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Wife and son

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide divorcees. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>87003518
In a loli
That’s right im in you right now
I’m a loli
i love this bee
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that man? me
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you mean like how i've been providing counter arguments and writing paragraphs against them daily for months?

feel free to show me up since you have it all figured out and "erm ackshually you're the real anti"
>facts and evidence that dismisses anti attempts
you can't use facts and evidence to disprove everything and even if you could that doesn't mean they'll believe you all the time
maybe learn what you're talking about before putting me down under the guise of advice?
there's a reason the anti posts with lies and no evidence works, it's not just about whatever bullshit standard you're going to hold me to because it's convenient for your narrative

>all you provide /here/ is ego auto-masturbation for yourself while looking like a retard anti yourself.
see like this, you're just making shit up and either you know it or you're convincing yourself lel

something tells me you know what you're doing when you try to spin this narrative though ;)
interesting how you're going after me instead of leading by example or others ;)

groomer coded post t bh
yeah me
Hi Shondo. Almost finished with the desk?
lol thats what she gets for not getting FT a 200-300 bucks AC unit back when he was a NEET, she could've lorded it over his head right now and put him to work
>replying to 6 hour old posts
uh oh melty
Better days.
Gary I see you in that other vtubers comments on xitter.
>see Gary
Gay. Just block him.
we literally just saw her perfect thighs on stream. you really think the girl that covers up the small ones on her wrists would just show off her thighs to 4,000 people if they were mutilated that badly?
also otis has blue eyes and marley made her better
real husbands would know it was fake from a mile away
I was xdding a little.
Yeah, zephyrrin's gf.
she drew this, yes.
>the snow leopard never changes its sp-ACK
here’s $1000, ms shondo. courtesy of your friend the snow leopards
how does it take her 2 days to put together a fucking desk? what is happening?
She's doing it herself and she's got the strength of a toddler.
What did that mexican schizo have against qwerty last thread
she is doing her best, cheer her on
qwerty is a retard I don’t blame people for hating him
qwerty told him to joim the discord, ironically
clearly youve never assembled furniture before
he should be banned
he shouldn't be banned he's pretty cool
Okay Rexus.
>qwerty is cool
lol, irl even.
you provide nothing but incoherent spewed nonsense
>see: your reply for reference
now please re-read what i said you moron. provide evidence, properly laid out points as well as screenshots. i know it's very tempting to make sure you /here/ post like an obnoxious faggot.
>there's a reason the anti posts with lies and no evidence works
just like you never provide any, yes.
I don't trust her anymore
I kneel
“I don’t check my lewd art tag” she’s definitely checked it in the past
T delete your guro art from the nsfw tag and upload it to the new one(remember she said to spoiler it)
>emphasizes ribbons for newfags
>guro tag is canon
I forgive you now Shondo
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ah fuck i had thought about that in bed a few nights ago but forgor, will
now tourist will ask why ribbons are such a big deal and spoonfeeders will be more than happy to reply
Nah sometimes the shit he says is funny. He will be all up in other girls comments trying his best to act like a totally sane and well adjusted person
Last time she talked about looking at it she mentioned she only looked at it twice
Chinese censorship
because i am a totally sane, well adjusted person. baka
you will never be a loli
SyadouClueless syadouCopium
You're way dumber than T but saner.
He's muted and divorcees/anti's shouldn't be posting there/
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its not a big deal
makes sense it’s a pretty dead tag anyways
her hands are so pretty... im sad she felt so self conscious about them that she moved the camera far away
What did Gary do that made Shondo completely excommunicate him?
it isn't but it's insensitive and tactless as fuck to keep bringing it up and posting screenshots of it so maybe don't be a cunt? :)
Her hands used to be smol and not fat.
shit up her community literally as soon as he made a presence for himself. move on, tourist.
Nothing, the mods abused their power during the hiatus.
He knew her boyfriend irl, thus quick action needed to be made to protect her relationship.
she will still keep replying to ribbonless art if its good
this is why she uses a shitty camera now
Unironically makes sense.
i was gonna say why have a slicedupshadow tag when shadow already is canonically sliced up
She has not done that much
Believable tb h
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will she finish the desk today?
this outfit + twintails is cutest Shondo
sick of “comfy” fags that get pissed when you mentioned ryona as if shondo doesnt love it herself. literally the reason we cant see her book wip is cause its full of fucked up ryona
these hands will one day jork me off to completion
yes but the likelihood of a stream tomorrow is low. at worst, we are beginning friday
>sick of “comfy” fags
Shadow has always been a comfy streamer.
we can't see the book cause it's embarassing she said not cause it has guro
Thats nice
i have, that's why i can say it
Nice name
clearly you must be more competent than me
Good Afternoon Shondopolis!
Why are you still here?
what anon means is seiso and there are a few shiggies that are a bit in denial thinking that she is
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I associate her publicly enjoying guro with the times shes been the most mentally unstable so I personally dont see this as a good sign
Its likely nothing though or maybe it is, since next week and all
We'll see if she starts replying to those arts at 3 to 5 in the morning
no her exact words is cause we’ll think shes a freak
she hasnt been mentally stable since the first ban after returning from hiatus. hope this helps
a a a
p n y
The constant heat from Twitch putting her career in jeopardy and the declining health of her mom haven't been good for her mental state.
i hope she waits until friday, she could use more time with everything going on
Fuck off gary
>the reason we cant see her book wip is cause its full of fucked up ryona
she wont post her book wip because its personal for her and full of her erotic fantasies and doesnt want to share it with anyone, not because there are people that don't like guro who watch her
i wont spoonfeed the purpose of the book she is writing.
knowers know if you connected the dots.
and no, nothing to do with being bi or whathaveyou
spoonfeed this :middle_finger:
thats messed up, shiggie
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spoonfeed this
with my penis ToT
i feel like she's going to force herself just because she has the merch break coming up soon. she should at the very least reconsider the drinking stream because she WILL have another breakdown if shadowmama really is taking a turn for the worst. as much as i wanna trust her when she said she'll take a break if she needs to from now on i just can't see it happening. sorry shondo but you're always trying to put a happy face on even when it's blatantly obvious that something is wrong and bothering you to people that notice then just bottle it all up until it's too much. feel free to prove me wrong though if stuff gets to that point i'll hold that L <3 :)
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Digits of truth.
say it in discord
Here comes the airplane!! Vrroooooom
in discord
Reminder her mods have banned plenty of people for the same reason and she's done nothing about it. Fucking hypocrite.
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don't care about this timeloop but filly kinda cute, thanks for convincing your husband to be more lenient on shondo.
people say more than that every time she finishes streaming and goes to sleep lol
yeah thats why she was considering publishing it
i know the book is about me and the shunny and thats enough
ufo 50 is raping me. i wanna see shondo play these games
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love her
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chat, i might just be cooking
she meant 485 cm waist
only thing you’re cooking is a longer ban sentence
life + 280 years so far btw
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we have forever, that shit ain't nothin to me man
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please stop with the cuck fetish
You should fly to Florida

like right now, at this very instant.
shondo’s midflight to me rn
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she finished building the desk
stop spoonfeeding
if mister won what would you do? ^_^
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no, here comes the airplane!
But I don't like to watch, so I don't know what you mean by that
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>discord info is spoonfeeding
you literally only care to spite me
stop being gay and hateful
what i mean is you're a cuck hope this helps
>discord info is spoonfeeding
yes, qwerty should be forced to join the discord or shit himself. banned people can shit themselves as well but thats another matter
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It will soon be November and she's been consistently mentally ill that entire month the past few years. I hope shoggas are ready.
so many newfags about to skyrocket to ririkons in a few weeks
new misskey post
quick derek that guy and whatever hes talking about to the mods
he wants to report tuffy still tweeting at her despite being banned and muted
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he should be reporting you for being a fag after the new rule
yeah that's right i got your ass i bet you feel silly now
don't have to excuse everyone to call her a retard for venting to chat sooner than reaching out for a second time in a year, separate issues
He is a Saru fan and she is dealing with a stalker right now or something so it could be related to that.
damn u_u bazinga’d my ass
i was gonna shitpost but decided against it and forgot...
my aim... gonna shoot myself now, and this time i won't miss (in minecraft)
saru fan yuck
mum shonder's anorexia posting again under the guise of being an irl loli
He’s also a froot fan by the looks of his twitter YUCK
bee nise
gary have you been stalking saruei??
i was just joking with the faggot and he instantly runs to the mods
fhis is why i hate normies
who the frick is that?
Made me check
she got fucking scammed for sure. why does she have to drill holes in her fucking bespoke desk?
because its custom
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she's my fute bagel
she explained this in the discord which you would know if you werent banned
when she was talking about drilling earlier it sounded like theres premade holes for the screws
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what kind of fucked up comment is this?
>my mom had a smaller waist than you when she was pregnant
who the fuck says this to someone with ED? why is this creepy retard still around even?
what a fucking weirdo
say it to her on twitter
Try having a conversation with a human being once in your life
yo TD
we just call him dewd here
What a way of looking at it, she's just pointing out that it is possible, giving the example of someone taller(bigger) and yet with a smaller waist
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how is she having a conversation with anyone? she just randomly started blogposting about her own life. do you also make every interaction with another person about yourself? because that's personality disorder territory
We call him blob actually
Good, I hope you get banned.
Stop posting about yourself faggot
yes, sharing your own experiences based on the topic of the conversation is part of basic human interaction
You are so socially inept and retarded it hurts. Don't seek help, skip past Go and just kill yourself.
derek better
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the 80 year old autistic fossil isn't going to fuck you
And the autistic British girl isn't fucking you either.
she's my wife and you're in her general, you fucking retard. where do you people even come from?
Same energy
I'm reminded that most of you stupid faggots have zero life experience and you spend your remaining days wallowing like a drooling retarded over every thought your massive forehead manages to produce. And no, they aren't good thoughts either you mouth breathing apes.
nah she’d win
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>going on 4chan to brag about how "smart" and "experienced" you are
lol irl. if you had any sort of ability to self-reflect you'd cringe at yourself right now
Only the most social, charismatic and intelligent of individuals would end up in this thread.
actually, im quite experienced at life, thank you very much mister ^_^
>she called t out for being an anti
is this ironic?
we know t, now move on
no, i’m dead serious. i don't know why i told you this, i shouldn’t have said anything at all, and now i feel even worse for opening my mouth in the first place.
shondo has erectile dysfunction confirmed
im gonna make it
I wasn't bragging you dumb nigger. I am genuinely impressed that there are creatures like you who are worse off than me. Feel enlightened that a higher being has even acknowledged your existence you gnat.
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Shadowmama will live because of the following events
I asked the Lord to allow me to perform a handstand pushup if she'll be okay, and despite being capable of doing them, i couldn't do one even after tens of attempts
On the verge of crying at the realisation that shadowmama will die I begged the Lord to spare her and in prayer I asked to allow her to live as long as i managed to to two consecutive handstand pushups
After taking around 4-6 hours of straight attempts, nightime(3 am) comes and I have to sleep
In the morning, after my devil-induced nightmares, i manage to push out two reps of a handstand pushup! However, having been the next day, I concluded that it was possible now due it being a different day for the deal to be invalid
So, after work, i ask the Lord for the same deal, this time managing to do two reps after about 30 minutes
So worry not! The Lord will keep shadowmama safe and will bless them!
But this doesn't mean to cease your prayers, so keep at it!
Maybe I just sound insane, but I know this to be true
God loves you! Despite your flaws, He cares deeply about you!
And the perfect, loving, merciful God that oversees all of creation(to the biggest and smallest scale) wants to be in a personal relationship with you!
God says that He placed you on this earth for a purpose, reach out to Him and He will answer, God can help you, God will provide for you, just put your faith and trust in Jesus! Humble yourself and you will be elevated!
Also, i love you and you're valuable in this world
i aint readin all that
crunch (eats your eyes)
>came up with an excuse to dodge her family again
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Helaur, anything happen in the discord?
>Can't go to the pub quiz
Shes destroyed her liver.
join it and find out qwerty
very interesting that she's not going and won't say why. legitimate schizostalker threat?
Bit of a nasty tweet telling her she can't get preggers.
nah her family are still going so it doesnt make a difference. its probably related to the saruschizo
how would a saruschizo affect this tho if the schizo wants saru
why is she so fucking lazy? it takes her two entire days to do a job that would take a normal person a couple of hours and then she takes a day off of work as well?
>shadowmama will live if i do a pushup
>refuses to do the pushup
fuxking anti pos why do you want yo see shadowmama dead?
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bee nise
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strength of a malnourished 4 year old, she probably passed out a couple of times too, please understand
i meant that the guy in the discord talking about urgent stuff with mods is related to the saruei stuff
i doubt she isnt going out because of a stalker she probably isnt going because she is scared of meeting shadowmamas bf and doesnt want to go outside and is stressed from the impending news
on that note i hope she doesnt force herself to stream if the news isnt good
He isn't an anti tho
>it doesnt make a difference

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