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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87004222
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NO PANTS ψ(`∇´)ψ
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
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Doob morning bros
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>injects you with juice that makes you like rrats
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keep the lights on
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>for now2
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
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interesting indeed
I thought it was military, but then I zoomed on the hat, and they're literally train inspectors or something!
Had some free time for the first time in a week and spent over an hour in Ame’s aquarium.
It’s so beautiful, the whole environment is like one big extension of Ame’s love. I highly recommend it even if you’ve seen the stream or if you don’t have VR. Listening, watching, reading at your own pace is how it’s supposed to experience it.
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Huh... you weren't kidding. Nice find.
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Ooooooouh I'm gonna doob!
I hope she'll collab with Sen, Shachi and Keeki soon. Gonna be Kino
do you think the usual clippers will just create another account or will they use their ame clip account
From now on I am Mikhael Mice. Guardian of the Door to dahhkness.
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your thread died btw
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Doob model sneak peak
Maaan, I miss Dino
I mean, I know he’s still around but I wish he still did carried on with Ame art after Twitter fucked over his account. Dude was genuinely the best Ame fan artist out there.
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ame no! what've you done to me?!
I hope they create a new account
It's bittersweet. Cathartic to visit alone. But also nice to visit with random teamates or other people in public instances.
Kazuki for example can just delete de [Ame clips] part of their name and just be Kazuki
doesnt matter to me, i just care about the quality of the clip
I wonder if kazuki already knows. I always enjoyed his edits.
yeah he does know
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>extension of ame's love
That's why i believe she'll come back. She really loves hololive.
at this point everyone knows. even clipwatchers.
He replied to her last Doob tweet, so I'd say he knows
nice. I'm glad he didn't kill himself like the rest of us were planning to.
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Why does she always have to inject it into my dick? :(
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Once again, I want to remind you guys to not bite bait! Do not engage, let them samefag and just report and ignore!
If you really want to bite tho, just post some Ame ectoplasm! It will ease your mind, I promise!
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I require more pictures of the rrat's doobies
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Tell me 'mates... have you dabbed for ame lately?
Is that THE rrat?
Is there any cryptid Ame art? Or Smol Ame... I remember there being some, but I cannot find them.
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i really really really hope dooby looks something like this. ill even accept her looking a little furry
this is just sad at this point
Stop talking about yourself
bro just go to bed seething for 48+ hours straight isnt a good look for you
Doobgoon nation ww@
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You mad your doxx bait thread died, moneky? dance for me come on
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how you holding up bros
>Do not engage, let them samefag
What are you talking about? I don't see any sharkposters.
doing great, excited for the future
I hope her actual model is something like this
with all these doxxfaggots around, not too good, I might just leave this thread and ive been using this place for years
No, it's not.
fml >>87026343
the soundpost works for me
I hope her model isn't something that Twitch staff will take interest in.
I'm feeling better. Excited to see what she will do.
Very excited, actually. We are so lucky we don't have to wait months
pic related.
So her model really is going to be an actual mouse huh?

Idk how to feel about that
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i've resolved to wait warmly until she's ready and to watch the hololive that she loves and built

gators are pretty patient
Excited about the future choo choo!
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>>87026560 (me. I fucked up.)
pic related. this time fr fr.
(I mean the train conductor uniform)
I think she's trolling desu.
I think that's the fan mascot.
It feels like moving to a new place. Reluctantly saying goodbye to old friends and familiar places but exited for the future.
She's trainrolling.
Maybe she'll be a rat, then she'll fall in a vat of chemicals and turn into dooby the flat anime girl
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Please let this be true
Quite honestly, life is getting busy and I don't have time to learn an entire new cast of characters. The 20 in EN was already too much.
I will definitely give her a couple of streams but I'm not precommiting to sticking with her through thick and thin. ILOVE AME but "ame" is dead.
See >>87023770
I was thinking about how maybe in the future we will be visited by maybe dragoons, wisps or just honest tourists? if that even exists so it occurred to me to add this to FP. Tell me if it's unnecessary, it's just an idea
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is important, so it's encouraged to focus on one persona while avoiding blending references.
if that shit isnt being deleted now then it wont be deleted later dude
Scroll up
I still see doxxposts
Yes, we shouldnt let doxxfags feel welcome to target other holos
I really don't think you'll need to learn about very many new people anon. Ame was never a big collab streamer, even in holo where her collab partners were "safe". She'll probably stick to solo stuff for the most part. And if she does collab with some new indies, it will be a select few I'm sure, just like how she's always been.
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If you spell rules out they'll just find some way to distort the meaning of it and shitpost anyways. Better to just report and ignore.
I hope senzawa introduces dooby to Belle Delphine, then dooby and senzawa can have lesbian sex like they always wanted to while ame and gura
Faggot's will be faggots, that why I was thinking on collab visitors or non-regulars teamates that come back, etc
I think it would be good to add, a few people coming in might genuinely not know the thread etiquette coming in. And then shitters will have one less angle and will make them even easier to spot out than they already make themselves.
WTF is a Doobie anyway
I now understand why Amelia's status is "affiliate" in English but "suspension of streaming" in Japanese.
Hololive Japan definitely did not believe her.
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A rrat
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My card number is not
you fell for my decoy card! u dumb rrat
If someone asks in good faith it’s not the end of the world, otherwise you’re just putting a list of angles for schizos in the OP.
I think the rat is a second model like doki's tomato and crow.
did not believe her about what
For me is more apt to say she's fighting a war we don't know she'll live through so we're waiting, but I get it, she's not here anymore.
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
We can just say scope of discussion is Ame and Dooby? Other incarnations are offtopic.
I think they might just have no idea what it means or no way to articulate exactly what it entails without writing a whole damn essay. They wouldn't have agreed to the affiliate deal in the first place if they were just gonna treat it like a regular graduation
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Can I try again plz...
Just report and ignore holos rm discussion
I doubt most of "good faith" posters will ask before. If they don't ask and just post (good faith, again), they'd be mashed with schizos right ahead. Having that near the op is the way to spot schizos easily. Nothing will stop schizos from being schizos, with o without "rules"
No, Sachi the vtuber is on topic because there's sachi clips on Dooby's youtube channel, you don't make the rules
the clue is in the name, it's the AME and DOOBY appreciation thread, AME is not DOOBY and other incarnations aren't either of them
We can talk about the sachi clips on Dooby's channel
I don't think this will change much, personally I don't mind having it or not having it. Whatever everyone else wants is good for me.
yeah we do, faggot
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Don't you have a thead to go back to... Ohh waait
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You are not Dooby, go tell her to delete the clips, otherwise they are on topic
Doobmorning, sir
It's funny how the only thing he ever says about the Sachi clips on Dooby's channel is that there are Sachi clips on Dooby's channel.
This post is on topic
I know your the split schizo, but read these replies >>87027125
Agreeing or not with having that on the op, no one is against these rules, so yes. >we do
It's not off topic, ame is still in hololive and dooby is not, the same rules apply for everyone who interacts with dooby in any way, including following on twitter.
Damn I'm retarded. You're*. Anyway
So the retard gave up on the split thread and now he's just back to shitting it up in here? With the rest of us Works for me.
Damn, Ame's retarded. Cute*. Ameway
Pretty much. We already knew this was going to be the new kind of shitpost anyway
Doxx, Holo antis, etc
To separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
You are just autistic, Sachi is on topic because there's sachi clips on Dooby's channel, if you don't like that then report me and let's see if jannies agree with you.
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Anyone wanna talk about the Ame clips on Ame's channel? I'll start. There are Ame clips on Ame's channel.
Why would we talk about Ame, this is a doob focused thread
I like the clip of Smol Ame and Big Ame on the same stream. That was a great stream.
This is my favourite ame clip on the ame channel
Me too, it was on her channel in clip format.
as a tourist, it's a great angle and reveals the hypocrisy of awat
love ame, but not that ame
rooting for the schizo
>as a tourist
Yeah, you don't matter
globalmates outnumber awatmates
>merged generals
did Jannies finally stop deleting every post for """"""doxx""""""?
you are formally invited to leave this thread then
So it begins, the great replacement
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Saw people in the last thread wondering what her design would be like. Sticking with the train conducter motif, I'm thinking maybe something like Maitetsu, but with rratmom ears.
>as someone uninvolved, who's opinion you don't give a shit about. Let me interject and give my opinion.
This is just funny lol
>called out
>Heeeey nta I agree with 'him'!
Globalmates can stay
i see we evolved from "holo vs holo" shitposting to "mate vs mate" shitposting
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I think teamates should mate with each other and record it
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you mean like this
Yeah now we can properly talk about dooby and her friends senzawa shachiumu and so on. Like what was wanted from the start.
More like split schizo against teamates.
It could be anything as long as it has the hat and somewhat antiquate clothes
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>mate vs mate
I could get into this
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>holo vs holo
>mate vs mate
when are we gonna get ame vs ame?
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Do you prefer 2D or 3D models? It's been interesting seeing Biboo do literally only 3D model for her streams recently. Seems to give a lot more freedom.
Kyuuuute-uh! (I hope she's one of the cunny ones)
You've already tried this Ame, we're not falling for it again.
Yeah! like that.

But then I saw this and I could be way off the mark. Either she's poking fun at the new rules or she really is going the furry design route.
let me start: i FUCKING HATE the hopiumates
it's going to be a literal rat model
no anime girl features, just a fucking rat like Vedal's literal turtle model
I'd say 2D for gameplay and 3D for everything else. Depending on the game, 3D is fine too
Ame always shone brighter in 3D imo
I think we'll get something like this
and then an actual anime girl model
I think she's just making a joke. Ame has stated her opinion of furrys more than once lol. Could be an alternative form though, kinda like small Ame.
I think 3D is probably overall better for most things, but there's just something really nice and comfy about the 2D for me. I like having both personally.
nobody needs shitty 2D models that require many hours of work just to add a new hat
being permanently 3D is much much better and less expensive
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Probably just a joke model like Dokis crow
It depends. If is regular gaming stream I think it'll be better 2D but I remember her saying she wanted to use her studio a lot. So for everything else I'm expecting 3D which I prefer like I said before because we get to see her moving around being silly
I think she'll end up with both eventually. No way she's going to be bothered setting up her studio for every single stream. Or maybe there's a Home3D option on the app she uses. I don't really know much about about Vtuber studio or whatever it is indies use, since the majority of them use 2D models.
And just like that, into the trash she goes.
So are you going to watch her? because you're already there
On Twitch? Fuck no.
Probably I'll check out a VOD on Youtube eventually.
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why twitch tho?
that place is a fucking wasteland, i hate that absolute shithole with every atom of my being
she better not put the usual annoyances that every twitch streamer have like sub\bits alerts, those dogshit pait TTS messages, stupid frog emotes from chat jumping on the screen...
i despise everything about twitch so goddamn much
the la creatividad streams will involve any of these twitch features at some point, lmao
at best she'll play games with twitch integrations and nothing else
>sub\bits alerts
one of the few videos she currently have on her channel
Controversial opinion, Dooby is better than Ame
She has ''simulcast'' on her youtube channel, so I guess she'll stream on both youtube and twitch at the same time
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She's simulcasting anyway. So if you care enough you can just watch on YouTube.
that's old indie shit
she better have grown out of it
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trying really hard
Nta, but while you're right and most streams will probably be simulcasted, I don't discard some Twitch and/or exclusive streams.
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and/or YT* exclusive streams
Should've not used an off-topic image if you were going to pretend to not be a tourist. Now go back.
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Controversial opinion: Ame boobs
Fakemates getting filtered by Twitch, good good, more jumping mouse lady for me. I could follow her to Kick or Facebook gaming if necessary
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Left one or right one? Only correct opinions
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How controversial of you to say that
I've had enough of opinions like yours. Why don't you fucking THINK before you share them? Ame boobs? It's getting beyond a joke now.
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Never understood the hate for twitch.
Ads? Use an ad block or subscribe.
Chat? Streamer makes the chat. Emote spam has is a thing on YouTube as well.
>t*itch apologists
My guess is that she will eventually get an exclusivity contract, be it with youtube or twitch
where are you retards coming from ? so incredibly clueless, just go back
Look at this fake ass
Bet you hated twitch vtubers before Ame left to do her own thing
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I can hear the Ame milk.
bros, i'm creepin.
people spewing out what they read on the internet without thinking for themselves. But its ok, if you dont like it dont watch it, who cares
What is Ame's favorite pokemon?
its not included in data plans like youtube is in **some** parts of the world, make a guess
I dislike twitch but I'm willing to drag my balls through glass if it means seeing her again so twitch is nothing
>data plans
I honestly didn't know this was still a thing outside of mobile.
Try again, hating someone I don't even know is a waste of time and energy, that's schizo mentality. I simply prefer Youtube
just watch the simulcast bro, just drag the link to mpv bro its not that complicated
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ameLia watson

thou hast made a valiant effort by using a soundpost in an attempt to blend in, but
also I don't care about the platform, gimme the ame
blend these nuts in your face lmao
Guesses on the location of doob mole? I'm thinking right above the fold of her left ass cheek.
I've never liked the layout or people spamming off-topic emotes/extension emotes and pepes and shit, personally
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don't get embarrassed, at least you didn't out yourself with discord spoilers
ame likes the varied emotes, learn to love it.
Is the Amelia Watson torrent out yet?
uh huh
'ello mates!
It's gonna be an anime girl with a rat model toggle.
Holy shit
Where my inamegods at for this feast
Inamechads always win. I told you
is this based on chainsawman ?
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i can only handle one iname schizo art per day, i have already had my fill for today, sorry
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Inameschizos have been fed enough to last forever
CSM part 1 was so good.
3D is what Ame wants to do and what she did the best, too. I'm excited from moving away from the shitty home 3D model hololive provided too, the lack of face expressions on that was terrible.
iname bros still eating good. how is this possible?
Well they will collab outside of holo so yeah they will keep feeding them
This, the jerboa model will be temporary.
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unparalleled mental ilness
How can a rat be sexy
Madness feed herself
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Let's put Dooby in a chastity belt
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This is such an easy question. Her left one obviously, it has the mole >:)
Same reason people dislike anything that isn't Steam, they don't want to deal with yet another ecosystem that does the same thing but worse. And twitch is the flashing RGB gaming fidget spinner of streaming.
Forcing doob to beg to be able to squirt to her manhwa...
I never paid attention to how mid her model is until I saw the advent ones...
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they can't
good shit
yeah, it's pretty clear
Villainess manhwa with BL side characters
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Now that she can play anything without perms, even emulators. What horror games would you want to see her stream for spooky month?
i can see her playing the silent hill 2 remake since you can shoot in it and its too scary
>>87031365 (me)
isnt too scary*
Is the snake ok?
is the rrat ok? pretty sure it got bitten right before the kick
She's never really been a horror game person. Id love to see her play SOMA
The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
I can see why. What's the point if you don't get spooked? Every horror game to Ame just turned into a walking simulator.
>her friends senzawa shachiumu and so on. Like what was wanted from the start.
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cant touch this
nice dodge
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Youtube has been absolutely fucking cruel since a week ago.
more that she's not willing to play games that have a chance to actually spook her
Ame, you no longer need to secure permissions, it's VR horror time, if a VR horror game that isn't shit even exists
awat is also uwu speak for a rrat. no need to use awdat if people think it sounds ugly.
I like dawat more, sounds funny
Awat is uwu
Awdat is gangsta
Muad'dib is wise, Muad'dib will prevail
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So why aren't we allowed to talk about Dooby's friends here? She follows Senzawa and Shachi follows her therefore they're on topic. Y'all do understand that they're all gonna collab soon right?
i like awdat and pronounce it as "aw dat"
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somehow slept again after waking up like 5 hours ago
There's basically an hour before we start again so come chill or wait for the next vods
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the talk about Vienna got me thinking about Ame's last karaoke some more and... do you guys think it's significant that she didn't sing Closing Time? Ame I just high on hopium?
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i wouldn't read too much into it but if you wanna schizo out, it's because it isn't closing time yet
We are allowed, it's why there's a conjoined thread
We all are to some extent.
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I have my first therapist appointment in awhile, she took a month vacation. I know she's gonna ask how I was, I don't know if I have it in me to tell her that I was extremely distraught over an anime girl no longer streaming with the same group she was in.
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Love having it playing on the side. The Cytube was a great idea. I haven't watch anyway 2020 VODs in years.
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doob evening
Well people are going to keep talking about it, get used to it
As in you won't get used to it? Because I and many others will keep talking about it.
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stop replying
More like just you.
Is he really that buttblasted about his thread being gone? He's been at it for like 12 hours from what I can tell from the archives.
One day when I opened YT the entire page was past Ame streams. I wanted to take a pic but was afraid of doxing myself
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>everyone I schizo about is one person
Bros please...
Are there any good fanfics of Ame being a detective?
Not fooling anyone. Never did never will, monkey
Finding out you're so replulsive literally no one wants to post in your shit thread is pretty sad, I'd be mad too.
Okay, ever since ENReco you guys have been asking for fanfics every once in a while, what the fuck did that little 7 day event do to us...
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my stone cold heart was moved by the greatest fictional love story ever told and as a side effect I acquired the taste of a 16 year old girl
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It did make me curious to try out some AU fanfics. Unfortunately a lot of them are kinda lame highschool AUs.
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this is a bit outdated even, the recent happenings probably made the schizos go wild, well wild-er
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people had low expectations of ENReco, especially when it was revealed to be a minecraft thing, what we got was an entire week of concentrated kino, it's like trying to go back to the office after a week-long binge
6 months from now nobody will be talking about Ame anymore. Everyone who talks about dooby will push all Ame talk out of the thread.
I'm mailing my letter to Ame today, but I have to buy stamps. I hope it gets there in time and cover doesn't find any reason to throw it in the trash instead of forwarding it.
Go to the post office and make sure it will make it.
Poor guy burned every angle and goalpost in one thread
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I'm gonna say something that is apparently extremely controversial
I like reaction content. I kinda hope she does some if she's just chilling after a long day.
I think everyone loved her watchalongs. Is it reaction content actually THAT different?
It'd be only an issue if it's a large part of her content, which I doubt
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eat my dust
actually he's in a catalog thread pointing to his own doxxposts to garner sympathy and he's also crying about the loss of his janny.
just saw there's a catalog bait thread where the schizo is trying to paint this thread as a "dox thread" because of his dox posts here
the animal stream with mumei was basically half reaction content, a stream of watching monkey vids would be pretty nice
She did this stock animal videos watching stream a while back it was pretty great
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I hope she does some anime watchalongs. That would be a nice way to end off a good stream
holy shit that thread is vile, I don't think there's a single sincere post in there
false flaggers all around
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From my experience with people doing reaction content it usually ends up being watching shitty TikToks and that just gets really boring and soul draining. I wouldn't mind if she just opened it up while waiting for queues in a game or something but I hope she doesn't make it the main focus of a stream.
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After this I will do a hard reset and try to start these at 6 PM EST so there will be a considerable amount of dead hours after this. I'll try to load up karaoke vods in place of the vods while we wait
...she's not actually just gonna be a literal mouse model, right...?
that's basically the source of the stigma, not reactions streams so much as all streams being reaction streams
not something we have to worry about, thankfully
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Hey >>87010709
Dooby will react to 2 hour long Defunctland videos because rollercoasters are trains too
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she is literally going to be turned into a jerboa and will be doing fleshstreams
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Bar opened
I'm down. Like the other guy said as long as it's not the same TikToks, daily dose, etc. then I don't mind
suspension of streaming just means she is not actively streaming anymore. all her other activities are unsuspended with that reading, making it more open than 'affiliate' which is largely undefined at this point.
Yeah but it sounds harsh. Suspensions are usually given as punishment. I hope the JPbros don't think she did anything wrong.
it doesnt sound harsh in japanese. it only sounds harsh if you translate it into english.
Just when I start to like some twitch vtubers they do shit like this...
it's a shitpost in response to the new twitch guidelines that considers 'exposed hips' on vtubers to be in the same pile as 'female presenting nipples' while allowing hot tub titty streamers
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I propose Doob and Bae collab and have rrat sexBae is too fucking hot for her own good. I swear my cock can't be still around her.
I just did this and they said up to 30 days, so it should get there before the deadline. Now I just have to hope that cover doesn't just throw it in the garbage because they don't like my handwriting or because my the fountain pen ink I used smells like vanilla or something like that.
Silent Hill 4 the room so that she can make the room references that don't quite make sense in this context.

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