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>climbs to the top of her city's tallest tower
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Hardcore Parkour Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

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Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
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>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:00 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream
FILIAN X PIPPA - Deepdive and stuff


>Previous Thread
By the method of exclusion, the reason for her fake ID is most likely an access to age restricted venues maybe some cons or parties, and maybe movie tickets. I highly doubt she drinks or goes clubbing.
She's too old so she needs a fake ID.
While I also expect it to be something simple like that it's hard not to get curious, I don't live in NA, but getting false ID can't be that common there.
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Will filian have to start wearing splats to abide with the new twitch rules?
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What happened?
I hope not. I am not even that much of a flashbang enjoyer, but it annoys me greatly that twitch keeps on limiting the outfits Filian can use.
unironically would be hot. or she could continue down the onesie route and get different onesie designs
She claims she keeps it on top of her real ID which is even weirder. Either her opsec is absurdly, autistically serious or she's a literal criminal on the run.
You'd be surprised. My sister and some of her friends had them in high school so they could drink underage. I don't think they're crazy uncommon, but in the US at least it might vary on a state by state basis depending on how much security the government bothers building into the ID.
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fix and god i want those plump lil fil thighs to give me a thighjob
I guess it might be the difference in how the crime is committed then. From what I have heard the US is really keen on checking IDs for alcohol purchases; where I live kids tend to either go from a shop to shop looking for a cashier who doesn't really give a damn whether he is selling to a minor, or they get a local hobo to buy it for them.
Good fix. I'll be taking that image for the future use, your input won't be forgotten.
ID she bought can not really be presented to any law enforcement officer or any official that will do examination of said ID of any extend apart from just looking at DoB , it will only work on bouncers or cashiers. I suspect she got it to get into shit like 18+ Quest rooms or adult con sections and stuff.
Were you guys never young? Fakes are for getting into bars and buying booze, no other reason to get them
she has burner identities to commit crimes with. how do you think she got away with 9/11?
>she just made you a mod
>ID she bought can not really be presented to any law enforcement officer or any official that will do examination of said ID for any extend apart from just looking at the DoB
Yet she got through TSA with it kek
I was young elsewhere. You would have to be borderline retarded to try getting a fake ID. Getting alco, fags or simply entering a club without one wasn't that hard and the absolute shitfest that would happen if they caught you having a fake ID made it increasingly not worth it.
some vrchat groups will try to fucking card you to make sure they aren't letting minors in kek. bet she has the fake to present them to get into her vr degen clubs without giving randos her address and she just carries it around with her.
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ive only ever seen fake ids in american high school movies never irl
aren't vrchatters exempt from most of them
Congrats on growing up in a country with 18+ drinking and lax bouncers but in the US you show your fake and they just stick it on a wall somewhere if they’re having a bad day and want to fuck your night over. Nothing else happens
Oh, this does sound quite plausible. VRchat is basically 2nd life to her and it's not like anyone there would notice it is fake, not to mention it is a low risk use. I can see her getting it for that.
If that were the reason she wouldn't have put her real name on it.
Just because she says it's her real name doesn't mean it is
They look for apathetic cashiers here too, it's just that cashiers can get personally in trouble if they get caught selling alcohol or cigarettes without carding people so even the ones who don't give a shit will still card as bare minimum to cover their asses. Buying off someone legal or getting someone who is legal to buy for them is pretty common though.
We're operating under the assumption that she's not lying to us about something that doesn't matter.
I did that a few times when I was in my early 20s. Buying booze for people who weren't quite old enough to do it themselves. Nothing excessive though.
She's personally friends with a lot of vr people, they might know her real name but not her address.
I don't think that much thought was put into it, brother. If there's someone she doesn't want to know her address it's highly likely she won't care if they think her name is something else.
Filian is not that protective of her identity with pretty much any professionals, she leaked her face and real name to first time collabers many times, she just doesn't want general audience to know. She prob generally has her real name on fake ID and her real name is something very similar to Filian if not actually just Filian.
So is the pdiddy jokes finally over now
I'm afraid we'll be in the diddy meta for another month.
You wish.
I doubt she shows her real face, probably just says to react like she did.
does the poy outfit conform to the new guidelines?
Sometimes I am dreaming of being a stream and collab with Filian just to tell her while looking straight in her eyes that diddy jokes, furry jokes and dez nuts jokes were never funny even as an ironic gag and everyone who is not a first time watcher just rolls their eyes hearing her repeat them over and over.
Actually 16+ drinking age for weaker alcohol like beer and wine

Denmark is wild
Will you still watch Filian now that she isn't allowed to flash her underwear?
Nah, thats just schizo, you are telling me she offers to show her irl picture to streamers and then instead of showing her picture she writes them asking to pretend like she showed them her picture....
Then there is Germany that allows to drink beer and wine in public to 14yo as long as their legal guardian is present afaik
Yeah, I feel the same. She simply seems to like having anonymity from her viewers, but she doesn't mind showing how she looks like to other creators (ofc if they are not all that familiar with each other yet she might not do that, just like in Squ's case)
She showed her foot and it got leaked so why wouldn't her face?
She knows her feet are lickable so she doesn’t mind leaking. Meanwhile her face is a car crash so she is very careful
That's the thing though, people have said she's cute, weird, to what race are you when seeing her face.
What race am I when I see her face? Caucachin
Pippa said she was hideous and what race are you.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
This but her flat chest
P*ppa belongs in a garbage can. Don't listen to anything the hillbilly troglodyte says
You just want to keep pippa all for yourself
sex with filian and her friends
Shondo, Bao and Numi
she's 12 you sick fuck
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Bro if I ever see you looking at turtles in a pet store so help me god

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