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Heh, thats what you get for betraying the family. Banned on debut with no future prospects. She is gonna flip burgers soon
it really is like leaving a cult
Doobers is furry, not pedo material
Smart move changing to this new avatar, the old one looked too childish.
Hey just wanted to run a quick explanation on what's going on with that post, OP.
Rules should apply to furries too.
The walled garden isn't to keep people out. It's to keep the retards in.
shes allowed to use a moving model this soon?
Will you guys watch if she's a mouse and not an anime girl? I'd rather it be an anime girl but I'll probably still watch.
It's twitch, they watch the ugliest most disgusting models, both in irl cam and digital.
>revives own shit thread
>samefags to agree with himself
I dont care about what she does but its funny how shes streaming this fast after leaving, like were perms really the reason she left or something?
Who? Buy an ad homo.
No. If she's really going with a non-anime rat model she's cooked after the honeymoon period is over.
this is what real creativity looks like chud
it's the same tos from like a year ago just worded slightly differently so even the slowest mouth breathers can grasp it this time and judging by the general reaction, that was much needed
this bitch will be 1k tier at max
lol truly
christ look at all that skin. immediate ban.
The mods are also pedos but that never stopped them.
It will never not be funny to see people crying over graduation and then see the graduate streaming few days after like nothing happened, suddenly healthy and free of all problems that supposedly stopped them from streaming.
no more blue dorito sapping all your strength
what about a cute mouse-themed train operator anime girl
>free of all problems that supposedly stopped them from streaming.
Well yeah, she left your company.
Is she a mouse or a jerboa
>cultists already shitting on everything dooby does
I know third worlders are low IQ but surely you're not dumb enough to believe OP is being sincere?
idk who this is, but you seem obessesed with a certain group of people huh
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People can't just lie or exaggerate on the internet, anon. That's a sin.
A train autistic jerboa
If you can't tell that this is a falseflag thread then you're genuinely retarded
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>got in Hololive 4 years ago when Hololive was first and foremost still a vtubers streamer agency
>life is good, you have fun streaming video games and being silly
>time pass
>MUH IDOLS autism from Japan comes for HoloEN too
>life is ok, you would prefer playing video games and being silly but still manageable
>then you are forced to dedicate more time to idolshit
>then manesan keeps calling you at 1AM, daily
>then Cover goes public
>more bullshit are imposed on you
>you also have to go to Japan every 4 weeks or so for MUH IDOLSHIT you know just hates, and setting up recording studio in the US is asking too much from Cover
>you unironically try to cope by making your own "studio", all you get back is cover lol lmao at you as manesan books for you another plane ticket for Japan, atleast Kiara gets pity on you and use your studio for her things.
>can't do shit without having a manesan on your neck shutting you down "this is not family friendly enough/no you can't be a fujo for Holostars anymore"
>you have no time to stream what you want anymore
>everything has to be made according manesan and whatever the faceless exec behind the scene are imposing on you for pushing idolshit and sell merchandise
>you reach the breaking point and decide to quit your soul crushing job so you can stream video games and being silly
This makes NPC drones of the brand seeth and shit in the pants, how dare she defy Hololive?!
>that's a sin
What circle of hell does lying on the Internet land you in?
fauna exist so your rrat is all BS.
Opinion disregarded.
It actually sends you to a small personal cloud in Heaven but you're not allowed to actually enter Heaven and have to sit there on your baby cloud and watch everyone else have fun.
What fauna has to do with this?
She quit Hololive and is instantly starting an indie career.
The only logic conclusion is that she got so burnout from Hololive to quit her job so she can go back doing what she actually wants to do
You get to watch streams forever?
People here are already shitting on her?
Of course.
She quit Hololive to become a generic twitch ewhore, any self respecting Hololive fans would hate her betrayal
Its a joke you see.
A joke thread about her joke post
many such cases
Is there a date?
One cannot simply choose to exit the cult. The cult has to make an example out of them, in order to protect their worldview.

No but really, this hobby /here/ is full of SEA, asians, teenagers troons twitterfags and /r9k/.
We all know how kpopstans and sisters behave. It's all similar cultish shit. The rest of the tribalfags are just /pol/oid white neet useful idiots, whose fondness of identity and war is taken advantage of by the asian cultists~
More like a famous comedy actor staring in a serious role.
wtf manesan is EVIL?
The worst cult and tribalfagetory /here/ is the burger fascists that just keeps categorizing and then attacking everyone else.
This insane amount of headcanon is perplexing to say the least.
if they want to move on with their life, start a family, do something different, thats fine. Best of luck and thanks for the memories. But to say "fuck you" to the millions of fans that have wasted their time and money on you, and the company that dragged you out of the gutter and made you somebody, just to do the exact same thing elsewhere...thats what I hate. I'll never support these disingenuous cunts that act all sad and emotional omg I'll miss you guys so much like bitch no you won't, or you wouldn't be going anywhere.
october 20th
>it's a joke though!
literal cult
Complete with the guilt triping, "we made you! you are not allowed to be successful elsewhere! you need us!"
groomer/cult tactics 101
>decided to leave holo...but not completely and still will going to participate in so called "idolshit"
it contradict everything you said
I always knew teakeks were holo antis
Kys cuck
spoken like a true cuck who will let their oshi literally shit on their face and thank her for it. now that is true cult behavior
OK thank you
You're replying to a teakek nigga everyone who stayed with the homo collaber after IMPROVE YOURSELF is a bonefide cuck
yeah, me
true, anyone who follows her to her new mouse life is looking forward to more homo collabs and twitch thot orbiter status. I guess they deserve each other after all
Holofags will shit on sisters but it's okay when hOlOcHaDs do it
he's so fucking mad lmao
The teakek screams as it strikes you
Condition for quitting now
>you can fuck off but you still need to finish these productions
If she fully graduated for example the very upcomming Mori song project with the EN girls would had to be delayed or even cancelled because guess why, Ame is in it.
I don't really care about the gay corpo wars but it is genuinely baffling when people on this board are fans of -the company- (on top of having the audacity to make fun of other corporate shills) and seem to have little interest in -vtubers as a hobby-. Even funnier when they're like "she's not good enough for my company" but then would suck her dick a year later when she passes the auditions and gets in.

Probably not out of the ordinary for 4chan to attract actual retards who aren't interested in a hobby, but this might be the only board where you have actual unpaid jihadis for corporations.
The worst part about all this is that the Ame thread caved and became a doxx thread while the mods kept trying to stop it from becoming a doxx thread.
It'll be the jerboa and like kson she'll be mad when her fans go away. Probably be too pissed to even bother commissioning a mouse anime girl model. Tat's just how she is and how she always is, doing things which hurt her brand because it's "creative", but creatives without an editor to rein them in and tell them "what if we didn't have Indiana Jones be a literal pedo" end up with Jar Jar Binks as comedy relief (and in the longer term, end up with the franchise being milked into the ground).
Holosisters hating on dooky
wait Indiana Jones was going to be a pedo at one point? with who? Shorty?!
It's just Console War faggots with a t inserted into /v/. It's just the general mentality of losers who circlejerk on 4chan to cultivate a sense of belonging and importance.
Everyone hates dooky
so what I get from this is that she can't sing, can't dance and doesn't know karate. Literally why did she even join Hololive? she is either too weak or wasn't cut out for this, even fucking Ina who has her other job can keep up with the company nowadays
nothing will get me back to twitch
Ina art career is pretty much dead though
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Good news for you then
that's literally wrong
is her internet even good enough for simulcasts
her shit was lagging every stream already with just one
its still a twitch stream even if she attempts to doubledip
the twitch culture is what puts me off
>self respect and hololive fan in the same sentence.
You just know twitch is the main and youtube is the simulcast
4 years ago Hololive needed different people, she couldn't adapt simple as
you need psychiatry.
Weird because most of the vtuber ''fans'' who anti other vtubers /here/ and on twitter and chud /pol/fags which coincidentally happen to be phasefags and holofags.
I suppose for some that could be heaven too.
She thought it was a streamer company like most of them did. Mori talked about this, they had to adapt. She said Kiara had the easiest time adapting to it being a virtual idol company to no one's surprise.
sounds like an "skills issue" as the lads would say
It literally is.
Her quitting hololive but predebuting a new persona the same day of your graduation can only mean one thing: she was just burnout from Hololive workloads
no u, doobcuck
I haven't gone there but I imagine you don't mean reincarnation shenanigans but IRL doxx? Otherwise, just tell me a single big/important/known vtuber who graduated from her company and didn't immediately return to normal aka reconnect her identities as well as the threads (coco, rushia, pomu, selen etc). No one plays by corpo-cult enforced persona separation when they are outside the domain of the cult.
exactly my thought, this whole thread sounds like sisters talking about Sayu, Doki or Mint.
>doxx thread
They literally just want to keep watching her retard
No, they just started talking Doob/Sachi and are waiting for her return, the alternartive is keeping image dumping Ame while she is streaming as Doob
They usually use a cloud restreamer rather than sending multiple streams from home.
I will if she uses both, but if it's only a realistic mouse then no.
They keep talking about hololive roommates, of course nothing gets deleted so the jannies and mods are a-ok with it too.
Theres only one guy mentioning sachi and everyone hates him, the actual users of the thread talk about ame and dooby only
Nope, it's just one faggot talking about hololive roommates
you can make this EXACT same post about any niji.
Holy retard
>everyone I don't like is one person
Anyway, the fact of the matter is that none of it gets deleted meaning its only going to increase
>you can make this EXACT same post about any niji.
They said millions of fans anon...
Is that a threat?
she doesn't have millions of fans anon
What are you fucking talking about, it's a logical conclusion
>They keep talking about hololive roommates
Doob is the new thread subject soon
vtubing culture in 4chan, besides kizuna ai who was a bit more known site-wide, originates from very few /jp/ anons who understood like Mint herself, and a bunch of clipfag bandwagoners with a warped understanding of both vtuber AND idol culture (which are NOT the same), this has been a thing since the /jp/ times.

Phasefags came waaay late into the scene, and the game of broken vtuber telephone at that point was several layers of warped already. There are genuine phase fans though, but also fags who just want enmity for the sake of tribalfagging like they are used to from culture wars and social network gotchas, grifters and debatebros.

My thesis is simply that most tribalfags stem from these warped ideas about idols and vtubers and internet politics cross-contamination (from both left and right) and in practice the ones leading this mindset and manipulating consensus the most are actually SEA and asians who exist somewhere in the stan-incel cultish continuum.
>you can't talk about PL number one (sacchi) but you can talk about PL number two (ame) and current/future identity (dooby)
what IS THIS AUTISM holy shit, my brain is melting
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Don't click on Doob youtube channel link
If you want an explanation it's because only baiters and shitposters talk about sachi, that persona died before/vt/ even existed so anyone walking into a thread to 'discuss' her are disingenuous antis.
Ame is still alive and relevant and dooby is pre-debut, both are relevant topics for discussion
If you want to screech about autism then maybe you're on the wrong website
>Will you guys watch if she's a mouse and not an anime girl?
Dooby is well known for doing what she wants but I doubt she will use a mouse vtuber model. Also her emotes already indicate that she will be a mouse girl.

>the company that dragged you out of the gutter and made you somebody
Anon your oshi shouldn't be Hololive. I don't think Yagoo is some laughing anime villain but he is a CEO selling you a product no different than Disney or Time Warner. I wouldn't put so much faith into a corporation.
>hate watching for four years
Get a new hobby.
Alright that does make sense, fair to assume anyone discussing sacchi is a shitposter, it's kinda like the mass senzawa baiting back in /jp/ times.
However that only makes sense as long as there is no new sacchi content >>87027171, so we'll see.
Sacchi was "dead" pre-/vt/ unless necro'd so it's a bit different to others I had in mind (mostly Ceci who still has a lot of PL fans here, lots still renew the sub to her PL channel)
Assuming that she will be doing mocap stuff, she probably will have at least one humanoid model since I don't think the mouse model has much movement range.
SANEST holobrony
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I wish great success and happiness for Doob.
Her model is an actual rat? FUCK YES!
those videos are 4 years old, all pre-myth. it's safe to say there will be no more sachi content unless she want's to rebrand again
Self respect and Vtuber fan in the same sentence lol
Knew people would shit on you for making this take and while i think this is slightly exaggerated, i somewhat share your opinion on this.
This is clearly Ame looking for less work and obligations while keeping the money from fans who will follow her. Unironically, yes she is leaving a cult, a cult that made her a shitload of money and gave her thousands of dedicated fans. You have to be delusional if you think every single one of those fans will look kindly upon her decision to throw them away for the twitch normie crowd.
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Dramamongers farming material for their oshis lol

you mfers never learn uh?
No one cares about Fauna
da boiz are firing up their rm accounts in anticipation
I realized long ago I'm just a Hololive fan.
There are some entertaining indies like Ui or Patra or Karubi or Ukyochi or Chiruru, but I actually just like the idol stuff and the cgdct holobox collabs.
Why the fuck would I watch some dumb broad play vidya when I could watch niconico roujins on twitch like Jun, Hanjou, Yuyuta, etc. who are better at games and more entertaining?
Everything western feels super cargo cult, and HoloEN has only recently started becoming more acceptable to me
well look at that
are both valid takes
Nope, the second one is just a mad cultist.
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unpopular opinion there is nothing wrong with flipping burgers, the wrong is in flipping burgers being deemed unworthy of a livable wage
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>Weird because most of the vtuber ''fans'' who anti other vtubers /here/ and on twitter and chud /pol/fags which coincidentally happen to be phasefags and holofags.
nijisisters trying to both attack other vtubers, claim victimhood and then blame other fanbases will never be not funny to me
of course he is, yet i still think he has a point
nta btw, i personally watched Ame a lot on her first year and lost interest after that, so my Ame appreciation days are long over
improve yourself
it was that easy lol
only the lowest scum is watching niji today
holy rent free, what does this have to do with niji?
Aloe, A-chan and Aqua are only ones that weren't greedy bitches
she was a massive retard who tried to talk shit about the other company and try to earn holo brownie points wished her attempt to kill herself was successful
>Ame never been shat on before
Chumbuds(before the rust incident)and some cuck teammates were the only ones that still defended her
HoloEN should all graduate and some members be transferred to JP. It's impressive how much westoids hate "idol shit" even though that's the core of hololive
You're free to leave if you don't like it anon
If cults are like that then they're based, since it's the truth. It's hard for women to have responsibility
yeah, may have been a bit over the top, but its just frustrating seeing this happen over and over to chuubas I enjoy watching. Fuyo just pulled the same thing after I was a day 1 member for all this time. Seeya suckers, I'm back to my indie life to do the same thing I was already doing! It just seems like such a dick move to abandon the community and fans that gave you so much.
Being honest, I'm happy for her. Video games are the main reason I watch any streamer, so if she got out because she didn't feel like dealing with the singing, dancing and game perms autism then good for her.
Shit cultists say
>literally tens of thousands of streamers that play videogame all day long
>I'll watch the company that focuses on idol things and complain about it
What's this mental illness?
>no pants
>saying the truth is being a cultist
You don't even know what is a cult. Also whoever fall to a cult is a low IQ faggot that deserved it anyway
>all these replies to a wall of nonsense headcanon garbage
Put me in the screencap Bannedvtubermeme
all I'm getting from this thread is that shitposters aside there are still holokiddies malding over the "improve yourself" thing lmao
This entire hobby is mentally ill regardless of corpo or indie or whatever.
Sounds like she needed to improve herself
truth nuke
>no pants
You forgot the Mahdeen holoplus raid screencap
>OP purposefully turned an obvious sarastic joke into some sterious statement
This is the most obvious bait shit ever and if anyone here actually believe this shit, you're a nijisis
Hololive will take her back even if she got banned for being half naked right?
samefag op too scared too link xhimself up and risk the wrath of the jannys
100% valid, i was hoping she was going to college or got a job at some tech company

no, it's just being another streamer, wow, it's no wonder why kiara was disappointed
samefag pagpag eater
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baffling post
Probably some vrchat shenanigans
Exactly. This post was about Pomu, right?
I got the impression she got tired of streaming, what kind of plan starts with streaming to less viewers and less mgmt support
>hasn't even streamed yet
>her mere presence sends the board into a fit of uncontrollable mouth-frothing rage

Literally ERB 2.0
>Doobers is furry, not pedo material
Hate to break it to you but there's huge overlap between those communities...
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Literally her for some fucking reason
Why is there cum dripping from its mouth?
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everyone who is a fan knows ame is one of the most sincere and ungreedy people in the industry. tourists don't get to judge her character.
god you lot really are as bad as nijiniggers
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ITT: Holocultists not beating the allegations
>turn off superchat
>do 2-3 charity streams
You guys are so gullible, no wonder you're called goslings and Ame cucked you with Altare
>delusional retard with brainrot from /vt/ having the gall to call anyone gullible
get off the internet, seriously touch some grass. you are actually turning into a worse person by the day every day you spend mindlessly shitposting in this hellhole.
The fans are free to follow. We did. It's valid if you decide that her lack of interactions are a reason that you won't enjoy her content anymore, or a platform change makes it difficult to watch them, but I think it's also a little silly to believe that they're "abandoning" the fans when there's absolutely nothing stopping them from continuing to watch and get entertainment.
The exact same happened with Iron Lung
nta, but it really abandoning in a way. To be fair, corpo vtubers arent really given the rights to announce what they going to do in the future, or where and as who, so fans are usually left in the dark thanks to that.
As a result it looks like they just say 'see you around suckers'
So its not 100% on Ame, but you cant expect people to just be okay with it either.
This. Dokibird has Asmongold, Moist, Koe and every dramatuber announce her return from the rooftops so dragoons could follow her.
Meanwhile, What percent of gators know about Dooby and will even get the chance of watching her new content?
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What do you guys think of the picture of the cat with a lettuce/kale blanket that Dooby retweeted? I think it's pretty cute.
Probably a week after her debut given youtube's algorithm.
Her roommate never been the brightest
>bvtm is a tranny
At last I truly see.
Ame didn't like unicorn pandering and wanted fans to know that it was only entertainment. She lost a huge amount of money with the Holostars collabs and even more by leaving Hololive. A lot of what she did was because she cared for her fans.
Ame is a more entertaining streamer that Selen ever was. Has a nicer, cuter voice too.
'cuz it illustrates that holofags and nijifags are the same thing.
stuffed catbbage
>she cucked us for our sake
Clearly she is not tired of streaming
Better off flipping burgers than begging your customers for 20% of their income
it's not a weed joke
100% true. How Selen ever got a job in the first place I'll never know. Horrible, grating voice, horrible grating personality, and shit at gaming and singing. Were they hiring out of dumpsters back then? At least Ame was entertaining.
they're no longer the same 'person', and usually no longer have the same content. The personality you enjoyed watching is gone forever, almost always for the worse. With no tardwranglers, no character, no genmates, almost every indie reverts to twitch thot status
you are an addict anon, seek therapy
Maybe if she was putting up an act, but she never gave that impression.
a critical hit at that
d) all of the above
>got in Hololive 4 years ago when Hololive was first and foremost still a vtubers streamer agency
>do nothing of note
>time pass
>do nothing of note
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she invented the schedule
Hoooooly shit learn English you vermin.
unironically based
but the truth is they are nothing without big backing of a company. given at how mediocre those "creative freedom" vtubers become when they are out by their own, some vtubers do need that direction from managements that actually know how to nurture their talent. good model design for one.
Is this bait? she's making a joke because mice don't wear pants. if anyone's flipping burgers, it's Nene.
holo trannies ladies and gentlemen
anon, 9 times out of 10, it's the same person with the same content, minus collabs.
You just think they're different because you prefer the company to them, which isn't a bad thing by itself, but you shouldn't kid yourself that someone stops being themselves the instant they leave a group.
Anon it's a job, not a blood oath.
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Well, shit.
Opioids are basically just a lighter legally prescribed heroin at that point. I had to take them for an injury and will never take them again.
Also I agree with >>87058974, you should probably stop.
holofags are just a different brand of nijiniggers
>Is gven actual example they are wrong
>Continues to seethe bs
Falseflaggers are truly the best part of these bait posts for their inability to convince anyone they are not subhumans.
>Noooo you can’t leave your job and continue to live, it’s a betrayal of everything you have
>Memoryholes the afflliate status and the obvious fact everyone there is 100% ok with this as that proves
Seethe harder, I’ve never had so mich fun reading these retarded posts, it’s so clear you need help but instead are here clowning fo us that you might as well stick to your words and dying doing it.
I love ame but that name just filters me out. I'm not watching a vtuber named dooby,
This is just a different way of saying you only liked them because of the company.
scooby DOOBY doo
where are you
Sounds like you never really liked them to begin with if a name is enough to filter you.
>gatekeeping retards with just her name alone
Pretty based.
SEA-kun, I think you need to learn more english.
In cults you don't become rich, you lose money
The leaders of the cult, in this case vtubers, do get rich. It's holodrones who lose money.
sorry, the head was just too good
If that's what you consider a cult, how would you even call vtubers siphoning money from their viewers to add more minutes for them to sleep on stream?
based take. we want holo to stay holo, not devolve into ewhoring.
she should be a fleshtuber.
could you imagine the fallout on this board
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It's more like "leaving the garden".
The world outside the garden is a cesspool of burning dogshit filled with monkeys that fling said shit at each other and at the walls of the garden 24x7.
While you're inside the garden, you are under its protection. The entire ecosystem and its inhabitants will fight back against cunts like OP and protect you from slander.
Threads like this were around even while she was in the garden, but they were very obvious and easily pushed back on by holofans - even if they weren't fans of Amelia herself.

Once you're outside the garden though?
You're on your own.
The garden and its inhabitants have no obligation to expose themselves to danger to defend those who leave on their own, and so the exact same threads that were made beforehand, will simply stop getting replies from fans who defend her.
It's like moving away from your hometown into an unknown city.
You have to brave the dangers there alone, without the support system you're taken for granted.
Do they attack people who try to leave?
That's just a really flowery way of describing leaving a cult.
based, unconformable truth
So true. Ame, more than anyone else in Hololive, was struggling under the ENORMOUS amount of work for idolshit that she was in.
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This argument is only true for Kiara, Mori, and Ina who are actually doing less streaming and more idol.
Ame and Gura both seem to not want to stream nor idol.

That being said, Ame has a lot of power.
Aqua quit because she had specific creative differences, whatever that is supposed to mean.
Aqua at least had the fucking balls to try and negotiate before quitting.
It didn't seem like Ame tried to fix anything and just said okay I'm done.

My opinion has always been that Mumei and Ame were given an ultimatum. Either stream more or be fired. Gura has protection because she's the face of EN.
I don't know, I hope not. Why would they attack their cult leaders?
I guess it's not a cult then since no cult would let people leave just like that.
Cults uses contracts to prevent people from leaving. But after your contract ends, you're free to go.
That is unless your contract is a TOS that you didn't read it says it won't own anything and they own everything. Nw you don't own your games anymore because you joined a subscription based cult.

Cults that gets physical don't exist anymore outside of america. The rest of the world, it's all money.
I thought you said cult leaders were the ones getting rich taking advantage of their followers. How's that not a cult?
>But after your contract ends, you're free to go.
...After you've given all of your net worth and valuables to the cult, often including your house, and have completely cut ties with friends and family?
Fix what? The company's direction? Lol, lmao. I bet it was like "Leave me alone or I quit" to which the management responded with an idea of an affiliate so as to keep making omelette without breaking eggs
Obviously people spending money on their obsession isn't enough to be considered a cult on it's own.
>After you've given all of your net worth and valuables to the cult
that would be the nijisanji graduation fine % of previous years (if that's real as I don't keep up with niji enough to care) +dropping the corpo owned identity (which is fair as you don't own it nor have paid for it, except for corpos that allow you to buy the rights to your character)
>and have completely cut ties with friends and family
yep public image wise that's the corpo PL talk taboo, and private life wise other things like forcing Kanata to move away from Coco after she joined vshojo
Yeah but the fans still behave like cult followers by letting vtubers exploit them for money.
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Honestly, if you wanted to call vtubers a cult, you could just talk about how many of us spend several hours a day worshipping them.
Having an oshi is basically a religion at this point.
That's just capitalism.
>Ouuuh, Ame-chan, you have to at least record a voice pack this month or stream 5 times, prease Ame-chan you can't keep going on like this.
I can see it but if anything she probably left because of perms and shit.
She left because her recent family situation wouldn't allow her to carry out her hololive obligations in the medium term, so she needed more flexibility, which is why she only soft-graduated
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Even moreso /vt/ has always had the occasional talk about religion and vtubers, words like idol, the historical shinto and shrine maiden influence on classic nonvtuber idol culture, the polytheistic gods lore backgrounds of many vtubers, the functional pantheon that is a walled garden corpo, the worship, the donations, the follower uniforms, the superchat readings = modern tending of the people's prayers...
Nothing new under the sun...
Affiliate is literally because she has to finish whatever is in production with her involved but she still wanted out NOW before they were showering her with more bullshit keeping her anchored
Full grad would have axed Mori upcomming music project which has her in, but practically Ame is gone gone
doesn't really sound like your life is worth living bro. might as well find an easy way to end it and do everyone a favour :))
Can't tell if you're joking or being 100% serious.
Fix the fact that they want EN to become a Music Oriented group.
Mori CEO wants EN to be concert focused.
Over half of EN just wants to game and chill and make easy money.

What the solution should be is that they create inner groups which focus on music, concerts, etc.
And another inner group which focuses on gaming.
Both Ina and Raora are successful artists already, all they need is another and they can do major art projects.

This way the talents get to do what they want.

Except Gura because Gura doesn't have to do anything and rakes in the millions.
What flexibility can indie Twitch career provide that Hololive can't?
Also true
>less streaming
Mori's streaming hours have been inclining for years and Kiara has been holding steady. Those two just like to stream.
sorry it should say that Ina is doing less streaming.
Mori and Kiara are embracing it.
>then you are forced to dedicate more time to idolshit
this is BS yk?
Cult actually stops you from leaving.
This is more like cutting yourself off from your family.
You're "free" but you're also up against the world alone.
no homework or deadline ever.
holy you can't see a joke from dooby and even OP? where are you come frome?
She gets to do more of what she wants now. Good for her. But she has to realize that now she has more work in her plate now than before.
She doesn't have managers, have streamline merch production, and she has way less chance for product sponsors now. And she has to do everything by herself now.
I wish the best for her, but hopefully she doesn't end up blaming former fans like kson does.
>no homework or deadline ever.
her new deadlines are when bills are due
Based take. Your triggered a lot of indie and vshitshowfags.
Why even leave the job that made you successful just to reduce yourself to boring twitch ethot? And now she's getting Karma on being possibly banned even before debut lul.
you'd be a fool if you really think she can't survive as an indie. or maybe you've been /here/ for too long and got brainwashed that ame really don't have much dedicated fan. she 100% can make it. the only cope about her comeback is just if she gets bored or if she misses the group. thinking ame would be broke is retarded af
You think she could just coast as an idie? She even has more work to do now she has to do everything herself. And now with her reduced income and no one to tardwrangle her, she'll realize how good she had been.
her work not company so not homework. and it will follow her pace not company so it's not "deadline"
"Her pace" and thats the problem. If you really want to succeed you just can't slack off and go your pace.
If you just want to barely suvive and pay the bills yeah sure you probably can. Being your own boss isn't as easy as you think it is. And Ame will realize that down the road. If she can overcome that challenge then good for her. But most people don't.
When a bunch of people called it there was a lot of shit talking and copium. Turns out they were right. Life outside the garden is harsh and she's gonna realize that soon.
>ame without deadlines
lol it'll be even worse than when she dropped the schedules she invented
>leaving over being asked to record a voice pack at the minimum
she despised having made that one youtube short where she was affectionate with her fans, so I buy it
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Don't forget you are nothing without us.
Why are fags acting like Ame's breaking free from "the cult" when she specifically negotiated a contract to stay affiliated with Hololive? She ASKED to keep this lid open to participate in specific projects, keep in the loop, and possibly return in case she fails/misses its structure. This girl isn't breaking free from chains, she's just half-assing going indie. Chickenshit if you ask me, because if you're going to attempt a new journey you go for it like you mean it, settling your old ties. Instead, so long as she's an affiliate, she will always have Hololive to fall back on and won't have the mindset of 'I have to commit and go all out because I can't fail'. I expect her to have a honeymoon period for a few months before regressing to old habits that she won't shake off due to always having the easy way out as an option, her backup plan, which is the "cult" that antis are disparaging itt. I know a crutch when I see one, and knowing that Ame only loves the beginning of things, this plan to stream on twitch is fair game for criticism.
What the fuck are the thing they're doing to get Ame and Aqua to leave?
Exactly. So the real question is why she had to go indie in the first place
The antis are actually the ones who hope Dooby will fail and think she will crawl back to Hololive.
it's like white ppl when retire and travel around the world would say stuff like they living their live. poorfag will never understand that sentiment. we live our life every day alr.
But Ame's not old and she basically goes from "work, corpo" to "work, indie" with the possibility of going back to "work, corpo"
yea, sometime it's the youngfag with alot of money travel the world too. can never understand that. i feel alive the most in my own home around my family.
more or less what I've been thinking. If you don't sing, dance, or speak japanese, you're going to have a rough time. Playing video games has very little to do with Hololive nowadays, especially with permissions hell.

If all goes well, and Cover is able to strike up a satisfactory relationship with the Amelia Watson IP, then I believe Gura will take this same opportunity by next year same time.
this falls apart when you have people like Fauna or Mumei that literally do NOTHING but playing video games on stream because they can't sing or dance and do zero idol duties
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Mumei did a karaoke last week

Come back when she match up someone like Kiara or Mint
I'm back: https://www.youtube.com/live/gl7CwlEg2ZI?si=JqXRy3eHr_31BTG2&t=183
very little eh? Minecraft HC, ARK, 7D2D, GTA, Minecraft end of summer event
>d-doesn't count!
every time
It's a fact that someone like Kiara outdo someone like Mumei work output by tenfold, Ame wasn't much better
>Someone like Kiara
Are you somehow trying to say she isn't one of the hardest workers in Hololive?
Should have said something like Kronii if you want to belittle other talents.
she just found the script kind cringy, she ddin't hate it
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This, years of corpoing made her bargain for one lifeline from Big C in case the worst happens.
Every ounce of support she receives in the new endeavor increases the likelihood of her breaking all chains for good.
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The duality of /vt/
>it's a cult trust me bros
>hololive fans are the true antis
Hololive fan, wishing dooby the best. You should get more subtle if you want to try this honestly.
That is because of seething unicorns who have already started flinging shit at Dooby because they want her to fail. They defend Hololive even when management is being completely incompetent because they consider it a misogynist heaven where feminism is forbidden. They are no different from the corpo bootlickers that always defend Nijisanji except they do it for more sexist reasons.
Well thank you for speaking for every schizo in your community. I am completely convinced now that all these people holding on to "improve yourself" for years aren't crawling out of the woodwork to celebrate.

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