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>Pippafags finally turn their backs on her
>It's over a fucking movie
The ass rape was really out of nowhere. It almost feels like the movie tries to convey that rape correction works.
>pippafags complain about cancel culture
>turn on her because of one shitty opinion

who could have predicted that culture warriors team A act exactly like culture warriors team B?
i thought they were opposed to le censorship and groupthink and cancel culture...
B-b-but I thought only the Libs were the incredibly fragile and instantly triggered snowflakes!!
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>Fanbase is full of phasecucks
>Whine about getting cucked by their loosened up cumrag
Je comprends pas.
Pippa is finally back to form.
Surely no one is actually mad that someone found a movie good
Thread vibe is lame. It's like a set up to a bad joke and everyone uninvolved is embarrassed to have ended up here in the first place while the clown show gets their act together.
Nah, her being pro-censorship with uma musume also pissed them off
Why is a 10 year old /tv/ meme mainstream now
It's just like she told that other tuber on Discord: pretend to be right wing to grow and create an audience, then show your true colors and gaslight whoever complains about anything. She's the very DEFINITION of a grifter, insincere since day 0 to secure an online gig.
yeah its all fucked. i just want the internet to revolve around new shit, not the same black hole
Nah, for the past year or so she's had shitty take after shitty take. People are tired.
In this case it’s just an objectively terrible movie, even movie critics who love to jack themselves off to shit the audience hates are shitting on this movie.
>holo reaction pic
Forgot about Rushia already, holocuck?
haha they are coping hard on twitter. If she wasn't pippa they would have teared her ass discord raid style. scum of the earth
They censored uma musume?!
I find the implication that this is the first time Pippalists dunked on Pippa for having a bad take. Do the people making this bait just yes-man whatever retardation their oshi spews?
Cmon they are just having a wee bit of fun.
The horse girls in Uma Musume are based on real horses.
The owners of those horses got the shitties with hentai artists for making porn of the horse girls and decided to use legalism to get the artists to stop.
Pippa sided with the horse owners. The capipis who wanted to jerk off to horse girls got very angry about this.
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Political tourist are very fickle audience. You get what you fucking deserve
I guess I can kind of understand it from the owners perspective but it’s fucking retarded. Only cause the character is based off your horse it doesn’t make it the same. I can’t believe they were even able to go after artists. Japan is fucking retarded
Was there a reason given or just wanted to be annoying?
AVGN predicted the future
Keep me updated for a Metaphor:Refantazio stream
No. I think it's just trolls
>Racing horse owners are fucking retarded
It's true in every country. The second those horses are ready for the track, they are treated like a brand. The jockey gets very little recognition in comparison to the horse. If you ever have the misfortune to talk to someone who owns a racing horse, you'll understand very quickly that they live in their own world.
I still think Japan is retarded for allowing them any legal ownership of the characters even if it’s based off their horse but I’m guessing that has more to do with whatever deal they have with Uma Musume
Didn't you read her Twitter rant about it?, bitch didn't even bother watching the first movie, she's so up into her own ass the amount of excuses and pretentious senseless arguments she gave were embarrassing, almost like a paid video game journalist.

She's being once again a grifter for the sake of attention.
a setup?
but... is it interesting? and interesting setup?
The global release? Yes
Her opinion was still retarded, since there's a lot of Uma Musume porn coming from China and Korea and their versions are still up.
Legally, Cygames can use names of real horses without owners' permission. But without their permission, the collabs with JRA and a lot of other things are practically out of the question.
Never cared for Pippa, phase could exist without her for all i care. I do sometimes watch Tenma, Uruka and Panko tho.
What were they thinking?
you are buzzword buzzword buzzword you buzzword
Isn't she tired of getting cancelled by her own community every months?
horseshoe theory at its finest. in an alternate universe all their political believes could be swapped and all the outcomes would be the same.
Guys I'm beginning to think the people who told me pippa was based are lying...

Reminder that Cygames this year is a sponsor in the Breeder's Cup
Commissioner Gordon was right
none of those culture warriors smoke if they did the world would be a lot better
It's okay when my team does it.
I mean you are dumb for staying. I noticed her like a year after her debut but even then she was honest about doing things out of spite to get a reaction. So when i actually witnessed her going through with her word, i dropped her cold.
I don't understand why they can't make original horse girls and side step that unless cygames just doesn't like porn.
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"I am anti-censorship" is a canard in the context of 2024 only because most people don't feel like they can say the quiet part out loud.
They aren't anti-censorship per se, what they really are is anti-leftisms; they are antifag, antitroon, antifeminist, antixenos, perhaps even antibureaucrat... you get the idea.
To say that you want the freedom to criticize anything you like coincidentally overlaps to a great proportion with all of these things, since, of course, the officially unofficial ideology of the incumbent ruling class itself propounds all of these things.
This sort of 'classical liberalism' was in the first place a wedge used by the current power structure, back when their organizational predecessors were out of power and looking to usurp the previous incumbents of hegemony, for exactly this same reason; it is a weapon for dissolving rival organization while leaving your own unexamined. It is, in effect, to say 'allow us to coordinate with each other to gain power (over you) unmolested'.
And it goes without saying that once they did gain power, the weapon outlived its usefulness; they made sure not to make the same mistake of affording their enemies the same privileges they themselves benefited from; of allowing use of the same weapons against themselves in turn.

All that being said, Joker 2 is a bad movie.
But how can they fleece money from retarded horse owners if they use original characters?
good lord I dodged a bullet when i chose not to watch it the other day (theater was crowded)
I didn’t even like the first movie but there’s so much controversy around the second one that now I’m gonna have to watch it
did they really make a film out of the "why doesn't batman just rape the joker" meme?
It wouldn't be as popular. And no collabs with JRA. It would be like making a movie about Jichael Mordan in Bicago Chulls.
All Batman had to do was fuck the joker out of him, who knew.
I think the controversy is just that the movie is so unusually bad compared to the first one, people just didn't expect it to be so shit
It basically retconned the whole first movie with how Arthur isn’t the real joker, he gets raped and stops identifying as the joker and then he gets killed by what’s heavily implied to be Heath Ledgers joker at the very end
Pippa has always had the Dunning-Kruger effect on full display with her awful takes. I don't know why any capipi would suddenly be surprised or upset over this one specifically. They should be well used to it by now.
This just seems like she just engagement-baits like crazy.
what is the line between not liking something and trying to cancel and censor whoever made that something?
almost as ferrari as being fucking autistic about who and how gets to drive their cars. sorry but once its bought or part of public domain its all fair game, and horses are not legally people
Horse racing in Japan are heavily tied to yakuza so the ceo doesn’t want his shins being broke by making them mad.
White guys are being demonized by Hollywood, media, and western governments so a lot of guys had sympathy for the Joker. Of course the followers of Satan were going to destroy Arthur in the second movie. Everything from Hollywood is sexual perversion, great reset propaganda, or demonic humiliation. The great mistake is getting attached to any entertainment that is made by the servants of the antichrist.
Look just because you cant process the concept of someone that's friendly with you also calling you out on your bullshit, doesnt mean that's how it is with everyone.
Autistic tranny behavior in full display with OP
Is this tweet really representitive of them 'turning' on her. It's a pretty funny picture. Half of KFP (me included) rip on Kiara pretty consistantly for loving trash tv and she gets really excited when she actually chooses to watch some Netflix slop that's actually ok and everyone agrees with her.
only when these unicorn incel trash get their buttholes stretched out is that they gonna learn. If it fixed the Joker then it can fix anybody.
Pippa is a regular leftie, she's having the time of her life grfiting a sunk cost audience and seeing how far she can push and still be called "based".
Kiara truly has no taste bruh. Even her own mom clowns on her for liking Rings of Power.
No he wasn't. Stop this unfunny meme /co/
Why does your oshi like Ring of Power again? It's so boring and retarded.
That's what I'm saying. The pendulum may shift back and forth, but they're all SJWs at the end of the day.
she likes the vistas
so far I've only seen one meme and it's pretty funny so what's the issue here?
It's LotR and easily consumable, so she loves it. She doesn't have the willpower to read the books, but she's admitted to watching a few lore videos online because again, they're easy to consume.
This but unironically
Shoulda been there for when she was watching Handmaid's Tale. It was so funny to watch people in chat shit all over it and for her ro turn it into a bit of 'forcing' people listen to her yap about her love for it. She'd spend a stream every week basically giving us the synopsis and why she liked the episode. It was hilarious and just reinforces my point that the OP's tweeted pic is all in good fun.
That is so pathetic and sad I can't even bring myself to make fun of her.
Nostalgic for what??
>It's LotR
No it isn't
Censorship/canceling is when someone tries to get another person banned from social media and the internet and/or get them fired from their job. In certain extreme cases, it's an attempt to put someone in jail or "de-bank" them.

Just walking away and saying "I disagree" is not cancellation.

It would be cancellation if there was a campaign to get Pippa fired from Phase. It's not cancellation to say "I don't agree with you and am ending my membership."
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The short answer is, all slopes are slippery. Eg, if gey goes out of the closet, then straight goes into the closet, and vice versa.

The other short answer is, it depends on how relevant the thing is to power. Eg, if you were to say mcdonalds makes bad food, you probably wouldn't need to worry about crossing power, because hamburgers aren't that relevant to power.
On the other hand, when you have cases of things like disney starwars, where you have people who have converged their 'business model' or indeed their whole identity around propagandizing incumbent regime doctrine, then you basically can't criticize their 'product' without crossing power, because of course it is very relevant to their power. Criticize colleges or networks or (((certain demographics))), then big problems, because very relevant to power. So on and so forth.

More broadly, the question of 'who gets canceled' or not is basically the question of who is the inquisition or not. And that's always at question, because if power is left laying on the table, something will pick it up eventually. Structures of ordination always cohere. No throne goes unoccupied.
In more civilized times, it would not be up to 'lay people' at all. The question is answered by whatever the lord or his bishop says; if peace, then everyone makes peace, and if war, then everyone makes war, and woe betide any renegades who breaks faith.
The actual thing that was literally called the inquisition in history was created to put a stop to an epidemic of literal witch hunts amongst townspeople across spain, to get to the bottom of spiteful neighbors accusing those they saw as social rivals of trucking with the devil in hopes they get destroyed.
There is always and already a state church, the orientation of media and information and status.
One of the biggest troubles with the state of affairs to day though, is that this structure is purposefully occulted, and worse, unswervably mutable; every player seeks to act as their own self-appointed archbishops, voluntary auxiliary thought police, and this creates accelerating feedback loops of mutually precipitating adulturation that converge on anti-cosmic insanity regardless of original starting point. It is in the interest of every singular player to create ever more avant-guard innovations of doctrine to outflank their neighbors, discover ever new forms of heresy ('oppression') to censor their peers over, pronounce ever more accessible forms of holiness ('victimhood') to arrogate higher status - lest they themselves get outflanked in turn, and left behind in the red queen game, the negative sum treadmill of signaling singularities.
You must follow the rules; but it is also against the rules to know what the rules are; and it is especially against the rules to publicly speak about what the rules are. Such is life in The Zone.
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>It's not cancelation when I cancel my membership
AH HA! The foot is on the other shoe.
Have the fruit farmers turned on her yet?
she just has different opinions, which, to chuds like her fans, is a terrible crime
Mewing also recently came back to all the normalfags after being a silly little meme back in like 2015 on /fit/ for some reason, dunno why.
>It's not cancelation when I cancel my membership
Correct, and only """people""" arguing in bad faith has ever implied that it is.
>almost like a paid video game journalist
there is a spectre haunting capipis and retards, the spectre of gamergate
get over it
Based 4channers, we made this Anon lose 2 hours of his life he'll never get back watching boring slop.
who is the first to go through with the announcement
Kill yourself
I dropped her when she started defending HBomberGuy earlier this year. Despite the Jim connection.
It's like Kirsche and Asmongold despite the ItsAGundam collabs all over again. Bitches can't be fucking consistent.
I assume she means in the sense that it's a period piece
What even makes you think they are pippafags? I'm laughing at her bad taste in movies and I don't watch her.
It really pisses me off as someone who ACTUALLY hates censorship. These chimps have zero genuine principles or morals.
you can blame management for telling her to chill out, I know shes tried to keep it under wraps but after you connect a few dots you can tell its management holding her back, the fact people are so fucking slow to see it really shows how brain dead and blind people are.
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Pippa supports rape correction for the mentally ill
Pippa has always had shitty opinions, unironically part of her appeal was having chat make fun of her for those shitty opinions.
I've no idea what you are trying to say here but I do believe you got my metaphor twisted, so let me explain : all video game journos are trash, always have been and always will be.
that's hilarious
>plz don't bully the games journalists ;_;

Stupid catalog dramafags.
The reason Pippa liked Joker 2 is because she imaged her audience of retards as Arthur suffering, being raped, taken advantage of by a slut and ultimately killed.

Pippa liked the movie because she hates her audience. She hates her fans and wants them raped and dead and she thinks that's funny.
>Anonymous reviews
Not trusting.
She saw herself in Arthur as someone who was forced to become the champion of a cause she didn't truly support and then got raped

It's like you can't remember the previous film
Pippa didn't watch Joker 1
They probably didn't want people trying to google their race horses to be flooded with a million results of hentai instead of the actual fucking horse, this kind of thing has happened a lot with fate characters
And neither did you
Jews want to rape me. And my whole race. They call me a goyim beast. They think it's funny. Go to fucking Israel and get missile attacked by Muslims. Now. I'm preheating the ovens. It'll be real funny...
You will always be a 1view and spamming here about pink woman won't change that.

And Pippa literally says shit like "the covid vaccine should be mandated". Not only does she have no principles beyond petty self interest, she literally takes a "that nigga you love to hate" approach to contrarianism by taking the viewpoint of the hated minority and then complaining she's getting bullied over it. She pretends to have highschool trauma but at this point it's clear she actively baits people into shitting on her.
They turned on her ages ago, when their walnut-sized brains finally connected the dots and they realized she likes anime.
>not done for money
>not done for fame
>done with the pure purpose of sharing how bad something is
>retarded normalfag can't believe someone is honest, but will believe whatever paid lies he reads

You are a pagpag eater tool who shouldn't be here.
I did actually and on the week it came out no less.
Nice try though pippacuck :^]
>People are tired
She's known for having shitty takes and fighting her chat over them. How did it take you this long to realize?
>inb4 only watches clips
that's one the appeals of pippa, her being art girl who tries to look into a deeper non existent meaning, expecting her to line up perfectly with my every thought is a bit crazy and i find her cuter this way
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You're in the catalog that routinely shits on phase, of course you're only gonna be finding clip watchers or Twitter shitters.
>movie: you think youre hard, incel? Well guess what you try SHIT and youre gonna get raped. Bet you won't think that for long huh loser XDDD
>Pippa: this good shit
What did she mean by this?
>retards: huh?! Youre not just mindlessly agreeing with her? haha guess i have another chance to say my favorite buzzword, cuckpipis!
She played the Hogwarts Legacy and she didnt lose her streaming career, in case anyone forgot why Pippa has round the clock catalog antis
What about the groomer tards over at TVA?
>"uh pippa sisters your- i mean our beloved oshi has fallen!, billions must harrass her and unsubscribe from her, amarite or what fellow pippers?"
newfags antis are the worst
Did she accidentally watch the first one?
now tell me which side is most comfortable separating from the other side
Kek out of all things, is fictional gay rape where those faggots draw the line? The scene wasn't even shown, just implied
Race horses are a prestigious things for Japs. Your average [man of high society] doesn't want to lose face because his horse's names are featured in porno. A lot of old money run that business and they are kinda backwards about stuff like that, it also means they have lots of Yakuza connection due to their old money in Japan status
>calling someone's contrarian and retarded opinion what it is means im an anti
Actual projection, you can be cool with someone while thinking they have a retarded take on something you stupid tranny
so... it all boils down to power?
what is the end game? what if we accelerate? the way things are going, no one can express an opinion without hurting someone else and everyone have to like everything they perceive lest they trigger someone nearby, no matter which side
joker 2 was bad tho?
literally everyone hates it and it's flopping hard
pippa is a grifter, she doesn't understand things she just repeats what people want to hear just like some kind of AI
i am agreeing with you, damn retard, i am just pointing out how they always behave, maybe i wasn't clear, i need to sleep...
In conclusion, she’s just ragebaiting? and it’s working by the looks of this thread
I always get the feeling that the actors are always the same, they just change masks.
What once was justified by screaming "Think of the children!" now it's justified by screaming "Think of the trans!", but the end result is always the same.
And maybe it's just me, but I have this impression that the general cultural zeitgeist maturity settled to around that of a 14 years old, as if anything and everything can and will influence your ideas and must therefore be censored, even if you are an adult that should knows what to take seriously and what not.
Because newflash, unless you are an impressionable adolescent you don't become a nazi just because you read a swear word one too many times or you are confronted with racist talk.
But then again, it's perfectly in character for the environment of modern internet, where people are so lost and disilussioned that they desperately search for narratives they can base their entire lives on without asking themselves a single question. "The marketplace of ideals" indeed.
It's about time they realized that Pippa is just some meth head grifter.
I dropped her when she shat on the people defending her during the Hogwarts Legacy period
I thought the parts with Elrond and Durin were decent.
Pippa would play ac shadows and praise yasuke
pippa literally didn't watch the first movie and is applauding for how the character is raped and the original fans made fun of
how are you defending this, are you retarded?
>that's one the appeals of pippa
no, this isn't an appeal of hers, she's been actively killing any appeal she's had this entire year, which is reflected in her huge decline in viewership
it's worse than that, she is identifying with the director who hates his fans because it mirrors her own feelings

pippa has finally gone too far
It's not the rape that's the problem. It's that the entire movie feels like the director is raping anyone who liked the first movie and then suddenly the Joker gets raped
Wait so the movie is pretty much the same cope as matrix 4. “It’s bad on purpose”?
this isn't about an opinion, it's her attitude for her own fans, she's celebrating the director for being brave to shit on his own audience because she agrees with it
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Gathalamoreans, 94.3 - Be thou wary of the works of the alien, for their presence is poison and their every word deceit.
yes, people think the director was intentionally sabotaging it to get out of any more work with DC because he announced right before the film hit theaters his partnership with them is over
People who perpetrated the things pippas viewers hate are pretending that one meme of her is the same as cancel culture
there's a big difference between liking Yiik and saying the director of Joker 2 is a genius for shitting on his fans
>pippafags finally turn on pippa
What? Pippa constantly gets made fun of for her takes by her fans. This isn't going to cause them to turn on her.
This thread was made by retards and samefags who are desperately trying to pretend pippas fans hate her for an opinion because they're the type of people to hate someone for having a different opinion
it's not just this throating of Joker 2 and the director, the issue has been building up this entire year

she replaced being edgy and political for just being a shithead to her own fans and constantly rationalizes it as
>weeding out the bad apples
no, this is just pippa being overtly obnoxious
Yeah I kind of got that when the post above is saying she likes yiik, when she's been very open about her dislike for that game. I mean, shit you'd be hard pressed to find them even talking about the fact she also was shitting on the Joker 2 director.
There's having bad takes, and then there's not being likable anymore.
I'm making porn of F575M Maranello-chan and there's jack shit Ferrari can do to stop it
why are you being disingenuous? you're literally lying, she criticized certain things in Yiik but she liked it, she also only stated that Joker 2 was controversial, she wasn't shitting on the director at all

what the fuck gaslight cope are you on
Yeah what tipped me off was the snowflake comment circlejerk earlier in the thread.
>pippa says she hates yiik and doesn't want to play any more of it
>pippa calls the director of joker 2 a retarded cuck
What are YOU on about?
nah bro, she only started backpedalling when MULTIPLE communities gave her shit after she forced the issue in filians stream

her original opinion is that Joker 2 is a misunderstood masterpiece and people are going to recognize that in 10 years
this is after people lambasted her for giving an opinion on a sequel movie when she hasn't seen the original

dont you fucking try this gaslight shit bro, she got people upset for a good reason and shes eating the fallout
>she's eating the fallout
Literally no one cares
What fallout? There is no actual fallout outside of people calling her a retard for having a retarded opinion, like they've done multiple times. Shit, why didn't she backpedal with poptart gun? And don't cry gaslight about things when you're the one straight up lying about her liking yiik.
yeah yeah, sure buddy, let me guess, everyones samefagging? everybody is a tranny anti?
the fallout is from her behavior this entire year, throating Joker 2 just encapsulates that she has lost her appeal

do you know how many streams of hers i watched this year and said to myself
>why am i watching this
i didn't change, she did, just because you have no standards doesn't mean the rest of us dont
Yes to the first two questions. The rest of your post sounds estrogenized when read out loud
>you're the one straight up lying about her liking yiik
multiple times in the stream she said she really liked a lot of the ideas Yiik has they were just poorly implemented in a way that made the game unfun
she was constantly sucking off the narrative, which is exactly the reason why she ALSO likes Joker 2

shut the fuck up you loser, you really think i didn't watch these streams, i know exactly what she said
>you really think i didn't watch these streams,
No, I don't think you did. I think you read threads and then get mad at a vtuber you don't like.
>acting this unhinged over someone's opinion of a fucking super hero movie
you need to seek mental help
It's an anti pretending. Just ignore it or follow the post chain for lols
Oh shit my bad
nah, i have standards for realizing something has changed with pippa this last year and i dont like it
it has nothing, ZERO to do with politics

it has everything to do with anti-fan sentiment, there was no reason for her to go into filians stream looking for validation after we called her out on being stupid, she did it because she doesn't like what we say
>she just repeats what people want to hear just like some kind of AI
If she did she'd be shitting on Joker 2, instead she had a unique opinion that just happened to be retarded
>"I am anti-censorship" is a canard in the context of 2024 only because most people don't feel like they can say the quiet part out loud.
>They aren't anti-censorship per se, what they really are is anti-leftisms; they are antifag, antitroon, antifeminist, antixenos, perhaps even antibureaucrat... you get the idea.
The same people really stepped on a rake when they decided that their stance is going to be "no politics in media." It's so easy to point out the obvious hypocrisy that it almost makes me feel like they get off on humiliating themselves publicly.
Chat was dunking on her hard, it was so bad that she went on filian's stream to try and get filian to agree with her and everyone was making fun of her there as well
Holy shit that’s fucking hilarious. I can get why the fans hated it but it’s kind of their own fault for identifying so hard with a hollywood movie joker.
It's just bantz
We just love to fuck with her especially when she gives shit opinions, it's all for fun
It's the other way around, cygames pays the owners to use the likeness of their horses
>All that being said, Joker 2 is a bad movie.
To be fair, Joker 1 was also a bad movie
Maybe the director hated his fans. I know the first Joker was pretty popular with a lot of right-wing types
There's a vibe issue with this one, maybe it's been growing this past year, but this take is a bit too far
She's always been pro-fandom, and this was a decisive anti-fandom comment
How the hell can we take her gripes with MLP or Build-a-bear seriously when she doesn't care about any other fandoms being actually raped for entertainment and then applauding it as stunning and brave?
???? That's it? I thought that 'he isn't the real joker' part was a widely accepted theory?
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i told you. i fucking TOLD you fucks that this is what would happen with her eventually. she cant sing, cant dance, isn't funny, sucks at games. her only talent is saying shit that makes idiot internet trolls slap their hands together like retarded seals for being SO FUCKING BASED!!!11!one!!! her stupid schtick of appealing to dramafags and the lowest common denominator would catch up with her, and then she would do one innocuous stupid bullshit thing that would get her retarded fans to turn on her. time and again, you fucks said it wouldnt happen yet here we are. pippa youve only got yourself to blame for setting this up for yourself. hopefully you didnt blow through all your money and started a savings account.
I don't care how many clowns Pippa raped. I still watch Pippa. Fuck Joker.
Pippa should rape me
nah, im seeing the forest for the trees here, she's not the same pippa she was 2 years ago, i've coped this entire last year that
>oh she just doesn't want to bring negative attention to phase anymore
but the reality is she really isn't the same girl or making any of the same content i want to watch

i could take the suicide baiting streams or the homolust streams, but praising Joker 2? who is this person anymore, this is like when a celebrity gets a shit ton of plastic surgery and you can't even recognize them anymore
She's changed a lot the past year and a half yes, but if she's happy it's whatever honestly
The way it's presented is very antagonistic to people that liked the first movie, they blatantly lecture you, the audience, in some of the court scenes for liking the first movie or even liking the joker as a character
Forgot to add on that yes the joker 2 is still bad, that is a bad review from her
you're talking to people who watch vtubers
yeah but she isn't, she's still doing the
>haha lets joke about me killing myself guys
shit while people dono-bomb her

i was there for many of these, she isn't happy, and she isn't making content for people like me anymore, which is why a lot of us just moved over to kirsche

i just feel really fucking betrayed, yes she's a stupid woman and i should expect it, but god, i've given her enough money to put a downpayment on a car and it feels really sour right now seeing how she petered out
i was supporting 2.0 pippa, not this 3.0 sad girl who shits on fans shit
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>it has nothing, ZERO to do with politics
Honestly enough, that is one of the things that annoys me about her.
The pity baiting shit and knowing how to and when to milk her fans for money when she needs it for trips or other retarded shit is very annoying. I don't think she'll stop this knowing now that she can easily do it
maybe with some people it does, but for me, the vast majority of vtubers are watch aren't even political, and when they are, they are very against what i stand for, like kiara

but what does matter is if you still even like your fans
i haven't felt like pippa has made content for us for a long ass time, she just uses us to support other girls, which i do appreciate in small doses, but she's not actively trying to entertain me anymore and yes i feel bitter about it

hopefully this sentiment conveys well
So Jokers 2 message is basically "conform or else"? Holywood is truly rotten isn"t it, I didn't like the effect the first one had on people, but somehow the second one managed to make things worst.

A missed chance to advocate for a serious and growing problem.
i can excuse it, maybe its my weakness to crying women

but i can't excuse the general vibe of streams this past year, she's not happy and it almost feels like she is angry that people ever supported her, i remember specifically when she says she regretted ever engaging with any controversy because it negatively affected the other girls who she likes more than herself
i understand the sentiment, but it almost feels like pippa's content is just spiteful now
>why are you guys watching me and not someone else
idk, yes, menhera shit but god, this Joker 2 shit is probably the tipping point for me, she's getting what she wants
There's a few different messages you can take from it, but the loudest one is
>go fuck yourself
I guess the director thought it was an apt punchline for the people that supported him
I keep hearing how its end for her and all her fans are leaving. That never seems to actually manifest. Seems like she can do whatever she wants even piss off kiwiniggers and still be cruising.
Lol. Lmao even. This whole "a-ackchyually the movie meant entirely something else" thing is kind of funny but also rage fuel. Im still mad over Fight Club and Matrix. Are directors really that out of touch with culture or just pretending to be retarded?
She said something retarded like "they're people's pets".
When in reality they exist to make money.
Is that just sarcasm.
Tell me about it. It's so fucking disappointing that now that there's finally a big backlash against all the SJW nonsense it's actually just a yet another horde of absolute morons who get offended over every little thing, just right-wingers this time.
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Pippa is fucking retarded and has a dogshit opinion of this film, all of the people sperging at her about it are retarded and basically literally everyone commenting on this movie are retarded. The film IS bad but not for the reasons all (You) retards think it is. Ironically, everybody being incapable of not looking at this film and hating it through the lens of adjacent meta /pol/faggotry reasons - which the media manufactured for Joker 1 and now retards have bought into for some reason - actually proves this film's point.

The point of this film and why it ends the way it does (and this is the one thing I like about it though the execution is fucking terrible) is basically to look at the reaction to Joker, that Joker is viewed both in-universe and in the real world as being some kind of antihero symbol of muh >we the people and whatever retarded /pol/faggotry people project onto it and saying: that's not who the character of The Joker (The Batman Villain) is, you fucking idiot. The Joker (tm) is also not some poor downtrodden mentally ill incel guy (just like (You)) and never has been, you fucking moron.
The point of the first film + this film was always that it was supposed to be 'a gritty muh realistic' portrayal of what real-life Gotham (which is meant to be corrupt as fuck btw just like the asylum and police are shown in this film) and what a real-life 'Joker' would look like. This is why the first film just ends ambigiously with Arthur Fleck Joker seemingly becoming the killer clown and gaining a following and then just leaves it hanging: because the idea of a mentally ill rando who goes on a spree and is thrust into this role somehow becoming a capeshit supervillain afterwards in muh gritty Real Life doesn't make sense and showing this would break the tone and immersion of the first film so it's just left to the audience. And the studio exec retards demanded Todd make a sequel. so in the second one he goes 'well ok I'll show the aftermath but it's unrealistic mentally ill rando w2ould actually become just like The Joker (The Batman Villain in a capeshit movie) (tm) so it's gonna have to be where he isn't ackshually THE Joker and in muh gritty real world he just gets fucked over by corrupt Gotham even more and dies miserably.
The second film is basically saying 'ok well in a muh gritty realistic world like ours if there was an actual The Joker who is like comicbook villain then it wouldn't be le sad (You) incel guy' it'd be some random actual psychopath with a probably uninteresting unsympathetic backstory that doesn't matter. That's the point, as well as telling (You) that you and all the retards who wore Joker (2019) cosplays to protests like in Brazil or wherever and think the character is some muh resistance thing are retarded.

The reason why the film fucking sucks and inspires the retarded audience to grasp at all kinds of ways to explain why they feel like it sucks such as braindead culture war shit or whatever else is simply because the setup and execution of the plot is lacking and feels unsatisfying.
It feels bad because you never actually see Fleck being The Joker doing Joker-like things, he's just a guy who ONLY killed 5 or 6 people and then got imprisoned right away so all the evaluation of what it means that he's le hecking Jokah (in-universe) and the courtroom shit and his fans acting as if he's in-universe Ted Bundy cult leader or something all falls flat. As well as the guy who kills him (actual The Joker) being not even a side character is also unsatisfying.
If the film has been literally the exact same except it opened with an extended 20-30 minute section showing Fleck having escaped Arkham after the first film and just being Joker and doing insane shit for a while with his followers and THEN he's recaptured - and the guy who shanks him is an actual side character more prominently throughout the film (like there's just scenes of him being a clearly psycho weirdo telling jokes to Fleck at the dinner table or whatever) but the rest of the film was near identical (AND IT DIDNT HAVE THOSE FUCKING MUSICAL NUMBERS) then I genuinely believe everyone would have said it was unironic kino and that the ending was clever and in line with Batman lore.

tl;dr Pippa is retarded, (You) are retarded, Todd is retarded, WB is retarded, everyone is retarded and that's all folks
thanks for this thread guys, it was cathartic
needed to just rant out at how disappointed i am in how pippa turned out, i think i did the same thing with kson funnily enough

i dont know what term i should use, but vtubers that just betray the character they play and the vibe just isn't there anymore
why keep watching someone who doesn't even want you there anymore

pippa used to read almost every one of my superchats and sometimes i'd get a squeaky laugh out of her, i'll always keep those memories i guess
>Hollywood made Joker 1

>Hollywood made Joker 2 with the exact same people

Culture war bullshit but from the other side.
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Both can be true. Kitasan Black's owner is an enka singer and he made a heartfelt song for his last race. He wouldn't put the effort if he didn't like his horse (and probably if the horse wasn'y winning a lot of races).
Actually the thing you liked is shit and the thing you hate is an underrated gem
Err anon, you're not allowed to have reasoned opinions supported by logical arguments here.
The way tards on either side love to point at shitty movies with the most terrible writing, cinematography, direction, narrative pacing and go "THE REASON IT SUCKS IS X CULTURE WAR STRAWMAN" while ignoring all the shit that actually made it a shitty movie is the funniest thing.
I feel like that's more of an argument to make the horse sexy than to not, kek.
Kiara watchalonged handmaid's tale?
Listen Holofag I really don't care about Pippa you can stop making threads seething about her now
>It almost feels like the movie tries to convey that rape correction works
Media literacy is at an all time low
You all unironically think because a movie shows an event occur that it advocates for it AND believes that's the correct thing to do?

Have the troons poisoned your mind? Have you become DEI brainrotted and transformed to 2014 sjws?
this is exactly why I quit following politics and now am hostile to it in the vtuber space, no matter which side.
get her to watch Tolkien Untangled, he made a couple vids on adapting the Fall of Númenor properly, not the shit that rangz ov powah is.
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Being a centrist is based. Having opinions is for retards.
Anon forgot to mention his prison wife gets strangled to death after he gets fucked
Woah you guys are just as retarded as Pippa, but like, in an adjacent way
From Todd Phillips himself

>Phillips told the Wrap. “I literally described to Joaquin [Phoenix] at one point in those three months as like, 'Look at this as a way to sneak a real movie in the studio system under the guise of a comic book film.’ It wasn’t, ‘We want to glorify this behavior.’ It was literally like, ‘Let’s make a real movie with a real budget and we’ll call it [expletive] Joker’. That’s what it was.”

>“I was being painted like this provocateur,” he says. “Like I was trying to push buttons.”

>"But he insists that wasn’t his intention, and in fact, he was surprised by the original film’s reception. Phillips felt “Joker” was really about a lack of empathy in the world. If someone had only grasped Arthur’s pain, or if the social safety net had been more durable, perhaps he could have been helped before he went on a murderous rampage. As for the violence, it’s horrific, showing how much carnage one handgun can inflict. But Phillips thought he was being responsible — not sensational — by depicting the gory aftermath. "

>"Speaking about Hollywood at large, he noted, “I think it’s because outrage is a commodity, I think it’s something that has been a commodity for a while. What’s outstanding to me in this discourse in this movie is how easily the far left can sound like the far right when it suits their agenda. It’s really been eye opening for me. "

> "With “Joker: Folie à Deux,” Phillips wasn’t interested in doing something as conventional as depicting Arthur’s metamorphosis into Batman’s nemesis.....Instead, he was more interested in showing the way that Arthur’s breakdown captivates Gotham. He wanted to examine how the very idea of entertainment has changed as movies and TV have come to share a stage with whatever scandal is currently being featured on TMZ or cable news. In the latest “Joker,” Arthur’s courtroom antics aren’t just tabloid fodder, they’re the biggest thing on the airwaves, attracting throngs of “mad as hell” fans.

>“It’s all been corrupted,” Phillips says. “Look at the recent presidential debate: There’s a countdown clock and these gladiatorial graphics. Or take the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial. Everything is just treated as entertainment now, and there’s something sad and troubling about that.”

>“Think what you want to about Trump, but for the certain segment of society that’s in love with him, he’s a guy who’s just saying what he wants to say and doing what he wants to do. He is who he is, and people respond to that,” Phillips says.
she's not gonna fuck you lil bro
>Verification not required.
but that's an opinon. YA FUCKED UP JIIMMY
If you've watched Pippa for any length of time you'd understand she is a proud contrarian. She knows having certain opinions will lead to more engagement so she just consistently adopts opinions that she knows will piss people off. She herself admitted she enjoys arguing with chat, so she probably saw this as prime material for that.

I do hope that in the future whenever a director decides to have a woman get raoe corrected like Arthur is she enjoys that too. Surely she won't be a hypocrite like she usually is when that happens right??
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Can anyone give a sort of critique as to why Joker 2 is bad?
I mean actual film critique, like inconsistencies in the narrative, or characters acting out of character without natural progression, or logical leaps that don't make sense within the movie itself.
Because everyone in this thread keeps spouting "Director hates you! Arthur gets raped! Arthur dies!" but there is no actual analysis of film writing itself, just "I don't like" statements that have nothing to do with people normally judge movies.
Like, why would I care if the director hates me? Death of the author, he doesn't matter, the work does.
Why does tragedy occurring in a movie mean the movie is bad, plenty of movies are tragic where the protagonist loses that we all consider good movies.
tbf the movie is fucking awful
>You all unironically think because a movie shows an event occur that it advocates for it AND believes that's the correct thing to do?
...yes? Why the fuck else would they show it, for the entertainment value of watching gay rape?
The way she talks recently is incredibly snotty and condescending. I think it started after she recently got covid.
Watch it yourself. Best unbiased opinion is your own opinion cause you're blind to your own bias.
Here's my two cents.
These kinds of people like arguing, not necessarily winning arguments. They also probably have a certain sense of duty to the methods and particulars of arguments they build. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and work to do their due diligence. And because now the argument have moved on, they had to painstakingly build a new one from scratch in a different environment and using different resources.
I think this is either something I made up entirely, or it's something not easily apparent to most people
Are you trying to say there's some deep hidden meaning behind a man getting raped??? When a woman gets raped whether irl or in media not a soul would dare say anything else other than how horrible it is so why is it different when It's a man? It serves no purpose other than shock value and is just there to punish people who liked what Arthur did in part 1.
It's a sequel nobody asked for because Arthur's story was wrapped up in the original movie. It doesn't provide anything new besides cranking up torture/misery porn to an absurd degree.
kys henry
Joker 1 was a bad 90 minutes (probably more like 2 hours+) but it had some solid clips. "You get what you deserve" is the modern "im mad as hell and im not going to take this anymore" and Network was about as bad of a film overall.
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“Snowflake” is short for “special snowflake”, to mock leftists’ obsession over gender and sexual identity.

It doesn’t, and has never, had anything to do with “fragility”, and right wingers aren’t hypocrites just for saying they don’t like something.

When will you stop being dishonest?
>“The goal of this movie is to make it feel like it was made by crazy people,” Phillips says of his manic approach. “The inmates are running the asylum.”
this actually marginally makes me like the film slightly better desu
kek someone's triggered
Because you’re objectively wrong about the definition of a word. Arrogant idiots upset any average human.
>Why the fuck else would they show it, for the entertainment value of watching gay rape?
retard can't into the idea that some things are supposed to be deliberately unenjoyable to watch like horror movies or sad drama films with unhappy endings
eh normally that's when you give some cope like "I'm not mad I swear". Props on being honest about being buttmad on the internet over shitposts.
There’s no dishonor in being mocked over a natural biological reaction. Humans don’t like people who are obviously wrong, plain and simple. It’s why people get mad at flat earthers or moon landing deniers
it's there to show just how evil and corrupt the entirety of Gotham really is that things like that happening in psychiatric ward is commonplace and the guards can just get away with it
funnily enough this also retroactively makes people wanting to burn the system down more justified and is still in line with the first film's themes but because it happens to /ourguy/ and rape is le special violence suddenly (You) think it must be a fuck you to the audience and not just more visual proof of how hellish Gotham is
in a world without Batman, crime and abuse goes unpunished and even the Joker gets raped to death which is why Batman needs to exist
He didn’t fall for your textbook bait and now you look extra retarded kek
>one meme mocking a girl means her fans are trying to cancel her
How ignorant are you people? If you weren’t so sensitive you’d realize this is just banter. Asmon does it with his audience all the time; Vtuber fans just aren’t used to it because girls in Hololive or NijiEN get glazed by their fans 24/7. It’s like a weird YT culture thing where you’re not allowed to poke fun at someone you like. Twitch Vtubers NEVER have to deal with this shit.
Good horror movies are enjoyable to watch, good dramas are enjoyable to watch. Bad versions of these are not fun because they are bad.
and the justed one is a well know pippa simp is he not, how do people not know banter?
>“Snowflake” is short for “special snowflake”, to mock leftists’ obsession over gender and sexual identity.
The fuck special snowflake has nothing to do with gender or sex it's about shitty parents reinforcing the belief their worthless crotchspawn matters when there's half a dozen billion of them
/vt/ is such a funny place, no one takes banter as seriously as you fags.
"Snowflake" is a lot older than the culture war nonsense and didn't have any political connotations twenty years ago at least. It could mean that you're a spoiled and entitled kid or that you were trying too hard to be unique (aimed mostly at people who were in some subculture, like goths).
>Your brain on culture war rot
Did you learn of the word in 2016 like the rest of your kind?
It was directly aimed at people who identified as wolfkin or attack helicopters.
>Other whores steal your based girl schtick
>Everyone realizes you actually aren't special, funny or interesting
>Everyone also realizes you never even believed in any of the shit you would screech about
Next up:
>Publicly renounce all incels, claim you're going to take the channel in a new direction.
>Go all in, homocollab with Homostars and other e-cocks
>Become irrelevant, blame the incels that you kicked out for no longer supporting you.
>Everyone leaves because you became whiney and annoying.
>Become homeless and get addicted to fentanyl, giving toothless gumjobs in the alley for another hit.
Kek, Pippa's fanbase summed up in 1 image.
>It almost feels like the movie tries to convey that rape correction works.
Some damn brats are going to find out today.
Those people didn't exist yet
Weird fantasy you have there
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Any given action is an implicit assertion of value; any given value is an implicit teleology; a state of affairs that will be brought about by participation in that value.

Most people don't really think about things on that level. The scope of teleological conception is the scope of world formation; where capacity for world formation lacking, there capacity to participate in higher order values is lacking, unless prompted too by outside forces; such in turn is the scope of agency, natural nobility.
You ask them what kind of world they'd like to see and they might say something like 'world peace' or 'ending hunger'; in other words, the value and teleology it implies being a global factory farm as their ultimate object, a maximum concentration of nominally human subjects possible. Cockroach philosophy.

In phenomenological terms it basically comes down to a being's aesthetic inclinations. What forms they are attracted too; what forms they are repelled from; the steering a being has through the contours of Being - which may be more or less coherent with it.

The way i'd put it, it's your vision of greatness. When you think of great things, great achievements, great societies... what comes to mind? People with roman statue pfps posting images of monumental architecture may not have an explicitly articulated belief system, but they do have a vision of greatness. Things that can't be achieved by the current order - and thus stand in condemnation of it.

Certainly it is true, at the limit, that *any* system is necessarily exclusionary of *something*; the most damning fact of 'liberation' ideologies being that they are no exception either.

Any given action is an assertion of value; your very act to play the keyboard and put words to server - to chose such words, instead of any other possible words; to take such actions, instead of any other possible actions - a declaration to the universe that there is such a thing as better and worse, and that you, like all things, participate in it as well.
>English Board
Simple as
right, its literal autism
Fuck off Pippa, go get ass raped
I volunteer to give her rabbit hole some rough manhood insertion.
Most humans alive today are the descendants of literal peasants who are evolutionarily optimized to just go along whichever way the winds of social validation blow - and enforce those equilibriums on others.
This strategy is both reliable and efficient. Reliable, in the sense that it can guarantee survival and successful reproduction in a wide variety of situations. Efficient, in the sense that it requires very little cognitive overhead to make use of, which is evolutionarily 'expensive'.

Willfulness can be very dangerous in that it is, effectively, declaring yourself a lord who stands above and apart from the rest of the herd.

If a being is something that by inclination sticks to its principles come hell or high water... then that means in case of conflict, the only way things end is total victory or death. Which in the long run usually means death at one point or another for a bloodline. And so by this factor, social 'unmoved movers', men possessed of warrior or priestly caste spirit, tend to be very rare; but at the same rate, are always the one's who are found ruling, generative seeds around which the tone of the herds crystalize.
everyone fails the /pol/tard purity test eventually
Hahakigi spits in the owner's faces, he makes some good horse porn too.
>haha I'm the unhinged Joker I'm eviiillll
>gets raped
>nevermind I'm just some dude names Arthur...
Seems to me all he needed was some butt rape
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>vtubers are watch
>hopefully this sentiment conveys well
interesting, very well put. Do you think it's possible to act and do human things without them imposing some kind of value?
I just so happen to be instructing myself in enlightenment and it seems to be what taoism strives for, as in, act while letting nature and the path of least resistance guide your movements and live more like an animal, moment to moment
Hardly, pandering is easy. Shondo handled the wizard game shit better than Pippa. Pippa dove head first into it and then cucked and got ripped apart by the people she was trying to appease. She's blunted her edge ever since and her viewership has stagnated ever since. Shondo got drug into it when that sperg Flamenco posted a stream clip of her laughing about the whole thing on Twitter for clout. She didn't cuck but just said harassment is never okay, washed her hands of it, and moved on. A barely functional schizo had a more level headed approach. Pippa got spooked when big leftists found her stream mocking the controversy and she bent the knee after already having won.
AAAAAAAHHHH I HATE YOU *keeps watching*
if you live in japan you can't sidestep the massive conglomerates who own the horses sending people to your house to "politely ask you to stop".
>Pippa got spooked when big leftists found her stream
Forgot that Hasan and Vaush were calling her a nazi, that's when Pippa shat her pants, backtracked and issued a written apology and everything. It was pathetic.
Did Pippa actually like Jokius 2?
She got turned on by the correction
It was. She chose to insert herself into the controversy. She did her stream, it was funny and poked fun at the woke shits, but didn't go so far she could really get in trouble for it. She bent the knee days after Hasan and Vaush talked about her before moving on. She had already won. She had some woman moment days after the stream, as people were moving on, and cucked out with a pinned tweet she left up for a month. Even one tweet offering a blanket condemnation against all harassment like Shondo did would have protected her and Phase without putting blood on the water. She showed she could be bullied into capitulating. No wonder she has played it safe since then. Her streams this past summer are painfully boring react slop and it's obvious she's lost her passionate spark.
So you be saying all I have to do is walk up to Pippa, correct her, and she becomes mine?
She plays the shitty gacha and people were shitting on it for the censorship thing. That's it. Her stance is "censorship is okay if I like it".
Getting spooked by Vaush of all people is laughable.
Bullied into capippalating, you mean
maybe they shouldn't have turned their horses into hot anime girls to make money if they didn't want people jacking off to them
Look at threads about Pippa in 2021. She was much morel liberal than she is now, shes acting red pilled for views. Many such cases. We dont call all the new conservative rage videos grifting for nothing, they are truely grifting because they dont believe what they say they are doing it for views, many have been caught being liberal or moderate in the not so far back past, Pippa is no different Grifting is a buzz word, but it absolutely applies to this new anti woke phenomenon, a lot of these anti woke folk are straight up lying, they are fake people just like Pippa.
That's really really funny because for the past 100 years the extreme left has been eating itself apart with insane purity tests every single generation and has never and will never amount to anything for that sole reason, without any outside input.
Meanwhile Pippa, who was not even 5% /pol/, but just a grifter trying to pander for ccv, has been getting outed whenever she has to give an opinion on anything, at all. Not exactly a purity test of any kind, for someone that is pretending to be something they're not.
I haven’t read a single post in this thread but it’s interesting how the paragraphs keeps coming
>and has never and will never amount to anything for that sole reason
don't forget to wash the feet of gays next june
Anon, a lot of the woke shit was performative too. Women do not actually like troons, or believe they too, are women. The fact there are increasingly more women grifting for this side instead means the pendullum is swinging this way. This is good. There are NO honest, principiated women.
>It almost feels like the movie tries to convey that rape correction works

I feel like this whole thing was blown way out of proportion and nobody is going to care or remember in two weeks.
Ok, and? The horse owners were 100% in the wrong.
It's simple, we rape the Joker
Were ancient Romans communists, debating Focault in their free time?
Yes, it was very pathetic. After calling into one of Metokur's last streams so he could anoint her as his successor, she cucked out fast and has stagnated. Her meteoric growth came to a halt after she put out that notice. She's played it safe since then and has even started dropping below 3k ccv. I've stopped watching her because she's just become boring. She dropped the edge and has nothing to replace it with.
>but what about!
No i dont give a fuck were talking about Pippa, why are we changing the subject now?
This anon speaks the truth, especially about women. Women think socially and run everything through a consensus filter. They are the wind socks of society. Women choosing the political right to pander to is a sing of strength. Some of the smarter leftists are aware that the pendulum is swinging back in a big way. It's obvious they are nervous. Pippa is at least smart enough to know where her bread is buttered and she will never throw her audience under the bus completely.
So... Were giving Pippa a pass for grifting why? You guys are pathetic simps coping hard
I haven't given her any money, she used to be fine for background noise but I've moved on. That's hardly giving her a pass. Women don't hold strong beliefs like men do, they aren't like us. Women attaching themselves to your scene means you are becoming popular. It's a sign of success and makes you more socially acceptable. As she's stopped openly appealing to right wingers she's stopped growing.
Bro the amount of excuses i see for grifting is insane, talking about pendulum and shit, how about this, dont support fake af people? If you support grifters for coming to your side, they ard just going to turn on you and grift for the other side in a few years, why do you want to keep these people around? They are a plague on our society. I hope one day all the politically brainwashed trash can learn to think for themselves and not base their personality on a political party and instead base it on their own values and merit.
wtf i will now watch your movie
Welcome to every drama created by grifters.

I'm sorry, a demon took over my hands for a moment and now it's demanding that I post this. I can't not do it.
Still nowhere near as bad as phase-conenct vtubers.
You're missing the point. Women are followers by their nature. Men can be grifters or they can be sincere. Women don't have the autonomy to be either. They mirror consensus of at least some part of society because they seek to be accepted and get along. Women adopt the positions of strong men who they want approval and attention from. There is a reason that both Pippa and Kirsche came from Metokur's community. He's popular, confident, and funny so they mirror his behavior.
A lot of it is just playful banter. You do know that it is possible to disagree with a streamer and not completely disavow and stop watching them because of it.
Pippa is a Jim-flavored left-leaning edgelord. Basically HBomberguy when he was a Metokur troll.
Kirsche is a massive grifting chameleon.
None of this should have been surprising.
what actually happened:
>lol streamer is retarded
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I think that Pippa wants rape correction, this is what she was implying by liking the rape correction movie.

I volunteer.
They could have at least picked a better slop to draw the line
Get your programming updated, y2k is already considered cringekino
wrong board jakfaggot
frankly, it's evil. arthur was a person with hopes and dreams. the director raped and killed him and expected to be patted on the back for it, as if it was morally correct to do it. really shows the demented state of the political left
Leftoids like this guy seem really desperate for a win lately.
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Laughing directly at pippa's dumb takes has been a thing her fans have done since 2021. Nothing about this means they're "turning" on her
>Pippa wants rape correction
If only you knew how deep the rabbit's hole goes...
Pippa is a waste.
Any threads about her are also a waste.
The acting and cinematography was great. One thing that surprised me was that Lady Gaga turned in a good performance.

But the acting and cinematography were not enough to save this thing; it was horrendously plotted and written and the musical numbers had basically zero relevance or impact on the plot. The musical numbers were also not particularly good.

The movie was aimed at the wrong target audience. The director tried to do an arthouse style film and the fans of that genre don't watch superhero films, and the fans of superhero films do not typically watch "art" films either. Also, the director shit all over the character of Arthur Fleck in a really spiteful way, and audiences reacted poorly. There were claims in some media circles that unusual numbers of moviegoers just got up and left: https://nypost.com/2024/10/07/entertainment/joker-2-moviegoers-leaving-mid-show-what-the-f-k-is-this/

IMO, the director deliberately made a bad film as a way of apologizing to the media and Hollywood for the first Joker film; those groups decided the original film was a "Nazi chud" film the same way they decided Palworld, Hogwarts Legacy, and Black Myth Wuking were "Nazi chud" video games. Yes, he's probably ruined his reputation, but he's also fabulously rich and will go home to his mansion in the Bahamas or wherever and cry in his pile of money.
It's culture warriors taking a beloved cultural icon and literally raping it to death so that it's ruined forever.
>You all unironically think because a movie shows an event occur that it advocates for it AND believes that's the correct thing to do?
>Are you trying to say there's some deep hidden meaning behind a man getting raped???
No, that's... literally the opposite of what he said
>IMO, the director deliberately made a bad film as a way of apologizing to the media and Hollywood for the first Joker film; those groups decided the original film was a "Nazi chud" film

This is the biggest demerit for the film. It's literally a 100 million dollar enterprise, petty things like this coming into it is pathetic and unprofessional, which is why his reputation should be gone forever.

It's kind of funny how the film retroactively ruins the original a little as well. The first joker is not a chud movie, joker is not written as a stand in for incels or white supremacists or whatever. He's obviously supposed to be a stand-in for underprivileged people in the leftist worldview like racial and sexual minorities (and the mentally ill of course), not some fringe right-wing online bullshit. In the second movie he's basically king of the incels and it's fully intentional.

Who the joker represents completely changes between the movies, which has some really funny consequences. If you watch both movies as incel chud movies, they work as intended and you feel bad and maybe reflect on yourself. If you instead stick with the original intent and read both as Joker being a stand-in for like trans people or something, he still gets raped out of wanting to jonkler out anymore and killed by someone crazier. What's the message then? What are you supposed to think seeing him get raped and fixed out of his mental illness then?
*ON his pile of money
It literally worked and fixed him though. He just relapsed and got killed for it in the end.
Stop being retarded. It's just a shit film. Nobody wants to be associated with it or claim it's their film.
Well it is kind of an universal opinion. Nobody likes that movie. Not the people who went to watch it nor the paid industry shill journalists. It's pretty rare for something to be this universally disliked, usually either the people who went to watch it or the paid industry shills will like it.. but not so this time. Only Pippa, really.
You thinking they are different teams is pretty funny.
Concord is despised, but Deadlock is loved.
There is no team B, it's all just a grift.
There's hundreds of thousands of hentai of Uma Musume... what the fuck is he gonna do? Wipe out every single pic from the phase of the internet? My Uma Musume folder has over 1,000 pics... and it's only futa lol

I won't stop watching Pippa for this though, it's stupid.
The only people who liked it are people who weren't paying enough attention so to them it was just a series of pictures on a screen with no subtext so they had to make up what the movie was about in their own head. Pippa's interpretation seemed a lot like that.

It's kind of common actually, ask your ADHD friend to summarize movies for you and you'll be amazed how wrong they are.

>Do you think it's possible to act and do human things without them imposing some kind of value?
No; or rather, such a world would be inconceivable - or perhaps hell. The gnostic view of an absurd and matterless cosmic prison where there is no need for or indeed even possibility of righteousness - most especially with regards to their neighbors.

Mid 20th century continentals of all stripes were often deeply concerned with the idea of intermediating structures that involve themselves in the experience of a subject with an object.
Some framed it in existential terms, that a more 'pure', 'authentic' or altogether qualitatively superior state of being could be attained if (and only if) all forms of 'intermediation' were banished.
Others were more pragmatically political in their cant, seeing certain intermediating structures as tools of their enemies in the game of hegemony, and thus targets for destruction.
All of them of course were deriving significant inspiration from Nietzsche, who rendered inveighing against the impostures of 16th century modernism and its descendants into a form of art.

Ironically however, most, if not all, failed to tread as far as the man himself did in the first place - willfully diverted themselves even, in deference to the social pressures of the day.
The posture of the post-modernist was to be overturning or overcoming modernism; but the crucial fact was that they retained modernist standards of epistemology; and so, the same conclusions were reached in any case ('nobody can know nothin'); which suited most just fine, since tactical deployment of such sorts of cognito-hazards was copacetic to their political objectives vis-a-vis destroying rival structures.

The words you can speak are like sieves; some things can be caught by them, while other things pass unnoticed. Like apertures; where certain forms go through, yet aught else gets shorn off. Like sapling trellises; in one case it helps guide, in another case it traps like straight jackets.

The whole idea of ideology is the idea of fungible genius; the idea of an extra-personal artilection that can do all necessary and sufficient thinking for you.
But of course, all law is an expression of the law giver; rule by man is rule by man; and rule by law is also rule by man, with a few steps of occultation. Man who creates the system; man who interprets the system; man who enforces the system.

To paraphrase Aristotle, he who is unable to grasp ideology, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.

The whole precis of the modernists was in essence a denial of such facts; the idea that man could, in a manner of fashion, tug himself by his own bootstraps, and thus fling himself through the air. That an 'unpositioned position' for rendering Truth was not only possible, but also the *only* means of truth. Those in the occident have been living in the fallout of this grand historic imposture ever since.
>twitter screencap thread
>about retarded phase drama
kys immediately
>Autism never changes

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