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>Incredibly racist against anyone that isn't White or Japanese
>Fucking despise male vtubers
>Is actually talented
Mio is literally /our/ girl, she's perfect
Why are you not hagpilled yet, anon?
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Sex with hags
Sisters... not like this...
First the wizard game, now this...
anon, by now, that wolf needs lubricant. She is way too hag
>Incredibly racist against anyone that isn't White or Japanese
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Source: She's Japanese
I went on a trip to Tokyo with my friends and I got shit service, scornful looks, and I swear I was charged more even when I was with my friends. Meanwhile my friends had a great time. It's because I was a gook American and my friends were white Americans.
This is not a source, this is a singular experience and nothing to do with the streamer.
>Incredibly racist against anyone that isn't White or Japanese
Was kind of redundant to say this while posting a JP girl.
people with such strong reactions are always the guiltiest
>your chuuba is either a fucking whore that fucks everything that moves
>or a complete lesbian misandrist
We'te fucked either way.
I want her to puke all over me.
To be fair koreans have become really insufferable and retarded in the last 10-15 years, and have created the most annoying fanbase of rabid teen girls ever.
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filthy dog
>Incredibly racist against anyone that isn't White or Japanese
>White or Japanese
Are you aware of what board youre posting on?
Stop slandering Mio like that, she loves all her miofas.
I am so sorry, anon. Have you considered suicide?
>Incredibly racist against anyone that isn't White or Japanese
My Mio would NEVER be racist!
One of her first interaction with Anya.
Since she's from HoloID, Mio assumed that she did things like catching wild pigeons to cook and eat them, and then asked her if she actually did that.
Do they or not?
>its another OP tells lies on the internet thread
She's old and pukes and burps and farts on stream
holy fucking based
thats my wolfwife
doesn't help that koreans have a superiority complex
I never got bothered, but no one can tell what I'm even supposed to be in the first place.
They do? Why?
All their history they have been raped by China, Mongols and Japanese. Their culture is retarded mix of asian hivemind and western vanity and now their are slaves of Samsung and random religious sects
Yeah, that was because she believed that Indonesia had no supermarket
She was also genuinely shocked to learn that they also got roads and internet
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nips are still making fun of her about that to this day lol
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She's harsh to anyone. JP holomems often get roasted by her. That's why she is often called 畜神 = chikugami = ice cold evil god
She is Ayameru's adoptive mother after all. Raising the flag of the rising sun over the shores of Okinawa every morning will be passed down every generation in that family.
holy kek
Does Mio like white guys? Any evidence to this claim (so I can jack off)
She's a known WMAF worshiper, but the archives might have been deleted with the 2020 purge. Anyways, you'd have to watch old vods of random game streams to find it.
Wait, they don't?
Am I racist?
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>She's a known WMAF worshiper
Ok, now you're just tanking my chain, pulling my leg, and greasing my cock.

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