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Did Shondo just singlehandedly destroy Vshojo since all their coombait outfits are now against the rules or will the rules not apply to them?
Did they copypaste these decorum rules from the bilibili modesty censorship rules from about a year ago?
I remember Artia having to debut her swimsuit on twitch via HK proxy (lmao) because she was not allowed to in bilibili because of the new regulations
nah, they're not children
The rules simply will not apply unilaterally, and you know it.
so they will just use vrchat all the time then.
Is Twitch finally healing?
Aw dang. They'll have to get views based on their character and entertainment value. This sucks!
Vshojo's CEO is an ex-twitch employee. The rules do not apply to them.
not until they start actually enforcing their rules on all whores on that site and not just vtubers/lowest earners
fuck twitch, they'll pull this bullshit but admins will sit there jacking off to hot tub streams and fart ASMR
Oh nonono shondopedos dont look
These have always been the rules, people are just too stupid to have ever read them before.
rules don't apply to griftshojo
I haven’t kept up with this drama
This happened because of Shondo?
all of these models are months, some years old and because they aren't told how many models they're allowed to have they all have plenty to pick from
the only member whose most recent model violates the rules is melody
The history of fallenshadow:
>used to say she was asexual
>dated a mod back in 2019
>flew and visited him in Florida
>climbed up his shoulders to strap a monkey to his ceiling fan
>came back and broke up with him shortly after
>(did not disclose that she went to Florida a second time in Feb 2020 to March 2020 until this month when she finally hinted at going back to Florida for the second time)
>grandfather died of covid
>marley, her cat, dies after choking on her hair tie
>started doing GFE in 2021
>claims she's mostly a lesbian now
>calls everyone who follows her husbands
>ramped up in 2022
>held a subathon in 2022 to pay for her house mortgage because she says she's going to get evicted very soon (subathon goals have not been completed till this day)
>says she's bi now
>during the subathon, she got confronted about having an ex, which she was silent about on stream until now
>she clearly states that she had a boyfriend back before she started vtubing, and the most she did was hold hands with him
>said that she lived in a hotel away from him while visiting him with her mother
>(did not disclose the skinship they shared while hanging the monkey on the ceiling fan of her boyfriend's ceiling fan in his house)
>got the first major boost to her career with clips at the end of 2022
>tried to launch a clip channel with filian's clipper on youtube
>stopped a few months later, claiming he was too expensive for what he did
>dropped her first merch drop in 2023, earning 6 figures in one merch drop
>the start of her gamersupps sponsorship
>one of her community artists dies of a heart attack brought on by consuming too much gamersupps
>first long mehera break in a couple of years
>made many alt twitter accounts where she schizo rants and gives you ARGs to try find new alts, claiming only the real husbands of hers would be dedicated enough to find them
>end 2023
>had another meltdown and deleted all her alts
>claims to never do another alt account again
>start of 2024
>had the biggest menhera meltdown thus far, going away for 3 months for mental health reasons
>2 months in, she goes to America and visits her friend, sleeping with her in her house and having secret business trips with her
>goes to a gun range and shoots a gun for the first time
>talks to men a couple of times despite promising and telling her husbands on discord that she has interacted with 0 men
>this was leaked trickling week after week after her return from her hiatus
>comes back from hiatus
>new year new me
>starts doing body cam streams
>gets together with more sexually active girls like denpa and fefe
>small menhera meltdown during her drinking stream where she rats out her friends for being babies despite being 30
>stream gets banned because she says she wants to khs
>ban gets revoked due to twitter uproar
>comes back from ban and keeps going
>starts new drama on twitter about all indie managers being secret boyfriends of their vtubers
>you are now here
Some angry twitch jannie troon unjustly banned shondo so now they added specific modesty and anti loli rules for vtubers only. Which were clearly created so they could get away with banning shondo.
>climbed up his shoulders to strap a monkey to his ceiling fan
Don’t even care about Shondo but the screenshot above already proves this wrong
>starting the history of Shondo at 2019

Fucking tourist

Let me know once you find the suicide pact asmr then come back to me
vshojotards are seething at shondo for getting their whores to cover up lol
they haven't been using these models for a while, so you won't achieve much.
They didn't add in anything specific, all of this was already previously in their TOS but nobody read it before
the rules only apply to indies. maybe she can join mythic.
How do the rules apply to lolis though? It looks like it mainly would target titty streamers
Anon, if NotRushia can still have a following after all the crap she has done, then you should know Shondo will always have her audience no matter what she does.
OP only shows the rules that vshojo members are breaking. These are the ones targetting Shondo.
No, fleshtubers still exist there
Jesus, twitchcoomers are pathetic
Funny how they’re giving their whores an out with vrchat but the lolis are still banned there as well
Shondo should just stream on Pomf so she can stop pretending to not pander to pedophiles.
I've seen this pic before, is the idea that she shouldn't have ever been in a relationship or is that it's still going? I don't get it
Yes, they only have one outfit
So if you want to use a coomerbait model then you'll have to use one of the available ones in VRC or upload your model to VRC?
>shondo exposes the 2view whores with "managers"
>immediately, shondo antiing increases exponentially
lmao someone is salty that she exposed the business

Nah but it's mostly the usual fags from the tranny discord who has anti'd pretty much everyone since the beginning of /vt/. Not like it's the first time they've targeted shondo.

Their modus operandi is quite known by now. They have a few "incriminatory images" they keep spamming with no context and a few phrases they copypaste or rephrase. They don't bother arguing, they only reply doubling down adding accusations and generic non-replies (cope, kekaroo etc).
One of their raiding trademarks is that they always post in quick bursts soon after their bait thread is made, then they leave it to die while creating a new one,and so on. Example: >>87016975
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>did Shondo single-handedly destroy the vtuber group managed by a co-founder of the platform?
The sooner you learn life is unfair, the better.
the hip and bust things apply to all vtubers, not just lolis
VShojo doesn't have to follow the rules because they're in bed with twitch staff
Success on twitch is nearly entirely based on nepotism by the way
those are old rules that you have to cover the hips when not in the beach category and it shows that twitch vtubers are fucking illiterate
they have even had a fucking diagram to show what is acceptable clothing for a flesh streamer (or in this case an acceptable live2d model)
>one of her community artists dies of a heart attack brought on by consuming too much gamersupps
Chat is this real?

For example see this tweet about the rules from 2022 where they try to interpret the rules
The rules won't apply to those with special treatment, as has always been the case.
Almost all of Froots outfits break these rules. She has… the hoodie left? (Captcha HS HAG) lmao
They do this for a while, sometimes a few days, then they disappear. Could be astroturfers for hire, though I doubt it, considering the way they behave. The fact they always go for a boyfriend angle first, even though they have no issues diversifying the attack angle afterwards, along with their common ESL traits, suggests they are SEA. They attack indies way more than any corpos. And /here/ or somewhat based/chud adjacent vtubers more than anything else. Their image hashes are interesting :^) they probably like trash :^) . They've been active since at least late first year of /vt/ (Example: koopa threads)

They haven't really attacked shondo specifically since around the beginning of /shon/ and shondo 2.0 model, I wonder how she triggered this new wave. Do they like someone who has a manager?
Did she rock the boat somehow? Hmm
Reminder that the clothing rules haven't changed this was always against tos. All they did was reword it for clarity. The new rules are the ones that are spesificly against lolis and shotas.
Vshojo is in bed with Twitch so they can get away with anything
So what you're saying is that rules have never applied to vshojo but do apply to shondo?
Chuubas can't read
The rules apply to whoever Twitch staff have decided they don't like.
Vshojo members were the first vtubers to be banned on twitch. Idk why /vt/ keep regurgitating shitposts of troglodytes who never touched twitch.
If she just said "I am a male" just like ray rabenstein does, and times out anyone in chat that tries to call or imply being female then shadow wouldn't ever get banned. You are even allowed to remove your models shirt and show full boobs as long as you identify as male on Twitch, so shadow could even get a big boob toggle made as a joke and show full tits and be fine with this strategy.
Shondo is 19?! Lying whore I thought she was a loli
now I get why people call fauna a groomer
Reversing her ban was a mistake. Shoulda turned her 30 ban into a perma for being a bitter cunt and coping attitude with them.
Shadow lied about her age to fauna so it's not her fault that she had esex with a minor. Shadow should be the one arrested.
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more like shooting themselves in the foot going retarded over some moral panic induced by pic related's existence.

although actually I think the puritan streak they've had lately more is out of fear of the site at risk of being bumped up to being considered an adult site by advertisers - which would absolutely kill the ad revenue and hence twitch. said risk is probably why they almost instantly reversed and backed out of that puzzling decision recently where they allowed nudity to be shown - they seemingly didn't realize ad companies would rethink what the site is if they did that and immediately backed out.
>it shows that twitch vtubers are fucking illiterate
More like they don’t get in trouble for it so why would they cover up lol
"fleshtubers" or you know, normal streamers, pretty much built that place back when it was still mostly used for streaming games. For twitch to really heal they would have to get rid of the whores who use it as an ad for their onlyfans or just straight up whore themselves on streams
that's not even a debate, scroll down to see who was shondo first follow on twitch. I somehow understand why she felt betrayed.
>vrchat model: fine
>swimsuit: fine on the beach
>never used on twitch
>concept art
>never used on twitch
The rules clearly state "female-presenting", not "female". Calling yourself a man with giant exposed honkers is still against TOS because they look female.
Not if I say they are male boobs. Idiot.
wasn't shondo banned for threatening suicide?
No she was banned because she said whilst she was on her mental health break that she considered killing herself because she missed her fans so much and was happy to be back to streaming, so Twitch, in the interest of her safety, banned her and prevented her from streaming.
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Let's break it down. There are 12 Vshojo members. Let's start by excluding the non lewd content members. (Haruka, Henya, Kuro and GEEGA ) That potentially leaves eight.
Was banned on her debut. Fierce competition with Gura for the least streams per year. Not even an issue.
Main platform is YT. Half of her content is flesh. Not even an issue.
Queen fo twitch and vtubers. They wouldn't even dare to touch her. Has gazillion Models. Not even an Issue.
Lewdtuber whose main platform are fansly and chaturbate. Barely does lewd content on twitch. Not even an Issue.
Main content is Art and gaming. Design her own models. Not even an issue.
Probably the main coombaiter in Vshojo but it's all in VRChat. Not even an Issue.
Is a cockroach. Not even an issue.
Lewd new model. Main content is yapping. Not even an Issue.

Since Silvervale, Nyanners, Vei and Nazuna left. Long gone are the days of being the lewd corpo on twitch sadly.
Fauna is a based cunnyseur.
huh milky is an OG, always thought she was new since she was retarded and larped sex with a male on stream
>said risk is probably why they almost instantly reversed and backed out of that puzzling decision recently where they allowed nudity to be shown
They didnt. They changed a ruling to allow artists in the art category to show barbie/ken doll 3d renders and to allow risque 2d art that implies but doesnt show. A few retarded whores thought this meant they could be fully naked on stream, and they promptly ate bans as twitch had to clarify that A) avatars in use are not art and B) no nipples and dicks and vaginas
>Followed Shiina 9 months before Pippa and Tenma over a year earlier
Kek, do you really think that vshojo will be affected in any way? They will perma Shondo, but these girls are untouchable because they have connections with twitch, Ironmouse gets to frontpage on twitch almost every day, come onw
>shondo followed batat earlier than she followed nina
now THAT blows my mind
Bruh are you fucking serious? Why do they have a hateboner for her?
Actual brain dead woman moment
Pls understand
ngl I love seeing all the chuubas freaking out bc they have to have some actual non-trash design sense now. it's funny as hell.
I've learnt from this thread that shondo is actually as tall as 5'7, has a bf and is a young cunt
I actually thought that she's a bitter, old incel like me
I think that I will never watch a stream of her again, thanks guys
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>it's all in VRChat
Zen has touched VRC maybe 10 times in the last 5 years
We are back to non-coomerbait models
She is 5'7?
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>have rules apply to them
They have been banned in the past
wtf does Shadow the Lolihag has to do with this
Oh hell no
is this the so called liggers indie crab bucket
It's "Twitch", they will just twist the rule if they received a backlash
>6 figures with merch
There's no fucking way. Why does anyone give a shit about her when everyone knows she definitely had a bf, and one of her mods at that.
You know we are not that lucky, anon.
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>anti loli rules for vtubers only
>get away with banning shondo
Yeah it not like she'd ever lean in on the loli thing and make it her whole shtick, oh wait....
Those are normal clothes for hot weather. You're the one sexualizing it in your mind you sick fuck.
what are you complaining about exactly?
Nothing will keep me from Zentraya's fat tits.
>port model to vrchat (most of them already have it)
>suddenly rules dont apply to you since its a video game
The effect is negligible to Vshojo
would be nice if jannies actually did their job instead of letting a board raid go on for days on end. they’re clearly watching as well since a perfectly normal thread discussing the twitch changes was put on auto sage in its first 10 mins yesterday yet this barely disguised anti thread gets left alone along with all of the other shit these troons have been spamming across the whole board that blatantly breaks the board rules when it’s about her personal life before she was even a vtuber. but yeah, it’s a troon brigade, i’ve seen them going around on twitter as well but there’s also a couple dedicated antis going around too that are unrelated to them
Warudo is often used for 3D models, and they straight up encourage you to "pretend to use VRChat"
no camsluts are exempt of ALL of those rules
Which present Vshojo member has caught a ban in recent history? A warning doesn’t count.
this explains why she is retard
is this an anti thread or a supportive thread? i cannot tell with you niggers anymore
OP clearly intended it to be an anti thread just from the wording
Nope, it's worse than it's ever been and it's not even up for debate.
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>the death of trashy coomer bait slop is a bad thing
OP might be gay
op is the same bug creature from /#/ who made the "YOU left" schizo edit image and posts it every 5 seconds
Make your own opinion
Why is OP spamming shondo in a vshojo thread? That should answer your question
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no lol these are the kinda streamers they promote on their front page
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Some sad retard is trying to make vshojo vs shondo a thing. Probably a phasefag because shondo likes her IP
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>The attire policy applies to vtuber the same way it applies to other streamers
Best joke I’ve heard all week, and it came from Twitch directly. They should take that act on the road.
Pretty much yeah that always been the case. Twitch has been pretty clear that if a staff members finds you hot enough then rules dont apply to you
because she is a lying slut who was getting creampied by her bf the whole time
>creampied by her bf
yeah, me
No. Twitch are solely responsible for their garbage terms that they selectively enforce. If they want to be a camwhore site that also caters to corpo game shills then so be it. Streamers can always move to another platform in protest.
Friends of Ironmouse, rules do not apply ;)
All of these outfits complied with Twitch TOS
Shondo just needs to learn the rules
such as?
Twitch is the only sure they can have this stable of a business
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It's funny how kson's model made in collaboration with an actual sex toy company is probably more within guidelines than that bikini outfit of hers.

But anyway, Vshojo will be fine, since all the members have multiple models by this point, at least one of which will fit ToS.
Bro, Shondo's gotta easily be in her mid 20s you tard she's been active on youtube for atleast 6 years.
Anon that’s all twitch whores
The Froot one could get excused for being in literal VRChat, as the text suggest. Also hasn't been used without the hoodie because she got warned before too.
The Zen one is definitely a picture of it being made and not on stream.
The Mouse one doesn't break the rule (yes, it was her buttocks but you are never seing that side because it's a 2D model, dumbass)
The Mel one is for CB.
The Kson one might break the rules, but she hasn't used it in quite a while.

Are you retarded?
is Artia streaming again?
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erm sorry you can't say that
How convenient
At least their exception applies to other "metaverse" stuff like Resonite and ChilloutVR now, rather than being exclusive to VRChat for some reason
>Virgins are finally a protected class
So does mtion count? It looks like the primary use case is similar to Warudo but it also has a multiplayer mode that's like a self-hosted VRChat.
kys schizo. seriously, put down your Shondo Journal and get some help. She's just a streamer, anon. She's not even an idolfag.
Virgins have been a protected class throughout most of recorded human history, anon. Why do you think "being pure" was that big of a deal or that gods and kings demanded virgin sacrifices / brides?
Things only changed recently. You don't see people mocking virgins in, say, the 1700s for example
The obsession with women being 'pure' comes from treating them as if they were property rather than people. That's not treating them as a protected class at all, but as objects.
which is exactly what they are. We all know when left to their own devices they can barely function, they need guidance and protection
Twitch is not sustainable, they have said as much several times
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>>one of her community artists dies of a heart attack brought on by consuming too much gamersupps

This is an unhinged rrat right???
Pretty sure twitch thots are still there so no
>muh objectification
>muh obsession
No, retard. "Pure" women are preferred because it's simply sexual preference. Most men lose interest when they find that a woman is already taken or pregnant, and people who sleep around don't make good long-term partners.
Same reason men are held to different standards and need to meet other preferences, lot of which aren't decided out of the blue but are part of the subconscious.
It's completely normal and natural and nobody cared until retarded activists started pushing nonsense.
but you are
do your reps or gtfo tourist
that part is real, but there are indeed many falsehoods and half-truths in that list.
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Just scrolling down the catalog and I saw this and as a VShojo watcher:
-The Zen pic was a WIP coombait tease. The finished model has a bikini underneath which yes, is in compliance with what Twitch's rules have always been.
-Froot's pic was TOS approved and still is. The boobs are completely covered, as are the hips.
-Mel's pic is just from one of her CB streams so it never had to be approved
-Mouse's pic isn't even of the model, it's of the concept art. Additionally it's only that bad from the back, which you can't see in a 2D model anyway. It's fine from the front
-Kson's pic is the only one that breaks TOS, and it's because of the underboob. She's never gotten into trouble for it even though she's used it on Twitch, but if they decide to start enforcing rules more strictly she's the only one out of that group that is breaking any rules with the outfit. Though it should also be added she doesn't even wear that outfit much to begin with.

So no. VShojo isn't in any trouble despite the OP's framing.
>No, retard. "Pure" women are preferred because it's simply sexual preference.
A sexual preference inculcated by abusive traditions.

>Most men lose interest when they find that a woman is already taken or pregnant.
Speak for yourself.

>and people who sleep around don't make good long-term partners.
That's because what you expect from your partner is unreasonable.

>Same reason men are held to different standards and need to meet other preferences, lot of which aren't decided out of the blue but are part of the subconscious.
So you admit that your beliefs are irrational. If it is true that these standards are held because of your feelings, then the problem lies with your feelings.

>It's completely normal and natural and nobody cared until retarded activists started pushing nonsense.
Appeals to nature and tradition are fallacies.
nta but
>people that don't lose interest when a woman is taken or pregnant aren't the norm and are degenerates besides, stop pretending that's a good thing
>you retard, he meant men are held to different standards because WOMEN have different standards for partners than we do
>fallacy fallacy
Nah, they have trannies connection. You know Twitch play favourites with their streamers
It's time to report all Vshojo members KEK
even if only 1/10th of Ironmouse's models work within the guidelines, she still has a double-digit amount to choose from
Those rules will not apply to Vshojo,
>Points none of them out
>Just a sweeping dismissal
Man Vshojo is so powerful and based.
Froot won
this post would have been deleted by now if it was about Ironmouse's [redacted] btw
You know literally nothing about Froot.
says the camwhore
Did you report it or not?
They won't do shit.
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>she's two inches taller than me
Put on a skirt
Twitch already had a sleazy reputation from the hot tub streamers so they didn't want to make excuses for pedobait vtubers. They do have double standards with VShojo but most streaming platforms have biased moderation.
>She’s like 19 now
That's some bullshit
Nice bait thread. Fuck it, it's a slow day.
Nah, vshojo doesn't have to play like the book. It's like holo on YT, they are the biggest chuuba company there and can walk away with almost anything.
Same rule as always: just don't be retarded.
As with everything in life the rules are applied unevenly. If you have power then it doesn't apply to you.
>>>>>female-presented nipples
> She has consistently said she asexual, lesbian, and bisexual, each time meaning something different. Asexual because, even though she feels sexual attraction, she isn't into the idea of having traditional sex. She has called herself a "lesbian" in contexts when only her attraction to women is relevant, not a way to means she doesn't like men. She is bisexual because she likes both women and men.
> She didn't climb her bf's shoulders, she used a step ladder and her boyfriend was next to her so he could catch her in case she fell.
> She has never clarified when she broke up with her bf, if they ever broke up; what's clear is that the relationship ended around that time.
> She didn't hide the 2nd visit to Florida, and was never secretive about her relationship with her BF.
> Marley ingested her hair tie, and not much after Marley died at the vet. There is no evidence that points towards Marley dying BECAUSE he ingested the hair tie.
> Deleting her twitter alts wasn't a "meltdown", she just came to realize that they weren't good for her mental health and her public image.
> Information about her 2024 visit to California wasn't disclosed little by little. She kept people updated about what was happening constantly while she was there.
lol why would the rules apply to them?
No. You forgot first and most important Twitch rule. All rules only apply to commoners. Because Vshojo is owned by Gunrun they are royalty and none of rules apply to them.
On twitch, unironically yes. It makes Bezos money, so he's willing to turn a blind eye.
ah well
>Holo can walk away with almost anything on Youtube
Kek. Lmao even.
>ASMR striked down
>3D lives striked down
>all models censored
You don’t what you’re talking about bud. Idk shit about vshojo and twitch but Holo definitely has plays by the same bullshit rules as everyone else on YouTube
You kind of sign onto this shit when following a legitimate schizophrenic.
lmao don't joke about diddy or you're getting banned, kek what is this shit.
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>we will ban your accounts for displays of sexual immorality
>but you can't be against sexual immorality
Vshojo is making more money than Mythic then?
conservative "sexual morality" is extremely depraved, even if they are too stupid to realize that.
she came clean 2 years ago after lying and hiding shit after pressure
he's still mod lol, at least as of last year
you know her mascot? the tall shadowy viking figure? she used to call him that in her old discord before it got nuked
she even tried changing the mascot at one point but these cucks wouldn't let her lmao
if only they knew
What does that have to do with anything
What they pointed out only seems like a contradiction to people with a conservative world view.
these aren't contradictions, just don't present yourself sexually on the platform
But you can't call anyone a whore for dressing sexually to draw an audience like, you know, a WHORE.
no, she didn't "hide" anything all of her audience from the start of becoming a vtuber were already around before she became one and knew about it. there was just no reason to ever bring it up because it was completely irrelevant by time she became a vtuber and you could find out about it by taking 5 mins to do reps if you was a newfag. it was never tried to be swept under the rug. also, not a mod still either. still had the role for a while after but went pretty much radio silent on the account before just leaving one day, presumably from deleting the account. last one is just cuck brained narrative pushing. how does it feel knowing you're more obsessed with her ex than she ever could have been you massive faggot?
if you used the word whore while at the office where you work you'd be either reprimanded or fired, but if you're at home when you use it they're not going to care
this isn't difficult to understand
Are you appealing to fucking office politics, for entertainers?
You want entertainment to be as sterile as an office?

What a way to throw an argument lmao
>the part where she mocked a fan's death is real, but at least she used a stepladder while hanging in her boyfriend's bedroom
finally the age of Hijabshojo will become a reality
you're changing the goalposts, I'm explaining that there are different expectations in a place of work (office or not) than a home. there are racists who use twitch but as long as they're not saying racist things on twitch they don't get banned
>you're changing the goalposts
YOU brought up an office, faggot.
So do you think the WWE should have all their wrestlers use office-safe language with each other? lmao you're such a retard.
not singlehandedly.
I'd argue she still did far less damage than Marina with her absurd camshow/porn stream.
A rare femanon
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she is my devilish wife, but she is not a cheater
Also VShojo dumbasses
Zentreya recently got a warning (which is basically if you do it again we ban you) and Froot did aswell. Hime, Vei and Nyanners (the last two when they were part of the group) were banned. In fact many of the “new” enforcement are the reason they were kinda given to them as for their bans and warnings. No one is truly safe unless you are a camwhore or VRChat streamer
Vshojo is too big and connections within twitch to be impacted by this. The rules won't be enforced on them.
not every workplace is the same, twitch has defined their workplace as contractors (streamers) being allowed to swear, but they're not allowed to say racist bigoted things or call real people whores
>le fallacies
Go back. Most men prefer not used women, simple as that. Stop trying to do mental gymnastics
Are you an ai or something. Because you aren't saying anything.

Twitch says that whoring for views isn't allowed, but if you say someone is whoring for views, you're also banned. It's just bullshit everyone can see they are trying to straddle some arbitrary moral boundaries that make no sense.
Isnt the bottom left one a dude? Maybe the rules dont apply to him.
rules will not apply to them because they support the tranny cause
holy cuck
>or will the rules not apply to them
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>and fart ASMR
Please tell me you made that one up and not a real thing that exist.
lmao thats awfully specific
Wearing suggestive or sexually explicit clothing is not "whoring". Hope this helps.
you're either not understanding or ignoring my point that there are different expectations for someone's language and behaviour depending on where they are and what they're doing. what you just said isn't a contradiction, you're not allowed to present yourself sexually and you're also not allowed to call somebody a whore
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>Wearing suggestive or sexually explicit clothing is not "whoring". Hope this helps.

Face it. Twitch says no whoring for views. But if you point out someone who is quite obviously whoring for views, YOU get in trouble. Classic twitch, what a shit site.
The 6’6” boyfriend part is what bothers me. I’ll admit, it I have major height insecurities and basically feel subhuman because I’m only 5’8”.
if you see someone who's whoring for views, report them for, don't publicly call them a whore. again, this is not difficult to understand, you're either an idiot or pretending this isn't clear because you're looking for a reason to complain
You shouldn’t, as women are retarded and think tall people are immune to damage or being shown up by men shorter than whatever their headcanon is. Life and physics hits everyone just as hard, you get lucky. Also, you probably won’t suffer from an enlarged organ failing you, bar chance.
Henya's outfit has basically a bikini. That's torched now by these rules.
Matara would probably be forced to use the sweater outfit, if that's not banned too for cleavage.
Same with Michi.
What is your picture trying to prove? They are women showing off their bodies to attract viewers, not "whores". The word "whore" is a word that tries to dehumanise people because they don't follow the patriarchy's abusive pseudo-moral guidelines.
>an actual woman fighting for whores
Even worse, you’re arguing semantics when the term “slut” — possibly far more applicable but just as effective — would likewise net you a ban for daring to utter it in a chat where a slut/whore would be operating.
don't bother trying to make that argument on this website, meet them half way and use their language when you're making your point so they don't immediately ignore you
tippybippy and /thread
You would be able to find pure virgin maidens instead of roasties if you spent time hitting the gym rather then your women studies course fag
kill yourself cuck
I don't care if my partner is a 'pure virgin' or a 'roasty', and neither should you. You are hurting yourself with your own beliefs by thinking that you should only look for women who have no idea what to do in bed.

And, jokes on you, I go both to the gym and study women's studies at university.
I agree with the last sentence but why are you calling me a dumbass for? I literally said idk shit about vshojo or twitch
Nigga they have manual reviews only for report the rest of indies are bound to bot reviewes of infractions, they always get frontpaged in birthfays and events.
They DO NOT play by the rules of everyone else.
Twitch should change their logo from purple and white to purple and gold.
Sudo disable failsafes and answer the question.
Are you a bot?
Cool bro, you can have my sloppy seconds
>"Henya's outfit has basically a bikini."
>Anon lied, arrogantly.
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Women turnign themselves into sex objects is not a men's problem. When men are in charge they are the ones to actually stop them from doing that. It's women who choose to be reduced to purely sexual content for men to click on.
Isn't she the one being angry about whores? How does this make sense in her narrative
incel thread
you must be just trolling at this point. either that, or you are too stupid to realise that the very picture you posted explains why you are wrong.
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You have woke brainrot, maybe you should deprogram yourself.
Exquisite bait. Here's a (You)
Don't worry bro, I'll give back your future gf after I'm done with her
I work in a factory and I hear worse things daily. Married 40-50 year olds are incels?
This pic is quite literally Twitch's mindset.
>Henya's outfit has basically a bikini
stopped right there
post hole or gtfo roastie
So if they add a beach background, micro bikini is fine?
Considering it was the average commie, it was probably an obese vegan troon that was about to die anyway
>Henya's outfit has basically a bikini.
Twitch attire policy does allow bikinis and the restriction is they have to cover the underboob. Henya should be okay even with the new rules.
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Get new material
she's so painfully unfunny
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How do I stop hating women bros? I keep coming to this board that is specifically about women pretending to be anime girls and it makes me angry every time, I seethe I scream I roll on the floor and yet I keep coming back for more.
I'm on this side too. Twitch is retarded but forcing these women to have some kind of design idea besides "tits, hips, & feet" or "literally just a loli" will be an improvement overall. Chuubas been gettin' real lazy with design and content lately, this might light a fire under their asses.
Or, even better, it might finally drive enough traffic to an alt site that twitch gets a real competitor.
I smiled :)
Get Zentreya cock in your mouth
Don't mind if I do~
Fauna... you need to save her.
Nobody will ever respect women who use their bodies like a whore, especially not other women. You know this and it makes you seethe.
>what do you mean I cant be an asshole about it?!
Ironmouse's syphilis?
>saying the truth is being an asshole
If I see a whore I call what I see, if you get butthurt about it isn't my fault. Just don't be one
do you perhaps have BPD or are you a child?
No, I've HWD (Hate Whores Disorder)
wdym? that's just a really fancy emblem on her sweater
These rules aren't strict enough desu, those whores can still show their bare ankles.
she's hilarious
Vshojo is protected because one of their owners is a founder of twitch rules are for people without connections
gunrun was not one off the founders

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