua and Shion?
Aqua is already gone and Shion has one foot out of the door anyways.
>he chooses to believe the genderless alien creature instead
It's not about believing anyone retard, this was his lawsuit, he was the one suing her, there is only a settlement because he agreed to drop the case.
>both sides have given up
when mike publicly say after the sttlment that all civil and criminal charges were dropped it indirectly call mf as a liar and in Japan that's really big. It's actually more important than being being judged guilty. His reputation is in shambles. Mike won
You can literally go and find her posts on 5ch
He did a disclosure check and confirmed it was her.
>Mike won
She paid a settlement to get it sorted outside of court. She lost the case
You just confirmed what anon said. The only source of accusation is her ex transvestite 'husband' who hates her guts
This is Japan that's not how it works. Reputation is more important than money. If she publicly call you out a straight liar and he doesn't even deny or answer it just means she won the settlement. Money is irrelevant in Japan compared to reputation.
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>we settled and agreed to throw out the case so it never happened
Except the ongoing suit wasn't about that
She tried to sue him over those accusations and dropped the case before it went anyone. What do you think that actually means, EOP?
It won't change anything, mafumafu has a lot more influence than her, even if fucks up his image it's too late now. People are just thinking that he tried to save face over the marriage and failed.
Mike still is the crazy woman that slandered her fiance, coworkers, leaked information to Korekore and got fired. The only thing that it's arguable now is the cheating part.
>The only source of accusation is her ex transvestite 'husband' who hates her guts
She admitted to making the posts, though.
Why go out of your way to defend a piece of shit. It's not even the first time she's been caught talking shit on 5ch
She cleared her name of all these accusations. She won. Stay mad
>slanders a big utaite in your path
mafu exudes that abusive aura that girls find irresistible. encouraging fujos to ship him with other guys also helped
i knew mikoneko never did anything wrong, i always trusted her. I will never stop to support mikeneko who is a gentle girl.
Truly one of the vtubers of all time
didn't losercat lose every single one of her sponsorships
if this frees up time for her to post more cosplay pics then it's welcome news
that never happened retard, he was suing her for damages are you retarded?
So we're at this point now in the trolling cycle, huh? Trolls pretending(badly) to being mikeneko fags for (you)s
dude did enough damage already. he destroyed her career by secretly activating discord notifications on rushia streaming computer then waited for her to stream to send the infamous message; he was screaming for help.
In response to his stream with Korekore in January, she made a Fanbox post saying that she was going to sue him over those accusations (calling her a cheater, etc). She's evidently dropped that lawsuit which is why she made a retarded post saying
>um actually everything he said wasn't true though
Keep up with the story, it's not that fucking hard.
trolls will never capture level of insanity nekofamis descended to
the absurd coping narratives and construed realities were incredible, it was like holocaust denial /vt/ edition
post them or it didn't happen
Both sides were suing each other, mike at one point was also calling the cops on him for some reason, that went nowhere.
Don't care, she was married while being with fandead.
That alone is the #1 crime.
Why wouldn't I care?
lol owned so hard your coping. please buy some used panties to sniff for your cope
is this why she's playing so much apex lately?
I don't think she had that many, except for VShojo ones that she never really marketed. But she did lose her label deal with Pony Canyon though.
She posted all of those texts herself to 5ch back in 2022 and it contains info that literally only her or Mafu could have known.
Both admitted that she had been slandering him online.
Because it's slander?
what did we learn?
NTA but why exactly was Shion friends with an utaite 10 years older than her who was sleeping around?
As for the Aqua stuff, I'd say the general consensus among people in the know is that she is seeing Amatsuki.
>I'd say the general consensus among people in the know is that she is seeing Amatsuki.
Ah yes, the general consensus. The same retards who said the guy would be revealing their marriage in his announcement video, which turned out to be him shilling his album and nothing else. Kill yourself.
A settlement only proves that one or both parties are sick of dealing with legal bullshit and will pay to not deal with it anymore. It doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. It is distinctly not an admission of guilt, nor is it proof of innocence.
Just how much money did she drop on mfmf to shut him up?
Mafumafu has wronged us. I demand Joker style rape correction.
holy retard
>Mike won
Fancucks will believe this
>which turned out to be him shilling his album and nothing else.
The guy literally said
>if those wacky rumours were true, it'd be me who suffered the most from them
during that stream. Also you can take Kore2's Tweet right before the stream to imply that he was talking to Amatsuki behind the scenes.
all cat killing infedels should burn at the stake, and im not even particilurly religious
if you convinced him it would make him more popular he'd let you stream it
>nigger doesn’t understand what the words mean, so he just keeps telling people to read
One day you’ll pass 8th grade, Jamal. One day. Until then, trust the literate individuals to tell you what the post means. Or better yet, go watch a YouTube video explaining what settlements are. Get a parent or guardian to type it into the search box for you if you’re having trouble.
NTA but how long did it take for people to find out that Aqua was secretly playing games with Amatsuki off stream?
It took 2 years for the story about Miguel and Mafu being married to leak out and it was only because a journalist caught wind of the massive lawsuit that, at that point, had been going on for over a year and a half. It's not difficult to hide a relationship or marriage and yet there's a large amount of 匂わせ about Aqua and this one guy in particular.
Physically attacking one’s partner, ie boyfriend.
A settlement is an implicit acknowledgement that both of them have skeletons in the closet that they're afraid that would get exposed in court.
I want to have sex with Mike.
>we agreed to not admit anything in public
remind me in a couple of years when the alien gets his diddy arc
Remind me in a couple years when I diddle Mike
Kill yourself. Nothing but speculation and no proof whatsoever. Not worth my time and not worth a (You).
>Flimsy how?
Because the main sources were jap drama sisters and a dude known for making shit up to look better in the eyes of his rabid fans.
Baffling that Mike still has retards defending her when she's a proven hypocrite who sues people on 5ch for shit talking her and then she does the exact same shit herself.
everyone is a hypocrite the only difference is by how much
>Nothing but speculation
They found her account, retard. Or do you actually believe it was the "Hololive App" that went down that time when Amatsuki's internet dropped?
Mike was the one trying to prove in court that Mafu lied about her cheating
The divorce is already done with, the only court cases were about defamation
>Because the main sources were jap drama sisters
The texts she posted to 5ch were posted in this very thread, you retard. Who else knew for certain that they were married in 2022 and then divorced in July?
Even her anti thread never accused her of having been married until that post
>holocaust denial
I don't know anon, I believe the vivid, porn-like descriptions of the rape rolecoasters by fake holocaust survivors better examples
Still think she's a cunt for trying to sue Delta, nothing changes for me.
Delu was trying to sue her
There is a astronomically large difference between a random person shit talking someone they don't know at all and a person shit talking their former spouse after a divorce.
>shit talking
Just to be clear, there's also a large difference between just saying that it was an unhappy relationship and accusing him falsely of killing your cat. I hope that helps
He did cheat too. So who cares. Her career was already ducked up when it was leaked she was married. But the cat thing was just mean from him to accuse her of.
He pretty much admitted to hurting the cat by slamming the door, whether or not it was an accident or the cat was already weak and ill doesn't change the fact that he did injure the cat.
the other way around and yea delta is a cunt
Delutaya is clinically schizophrenic and bipolar. She admits it in her own stream.
She singlehandedly ruined Hololive for me. How can I trust any of them if the most GFE pandering holo is a lying whore?
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>He pretty much admitted to hurting the cat by slamming the door
No, he in fact went into great detail about how there was no chance that he could have hit the cat with the door. He said the cat would have had to have been outside the apartment, which consider it was a blind old housecat, is basically impossible
Where are you getting this "information" from?
I wrote this post btw and that include Mike the Cat. Legally dangerous sex is the best.
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Basic human nature reading. If you're not an extreme autist it was very easy to tell which parts were straight up made up and which had some truth to them.
But even that aside, if you spend a couple of seconds, or maybe 1 minute if you are really slow, thinking about the defense as to why it wasn't impossible, you will realize how much full of shit that excuse it. Here is a little hint for you: both ways
Mike literally came to him with her tail between her legs with a small amount of money, then begged him to agree to drop everything. Mafu, being magnanimous, graciously agreed to show pity on the woman for the sake of both of their time.

How about you post proof of your statements. Both of you have made opposing claims. Surely you have links to court documents/statements backing them up, right?
>Mike probably has a secret millionaire paypig.
Outside of that, she is probably still cruising on the money she made in Holo. Even taking out the crazy amount she made from supas alone, she pushed a lot of merch as well. Unless she blew it all on lawyers, though I doubt it.
The guy with shit wording is a french nekofami who is infamous for being bad at english.
Why retarded faggots keep making threads with zero evidence for what they say making them look like the idiots they are. When will you learn.
>Here is a little hint for you: both ways
She said it was the front door
She must now prove it through acts of jihad!
Anon you can just go watch the krkr stream. And the proof you are asking for is the LINE conversation Mikeneko had with her cousin which he ended up posting on 5ch.
Anon, it does not matter which or what kind of door. Try using your brain a little, you will get there eventually :)
>court documents
No, why would I have links to their court documents?
Here's where Mafu talks about everything, including the cat.
Since you have brain damage, I'll spell it out for you.
Rushia spent multiple days talking about her dying cat in membership posts. The cat's condition got worse over a period of a few weeks.
Suddenly, she claims that the cat was hit by a door and died the next day on 5ch. Mafu sues her for defamation about these posts, Mike admits she had been slandering him on 5ch, this isn't rocket science
You can go back to licking his crusty cum out of her worn out cunt, but even Miguel admitted the cat thing was bullshit so I've no idea what you gain out of pretending it was legitimate.
Unprotected babymaking sex with Mikeneko...
damn i guess neoporte flopping was really damaging his wallet
are those "fancucks" in the room with us right now?
>the next day on 5ch
Anon, that was months later, almost an entire year after the cat had passed away.
Also, she never admitted to having slandered him on 5ch. She quite literally said that some of the things she had posted could be considered slanderous but not necessarily according to her lawyer.
>even Miguel admitted the cat thing was bullshit
She never said or tweeted anything of that sort.
Meanwhile Miguel's top donor is a Korekore fan because nearly all of her other donors have walked out over the last 3 years.
So someone dont want this go public...
That why they do it private...
Okay, I got lost. So just give it to me straigth -
Has Alienmafu fucked the cat in front of miguel or not?
begone evil spirit
>Anon, that was months later, almost an entire year after the cat had passed away.
Your reading comprehension is terrible.
I'm saying that, according to her messages, the cat died the day after he was "supposedly" hit with the door. She posted about it in July 2022, yes.
> She quite literally said that some of the things she had posted could be considered slanderous but not necessarily according to her lawyer.
What she actually said was that her laywer said that most of her posts weren't illegal, which is a far more damaging position.
>She never said or tweeted anything of that sort.
What other illegal posts did she make on 5ch about him? I doubt he'd consider a lawsuit against her exclusively for the wig shitposting.
>i DID NOT abuse the cats
can someone post the original mafumafu accusations? i don't have photographic memory about every tiny bit of internet drama and dont' remember what he said
Mafumafu's statement
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I knew my girl would make it out of this.

lmao even the judge is calling them retarded schizos for wasting his time.
charges dropped because the cost and time of lawyers is higher than what he can gain from winning the case
Her needing to pay a settlement pretty much lines up with how she's been talking a lot more about the lack of donations she's been getting recently.
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no the cat was too old for him. he likes em young
You really don't know a whole lot. The cat story wasn't posted by her to 5ch and is nothing he was attempting to sue her for. He only caught on to her posting about him on 5ch because her cousin or nephew (forgot which one it was) leaked their private line conversation, after that had happened he caught her which was already way after the divorce. She admitted to having ventted her frustration about their marriage on 5ch, which likely refers to the infidelity that was also mentioned in the line leak.
alien has some things he wants to keep hidden
Who was the other Holo he supposedly slept with?
You are getting things the wrong way around
He paid her. Seeing as she had multiple lawsuits going against him and he only had one for shit posting on 5ch which is not a huge deal all things considered
He also avoids mentioning her directly in his statement while she name drops him without hesitation
Clearly showing who is taking precautions of whom
Incorrect, this was leaked by an underage relative of Mikeneko which mafumafu did not end up suing
>The cat story wasn't posted by her to 5ch
She posted all of the below texts to 5ch, what the hell are you on about? She mentions the cat there.
>He only caught on to her posting about him on 5ch because her cousin or nephew (forgot which one it was) leaked their private line conversation,
It was never confirmed who the other party was. I'm pretty sure Mafu said that the texts were posting by the same person who was slandering him (Mike). Not some relative.
She did not post these. He literally talked about it with krkr that an underaged relative of hers posted them and he was not pursuing legal action against the child
>we settled
>also i'm innocent
that's not how it works but ok
I mean, that isn't to say you can't settle and be innocent at the same time (In the entertainment industry especially, there a settlement is mostly a way to say "I don't want to deal with this PR disaster anymore") but making some fist pump declaration of your innocence right after admitting that you settled out of court doesn't paint a pretty picture. if nothing else it isn't going to convince anybody that already doubts you.
>There's younger version of Mikeneko who is probably as insane as original
Why the hell has no one told me? Maybe I will try my luck...
>He paid her.
No, she tried to settle in july and he finally decided to accept it now, this was his case.
>He literally talked about it with krkr that an underaged relative of hers posted them
There is zero chance a relative of hers is posting those to her anti thread on 5ch without being encouraged by her to.
It's just also so convenient that she paints herself as the perfect victim at every part of the messages and that it's everyone else, her company, ex husband and coworkers who were all in the wrong, right?
>if nothing else it isn't going to convince anybody that already doubts you
It's not supposed to. It's supposed to be a lifeboat for the delusional to desperatedly grab onto. Remember when she was fired from holo and the retards /here/ were praying for something, anything, to hold to? Same thing.
he literally admits neither side had a real case and instead of spending many more years to maybe get a small pay off it was better to end it now.
No, he gave in because he finally realized it was the best outcome. She offered to settle for x amount but he thought he could win in court so he wanted to proceed but the judge had to literally tell him he was being a moron and to settle out of court
I believe Mikeneko more than Mafumafu here... Mikeneko sounds like someone who just wants to move on with their life. Mafumafu sounds like someone who, despite his words, is not putting this behind him and is still trying to drum up support and sympathy even in his closing statements. Death threats? Really? You think Mikeneko didn't get any either? Lol.

Mafumafu's statement sounds like a YT or TikTok apology. Consider it not accepted.
if you like boys
her anti thread got them from twitter and ignored them as fake then
The shit with mafumafu is irrelevant by now, her image is completely destroyed from shit she herself did that was unrelated to mafumafu.
Except this doesn't line up with that's already been said.
He was originally demanding her to delete all of her social media and stop streaming forever. Of course that wasn't going to happen.
>Went to court
>But nothing happened
Sure, sure. Hope this is turning point so she stops being so fucking insane but I doubt it.
>Mikeneko sounds like someone who just wants to move on with their life.
I'd believe that if she wasn't taking potshots at Holos for the last few years.
>You think Mikeneko didn't get any either? Lol.
Mike was quite literally bitching about them a few days ago, do you really think she isn't "trying to drum up support and sympathy" for herself? Retard
Courts said nothing because it was settled. Mike herself is saying "I totally didn't do it btw" and leaving out the "I paid him to not sue me anymore"
>just wants to move on
He paid her
Difference between trying to play up your audience in a content stream (you should be doing that regardless of the reason) and trying to garner sympathy from an official statement about a legal battle. Not that I expect an average 4channer like you to be able to tell the difference.
funny post, have a (You)
Fandeads are delusional, theres a reason why people say "evil spirits begone" whenever she shows up in a stream.
The settlement was him accepting to take her money to drop the lawsui.
She paid him. Mafu literally said her lawyer offered the settlement payment in July
Mikeneko gets a 3/10 as a human being
MafuMafu gets a 1/10 as a human being
I think we can all agree on that they are both human waste and can move on
But enough about Mike
mikeneko killed mafumafu's cat and threw it in a garbage can
that caps you at a -69/10 as a human being
why would she offer to pay him? the offer was pay me and i drop my cases
And where is that mentioned? She send him a settlement to drop her lawsuits if he drops his lawsuit and pays X amount
That seems far more likely to be the case because in the worst case scenario she would only have to pay a small fine for slanderous comments something like 30k Yen. It doesn't even make any sense for her to settle out of court and pay him. He gave in and is afraid of her that is why he avoids to mention her in his blogpost statement
Kore kore implies shit all the time to get clicks. He was just farming outrage views. He implies he has someone give a live statement on his stream and then gets a soundalike actor to say something irrelevant all the time.
Can confirm I was the cat. I lived and sued mafumafu for maltreatment and then got Mikeneko pregnant
>why would she offer to pay him?
Because she was losing
>the offer was pay me and i drop my cases
The primary lawsuit was her suing him, though. On top of that, if she was so confident of winning, why did she post her "arguments" right after announcing the cases were over. Who do you think is actually correct here?
There are texts of her talking to another man and wanting to get close, how can you honestly believe she didn't cheat?
he sued her first
>didn't eat the cat
Schizo, at least make it believable. They eat your pets when you're not looking!
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She tweeted this yesterday, probably the reason why they finally "settled" today
The cheating had nothing to do with their lawsuits tho? And he verifiably spent the weekend with one of her coworkers at an inn as friends. Both parties are disgusting cheaters so again, what point are you trying to make?
so they weren't married right? right? because that's the original situation that started a chain of events, everything else doesn't matter
Just because it was settled doesn't mean nothing happened, it just means both sides were tired of wasting money. She can say all she wants but that doesn't make it true.
>The cheating had nothing to do with their lawsuits tho?
According to her, she was suing him for defamation after January which includes him alleging that she's a cheating whore. That's why she made a post "reminding" everyone that she's totally not a cheater now that the suits are dropped.
They were 100% married, both confirmed
At this point, I'd be more shocked if Amatsuki wasn't dating/married to Aqua.
married, but didn't live together or spend the night together
mikeneko again proving she's the most menhera woman on the internet
crazy hot
Mike was the defendant. Why would Mafu pay her so he can stop suing her?
didn't knew he was based
mike sure is a retard
Do japanese people get married just to have it on paper and not sleep together? Is this why they have no children?
because she also had cases going against him? even the fat fuck said he believes she would win
No, we weren't wrong about anything. Mike was promising to sue him but retracted.
What it means is that what was said was correct but they agreed to not sue each other because there was no real point in continuing, both sides would be harmed by it and wouldn't be able to gain much if anything.
But that lawsuit is about slander not the cheating itself. It's not relevant to the outcome of the trial, it's only relevant to the public which is why she addressed it
Do you really believe that they totally didn't do anything with each other?
>even the fat fuck said he believes she would win
When did he say this? I'm calling your bluff here.
pretty much yes
the japanese and especially their women treat marriage as a social status if you are not married as a woman you are considered a failure
>But that lawsuit is about slander
Right, and the fact she's dropped it without making him take back anything he said makes it quite likely that there was a lot of truth mixed in, doesn't it?
Rrat of Mike claiming someone in hololive was bullying her, people assumed it was Aqua
i guess sometimes?

unlikely, i would say

on some cast i don't keep that close tabs on him
nta, but he said something like that several times. first one i can remember was 2 or 3 weeks after the big reveal so mid to late feb
whenever the mknk topic would get mentioned someone in chat would ask for his take or what he thinks is going to happen and aside form the initial stream he did with mfmf i cant remember him ever siding with him
This is most likely in a family court anon, a family court judge is much more sensible than a normal court judge especially on aspect of marriage issues
meant to >>87021360
Didn’t he once say he had evidence of bullying by holos and it was someone claiming Holos were gangstalking her?
She was still doing GFE while married
>aside form the initial stream he did with mfmf i cant remember him ever siding with him
Sounds like his usual grift.
He clearly wanted to reconcile with Miguel and he ended up getting his wish a few months later
>unlikely, i would say
I guarantee she's let enough slip to go against that. The idea that they didn't even kiss is ludicrous to suggest. They were going on dates for over half a year and were planning to live together.
Yeah with me, mafumafu was the one being cucked
Now you know why she got him a birthday present that cost tens of thousands of yen/hundreds of dollars for his birthday stream.
i mean kiss yea sure, but not much else
obviously but in all fairness mknk is at the bottom of the foodchain in the well known japanese streamer entertainment industry
in her situation he is not just her lifeline he is her only available lifeline
its not a situation to envy her for but its a pretty good lifeline imo
I'd be shocked if he didn't try to get her to suck him off, but just imagine the top GFE Vtuber kissing another rich and famous man while lying to her fans.
Akuryou taisan! Akuryou taisan!
mfmf lets go onmyoji cover when
>system doesnt get you what you want without any obvious signs of tampering or mishandling
Please keep posting, everything you do and say will only make it clear that Mike antis will just mindlessly oppose anything she does or supports her.
>Settled out of court
Thats basically admitting you did it
>Mike antis will just mindlessly oppose anything she does or supports her.
M8, Mafu only dropped the charges because it wasn't like he was able to get much out of continuing a nearly 2 year long lawsuit. All she's done, meanwhile, is complain and bitch to her fans about how much they annoy her.
Just maybe
It's because she did nothing wrong.
If you think she did.
Please prove proofs that wont be thrown out.
>with criminal charges
built for filipinx cum
>Please prove proofs that wont be thrown out.
His evidence wasn't thrown out, her lawyer pushed for a settlement outside of court
The concept of love didn't exist in Japan until the late 1800s
>settlement = conviction
Based retard
the settlement happened because mafumafag couldn't get the charges to stick.
The charges were really obvious, though. We all saw those posts online and she admitted to them.
What's more likely is that they couldn't get any really big penatly so her lawyer pushed for a settlement. Either that, or they were afraid that he'd end up throwing all of her skeletons out.
There is no real evidence on either side besides hearsay so the lawsuit was pointless from the start. Both are shit people but her public image was already in the dirt from her going full menhera once a month especially after being fired from Hololive.
Mafu leaked the texts showing her trying to hook up with another man a few days after the marriage.
When you reach a settlement there is usually a list of thinks you can and can't do and/or said. If the lawyer of mafumafu didn't put a clause that Mike can't put a statement like the one in OP, they are a fucking morons or the settlement wasn't really that favorable to Mafu
Okay so why did nothing happen?
>big penalty
Oh yeah, because you only get punished if you did something that gets you a "big" penalty right? The fuck is "big" even?
Loving every post, it's just making it obvious antis will do or say anything as long as they get to keep going "MIKENEKO BAD"
never doubted her in the first place
>Okay so why did nothing happen?
Because either she'll pay a fine or pay a settlement? I'd wager the settlement was more money than any fine the courts would force on her. Why drag out a court case for another few months for little to no gain?
Because he wrote that she was the one offering to settle early this year, she didn't say anything about him paying anything, the only thing she said is that they "settled". >>87015906
What? The main source was the fucking court that had determined that she made those posts.
Your position seems to be "sisters and a male don't like a female vtuber so I need to take the whore's side no matter what". Stupid cuck.
So nothing happened and he's avoiding a counter lawsuit against him for wasting her time and money on false allegations? Gotcha
According to her, she was suing him right after his stream in January. Why would she drop that AND pay him money if she was so certain that she would win?
well great, I hope he kills himself or something like that
You…just don’t? It’s not that hard anon, only reason you should is if you are unironically a fan of Aqua and/or Shion in which case, wow you have some god awful taste and choice in your oshis and should in no way be putting yourself and your oshi on a higher pedestal.
>he dropped it because he cant win!
>okay so why did she drop it
Contradicting yourself now? Okay youre clearly just going to say whatever sounds good in the current post as long as someone defending her is responded to lole
Congrats on admitting that you're a holoanti.
>You...just don't?
>>he dropped it because he cant win!
He was going to win but it was costing a lot of time and money and the end result wouldn't be worth it.
Taking a quick settlement (for more likely a lot more money than the fine) isn't that weird. We know the case has been going on for two years
Meanwhile Miguel claims her suit is totally going to be serious and then she drops it after a few months with no results at all and even pays the person she was suing? I don't know how you can think she's on the winning side
wouldn't that just be "domestic violence"?
NTA but both of them are rather two faced, doing one thing on stream and another off stream, especially playing games with and/or dating men
You don't have to defend the actions of every single Holo girl. Or are you going to imply that Hololive fans need to defend Rushia too?
>NTA but
Stopped reading there
If you can only read two words, you have a severe brain issue. I'm sorry for your loss
>he was going to win
Nope, cant have your cake and eat it too
>claims her suit is serious
Yeah because people dont make hasty decisions and esepcially women totally dont run their mouths when in the heat of the moment right?
>winning side
Iunno man, losers dont have the charges dropped, settlement or not.
>Iunno man, losers dont have the charges dropped, settlement or not.
She paid him to stop suing her, making her the victor.
Is that your logic? Kek.
>both of them are rather two faced
You do not actually believe that because when it really comes down to it you will always take the whore's side.
>You don't have to defend the actions of every single Holo girl.
When have I done that? Point out the post where I do that.
>mental gymnastics disguised as "my own logic being applied"
>devoted anti
Name a more iconic pair
Translation: I love it when women refuse to collab with men on stream but play games with them privately for hours on alt accounts so their fans don't find out.
>claim of being infidel
i'm still not overturning my fatwa
>You do not actually believe that because when it really comes down to it you will always take the whore's side.
>the whore
Who? What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you think it's just a shitpost about how you can't trust FPS women? Aqua is basically just Rushia but more successful at hiding her bullshit.
ah the reveal what a sweet moment.
>retarded cuck fanfiction because unicorns have the basic expectation that people adhere to what they agree to
So the alien got BTFO?
Whose actions am I defending?
Weren't you the fag who claimed that the other anon was a Holo anti because he made fun of the guy for having Aqua and Shion as an oshi?
If you can't understand what defending mikewhore's claims in this case means you have to be an outsider which also means your opinion does not matter.
If you read that reply and thought that anon was actually supporting girls lying, you need to get your head checked
I need to pump my cum into mike's aged, hag pussy.
M8, the evidence of Aqua and Shion playing games with guys has nothing to do with Miguel. All she did was reconfirm shit that people already knew.
I guess technically Shion being friends with Mafu was new but Mafu confirmed that connection in his stream in January 2024 as well.
And what I'm saying has nothing to do with them playing games, cuckfami.
>Mafu confirmed that connection in his stream in January 2024 as well.
He didn't.
>Aqua is basically just Rushia but more successful at hiding her bullshit.
Imagine believing this, LMAO
What the fuck are you talking about, I'm not her fan
>>Mafu confirmed that connection in his stream in January 2024 as well.
Mafu name dropped Shion on stream and it lines up with Miguel's texts.
Shion was the one who helped them temporarily reconcile after Mafu blocked her ass in December 2021
Mikeneko offered to pay him in exchange for a settlement outside of court back in July and he decided to accept recently.
fuck shion
oh wait the alien is already doing that
>I'm not her fan
Then why are you so concerned with defending her claims?
>Mafu name dropped Shion on stream and it lines up with Miguel's texts.
Yeah because he was talking about those texts.
>Shion was the one who helped them temporarily reconcile after Mafu blocked her ass in December 2021
Provide source. If it's that same stream then provide timestamp.
It still looks like you either still don't understand the implications or you do and want this to proceed to "everyone in hololive is a lying whore so fuck them all"
Never mind, you're legitimately fucking retarded. Go lick Amatsuki's and Light's cum and stop pretending like you even know what you're talking about
>"everyone in hololive is a lying whore so fuck them all"
I never said or even tried to imply this. It's not my fault that, on average, women who play FPS games tend to entangle with men. Suisei and Mel were caught doing it as well. La+ is too obvious to even go into.
There's definitely good girls in Hololive but pretending that they're all great is insulting towards the ones who actually put in the effort to be honest.
>erm actually-
>stop pretending like you even know what you're talking about
Oh, the urony
back to /jp/ twinktomo
I'm not your boogeyman anti, retarded faggot.
I know these threads seem to always boil down to the same retarded 5 people or so, but get a hobby that isn't being a retard on 4chan
>I never said or even tried to imply this.
But that is the implication.
>There's definitely good girls in Hololive
Good girls who are friends with all these supposedly horrible people.
Why do I need to condemn Aqua and Shion but everyone in hololive doesn't?
>But that is the implication.
No, it isn't. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand me
>Why do I need to condemn Aqua and Shion but everyone in hololive doesn't?
Because you're not their co-workers and not a public personality, etc etc.
>Good girls who are friends with all these supposedly horrible people.
This is unironic autism. You don't know how friendship or even workplace relationships work and it shows. I guess it's because you have no friends or a job and spend all day shitting up 4ch
>No, it isn't.
It quite obviously is.
>Because you're not their co-workers and not a public personality, etc etc.
Wait what? Why does that mean they don't need to condemn them? That means they absolutely should condemn them to not be seen as taking their side. Also Aqua is not even their co-worker anymore and they continue to associate with her. Why are they doing that instead of silently condemning her?
>This is unironic autism.
Say the guy demanding random people on the internet to hate the same people he hates.
>It quite obviously is.
I feel bad for your parents for having to deal with you
>That means they absolutely should condemn them to not be seen as taking their side
If you can't understand this, you're autistic
>Say the guy demanding random people on the internet to hate the same people he hates.
You shouldn't hate them. But if someone asked me whether either of them were good targets to oshi, I'd say "no", for the obvious reasons.
You talk like someone whose only interest is shitstirring and it shows. You're also not all that birght.
>good targets to oshi
Wait, is this what you're still hung up on? You really do not get to call anyone else autistic if so.
I never said either were my oshi but even if they were I would refer to everyone in hololive being close to Aqua as proof that she has done nothing wrong.
So the entire situation is gonna be forever stuck in stalemate unless something else happens then reading Mike's and Mafu's statements?
Yes. They basically agreed to continue seething in silence. It's only a matter of time until Mike makes more posts about him or someone else related to the case.
>I would refer to everyone in hololive being close to Aqua as proof that she has done nothing wrong.
This is absolute nonsense logic. Why not just offer your own personal opinion as to whether or not you're fine with 裏ペックス or not rather than hiding behind others
>antis will forever anti
So basically, they are both lying fucks. Whoever won would have been vindicated. Since they chose to settle, it means it was half lies and half-truth from both sides, leading to mutual destruction if lawsuits come to AN end. Mike denying the accusations when it was only settled and not won is highly suspicious. Let's see if the alien says anything.
The moment you get asked your own opinion, you become quiet, eh?
I'm not fine with it and there's no proof that Aqua ever did a whole lot of it. Why won't the other talents condemn Aqua now that she's out of the company? Most of them stopped mentioning Rushia except for Pekora who's gotten curiously close to all the people she hates.
>if you're not obsessively engaged with me until the thread is dead you're quiet
Kill yourself, spergy.
No, mafu isn't. Read his statement. He simply agreed to mikeneko's lawyer's settlement offer after talking with other lawyers and figuring out continuing the process would be too costly, despite the fact he's right and would win.
That's how most cases are resolved, ignorant swine.
>Mike denying the accusations when it was only settled and not won is highly suspicious
Imagine being Mike's lawyer, poor fella must have faceplamed himself so many times during this whole ordeal
>youre fine with
4chan is an English website, if you wish to converse here, please observe that basic expectation
Stfu fujo bitch. They are both fucking rich, costs mean nothing to them. The alien winning would have completely vindicated him and repaired his reputation, something worth more than gold. The fact he has to settle means shit isn't as one-sided as we thought you fucking retard.
Retarded fancuck.
There's nothing wrong with his reputation, only pathetic losers like you are seething at him. Continuing the lawsuit would result in many more months of pointless stress. It's much smarter for him to ignore that crazy bitch and forget she existed.
Rushia did nothing wrong.
Fujo bitch, Mike has no fans left, you can't deflect this you dumb whore, if he didn't want stress he would have settled this much earlier and not counter-sue. They both realized this is mutual destruction and better to go back to cucking their fans like you.
I would say the only thing she did wrong was agreeing to be parasocial for her fans while having a partner in person. But that's it.
People dont like being lied to.
>Let's see if the alien says anything.
He basically said the same thing >>87015906
Both say it's settled and both maintain that they're completely innocent of any wrongdoing.
Mike is in the losing position because she did a lot of shit publicly and can't deny it.
>I'm not fine with it and there's no proof that Aqua ever did a whole lot of it.
>I'm not fine with it
That's all you had to say, thanks anon.
"Playing Apex (usually with men) behind the scenes (offline)"
>Pekora who's gotten curiously close to all the people she hates.
Pekora and Aqua were awkward with each other for years due to prior NND drama. Nothing to do with Miguel
So why don't everyone else in hololive have to condemn Aqua? Spell it out.
I was referring to Mike hating Aqua. Pekora is close to Aqua and still brings up Rushia.
Am I supposed to believe that Pekora is completely in the dark about everything?
Retarded fancuck, I'm a man, more than you would ever be. I'm very happy with Hololive and indie vtubers I follow. I simply listened to people when they told me to avoid crazy cunts and Rushia always gave me those vibes. Reading more into her as mikeneko revealed I was right. I'm sorry you are retarded and fell in love with pathetic liar but that's on you. Don't lash out at others for your own incompetence.

>if he didn't want stress he would have settled this much earlier
Mikeneko didn't want to settle.

>and not counter-sue
Retard. He didn't counter sue. He simply sued. It was mikeneko who was threatening to counter sue, like she does every fucking time she in self-caused trouble. She's been throwing those threats since NND days. Modus operandi of dumb menhera bitch.
I doubt Pekora cares especially when she hasn't talked to Rushia in over 2 and a half years
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She's a kafir, a hypocrite and an apostate. InshAllah she will be punished on the day of judgement
Why would they?
I wouldn't think any higher of Kanata, for instance, if she started complaining about Aqua's 裏ペックス. It would look like she was stirring up drama for no reason. As long as Kanata sticks to her own principles, it's better that she doesn't unnecessarily throw shade at her senpai.
Your inability to understand this is just your actual autism showing.
>Why would they?
Because if they don't they're approving of her actions.
>if she started complaining about Aqua's 裏ペックス
She never has to say anything. She could just NOT talk about Aqua and act like she doesn't exist, but instead she acts like she's her biggest fan. Why does she do that when she knows that Aqua is a lying whore?
>As long as Kanata sticks to her own principles, it's better that she doesn't unnecessarily throw shade at her senpai.
Well she hasn't done that. She showed support for someone who is undeserving of it according to you.
>Your inability to understand this is just your actual autism showing.
The fucking irony of this is insane.
>Because if they don't they're approving of her actions.
Actual delusion take here. This is dogmatic extremist bullshit.
I knew you were a mental case but by God, you're worse than I thought. I've no idea how you handle dealing with real people if you're that autistic
Go be autistic somewhere else, I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore
I'm not asking for anything extreme, cuckfami. I'm simply asking why don't they just go quiet about Aqua after she's gone.
They all know what kind of person she really is after all. Kanata out of all of them should be giving Aqua the silent treatment, but isn't.
It's not just a matter of not condemning, it's also a matter of staying friends with, and in some cases becoming friends with, someone who's doing something morally wrong
For example I hate heavy drugs users and if I know a coworker of mine engages in such activity in his private life I sure as hell wouldn't get close to him
Comparing heavy drug use to male collabs is absolutely retarded and I say this as a Unicorn
Not a Nekofami
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Quick summary of everything that's happened so far.
*decapitates a cat by putting it's head in a door way and slamming the door really hard*
*gets away with it*
nothing personnel...

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