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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
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/vrt/ LOVE!
Big day for unity since she borrowed his hat
pathetic bait
Lol it reminded me of his hat too
Bloom's hat looks good on Ami!
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i'm aware, you just want to drag ami and her fans into your vendetta to farm (you)s
oh you can even see it's a little big for her
I’m seeing double here!
Four hats
oh shit
It must be a barbershop quartet.
cute! i'd love to see them duet
come to think of it i think it'd be cool if the retromantique girls collabed on some song covers
Two fats
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Ongoing Streams

Ami is playing Dark Seed II

Ririka is playing Final Fantasy X-2

Varidetta is playing Sonic Heroes

Poe is playing Phantasmagoria 2

Digi is playing Yume 2kki

Unipi is playing Silent Hill 1

Tomimi is streaming
Well Bloom is 6’1” and 180 pounds so you’d expect his hat to be too big for a tiny dorky spooder.
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Celestial Ram girl Astrea Natura is playing Oblivion
A lucky number of streams
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Jellyfish Mechanic Tsukimi B Dohrnii is playing Half-Life 1
First time in a while that list-anon is late to the party
>come to think of it i think it'd be cool if the retromantique girls collabed on some song covers
During the initial hype of the reveal I think a few of them talked about wanting to do that.
cool, looking forward to it
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If you missed it a few threads ago Riona was saying she is going to be in an upcoming release of those Vtuber trading cards that Jowu and others were in. She also hinted there would be others we know as well which makes me wonder if it is going to be another Retromantique. Freya is a partner too so she would be a reasonable choice at the very least.
Only one
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The paragon of ghost maids Mint is playing Eternal Darkness
spiderhips my beloved
I was going to make a joke about twitch but this one would be allowed because she's at a pool
But she's youtube so she only needs to worry about weirdos copyright claiming all her videos instead
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Angelic Axolotl Lady Lottie is playing Otto Matic in 5 minutes
A weird retro robot game from her childhood
I'm going through the archives and I'm not seeing anywhere Bloom's physical stature. Could someone just please ask him to reveal this so we can finally end it.
Some chuubas he met up with have confirmed it on stream before. They're /wvt/ chuubas mostly from back in the day that don't play retro games so not ones you'd see mentioned in /vrt/. I don't think it matters very much but calling them liars feels like anti behavior.
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Unipi is not impressed by Silent Hill 1
Darkseed? More like School Days.
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Did Yuma ever play Darkseed 2 or only Darkseed 1?
Don’t worry about it
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Yuno cute!
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Beautiful Ojou
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I starting to think that Clauvio isn't going to have her return stream within an hour
Ami needs to find a path
>It's freakin zelda!
Zeldaschizo don't look
Unipi gone… and raided Tsukimi!
/vrt/ unity
Lucky guy
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Ami gone...
A very silly spooder
Ami love
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Haru Mizuki is starting his Luigi's Mansion stream in about 25 minutes https://www.twitch.tv/harumizukich
there's a mirror between me and this room
Another week or two should be all that is left for that game but I guess that is perfect timing for spooky month.
I need to find a path
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Patella is playing Sudeki
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You see some unusual games around here sometimes.
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Lobotomy Bunny is playing Eternal Darkness
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Legacy of Kain
I haven’t seen this musclebound cutie in a while
Her job is pretty busy and her internet sucks so it's pretty irregular.
That explains it then.
It's a treat to see her stream again.
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>You see some unusual games around here sometimes.
It's great. Games with retro aesthetics and design but still feel new.
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Jean Faymas is playing Devil May Cry 3 tonight. Finishing it maybe?
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cute canuck elf's octobermaxxing with some majora's mask
>mask game for October
You know what, that works
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A nice hearty raid right at start of stream should help with her partner pushes.
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Nerissa is doing the Final Story for Sonic Adventure 2, starting by glitching through the floor!
That looks like the face of an indie jailbird that just glitched through the floor.
i still can't believe they're counting raid numbers for the partner requirements now...
They'll probably be pickier about granting partner now so it won't actually help in the end beyond allowing a chuuba to reach the point where they can apply.
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Great game taste
yeah, chuubas will probably have to aim well beyond 75 ccv
the mountain is higher now but i'm confident maple will be able to climb it, it'll just take longer...
Holy shit I did not know you could fall into that piss stream and die
Who the fuck
B-Brienna gone...
I wasn't really into her monster hunter or yazuka streams. It's nice to see her pick kain for spooky month.
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>one letter error
it's over goneanon, now you're gone
A > E
Brienna is too cheesy
Kain's a great one that I'm surprised more don't play.
She wants to ride up faces satan
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Bnuuy Misha Pyon is continuing Morrowind
I wonder how many streams it will take Maple to beat Majora's Mask. She has played it before but that was 12 years ago. And she can be a bit easily distracted.
Maple is rocking out
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Prism Aeya is playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
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Chronikle is playing more Castlevania Symphony of the Night
why did she do the male collab bros, I dont feel like watching her anymore
He is mentally unwell and never watched her anyway
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Rena gave up on Silent Hill 2 remake and is playing Silent Hill 2 instead
she did a drunk zatsu with an /asp/ male on his channel a few days ago
It’s so nostalgia seeing people bunny hop around Morrowind and kite enemies
why do you know this
it was posted here
oh nooooo they're fucking!!
grow up
Yeah but it was on her schedule all week so if you actually watched or cared about her you would've known already.
Try lying more convincingly next time.
why are you being a schizo
Oh cool.
my girl
Kek he is backing off already.
wonder how i missed that
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>Still using the Nordic claymore because she thinks it looks cool
Maple's OHOHOHOHO needs work...
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Is it just me or does Jean sound like her nose is stuffed up today?
Nice boobs
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Koopa is starting Haunting Ground
>okay dude let’s
She still streams?
and people still watch her after the vocaroo thing?
Sure she’s been at when her health allows it. She’s a partner, collabs with Hes pretty often and gets posted here for retro games streams from time to time. You not from around these parts?
Vocaroo thing?
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Live to fight another day
She made fun of Calli being a wigger. Pretty based.
met irl with a male and when people complained about it they recorded an ntr vocaroo together
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Even an Alit killed her...
She btfo cucks and cuckbeats?
Damn that is based
she btfod her views and reputation too
Literally based
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Mitora is playing more Romancing SaGa 3
That wasn't their first collab, and given how they treat each other I doubt it will be their last.

Also grow up, it was the tamest shit.
nice reddit spacing faggot
I think it is just someone trying and failing to stir shit.
And kek look at the way he responded to you, 100% that cross thread /vrg/ schizo desperately shitposting.
Considering that he brought up /asp/ out of no where he's that crossthread schizo that shitposts in every thread too.
Despite your fantasies, most people don't like to watch a male collab where they get drunk and act flirty
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Techibi is playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky in 20 minutes
>that cross thread /vrg/ schizo desperately shitposting.
Wrong. I only now arrived
>your fantasies
>describes his own cuck fantasies
kek at the /vrg/cuck
>no u
you're the one desperately defending male collabs with known sexpests but whatever
So you watched it then?
man you're trying too hard to shitpost, you're not going to make people start liking male collabs
So you didn’t? But you acted like you did.
Sounds like you were LITERALLY fantasizing about being cucked.
Don't watch them then. It wasn't even on her channel.
Maple is trying to learn Majora’s mask glitches…
confirmed archive-diving cancel culturist, can be disregarded, does not actually watch the vtubers he shitposts about
there's no point arguing with you faggots, you're watching vtubers for the wrong reason, you'll never get it
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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Yuno-nee-tan suki suki daisuki!
so she has chosen madness
oh I'm not going anywhere, you're the one who shouldn't be on /vt/
i watch vtubers to drink in the joy they're spreading and sometimes help add to it, not indulge in delusions about marrying them
What is your drink of choice?
Those ojougs...
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Cute Leafbud
Take your meds
yes that's what I said, you're watching them for the wrong reason
Someone explained IGS to her and she got dizzy and gave up for now.
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there are already plenty GFEtubers out there, take your pick instead of anti-ing one who isn't one
i quite like several of the ones here, including the /asp/ie in question
Oh I thought you meant you literally drink alongside and I wondered what. What you meant was even better honestly.
He's just shitposting, ignore him.
They will be missed
Oh look at that, /vrg/schizo sighting in /pkg/. Why am I not surprised...
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Misha's back after her stream crashed
I wish Maple had a little more stream stamina.
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Sad Lights is playing Earthbound https://www.twitch.tv/sadlights
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Urato Chieru is playing Threads of Fate
Maple gone… raided Chloe
/vrt/ unity

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