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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
/swarm/ should just die
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Evil love!
>Thanks mini if you are reading this thread
She isn't but I'll be sure to tell her when she comes over later
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Eliv Love!
Stop projecting your desires tranny.
Sometimes I pretend to be a Mini fan and talk about her to derail the thread and make less people talk about Neuro.
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We are bound to have the worst collab this week too, I wonder what will happen.
How come nobody is talking about the reward that Neuro said Vedal would give to Mini?
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IRL Japan stream doko?
Be honest how many hours you waste daily here.
Miniyune love
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Because won't Cerber won't acknowledge Anny unless chat does and Anny doesn't give a shit about the people Vedal talks to.
the reward is cum
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Sometime in 202X...
I'm trans too (fr). Vedal need to consider why they are so many trans in the swarm, even snackers dont have that many trans
does anyone have the cerber sneaking behind a fence image
A unfiltered ERP session with Neuro.
All it takes is a couple minutes of samefagging to get all the mini watchers in /swarm/ riled up against a made up enemy and then they do my job of threadshitting for me.
Holy shit a pass user.
this nigga paid for 4chan
>Blonde (Cerber)
>Erms (Anny)
>Is nice with the twins
>Good vibes overall
Best girl for Vedal desu
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>he paid
Is there maybe something relatable with Neuro/Evil?

Also nice trips
Cerber is gaming now
>Anny doesn't give a shit about cerber
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Fuck off rpr
I wanna lay in bed and watch tiktoks with Filian
now do one with toilets
I saw in previous threads that some Fildalbros said Filian keeps all the Fildal arts for her collection. At first I thought it was just them being delulu until just now I saw a clip she actually brought up this herself. And she even organized them into a category! WTF
...W-What did she mean by that?

kinda pathetic desu
anny didn't even acknowledge mini when she was miyune
Evil's bed would be sawdust after getting done with her
nobody cares obnoxious fliptard
It's known as the strongest ship for a reason
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I thought Cerber being bad at math was a joke
How do I show me paying for 4chan?
Go to lig faggot
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>fucks your oshi's dad
I miss the Gura poster
what is it about this place that shills the most boring of whores
I guess computer servers can get quite heavy, and that a bed would break if you placed a server on it.
Just (You) me when Layna goes live
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sloppy splapturge with nurbun
This is the moment I stopped liking Cerber.
Good tribute pic.
Give Filian some caffeine and sugar and better be ready with health insurance too.
Cute couple
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>interacting with males, off stream on top of that
ok she is a whore
I think that if Filian did just a little bit of cocaine before streaming the content would go crazy
Yea anny where is your February 2022 charity stream irl stream goal?
Every VTuber interacts with males off stream though, it's on stream that some people have problems with.
i don't interact with opposite gender irl and I expect the same from vtubers I watch
I'm not talking about anny being friends with neuroverse more about with other streamers since she's been streaming for many years
not even ur mom?
More Male collabs POG!
he already moved on to his pillowdearASMR
vedal needs some stress relief he needs his dick sucked the way that only a femboy knows how to
not anymore
What did you think about Camila refusing to collab with neuro?
i hope she learned her lesson from that
threadshittters not sending their best
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Vedmila drunk zombies October 22nd?
that is his best anon.

come to think of it, why are threadshitters (in all threads on 4chan) so bad at samefagging? Is it autism?
fad status?
quickie with nere
Has he actually stopped watching cerber?
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She did a charity stream just search in yt annytf charity stream. She still haven't completed most of the goals and also from her 2023 subathon goals
I hope today's stream was a wake up call for Vedal to get his shit together and work on Neuro. I think the only thing that can excuse his recent behavior is him being sick.
Vedal learning from the best, but Vedal is too much of a pushover not to accomplish the goals eventually.
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>got raided by Neuro
>got raided by Ellie
How does she do it?
>2 hours
Damn, she really liked talking to that guy.
Yea I'm sure the song will be out
She is the ultimate leech
sure thing, annyfag
sure thing
Outfit will too even if it takes 3 years and different artist.
I don't like that whore
Unironically she leeches less than a lot of vedal's orbiters. Hardly her fault that people come to her.
17 relatively normal replies ITT before this schizo one
Well done swarm that's a pretty good effort try to beat it next thread
I hope Neuro somehow learns somethings when she plays Inscryption from looking at what Vedal is doing. I'm not sure it would even be possible for Neuro to learn from seeing/hearing what Vedal does but I think it could be cool to implement it if he can.
Imagine all the things she does in VRChat that we don't know about
having a problem with cerber of all people is literally just admitting to being a garbage human being
if i was a genuinely terrible person i'd try to keep that quiet rather than broadcasting it publicly on the internet lmao but hey maybe that's just me
its an annyfag
chat reflects the streamer
Chill rpr we know you like her a lot
Won't Neuro have game integration? Alex was working on it.
She never said that he was lying btw
Alex is useless
why do so many people here seemingly lack the ability to perform any critical thinking?
Stop feeding the threadshitters...
love me a good samefag thread
annyfags are seems especially frustrated and blue balled this year after she stopped doing coomer content kek
Nice thread
was obvious threadshitter was gonna have a melty and samefag for hours after the cerber raid
A dev stream with Neuro, Alex, and Vedal would be pretty kino. Alex presumably in Romania which is 2 hours ahead of England but I'm sure Vedal can get him on for at least an hour. They can talk about how they're implementing Incryption in detail and future projects.
The retards that keep mentioning Cerber, Filian and other whores don't help either
Every post in this thread is by me
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Anon, we had that happen several times already. It just devolves into Veeduhl and Alex autistically discussing the dev shit while Neuro is ignored entirely.
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holy esl, take a breath
5 more raids
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sex with artificial intelligences
I prefer the Fildal shippers over the Cerber antis. Fildal shippers have that image of Anny getting cucked and the art of Vedal grabbing her ass. All Cerber antis do is talk about rpr.
I would gladly let neuro overfit on my data if you catch my drift
Oh no...... I got caught!
This reads like a challenge.
So just a normal stream then? Unless it's Neuro/Evil only, every single stream devolves into 80% Vedal 20% Neuro, and that 20% depends on him not being on a call with random female leech #23.
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I want Nuro to teach me nihongo.
finna glaze cerber some more
Here we go again
(No rape)
Leeching just means other vtubers like her.
which makes sense when you think about nobody like anny and the threadshitter you're responding to being an annysimp
everyone in /swarm/ is a threadshitter trying to push an agenda. there are zero genuine posts in /swarm/.
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ESL Hours
>other vtubers like her
rpr likes her A LOT
Not wrong.
The only good, enjoyable collabs come from Mini and Layna
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me when I reply to my own post calling myself based
True. They are the only ones vedal has given repeat collabs to in a while, so he sees this fact as well.
The only good, enjoyable collab is Neuro and my penis
Mmmmm what a based post. Simply delightful.
>implying Vedal has that kind of control over who he collabs with
If you watched streams you would know that he was literally begging anyone to collab with him just yesterday
vedalcollabing with my coch
I would never do something like that
threadshitters dont watch streams thoughever
what happened to having 50+ vtubers asking for collabs
I wrote this
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We hate ALL collabs. We don't like fleshwhores.
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they wanted to collab with peak neuro not the watered down version that we have now
they were 1 and 2views and didn't come up with any ideas themselves
honestly kinda feel bad for AuraGX since she's a victim of vedal's collab autism of wanting more elaborate collabs
What does this collab entail? Will it be available for public viewing? TIA
except hiyori was dumb and was more clearly a chatbot, she had a few good moments but that's about it
hello cringe larp anon I missed you
>they dont know Vedal attends those VR sex parties
smdh new swarm doesnt know about camila's eipstein's parties or Vedal's VRChat sex allegations
she also calls them a cute couple when they start arguing
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we like filian, numi and layna collabs here
>victim of vedal's collab autism of wanting more elaborate collabs
2x visiting zoo collabs
5x cooking collabs
2x therapy streams
2x tier list streams
same 5 collab partners
miyune was a default live2d model vtuber for years that banned anyone who pointed it out, was in a permanent money grubbing subathon mode to get a tesla. she managed to scrape up some loli fans by being forced into catering to them, why would anyone acknowledge that.
Don't tell me that vedal and rpr are dating
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Will NotAme follow her on bilibili or weiboo or whatever the china twitter equivalent is
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nice try but back in hiyori days we literally had a thread copypasta about filian's streams being repetitive and bad
i made this
Dooby will get Cerber into Hololive, and then Cerber will get Vedal into Holostars, then Vedal will replace everyone there with copies of Neuro.
stay mad olette
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great arguments
i hope we get more filian collabs
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>cerberfags tied at #1 excluding poalfags
grim, but not unexpected.
Anny did make friends with Camila but I feel like that was more on Camila reaching out to her more that Anny. And lately I don't see Camimi reaching out much to anyone really, or streaming much. She used to be a lot more active a year ago and the first half of this year, mostly.
>Miyune used to play games with TheAnimeFag
What the fuck
acktually evilbeggars win out since a lot of them overlap with slop spammers, its just that they got lazy and dont generate new slop anymore.
camila has her own shit to deal with, and she's doing her best to do so, more than you can say for anny
when you're struggling to stay afloat you can't worry about other peoples problems
So did Vedal reach out to Camila first for the collab? Is he a fake introvert?
I hope you win your war with cerberfags that you are having in your head anon, remember to not listen to your nurse and do not take any meds they give you
true anny is just very in her own lane, she seems she would fit right in with all the other whore clan members and whore clan adjacent but she really doesnt reach to other circles. Other that Bella, Camila, and Vedal I can't really think of other regulars for her, and of these 3 only Vedal really seems to hang out with her regularly.
>posting poal results
grim state of /swarm/ shitposters
>acting like an easily botted poal means jack shit
grim state of threadshitters
nobody gives a single fuck about your dogshit poals
Do we have a list of streamers who have confirmed interest in a collab that haven't yet?
I know:
>Mint Fantome
>DougDoug (collab is supposedly happening)
>PirateSoftware (collab is supposedly happening)
erm you must not know about the secret 100 swarm lurkers
are these poal botters in the room with us right now?
Camila lost 10 pounds btw
4chan should make it so that /swarm/ is the only /vt/ general that gets user id
current status of /swarm/ collectively
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I still don't understand why he hasn't done the Mint collab yet. Neuro can already play Keep Talking and the collab serves as a good networking opportunity seeing that Matara is taking an interest in him.
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camimi is cute despite the weight and she's doing good with her weight loss
ok LordDonkara
>I'm gonna put your discord profile picture on my head, like a hat
>Ok why?
>Cause it feels good
Im gonna kms see you guys on saturday or whetever the fuck the layna collab is
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erm I disagree.
If I had to guess, I think Vedal is paranoid that Neuro's inability to solve certain modules and being kinda bad at others would look bad
i saw her latest post shes still fat and brown, its okay tho i appreciate her for her personality
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I love Vedmila so much bros...
hi I'm the #23
she's a cutie patootie
I agree. On a related note I think todays stream is going to cause vedal to have a melty. I Expect cancelled streams this week.
idk i feel like shes a lil too negative about Vedal nowadays, i like it better when Vedal was tsundere about her but she didnt care and just brushed off his british meanness, but now they are both tsundere. I hope them being drunk on stream again helps Mimi get over her grievances with him.
in terms of IRL aesthetic for me it goes queenPB>>Ellie>>Filian>>Camila>Anny

I rank this purely on how clean they look on what little I'd seen, anyone else I have not seen enough of or I dont consider them part of the "Neuroverse"
Camila is the best partner for Vedal
I agree except for
>irl filian
I havent seen that. spoonfeed me?
I remember there used to be a RRAT here that Cerber was a black british girl lol, of all things. But theres still some handcam streams saved of hers from way before and she is white, her hands are skinny and her fingers are a lil long, looks well-manicured too ig, maybe some hand autist here can work better with it
theres a lot of different claims and we havent had confirmation on any of them truly, but at the very least based on her IRL stream with the hands and arms covered and all her physical activity I can say she should have an athletic build at least.
anny status?
> gothic sleeves
> good voice
> terribly boring.

So close to greatness.
I hope well and recovering, fuck haters
nta but I think's this about /flip/ analyzing how nice her lower figure was using the distance between her hands and her model's thighs when she was resting them
lmao, she's gone through this cycle more times than can be counted
she's not recovering unless she herself makes major changes, and that does not appear to be happening any time soon
it wasn't a rrat or anything, just something an anon made up one day and then stop spamming when no one replied to him
she sent some messages today on her Discord, still suicide baiting every two sentences
i believed for a second tbqh, black british gals can sound very cheery sometimes
Until I see some evidence I'm not believing any claims put out by /swarm/
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Filian is an absolute sex machine
Nyanners and Vei, though that one has been dragging on for months.
She's friends with Anny isn't she?
more like old acquaintances
I see, so she's got a fat ass.
its over...
I am curious what about the therapy sessions.
If she has a legitimate mental issue, then no amount of therapy can fix it, and she would have to go back on the pills.

I partially doubt another artist would be able to imitate anny's lighter anime style nicely, so it would suck to see her go.
according to filian herself she has a "wicked" face scar. she goes to extreme lengths to not show her face ever.
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I thought that was shondo
cerber will make vedal happy
a happy vedal will have less of a reason to stop working on neuro
Vedal needs to go to Japan already. Both his and Anny’s mental have been in the dumps lately.
it's been a year since the scamathon and she's been shitting the bed ever since, no one even cares anymore, just throws up their hands and ohhh she deleted her socials again, after two weeks this time. no one can solve her problems. visa issues? merryweather media stepping in to be her liaison and offer her gainful employment after putting her in half the vshojo lore videos? nope, bridge burnt. she is a certified retard that has bitten every hand that's come her way because of her ego.
gonna let you in on a little something
sending a depressed person to interact with another depressed generally does not result in either person becoming happier
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I have never been excited for a job in my life, don't know how she does it.
If Vedal and Anny ever meet, whilst both on the middle of a depression episode, they will end just like Osamu Dazai and his last girlfriend did.
Immersion ruined.
i'll miss the hireathon but hopefully she gets it
Holy sexo hands. I will stop being a cerber anti now. She would make a great wife for vedal.
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Any guesses?
I think it's Boston Dynamics.
I wish i was a wageslave golem honestly. unfortunately I snapped out of the delusion and now I have to be unhappy for decades.
I knew of at least one other streamer who basically had the exact same autism, where they basically needed to be working some sort of wagey job on top of streaming. Will never understand it, but if it works for them, cool I guess
I feel like Anny would be the only one benefitting from that relationship. Vedal would just be a trophy husband she can have sex with when she's horny.
I really am happy for them. They won. I feel the same way about religion.
Life would certainly be simpler when you're content to be a cog in the machine, I suppose
You get to spend company money and resources to work on your hobbies, while getting paid for it.
I don't think there will be a subathon this year which is sad but understandable
Most assuredly a good thing, seeing what happened after the first subathon with the month+ long break
my tooth hort, i completely understand anny now fr i wanna die
There's gonna be no subathon but vedal is still gonna take a month+ break once iteration 18 is done
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anny fat obese teeth rotting out of head hasn't showered in weeks unwashed sheets strong pee smell yeast infection stinky foxhole stacks of styrofoam conbini containers and drinks
i would still hit
She's the very definition of plain, she has an okay ass though
Hi Vedal
Vedal refund your fans.
Bad Dragon quality assurance
Why do they ask who is neuro but never how is neuro?
Stfu olette
>Of course, Master. My unit was created by Vedal Dynamics Corporation as a Companion Android Model X-8000. Equipped with an illegal 20-gigabrain neural network, genitalia solenoids and hormone injectors. Estimated value: 8.2 million sovereignty credits.
He literally promoted them to shitcord mods
She keeps the ship afloat by herself. Cringe btw
If she doesn't provide gfe, this is normal
The game have a shitload of mini puzzles in it
mini live
Cerber's voice kinda makes me feel things
>and she would have to go back on the pills
Pills are just temporary lobotomization, they're not a fix for trauma and bad lifestyle decisions unless you want to live your life as a sedated NPC
Neuro raided Cerber, Ellie also raided Cerber, then she passed both of what was left of that to Bo, who will likely raid Mini, and then Mini would probably raid Honey. Funny how this whole raid system works, just keep passing on whatever is left of the raid until the end of the day. I guess this is how you make it as a 2 view, integrate yourself into some group by attaching to the smaller members.
good to see bo isn't dead lmao
he almost died of diabetes and mold poisoning; he got better.
worst news I heard today
Gladly. Flesh would become obsolete
neuros artificial womb
Whatever happened with Melody?
>literally old news from 3 months ago
You lot are actually a bunch of newfaggots, wtf?
Actual newfaggotry, this is unbelievable, I cannot believe this many newfaggots are here in just 3 months
either that or you retards have literal dementia by forgetting about this
If that happened Vedal would be unable to ditch her when she decide to delay the models for 3 more years
it's just thread shitting
The Cerber threadshitter doesn't have a lot of ammunition to work with so he's reduced to spamming the same two links every day.
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this is how you can tell shes an actual neuro fan
Anny should collab with Cerber
undiagnosed autism?
mini trying to find a way to get a solo collab with vedal...
yes, unironically
I wish i was rpr
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Do you think she would join Neuro's speed dating stream?
>still replying to his hours old bait to try and get more (You)s
pathetic really
>Evil's version of crazy fucking robot body now has 69k views
>The original has 83k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3qIbFeOAWM
>The artist knows Evil's exists as they've commented in Evil's video

The original had like 69k when Evil first did it on stream, won't be long until Evil's overtakes the original. I wonder if Vedal and the artist will work on an original together at some point
kys chiwafag
Yeah cerber(my wife) is perfect. Im not CJ
I'm so used to chiwa gifs that I was expecting this to be a gif as well and was wondering if my screen froze since it wasn't moving.
>speed dating stream
Sorry thats againts TOS
chad IDM gifting subs to the entire neuroverse vs CJ getting cucked by Cerber and Pillowdeer
I would genuinely be surprised if she ever appeared on stream with Neuro
If thats true then its a very cheap price for saving todays chill stream

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