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e-girl watching Nazi films edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>86934791
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
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Sex with Moka.
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The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas

Mellina Astra watching Juju Miu's Debut and Onitheus' Chronocast Premiere at the same time
Whoops double anchor
4chan ain't letting me delete for some reason tho
Ah there we go
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Ochu : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
Ochu is live.

Elise and Ichigo are still streaming.
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Esilia Sheffield >:)
Ichigo is crying because she's at disbelief for viewers donating for her PC.
well where the fuck are they
They are donating using their phones :^)
I just put both Esi and Momo on the spot for an MD collab, I might've fucked it up. kek
all I see are titties
Guess you could say they jumped he gun
She has a Throne.
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Dottie throne. Does she want to cosplay?
collab begging is cringe, I'm a csehszlovakze anti now.
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you always have been :)
Right now, sans other jumpers, she has five.

Dottie does cosplay. Asura, too. Miomi is also planning to cosplay her model someday.
Momo said yes but Esi said no
Is Vijeo the king of saviors? I see him in every chat.
has he ever paid dono'd anyone?
No, he's said multiple times he's broke lol, But I always see him in chats
I don't think he ever whaled on anyone. Probably just a chatter with a lot of free time.

Once again back to remind everyone (or inform anyone who doesn’t know) that if you have an evidence of Hiroshi being creepy, sexting, any other odd behaviors that I am still taking accounts/evidence on my Twitter @ene_png and now an anonymous email of ene.png@mail.com (just mail.)

I heard something bout sexting mentioned the other day but I can’t access the forum for October 3rd sadly.

I respect privacy of anyone affected hence why I haven’t posted any new evidence as of late, and unfortunately I have to be extremely cautious. Just another gentle reminder that posting anonymously or strictly keeping it between me and nexas is ok as well, whatever makes you comfortable!

I do have things I will post soon, but the more we have the better, the long game is rewarding when it counts. Especially since he won’t be back up until December.
thank you for your cooperation,,
>I heard something bout sexting mentioned the other day but I can’t access the forum for October 3rd sadly.
try through warosu or palanq
*ENE thank you I’ll look into it!
Hiro did come up in that whole jumpstart bitchfight but there is a lot of "he said, she said" in it with little to no evidence about anything so take it with a grain of salt
*ENE yeah I saw that, well, barely since the quality of the shots were poor and my eyes suck but yeah. Thanks for informing me anyways,,
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Is Emiko...
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>Faelie on break
>Mia potentially ill all week
This week sucks
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what did we do wrong...
We failed our oshi, we are too weak to protect her
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Which tributes are gonna need one of these?

not the youtube squad
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it's Nanover...
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>people are donating to a girl with a self-admitted boyfriend
>who is also a streamer on the app
>and a regular in her chat
Is she going for the cuck audience?
this might surprise you but
many people do not care and do not need the cartoon woman to appear to be their girlfriend
she'll get into phase in no time
Are weebs just totally oblivious to the concept of celebrity outside of vtuber GFE culture?
we call it bait
>anon is shocked that some people genuily don't wanna bang their Oshi and watch them for entertainment
this is what GFE does to you
>gfe schizo
sup brownfeet
>A random Jumpstarter
>On AniLive
The only difference between an internet personality and a tv personality is money and level of fame. You're not dating your oshi by watching her streams.
Ruri : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
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hey does anyone know when/if nowi is planning to debut outside of anilive?
watch the enaria vod you fucking slacker
thanks anon
Enaria's newfound obsession with European stuff is so cute
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clothman blue archive: https://twitch.tv/clothovmelodiam
Nell : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
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she's being cute
Osian : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
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A cute wuwi today, even if she was sick she pushed through!
Sorry for the awkwardness but got tired of the guy blatantly begging for dm access
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I hope wuwi gets better soon
Foxxy is a faggot, you're doing the lords work
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>blatantly begging for dm access
I wasn't there for it but god, I hate AL chatters so much
if I had more time, I'd be tempted to make an alt just to cruise anilive and shit on retarded chatters
not like they can stop you
he really can't take no for an answer, can he?
Is Esila's PL know? How can it be found?
venmo me treefiddy
that's like the fourth random ass PL begging post I've seen this week and it's fucking tuesday
where do these absolute retards come from
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Rune lives? also it on 10/10
leave my Wife alone you sick fuck
What's wrong with it?
kill yourself faggot
It's not beggin if it's asking for clues and so on. You don't give the fish, you give the tools and teach how to fish.
fuck off doxxnigger
PL is not doxxing, lurk more
wake up honey, new jumpstart just dropped
we all know you're fishing for RM, not PL, therefore you're a doxxnigger. kys
post timestamped hands
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cute model
its got yuru camp vibes
I hope its a soft, chill cutie and not a hyperactive zoomer
Are you brown?
are these still part of the "vol 1" jumpstarters?
when are we gonna start seeing the dogshit "AI rigged" models?
vol 2 has a separate twitter account so until we start seeing activity on there I guess its all vol 1
give directions, please
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start
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She's late... but it is a good thing because it probably means she's getting more sleep time.
this might surprise you but
90% of this thread is GFE consumers
no shit, that's why it'd be a surprise to that guy, cap'n obvious
Yeah, I’m pretty sure all the biggest talents here (Lulu, Mia, Esila, Nox, Reiki, etc.) got there through GFE, or at least GFE-adjacent etiquette (limited male collabs, no anti-parasocialism, lots of lovebombing and kisses towards chat, etc.)
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Maybe AniLive should rebrand to being a GFE chuuba app, that will surely guarantee growth
the most successful chuuba of all time was also GFE
One actual clue, and I'll be gone for good. I need to perform background studies before finding out if it's worth watching onwards or not.
you should study how to kill yourself
there are quite a few readily available and painless methods
We have a thing for this, it's called watching the streams
you won't get any info in either thread that has Esi in it. yes, I've seen you in all of them. fuck off back to your doxxsite and never return.
Bro thinks he's negotiating
Juju and Tiki are live.
It's funny because he even went so far as to whine and make posts about blocking you and spouting shit about people bringing him into drama, and then immediately wimped out and deleted both of the posts. Someone from NEXAS finally needs to step up and tell his ass off.
Rov : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
Pretty funny yup
Still wild to me how he can go about telling Mia that a drinking stream is illegal badgering her that US Law applies everywhere. Whatever happened with Green Melody's discord where he threatened copyright about emoji combinations. These are just 2 things he's done since his supposed reform. I've been witness to his nonsense with Nano, Enaria and other Nexans for a long while.
Are Nexans just not allowed to block AF for some reason? Are they required to interact with him and they're not allowed to mute or ignore him? Why the fuck isn't he IP banned from AniLive already? The first thing I'd do as a Nexan would be to block his ass. The second would be to ensure Harry's steak dinner is well-done with extra ketchup.
a lot of nexans are less than experienced streamers and it's been confirmed before that they're coached to welcome everyone, though wendy proves they can do whatever the fuck they want
>the most successful chuuba of all time was also GFE
you mean the one that is now struggling as 2-view?
I was thinking he didn't get it at first but after mentioning it 4? times now it has to be malicious
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El wiwi is missing and I'm gonna cry
It's a reporting bias because he (and others like him) understand which streamers will not tolerate his garbage. So he either ignores those streams, or only appears there for a few seconds.
as funny as her fall from grace is, her biggest piggies are still feeding her through twitcasting and fanbox.
If staff won't do shit, viewers could do it. I'm sure if one viewer puts the schizo freak into his place, others will follow. If most viewers do it (and show their discomfort and concern), the streamer can't do much about it but act on it. It's a threat to the community, even if the schizo won't realize.
>or only appears there for a few seconds.
i wonder if that is because he is getting muted on sight in those streams, as viewer you never know if this happens unless streamer brings attention to it
I'm down, but I'm not going to stalk every anilive chat all day for him, so organize in the thread if you want to gangstalk
nah, her biggest paypigs left, the ones still there are more like the third grade that still think they got a shot, also if we actually wanna talk most successful chuuba of all time then its the dragon and the dragon was far removed from any form of GFE
The hamster is FAT
The only Nexan i know who mutes on sight is Momo (She jokes about being fast at sniping people, plus AF pops in almost every stream and instantly leaves) so I don’t doubt others do as well. Just wish more people in Nexas would just put the foot down and mute obvious trolls.
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Do not spare a child the baton
Rixxy at least has said that she mutes a lot of people without announcing she is doing it or drawing attention to it.
Mia has said she has done the same
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Riggsy having her specs measured
>ignores chat for 1 minute to do her wpm typing test
Maeve is live.

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