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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI [Embed]

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zmg4R827CA
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJXTHaDhlM
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - Backseating Cecilia's Lies of P at 4 PM EST | 1 PM PST | 5 AM JST
MON - TCG Card Shop Simulator at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
TUE - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
THU - Monster Hunter World w/ Raora at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
THU - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SUN - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
Possible streams:
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Black Myth Wukong
Fallout: New Vegas (Maybe? Perms situation was solved but SESAC situation might hold it hostage for a bit more)
Good night, I love biboo.
From Biboo: 7DTD schedule is not set in stone yet
official instrumental if you wanna karaoke it for any reason
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Biboo working me to the bone on a monday
Tomorrow will probably also be a long stream The campaign is 8 hours ish if she wants to finish in one go
i'll give it 2 streams of space marine, 50/50 odds she'll stop in 4 hr to watch promise anniversary
I actually enjoy these now and then, let's you focus on how the music is build to support the singer(s), which is it's main purpose in these spheres.
Oh you're right but the promise thing will start at BST+3 (they changed the time)
Its not a concert though so she might not stop
Promise anniversary tomorrow, I think.
more like 90/10
Holy hell new intro is 10/10
Her new intro is just so good
The added animations like momseki, biboo in swimsuit, elden ring rolls etc and going through all her best moments with a good remix of her new song + other songs she used before
its just high quality as fuck
Yeah, I seriously can't believe how great it turned out. Definitely the best one
Keep in mind, she said this isn't even the full version. A remix with lyrics is coming(soon)
I can't even imagine this with lyrics
My wife just casually streaming for 12 hours again, no big deal
I missed the end of the stream. What did Biboo/chat settle re: the edgy Biboo in the MV?
I don’t see this in her YT page. Is it a hidden link?
>7 hour stream
I love my yappy wife
Her decent into madness was pretty great as well
The ending rip thru the store is still making me laugh
kimi wa warui ko na no
Good morning I love Biboo
This just in: Loving Biboo criminalized by US Congress
I can be a criminal alongside her! Yay!
The english subs for the MV dispparead. Is it just me or do you guys have the same problem?
For me too, what the beep
Not just you, I opened Prism Magic during the supa reading and the english subs were gone.
Note, MHW will probably be pushed an hour later because of Luna's 3D live: https://youtu.be/TeLstIBwC6M
I wonder if it's related to her not being able to call the song it's english name Prism Magic. The might have needed to change the beginning part when it displays the name of the song in the subs
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can i please have the source for this one, it's so cute
The singularity...
thank you so much pebblechad
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You're welcome, bro.
Just here to say I love Biboo :D
Bro... Your spoiler...
Reminder to play and replay the new MV: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI
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I love Copsexy Biboo
Too fucking big.
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>posting out of model sloppa
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Her GTA character is taller.
Yes, and it also has tits, no crystals, no hair flaps, no colored hair, etc. Basically it isn't Biboo.
Copseki is Biboo dressed as that character, not that GTA model.
Sloppa is whatever but there's hair flaps, eye crystals, ear crystals and the chest crystals blindchama
You said that her GTA character was taller, to which I replied that said GTA character didn't have hair flaps and crystals. You're justifying making thicc Biboo by saying that her GTA character was taller, but her GTA character lacks lots of Biboo qualities. It isn't Biboo at all. Copseki is Biboo cosplaying that character. Is it really this hard to follow such simple logic?
Good morning, I love biboo.
Good evening, I like Biboo.
Good night, I'm obsessed with Biboo.
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You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. I don't care enough to argue with someone like that over sloppa of all things.
He's not, you retard. He's calling it off-model for Biboo and pointing out that the Copseki GTA model is irrelevant for the proportion argument.
Imagine being this dumb, holy shit. I guess that's expected for the resident sloppa-poster, but still.
We love sloppa here
Uh oh schizo melty
I'm not gonna get my panties in a twist over the height when the other details are on point especially for the GTA cosplay. Go bitch on twitter or something.
Try posting on-model next time buddy
We love off-model Biboo here
>no soundposts from yesterday's stream
You retards are useless
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you might like this guy
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>customer is trying to break a 20
>biboo pays in one dollar bills and one cent coins
>the fucking gremlin brat smile
I love her.
She’s worked retail. I bet she wanted to do this for a long time now.
>She’s worked retail.
No she hasn't
stop shitposting and go try to fix your shadowban, retard
Oh it's the schizo, no wonder
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>TFW I can't stop streaming Prism Magic
Which one?
The one that calls everyone else schizo
Maybe the real schizos were the friends we made along the way.
Schizo hours.
retardposter: >87020148 and >87019687
juan: >87019754, >87020121, >87019635 and >87019691
sloppaposter: >87019513, >>87019104, >87018846 and >87019766
anti-AI schizo: >87018874, >87019181, >87019324 and >87019577
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I'm glad people are drawing best mahou shoujo Biboo already. Orange is the best out of the seven.
Why does /gem/ have so many schizos?
Gem of emotions. Unless you're in your pebble form, Biboo's AoE debuff makes everyone silly in the head, and each person will express that in different ways. Lore-accurate!
i don't think it's a /gem/ only problem
This is a board full of schizos(lgbt freaks) and Biboo collabs a lot(too much)
I love biboo more than you guys.
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I like how you blame the schizo population on that crowd but are respectful enough to call them lgbt and not faggots or something else.
Nuh uh
You're literally a discord transgender.
Totally normal behavior
Prove it.
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Imagine a pebble opening this thread for the first time.
Yeah, you camping /gem/ for over an year shitposting endlessly is totally normal behavior. You don't even watch Biboo.
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I am the last pebble.
>an year
Who gave you limbs, huh? Surely not Biboo. I smell oobib in the air...
*sniffa sniffa*
Only pebbles who Bimbo loves very much can grow limbs.
I’d like to smell Oobib’s pits
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Does biboo smell? She's a gem and rocks don't really smell.
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Imagine trying to catch a whiff of this goddess.
I'm gonna smell her butt.
She smells like petrichor and lavender
>still thinking Ascended Biboo is Oobib
>biboo doesnt stink
It's so over
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I'm still catching up with yesterday's stweam you beep
That's actually light compared to the amount that /baubau/ has
/baubau/ is straight up an anti thread at this point.
We have less posters here, though. But I know for sure that /gem/ is one of the best generals in /vt/, even if some people are very motivated into making it bad.
Yeah, I agree with that. And less posters is definitely better, there have been times where /baubau/ was the fastest thread on the board
Look at it this way. If she smells like petrichor, she is chemically designed to be sensed and loved by humans specifically, as far away as possible. She WANTS us to smell her.
I totally agree. I think we have a good middle point where threads are comfy enough/not stupidly fast but also not dead, we can have discussion going but our threads still last for a while. In the early days I tried to keep up with /baubau/ as well and I literally couldn't, too many posts per hour. The only downside to having less posters is that a single bad apple will have more impact, that's all.
Does she have a name for this form or do we just call her Orange Biboo?
As someone who keeps up with both places, the tactic has been to flood the thread with so much garbage that most people leave because they can’t talk about FWMC in peace. A janny just nuked one anti in the current thread and it was all the schizo posts about them speaking too much Japanese
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I went to check it and yeah, no subs. This one is auto-generated from the JP text.
>Old Stone Bijou
>she wants us to smell her
>I want to smell her
I love my smellfag wife.
Maybe Prism Senshi Orange?
Its officially orenji. Get it right fags.
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ORENJI iro ni hayaku
naritai kajitsu
KIMI no hikari wo abite
risou ya yume wa fukuramu bakari
kidzuite yo nee
Could Biboo+Kaela be the greatest love story ever told?
Biboo is my friend :D
We know, Cecilia.
frame doko
Sorry, I ate it...
Are you that fucking FAT FUCK tako who ate our cookies, too?
GODDAMMIT DEATH TO FAT FUCKS (except Geow and Cheebs)
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Why doesn't Biboo have any biboobs? Is she defective?
Hey now, Pero is a nice jolly fella
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That's what he wants you to think
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On the contrary, she was constructed with an extreme efficient design. Flat chests are not only a status symbol, but are very aerodynamic as well! Paired with her hair flaps, she can maneuver through air with extreme ease. As a rock, it was already obvious that she would do well in ground terrain, and we just discussed air. What's next? You got it, water! Even when faced with a watery environment, her superior physique allows for perfect skipping when thrown at liquid surfaces - you should try this yourself! Grab your nearest Biboo and yeet at a lake, ocean or any other body of water near you and watch with awe how far she can go! Truly, the best body type!
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You make a convincing argument, but just how aerodynamic and maneuverable can Biboo be when she is literally a slab of rock? Perhaps instead of trying to make up for her weaknesses she should double down on her strength and become even heavier.
Chubby Biboo when...
Wait a dang minute... ARCHITECTS OUT!
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But the real magic about this is that Biboo isn't heavy at all! That's a common misconception, and I don't blame you for thinking that, but alas, this rock girl is made of Bijoulite, the rarest gem of all times! With very low density (except her head), she can maintain her rock-like proprieties without being too heavy! In fact, you probably could lift her with one arm! That's right, one arm! This is also her secret to why she is able to do such impossible air movements and accelerate so quickly. She is not heavy at all!
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I understand now, thank you for the thorough explanation. If she's that light then I'm tempted to just pick her up and gently shake her like so. Are you the biboo loremaster around here?

I still can't help but want to see her a little... bigger though.
40k fags are insufferable. Chat and the thread are going to be terrible.
Agreed. We're gonna have to purge the heretics from the thread and her chat.
That's what a heretic trying to poison the well would say.
Remember to shake her gently, otherwise her brain might go weeeee like a DVD screen saver, and oh Kaela help us all if it hits a corner.
I am not worthy of being called the Biboo loremaster, I just BASKED in her holy Radiance for a bit and went utterly insane saw the real truth of this world.
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She hit a corner but fortunately Kaela will help us all.
I think I'll take a few minutes to bask in the RADIANCE of this soundpost too. It's just so... soothing.

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