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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87023005
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Waiting for her!
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so if and when on topic, focus on one persona while avoiding blending references.
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Doob afternoon!
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doob afternoon, cowards
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Doob afternoon bros
I need a model preview
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keep the lights on
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>for now2
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
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If you really wanna know I can ask a witch friend about it, she might give me an estimate about the time of the teaser if she does one... I might get cursed im return tho
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I believe!
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Cute witch!
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As stated in the previous thread I will do a hard reset and try to start these at 6 PM EST so there will be a considerable amount of dead hours after this. I'll try to load up karaoke vods in place of the vods while we wait

I think about certain comments being made, and I just remembered Ame saying "Thank you for accepting me" to FWMC. I don't think she ever said that to the others.
How we doobin boys?
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and am finally unbanned.
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I'm doobin fine, I dooby excited. Doobday btw
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But what if Dooby isn’t her?
kek I was thinking about this the other day. Like if she just goes live and it was somehow a case of mistaken identity
The kaomojis bro
That's a sacrifice I'm willing to accept, friend.
>the journey to the 20th is long, many get impatient
>the day drags on, its getting later and later
>finally the stream starts, a cozy train waiting screen appears
>it gives way to a cute little office, an adorable mousegirl sidles onto the screen, she hasn't spoken yet
>she opens her mouth, it isn't her but the voice is recognisable
>it's avril lavigne
the real one or her sister?
i hope she does watchalongs regularly again
i dont mind regular react content as long as she keeps it minimal
That would be pretty funny but the Bubbles pics already debunked it
More "Ame in an uniform" fanart?
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Im happy we are including Dooby in our love post I was kinda getting worried most of you wouldnt follow her in this new journey...
cool angle
I want to watch joker 2 with her, I hear it's really bad
>opens stream
>3 unskippable ads about prime video's newest terrible show
i can't wait!! Poggers PepeLaugh
Doob evening, today I'm staying up late
Do subs on twitch get ads too?
Then what's the problem, just pay for the sub
Or use ublock, works fine for me
I would spam HIRYS in chat
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Those of you who are autistic with fanart collection. How do you order your folders, what do you call them, how many do you make?
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Say mating press to doobys first rodent collab partner.your reaction if it's real?
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as fun as a rrat collab would be, any collab with a holo would be done as ame on the holo's channel
i'm not the best example because my folders are in dire need of reorganizing, but what i have currently is:
>chuuba folder
>>>folders for indies e.g. doki, mint, etc
>>folders for other corpos
>>>folders for individual holos e.g. ame, bae, etc
>>>folder for groups of holos
>>>>folders for different groups e.g baerys, takamori
ILOVE AME FOREVER in every universe and form
>first rodent collab partner
Unironically Risu would be a more likely Holomem in that scenario, she's interacted with EN roommates while in Hololive
Wrong thread?
nagi is multithread drifting, please understand
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i simply have a folder labeled "hlg" and its full of everything

but is' like 50% ame so its usually not that hard to post what I wanna post
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I save everything into one folder. I'll organize it all one day, I promise...
Probably but what a fucking whore(affectionate)
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Just got back after talking to her, I framed it as "me and some friends are waiting for good news that we know will arrive before the 20th of this month", and she said to look out for "this thursday".
Also now I need to do some weird salt protection rituals in my house. Maybe you too.
I for one am glad that Ame can be way more sexual as Dooby. I hope she opens an onlyfans for lewd audio. Maybe a JOI
rissa cried over ame so its allowed
also jesus i couldnt imagine ame being an unapologetic slut like that... but its pretty hot
I just have a mess of folders. I always tell myself one day I'll set up some booru ripoff from github and set up a local database of tags for all my pics. I'm pretty sure you can even just have ML do the tagging and retrieval these days
that's the nice thing about holoEN, everyone's pretty unique and they somehow all get along and kiss each other sometimes

it always gave me a bit of a warm feeling whenever Ame was in a big collab and just kind of enjoying watching everyone doing things together
Ngl, I bet Ame would think calling her an angel is kinda cringe.
wtf you fucking psychos. I have
>>AME LOVE (favorites)
And I thought I was disorganized
What do you propose we call her then?
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>>87037559 (me)
>>Reaciont and post
I can't wait to hear her voice live again...soon...
Hey, at least I have dreams of cleaning it up really nicely
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Would you guys mind if every once in a while I posted rare pictures that I still have saved on my phone? I don’t remember the context for half of these anymore
This one is from 2020 btw, oddly topical
NTA, but I also didn't say anything about this because its trivial for the most part but I also thought it was kinda tacky, I think maybe cutie instead ? I am fine with it if the bakermate likes it though
I bet this is about minecraft
Lowkey kinda cringe bro
so... who are the marys to Ame's Jesus in this scenario?
i had a dream that she tweeted something was happening on the 17th which is also a thursday
i will keep supporting her as long as she:
>doesn't interact with Vshojo whores
>doesn't interact with flesh e-celebs
>doesn't interact with Males in general
>doesn't become a reaction streamer (showing short videos she liked somethimes is fine, just don't spend hours stealing content)

these are very reasonable demands
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Must be fun, i still don't know the password
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Also since you guys like that Armando post I’m bringing back this one
>a fucking LONG LEGGED rrat
***** ***
>>doesn't interact with Vshojo whores
This is almost guarenteed to happen.
>>doesn't interact with flesh e-celebs
This is less likely to happen.
>>doesn't interact with Males in general
Who knows, but if she interacts with VShojo then it's only a matter of time before she interacts with Bricky or Vinesauce.
>>doesn't become a reaction streamer (showing short videos she liked somethimes is fine, just don't spend hours stealing content)
Twitch meta. expect ylyl streams to become frequent
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watch streams before you can watch streams
I don't know how to tell you besides its been posted here multiple times in the thread already minus the fourth word
Mori knows the password
Thursday it is. I don't have any salt so I'll have to settle for burning this place down.
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also holy shit 2020 and /jp/ were so fucking different
I came across at least 5 Myth wojak edits, fucking unthinkable today
I feel like more people recognize the golem meme to this day. That said,
It's been posted in this very thread.
getting along with the Vshojo, the woke leftist enemies of western vtubing who have talked shit about Hololive and it's fans many times would be the biggest offence to me.
Okay i got it
Are newmates actually this retarded
>>doesn't interact with Vshojo whores
she might (she follows the 2 least offensive members +kson) but I doubt she'll interact with froot if that's what you're worried about
>doesn't interact with flesh e-celebs
unlikely she will
>doesn't interact with Males in general
if she does most likely it would just be group collabs like with the stars, note she doesn't even follow any male vtubers
>>>doesn't become a reaction streamer (showing short videos she liked somethimes is fine, just don't spend hours stealing content)
if she does it wont be the majority of her content
This place is going to get filtered so hard in just a few weeks. Go watch CC or GG or something and don’t waste your time.
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Man i remember watching this stream live...
I missed a lot of the earlier streams so its nice to see them for once
It's kinda surprising that a lot of them don't know the password
I remember when Mori brought it up in the collab and I saw people who didn't remember and fucked up the password
Like RainForest and Gurame, it's mostly a /here/ thing I guess because even those retarded discordfags haven't used it until Mori mentioned it
No, they're not reasonable, they're just your one sided demands. But i respect it, you can leave whenever you want but that's not because of her, it's because of the twisted way you view content creators.
Nah I swear I saw a bunch of people in chat saying it.
Your demands are functionally impossible. Interacting with VShojo and males is standard fare for non-corpo ENs, and even flesh streamers are essentially a non-issue at this point given that there's a lot of EN vtubers who also flesh stream.
If you held true to your standards you would have already dropped her before she left you stupid nigger. Go back to the niji thread and watch your company implode.
I like to think Mori saw my schizoid Rainforest posting and that's why she started using it recently
yeah, the /here/mates which include Mori
Stop samefagging
Froot will try and throw herself all over her though. Off topic but she already tried it with that clown homo/homos in general. Not that I'm worried about her giving the off duty barrack bunny any attention.
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hi mori
/hic/ here. I'm retarded lol
we know
and dead!
Mori has actually acted like a rainforest schizo on stream multiple times and has been somewhat regularly liking rainforest art since the middle of 2022
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Chances of this being somewhat related to Dooby? Doki doesn't have 3D, right?
And she was one of the first ones to follow Dooby which surprised me (actually she followed here before me)
Pretty slim. She's been involved in tons of events and does a lot of stuff on her own so this could be about anything really
Yeah she does a ton of stuff
No, she’s talking about escalating tensions in the Middle East, dumbass.
Delete your post
Her shouting out rainforest bros at breaking dimensions was really funny
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Is she responsible for the impending hurricane?
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She's so exceedingly genki in the beginning days. Part of me wonders if it was a strong act or if she was genuinely just that happy. It almost comes off cynical writing that, but you have to admit, it's hard not to notice.
It was the ability to eat bread and kitkats.
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Kill yourself
-> >>87040565
And here we go again.... Stop responding to retards
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remember not to reply to the singular faggot that has been doing this non-stop for literal days, if you feel like biting bait, just post some fat saggers
If she collabed with Doki, should we call them
>Doki & the Doob
>Dooby & The Bird
How about you wait before fellating yourself beggar
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i said saggers you fool, not straight up fucking porn
anon i think you should click the video
That autistic fucker made me realise I have a thing for chubby women and BBWs.
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This guy gets it. Dietary issues are death knell of energy levels.
/ag/ has actually been back on /vt/ for a while now. I'm sure they would love for more anons to stop on by.
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I can't wait to see her model and collect fanarts...
im surprised ame never became a microbiome schizo when she seems to believe every other conspiracy theory she hears about, would have probably actually helped her
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I read collect farts...
This will always be my OTP and I will never be convinced otherwise
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this post smells like it was shaken and not stired
the /ringo/ club is two doors down
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I will be sad if she has no tits
I actually hope for some medium is premium stuff
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I will be overjoyed if she has no tits
I didn't enter in 2 dyas because i tried the password and it didn't work, only after 2 days that i tried again and it worked, so i was just being dumb af and spelled it wrong multiple times
I'll never hear her say "another piece of kitkat" ever again in my life and it still kills me to this day.
They clearly love each other as shown in my midnight dreams and delusions
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>fauna exposing herself to ame
>ame suggesting her jackbox answer was one of the default bot ones
>ame joining a minecraft monday (but only in ingame chat)
Is this every single recorded instance of anything that could be considered a tealeaves moment
For their collab?
It's not about the real instances - it's about the imagined potential! Fauna shares so much with Gura that I have to believe she would hit it off with Ame.
>>fauna exposing herself to ame
damn I forgot about that. Ame being the thoughtful sperg she is and just always sitting on the floor. I know she only saw Fauna's panties cause of the upskirt, but I like to believe Fauna was going commando and flashed Ame on purpose
Fuck you.
she even snuck a COCKA in there at the end
still about another hour on the valorant vod down in the cytube
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Fauna says otherwise
They did stuff together in enreco
Probably just random choice of wording, not too look into too deeply
it was mumei who started the ameeeeeeeee right? i dont remember, fish brain
The potential of a love triangle only makes me more titillated
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goddamn my folders are a fucking mess, bunch of tealeaves not properly sorted
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Any new aquarium stream?
one puzzy
I got so much work to do but I can't let the puzzybros down...
gotta go to bed soon but i think i can manage one puzzy
I think Gura had the first "Ameeee~" but Mooms popularized it here
Yeah she loves her that's why she will probably end up collabing with dooby on shachi. Or she will make her emotes like she made dokibirds.
i don't think any EN who hasn't visited care.
or trying to avoid being too emotional.
Tell me if I'm wrong, but didn't Mori say something about touring it?
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Zeta and ERB confirmed to be visiting in the future
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>doesn't interact with Vshojo whores
that just includes Froot and maybe Melody if you're not feeling charitable
everyone else is extremely inoffensive. would love to see some henya interactions
Valorant vod down to the superchat section
Mooms definitely popularised it's current usage, I think around Rust or maybe it was Overwatch. Originally though I think it was Ame herself roasting chat for being needy and crying "Ame doko? Ame doko? AMMMEEEE"
hope henya gets better soon
Erb was going to do a karaoke in the aquarium I think? I really wish we got more usage out of the sound stage map from the girls just for a casual karaoke now and then
Yeah but the way Ame used it was different, like in a needy crying teamate way vs the excitement of Gura/Mumei
Include a space.
i don't think being an indie would suddenly make her a collab person.
Wouldn't be her main content.
Also I still believe in:
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of in a sense
it would be more about her creative outlet rather than making it or getting famous as an indie.
>woke leftist
two of them have been explicitly political at certain points in the past, the rest no
>who have talked shit about Hololive
the single member who did that is no longer in Vshojo. most of them are self-admitted holofags and mouse often watches holo clips.
I always wanted to send this to a buddy to laugh about how Ame always ends up taller in /u/ situations even when Fauna towers over her, but I don't know if I can send my boy titties like that
who knows, Mori had that one smol karaoke before and nothing is stopping the others from going into vrchat to do something similar
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I need a model tease and I need it NOW!
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same desu
long ligma is a bitch
No thanks.
Is it bad that I don't want to support Dooby monetarily because if she's too successful then she won't come back
Tread carefully, gator...
Yes, Dooby is where she belongs as an indie, cover was just killing her just like they're killing the rest of the hololive talents. It's why they will be collabing with dooby a lot on their roommate accounts.
There's more Tealeaves than people realize. Look for clips of fauna talking about Ame and stuffs.
Who is (((they)))?
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>mfw I realize she fits in a jar
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in plastic bags too apparently
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we laughed at the full frontal in Code 46, surely some tealeaves titties are okay...
i don't think money was a concern when leaving and won't be a motivator for rejoining.
i supported ame because i loved when when would talk about her projects and my small contribution made me feel like i was part of that, if those projects continue then that's reason enough for me to keep supporting
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Dooby please use your twitch chat I want to check my filters...
that's all of them except henya*
Stop being creepy
just test it on a different channel dumbass
When are we getting rid of the tourists?
Why do you think I'm a tourist, I've been here for years, thread just changed so now I can talk about Doobys friends properly.


they will be back in greater numbers on the 20th
Fuck off, monkey
When we stop biting bait, most of them will probably leave.
Once Dooby starts streaming this is going to be pointless
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If she fails and has to go back to hololive she’ll just be unhappy and do the bare minimum like she was doing these past two years.
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Oh, I want her to play Animal Well now
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Believe in our idol wife & her training time, both literally & figuratively.
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its so over
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What ended up happening with the asacoco/watson concoction recipe?
Maybe that's the minecraft thing?
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ame butt
Just thought that if it was Holo debuting a new train conductor, there would be a high chance of her looking similar to those Blue Archive girls.
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fucking shroom beats
When is Blue archive gonna collab with Holo fr fr
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What you up to today, gators
Seems she already used the Kuchipatchi mascot as Sachi. Anyone that watched her back then can confirm if it was the audience mascot or something else?
ame can't fucking JUMP
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me too
I hope we get more shooting streams
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we're gonna be here a while
That was a neat game, I wonder if she would like it.
There's going to be more tourists after the debut, some of them are gonna stay
Nobody is obligated to support anyone, but if money was her main concern, she wouldn't have chosen to cease streaming activities as a Holo.
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I like how the slime is uwu cute but all the monsters are just horrors beyond our understanding
>Not wanting to support your oshi
Watching the Ame reruns, and just booted up the Silent Hill 2 remake
I liked these two years, they were fun for me
>Silent Hill 2 remake
Watched Foobs playing it. It's looks like RE 2 remake
Programming (for work) while checking out reruns. I hope we get to see her do a programming stream some day. Even if she's not very good at it I believe she'd make it entertaining.
Why do you think she's so quick to come back as dooby, she needs the money. If she was your oshi for real you would support her in any form
I want more ER so I started watching Ina's playthrough. Aside from that I'm recovering from work, fucked my knee up a bit somehow.
kill concerntrolls
Bite faggot
yeah that's what i thought too.
sure indie can potentially make more money but it's super hard and only a selected few can do that (also needs to work hard on number crunch for that). so money isn't a problem it's the mix of wanting a creative outlet free of restriction for a while and also training some other skills.
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Studying for my SSW certificate. I want to work in Japan.
Yes yes, I know the yen is low now but it doesn't matter in the domestic market because they also lower the food price there.
Waiting for maintenance to be over so i can get xilonen
going through UFO50
its good games
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God I hate gachafags. me too
What can I say, I also like bigger ladies.
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Realistically, could Ame solve the Kira case?
Explain why/why not.
I don't understand gachafags. Gambling isn't fun since you almost always lose. The wee bit of euphoria when you pull good shit isn't worth it.
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Today I will remind them
All it would take is Mori bitching about having a ton of overtime lately and Ame asking why.
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She'll probably stumble into Kira by accident & shoot him for being a pretentious prick.
No, she would get spooked once and give up
She can time travel, and she can't die by the note because she never revealed what the "H" stands for in her name. So yeah, she can.
I want that injection
Sparking Zero
the secret is playing a better gacha game that doesn't completely rely on short lived dopamine
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watchin biboo and waiting for the promise anniversary
>promise anniversary
Ohh that was today
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amesame hot
I swear that I made an image exactly like this
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surprised she doesn't follow dunkey
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I haven't been able to get amesame singing "lucky I'm in love with my best friend" while giggling out of my head the whole day
Yes but by accident.
I'm white.
Will kronii and fauna acknowledge each other?
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