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Takoyoke Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>86897030
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Para forgot to put the tsun in tsundere
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Para frenchdule
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nino roachdule
>Trying not to be too gay as she ends
A little late for that
>I was so happy to stream today
>been really enjoying streaming lately
>trying to not be too gay so I'm not gonna say anything else
>new costume tomorrow, bye
>>get called gay
>shut up!
that was emo hater and "tsundere" roleplayer WW Para Si
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got around to finishing that, it's one of the good ones and still up somehow
she was having a good time and it's fun to hear her sing 한국어 노래들이
the png having a seizure can fuck right off, though
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Pillow schediow
>vampire very soon
Pillow is thirsty for your blood!!
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Piller is in a very bitey mood so that's why she is a vampire with cute fangs
>it is octobaah
>i want to suck your blood
what the-
pillow looks ridiculously cute with fangs
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>this is what we are rocking with as the kids say
>there's an easter get from one of my friends (Mariya)
Pillow doesnt like the hat she made for today
reverb was not part of the costume
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>there is some lag, internet technician coming tomorrow
>now living with my best friend in a brand new place
>bestie might show up on stream, maybe even with her own vtuber model
>wifi router is downstairs, streaming setup is upstairs
>i now have two cats!
>Seaweed is more like "mrrrow!" and the other cat is like "miii~"
>i love them both very much they are both my babies
>and i know they are my babies becaus-
>...i was gonna say i gave birth to both the cats... but i think that's weird
it's a little strange to give birth to full grown cats but maybe vampires can do that
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>would you let me bite you and drain all of your blood?
>*poll in chat*
she should keep the fangs
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>living room is empty
>rooms are empty
>bestie is upsetty spaghetti with me
>cause i cant stop breaking everything...
>broke her car keys
>tried to change the showerhead the other day and i messed it up
>i put it on at a weird angle and it was leaking everywhere and we couldnt get it off, we had to call someone
>went to the store, needed help from a worker and i was the one talking to them
>and as you know i'm not the best at social interactions
>and when we got to the car my friend was like
>>you know Pillow, from now on, you should let me talk to people
>it was so embarrassing...
>i guess i don't know how to talk to people...
>i'm really sad because there is no takoyaki here >>87042441
>>what's in the fridge?
>don't worry about it!
>*silly fridge song*
They definitely suit her
The battle with bad internet isn't over yet...
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She whined and cried enough that the internet decided to mostly stop being bad
I spoke too soon...
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tentative Pillow October schedule:
>10th VR horror
>12th ASMR PARADE - i hope everyone will be there, i think 2-3 dropped out so we are at 49 vtubers
>13th the usual Sunday ASMR
>14th ASMR collab with a girl on her channel
>14th is also the VSMP wedding, i will be officiating
>15th pumpkin carving handcam
>17th user submitted pumpkin carving contest
>1xth return of comfy morning
lag kicked in as she mentioned the Parade then it got worse with comfy morning
>internet technician coming tomorrow
Twitter say Friday
I really hope a good old ethernet cable can fix the issue
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Ayu Schedunity
>gorilla karookie >>86995190
>phasmo + bloons >>87001874
>humans fall flat with Wani
>tako maros
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Krum skrumdule
>portal 2 with elio
>detroit bekrum car
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Miyo schedyo
>VR chat
>block game
>mobile game
>guitar & singies
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Fuwamu schedumu
>space >>87022587
>vertical quizz
>members culladalamb
i had no idea the space was on schedule
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Moisi schedoisi
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Essie scheddie
>hiking >>86990512
>members ASMR
>discord movie night
>pumpkin Essie returns
>ASMR parade at pillow's
>maybe gorillas
that's only one more real Essie stream this week...
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Lisa schedule
>talkies >>86976239
>members watchalong
>ASMR parade
>Lisa day
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Raki scheduki
>suika yapping
>indigo park
>amogus collab +
>human fall flat collab with Ayu & Wani
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Esila Shephdule Anilive + Youtube
>marble hornets
>SCP reading
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Esila Shephdule Youtube only
>THE STREAM!!!! (dissection)
see also >>87053745
teaser for THE STREAM: https://youtu.be/mWd2pGet3dA
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lilbro and her dorkazoid girlies are getting eaten
>surely we will not be devoured or whatever happens in this game idk i haven't played it

>the stars have aligned and the failgirls are back together again and playing devour in VR to celebrate spooky month!! :D
feat. Meredith, Ashton, Souly and da Nino
Raki backed out of the amogus collab
oof, good luck out there lil tanuki
>laughed so hard after looking at meredith's skinny ass neck that stream died

it's back now and it's looking kino so far
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>space in 5 I want my pans raaaaa
>all the chats are combined
How long has this feature been apart of twitch. It's the first time I have seen it.
very recent i think someone mentioned it in /wool/ possibly maybe lillie when she was talking about having both yt and twitch chat on screen
that's not what anon meant, there's one shared chat among the 3 twitch channels currently in the collab
it's recent, a week or two https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2024/09/24/bring-your-communities-together-with-shared-chat/
part of the stream together update
>no krabby patty at my local wendy's yet
>today really fell like fall
>wore long sleeves, there was a nice breeze
>big fan of gimmicks, loved the BTS sauce
>felt very people'd out, dont feel like talking to anyone but also dont wanna be alone
>been supressing a lot of tension

>dont think i ever had crawfish before, had prawns, crab, lobster but not crawfish
>curious about "dry yogurt" it's a new thing, it's going viral right now
>i really like giving Rose hugs because i think in a weird way i really needed a hug too...
>she just texted me
>i think she is coming back home pretty soon

>so many of my friends go to therapy.. and im like wow...
>when my parents got divorced i got put into therapy but i didnt know it was therapy
>i just thought it was something people have to do, this lady was asking me how i felt about my parents
>i always thought it was so strange but maybe it helped me, i dont know...

>my brother didnt say hi to me once when i was home last time
>*burying head in pillow*
Raki needs a new brother, I can help with that
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>dont feel like talking about tests
>human fall flat collab is hosted by Wani
>Tomoe, Mori, Ayu, Tomomi V&U, NapDraws, Mubini >>87049386 >>87053221
>and no amongus for me on that day

>was meowing earlier, Sunny was singing it from the kitchen and i was replying to her
>*runs out of things to say*

>two metal covers on the way
>working on birthday project right now
>wish i could just sing whatever i want, been more mindful about what i cover
>shorts meta is not what it used to be

>i think the girls are coming back home... i see them on the app
>i saw a sanrio character today and it really reminded me of trashpans: Dark Grape Man

>maybe i'll feel better tomorrow...
>have a good night, hope you're doing well
>tomorrow is.... Tuesday! no!! Wednesday! so that's halfway through the week
>okay, buh bye oyasuraki
>2h in
>how's the volume guys?
ear piercing nino screams, perfect volume honestly
hell yeah mang
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I'm gonna treat this strange goat game as asmr and catch some sleep
good luck shaggers
this is playing russian roulette but for roach giggles and earsplitting screams, bold move

do you think essie would like anal
Girls cannot orgasm from anal.
She would at best get off it on psychological level and then only because of having sex with (you)
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she was correct, but was it the right choice?
holy fuck where did /tsunx/ go
you guys better live through the night
With what, joining idol ?
Lets be real Lisa really fell off she never recovered from her throat getting rekt, she would be hardly able to make it as an indie with Gura tier streaming schedule for most of the year due to her messed up living situation, Joining Idol was the best option she had, the terms are ridiculously favorable to her at almost no expanse on her end and now she gets to sing on a aircraft carrier.
It might not be the best thing ever but joining jew corpo (that regrew its foreskin) has served her well so far.
nah i literally meant weezer
surely there were better bands
well, there's another corpo going under so it's gonna be rough for a while
not naming them to keep this thread out of searches but it's the one JP word every weeb knows k*w*ii
it means cute or something
Okay but why isn't /tsunx/ back still? I feel weird not having it open 24/7
no streams, let them eep
orla will remind you to take care of yourself later
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I miss her
I often bake at these hours if I have to, but to be honest I prefer not bothering when it's nothing but beerpal retardation. Fuckers don't even bake.
our girls love that band for some reason, it's just part of being a sheep at this point. yes, Esi, too
There is lots of space at the top, arguing over who is number one is pointless. Their music is fun.
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good morning shaggers
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First watchalong!
1h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooGQODEPv1I
4h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvrepSHsefo
Have you setup a bot to post these or are you just that punctual?
no bot. I post the anchor usually 1 hour before streams, sometimes 3 hours before as an experiment.
please do, something came up so I can't be here for Esi's first stream
I keep having dreams about running into Essie by chance irl and I always feel like a creep because I end up following her around for a bit to make sure it's actually her and not just a girl with similar voice. Also for some reason she is a short tanned asian woman with frizzy hair even though I always imagine her as a white girl when I'm awake
I thought it turned out Essie is portuguese?
Essie seggs
I'm just telling you what I dreamed and what I imagine, not what's true
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gremlin noises little sis sheep's doing ASMR today!
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So the usual anon ain't here, I'll just recap the stream so far
>Esila is doing her first watch a long with sheepy heads
>Watching her favorite series on YouTube "Murder Hornets"
>Sypnopsis: It's about a film student who are trying to make a movie called "Murder Hornets" but they're being haunted by Slender Man (yes really)
>Won't be able to watch all content of this series this month but maybe will return again someday
>Chat is looking greener than last stream, Esi got gifted 5 membersheeps today so far
>Mostly regular chatters watching right now (I love the sheepy head community, so dedicated to Esila)
>Esila is not scared by the series in the slightest, never found it scary even when watching for the first time, but she thought it would be an appropriate watch for spook month
Chatter said "I still think you doing a scary watchalong/playthrough with a heart rate monitor would be coool
>"I think it would be cool too, but I have no idea how to set that type of stuff up!
We may get a heart monitor stream in the future if Esila learns how to setup
>A sheepy head got really excited over Esila playing Darkwood next stream. He's so happy that he's asking for her blessing to backseat
>"Esila: "I don't mind you backseating, I'll tell you when it's not okay or when I don't want you to"
Like most chuubas, Esila only likes backseating when she requests for it
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>Esila is teasing the cow dissecting stream that's happening tomorrow
Oh boy can't wait to see a sheep cut up a cow organ
thanks for the recap, anon. please consider doing them in the future, too
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Fuwamu singies & talkies
cute voice
Lillie is back with rock singies in 40 minutes !
>rock singies
>acoustic/piano only?
lillie unplugged?
>2h in
>sang 0 song
>just turned off the reverb
>this is bow asakatsu
Fuwamu does a little trolling
I started watching Essie recently and I really like her content. Any vods you guys would recommend watching?
Para is live !
She will play Judero after traditional yapping.
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Lillie is going live on twitch too !
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You should also consider checking out Para, she is a lot like Essie and is live right now.
she's bringing back pumpkin essie this week you might want to catch up on the pumpkin lore but discovering that version of her live would also be fun i think

any marathon/anniversary stream

anything with a wacky thumbnail that's not a game is probably a creatividad stream, those are great, stuff like this
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>using shoost today, looking all sparkly
>might be heavy on my PC, let me know
>ADHD meds were making me me emotional
>will be gone after this stream, gonna go visit bestie in Denmark
>i figured it's better to be around friends and family if im gonna be emotional

>This is a song a lot of people sang during the relay
>Guitar, loneliness etc
Seconding the Valentines day stream. her Sunshine playthrough was also hilarious, especially the first few streams
>got an idea for a future cooking stream
>gonna ask twitch if it's okay
Para changed...
(this is a good change)
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>only doing acoustic instrumentals today
>singing along some of them for the first time ever
>do you guys like acoustic version more?
for the sake of stuff saying archived, yes
it also rarely drowns out the voice which is good
but those are full of weird pauses and tiny arranges that will throw you off
if you're doing acoustic it's a good idea to get familiar with the backing track
or fuck it we ball, it's just karaoke have fun with it
>Lillie's first time trying to say Alias' name
Oh yeah she doesn't play minecraft that's why
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Essie gorilla today
So is tomorrow's stream definitely, actually, for real a dissection stream?
Esila is not the joking type.
That section where Lillie was doing voices and went ara ara~ could be a nice soundpost.
i really like the deep lillie voice
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Para is now playing a dangerous game with a pink bunny
She sounds just like my mother.
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>one last song
Lillie video incoming
Lillie lore
>used to be into idols and cosplayed AKB
>the streamer who got her into idol stuff just raided her on twitch
>she is now also a vtuber
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setlist for today
>missing Gira gira by Ado as the last song
>Hitorinbo Rizz
Gonna slap her
She must have spent so much time editing this.
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>Lillie also has autistic dissecting habits when it comes to eating these cookies
She sat on a candy....
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>tastes a bunch of Norwegian candy and ONE Swedish one
>picks the Swedish one as her favourite
that was fun, would eat lillie thigh candy
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send some support on twitter
looks like all parasites today were watching Lillie instead
>para doesnt have a monthly woman flow
prebubescent bnuuy cnuuy TT o TT
Just how unhealthy she is?
i'm willing to believe it was just a case of para not getting the joke
but come to think of it i can't remember her ever mentioning that sort of pain or having the monthly mood swings associated with it either...
her diet is definitely fucked up enough to mess with that stuff
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yes https://x.com/EsilaShephield/status/1844131499819618564
alright, I've got the webm, how do I post it with sound?
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you have to upload the audio separately and put the ESCAPED URL in the filename of the gif/webm as a [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles,catbox.moe%2Ffilename.ext]
if you do it manually you need to change EVERY / into %2F and the : into %3A
see >>87090749 for reference
can save yourself some trouble
thanks anon
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comfy cottagecore sheep's doing more work on her october art stuff!
hermanito es la criatura
probably just gonna draw on discord instead of streaming today
someone else will have to post the anchor this time around, sorry about that.
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Lisa is watching more Samurai Champloo with members, RIGHT NOW
oh nice
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ragi space
Raki put us in the microwave
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>i just frew up...
>yeah i said "soon" didn't i?
>not feeling very well, stummy hort, need to microwave a trashpan rq
>girlies went out, was supposed to go with them but feeling sick
>they said they'd bring me something
>let's take a trip to the microwave
>alright trashpans, time to get in the microwave~

>did really well on a test
>waiting on the other test
>*got a warm pan, pressing it against the bare ragi stummy*
>feeling less stressed out

>woke up early, meeting with a girl for a project
>dressed up real cute
>ate breakfast, had some energy (WHAT A SHOCKER)
>went to the meeting after class, i have this big spreadsheet job to do
>she was watching tiktoks and asked
>>do you guys like raccoons??
>...yeah we love raccoons in this house

>this is actually so nice...
>*melting muffled raccoon noises*
>i dont wanna get uuuUuuuuUUuup~
>i think they are coming back *door*
>bye guys! mwah
>*runs off*
that was a short and sweet ragi space
>be there!
>>87122334 (me)
>>87122334 (not me)
i will try to wake up in time to post it but my sleep schedule has been non existent so if it's not posted 30min before the first stream someone else please do it
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>feels like im losing my voice very slowly...
>my throat feels very scratchy so i dont wanna go for too long
>>you sound more like a boy
>it's because of those damn steroids!
and just like that another little sister turns into a lilbro...
she is still saying lozenges funny i sure hope no one tried to fix her pronunciation
>next time i have work is next thursday
>so i have soooo much time to do my modules
>on sunday i called out cause i wasnt feeling too well and the first thing they had to do was dealing with a patient who died on her chair

>girlfail is a vibe that chooses you, not a title that you choose
>i need those pet buttons that dogs use to say things
>>feed me
>Essie is known as the giggler at work
>i know it is normal for people to notice other people's talking habits or whatever, and i literally giggle after everything that i say
>i was being tested yesterday and my preceptor called me and she was like, are you still talking to so and so? and i was like "yea"
>but then my manager tol my preceptor
>>she said "yea hihi~"
>*laughs* yeah hihi
>it's actually kinda maybe doomed for me
>everybody knows me as the freaking giggler
>every time somebody repeats something i said, they always include a little hihi or haha or something like that

>i always greet my patients with the same tone "hellooow~"
>and it's so funny when they reply with the same tone hellooow~
>i should probably be a little more professional in the way that i talk
>i need to stop with the hihis but i can't!! it's literally my automatic response!! i can't stop it

>glad i don't work in a corporate setting
Essie trying to talk like a corporate drone sounds so wrong
she's gonna get shot with that name wtf
longest strings of hum and ahs we've had before a joke in a while
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it could have been so much worse
i really want it to be a death wish joke...
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Tonya smilodule
Lisa will be on 2 collabs tomorrow, Encore Weekly and a silly game with Idol girls
she won't stream her PoV
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>I don't know why sheeps have such big behinds
yeah could have been worse >>87133527
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>important essie lore
>i have a docked tail
i've seen a white tail on different art but this brown one being canon makes more sense
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rare cape-less essie
>rub my head rub my head rub my head rub my head rub my head rub my head
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this was a doodling stream all along
>Basically done with payments for 2.0
>Essie used a 2.0 asset for the ASMR parade
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>essie barely managed to not spoil 2.0 stuff any further
>showed the baachi design she had already shown before
>there will be fresh new 2.0 spoilers during Pillow's ASMR Parade
i was waiting for her to come back but that's it for today :/
I hope she survives the hurricane..
she will be fine
it might make work very stressful for a while tho
This is a 2h37 recorded space
>Pillow joins for the last 40 minutes or so
it's loud and RP heavy but there's a Pillow in there, along with Alias and Serina
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surely essie has not yapped her final yap of the night and there will be a space soon i shall danger nap and pray i catch it
if someone could record it when it happens that would be nice please and thank you
up you go
i missed essie's space too
not sure how long the recordings remain up on twitter
Usually a couple of weeks but here you go
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Noitan is bassaaaack
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>starting with her second orison
>sounding a little different today cause I had covid
>today we are celebrating 200k views on my second original song Heiliges Requiem
>short stream today because I don't want to push it, maybe 30min
>if I speak too much I can taste blood...
>I didn't lose my sense of smell or taste at first so I was fine
>until one day I made curry and I couldn't smell or taste anything...
>got ice-cream and it was just a cold paste without any taste
>I'm starting to feel sweaty...
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>I want to sing this again when I'm fully recovered
>that was only 5% of my true power
>and I'm off to eat some food without any taste
Food is basically all she talks about aside from music, she must be so fucking sad...
Chromu "the pink thing" Chromu got banned from twitch for nothing and catalog is in meltdown it seems.
mildly more posts than usual, but the same catalog speed it's been around this time for a while
catalog expansion wheeeeeennnn
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Today is COW EYE DAY
in 1h WE STUDY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3rE9NvC_eE
in 3h WE DISSECT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbjaSduaAAU
This will be the most metal stream of this year.
we live, started muted again
>shorter stream today to set up THE STREAM
>got perm to put yugioh cards on Throne will do that after getting all the streaming necessities
>only missing controller and maybe one more thing

>very excited to touch the goo
>Esila's death row meal would be a glass of acetone and lightly toasted bread with a virtreous humor spread on it

>we might have a sheep's eye or a goat's eye instead of a cow's eye, that website will send parts from other animals occasionally
>looking at it, it's smaller than a cow's eye
I have drunk acetone before, its salty, do not recommend.
>no alive today cause camera needed for handcam and older cam refused to work

>don't feel like i have a 130-140 IQ
>my elementary school was good we did a lot of science stuff, like dissections or paper bridge building, my bridge won the contest
>once i get comfortable doing collabs eventually i'll do IRL collabs and i want to do an egg drop collab
>after 6th grade i was sleeping in class a lot, my grades were not that good

>the longer the eye is preserved, the thinner the vitreous humor becomes, i hope mine is still gooey

>momoko got sniped by members gift
salty is not what i would have guessed, now i'm curious
Process for the dissection:
>trim off fat and connective tissue
>separate eye into front/back
>look at the insides

>can use the lens from an eye as a magnifying glass if the eye is fresh, it turns cloudy over time but it's perfectly clear in living animals

>my favorite parts are the tapetum and the vitreous humor

>i looked at my eye closely and it doesn't look like the cows eye i've seen so far
>maybe 2.5 times smaller than the eyes i've seen
>muscle and connective tissue is hiding the identifiable parts

>mother wanted Esila to become a nurse
>nurses are mean girls stereotype, don't wanna be surrounded by them

>went on a field trip to an aquarium with my nice elementary school and we got to dissect a squid
>i did like touching the squid, it felt nice!

>because it's cool!! because it's nice!!
>because the texture of the vitreous humor on my fingers!!
Esila kinda kinky huh
>Esila gives you anaesthetics in your sleep
>Cuts open your scrotum
>Plays around with tests, enjoys the squish
>Enjoys it too much, decides to take them out to keep playing
>You wake up to stinging pain while she's rolling them on the table across the room giggling
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Fuwamu is playing a strange typing game, but vertically
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this seems to be about being about to read the names of local places more than typing
>starting with Iwate-ken her home province (or whatever you call ken 県 in english)
>96.55% accuracy
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>actually studying and drawing a diagram
>asking if she should spread vitreous humor on bread even if she can't eat it
>it would fulfill a long time dream

>used to live near cows, never looked at them in the eye
>not sure of the color, i imagine it's black
>but preserving them for dissection makes them look blue
allegedly the real answer is brown but those look black to me
>but those look black to me
pretty dark brown on picrel, can't blame you for not being able to tell it apart
>slip about drinking cow ball juice
instead of eyeball juice
this >>87160957 anon manifested this
>i see the eye every night, it's next to my bed
>ending early so there's time to charge her phone for tracking purposes
>you'll get to see the eye soon!
>gonna get everything ready, will toast a piece of bread, open the windows to get some ventilation going
>if you dont want to see me cut an organ open, no offense taken
>sending kisses to the usual places
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>i did hokkaidou twice and only uncovered this much
it's a vast place
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>went back to iwate-ken
>got a gold trophy
>gave the whole country a try
>there are different, easier and more difficult modes
>the game is free, give it a try
>got stuff to do, ending here for today
it's time.
>i am ready to cut an eyeball
>*gloves ASMR*
>i have my gloves on, two on each hand!
Esi is quickly approaching /freak/ territory
Freakish behaviour?
On my /wool/ girls?
It's more likely than you think
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>>will you be cooking it afterwards?
>oh no no no! for what i want to eat from this eye, i think it's better uncooked, untouched, raw

>one last warning before putting the eye on screen, 5s countdown
yep, I closed the stream
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>it's been at my bedside for a week
>probably closer to 3 weeks
But she sounds so happy
The weakest sheepyhead.
Esila should not have used double gloves, it kills all her finger dexterity. She doesn't need any gloves in the first place.
>She doesn't need any gloves in the first place.
she doesn't want to flesh reveal to any extent.
I watched Meimi's "unemployed" stream and she said she has moles on her hand that could doxx her, it's probably the same for Esi.
Right right, the double gloves thing makes me only think about using gloves as protection from the eye and forget about opsec
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She's using the scalpel now!
Kek I'm eating while watching this
she also said she might be allergic to some of the ingredients used for preservation, from that point it makes sense to have a backup layer it's not like two condoms rubbing against each other and tearing a hole
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>the goop was not goopy
>the lens was out of place
it is really is pretty inside tho

>i do kinda want to slurp it
The (potential) issue is the double gloves aren't tight fit and it lowers her finger dexterity, so it makes it easier for Esi to accidentally cut herself. The gloves aren't going to provide much protection judging from the way she uses the scissors.
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>freeing the lens from goopy goop with the nice jelly texture she loves
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after scooping the cookies and cream retina away:
>this is the part i was most excited for!
>the tapetum
it's pretty
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>if this is a sheep, don't let me know
the rectangular slit in the iris on the left is giving sheep or goat
and the color is giving sheep, not goat
she pointed it out at the same time as this post... odd
>and the color is giving sheep, not goat
the way her mic pics up stuff moving on the desk and some of the squishy sounds is trippy
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>i've always want to spread vitreous humor on piece of toast
>i dont have to eat it
>i jsut want it to happen is all
>my life long dream of making toast out of vitreous humor is complete!
she sounds so happy
and really wants to eat it too...
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There should be a Lisa here
>Fuyo, Roca, Tonya, Enya playing some deer game
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>so much whiter on the inside compared to the outside
>what happens if i squeeeeze you?
>anything happens?
>no juices?
>yeah... no juices here
this is about optical nerves, not shotas or anything

>could this be the first dissection stream ever from a vtuber? (prob not)
>if i put a retina on a YuGiOh card, would that be a first? (probably)
>this was fun, would do it again

>maybe i should switch to the chatting screen so i can take off my gloves and scratch my nose
Some tech issues at the start but it looks like they've got it figured out
>Lisa is the hunter
>Her sanity is currently going down
>would eat the toast if it was from a fresh cow, no preservatives
i dont doubt it, she was hungry for it
probably just tastes mildly salty if it has any real taste
Krum is dual streaming Portal 2 (yapping in reality) with her friend ElioLotl.
I am nnot sure if I should post Elios channel too, this is weird.
Screamy Tonya after she became the hunted was very cute
>don't you want to dissect it to understand why it's cute?
is this cute aggression?
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>Enya seems to understand the game intuitively
>Fails immediately as the hunter
In any case, ElioLotls part of the stream
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i wasnt expecting the turns to table so much, this is really neat for an asymmetric multiplayer game
It's simple but sometimes that's all you need for a nice MP game
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>I did the NPC thing to trick you
Even as a deer Lisa is mischievous
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Esila would definitely enjoy Polybridge with her brand of autism
not sure if it's still a thing, but you used to be able to have viewers design their own bridges in a browser and import their designs into your game to test them and see if they work
would be a fun stream
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>go for the venison
>fail the jump
>back at the bottom of parkour civilisation
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lol I just realized Tonya changed her eyes to red as the hunter
I mean she is a programer, she has that kind of fuck around money.
>Para is watching a movie about the hunter becoming the hunted
must be the theme of the day
>that fart was your downfall
it's usually the other way around
it's still a shit ton of money... plus now she's not allowed to sell her keyboard.
The thought gets all their little prey hearts going doki doki
that was a fun collab game
>so happy i was able to do it
>i had so much fun
>it was so cool to see the inside of the eyeball
>thank you for the company, thank you for the support
>sending kisses to the usual places
Esila really enjoyed her cow (sheep) dissection stream, even without the cannibalism
yeah. I like her and have been watching her playing minecraft a lot recently.
Kadalyn is a good girl.
Encore collab @Tonya's ch in 30min
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>Encore collab @Tonya's ch in 30min
Miaelou, french catgirl and Paras friend got a job ! She is not a stinky neet anymore.
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baker fren's playing a chilla's art game i think
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Dollie is doing things and having orgasms i think
>drinking and garning out in a huge garnsesh some may even call this a garngasm
https://twitch.tv/dolliehitsujida ⋆。゚
good for her!
i hope she'll figure out keeping a job and streaming, it's tough
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>drinking asahi
>talking about JP classes
>big fan of her cute hag teacher
>i need to drink more to understand what's going on here
>is this a horror game??? are you making me play a horror game in the month of october in the year of our lord???
>sorry it's completely dark... i dont need a flashlight
>i dont think you guys can see shit
her big hat lights up with a slow pulse, surely that will help with her fear of the dark
>how does one get on top of this bitch
asking the important questions
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>>baby one more time game dev cover jumpscare
>i'm 21, i'm like a grown up
she's a baby
that song is older that Dollie btw let that one sink in
she will work at mcdonalds (which is like, the best offer in her little village) and has fucked up shifts, like 4 hours in the morning 4 hours at evening.
Hopefully she will manage to squeeze some streaming between these two.
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>giraffes actually have short necks
>cause they can't drink water without splaying their legs, their neck is too short to reach
>for their body size, they have short necks even though they have the longest neck in the animal kingdom
when you put like that, they should be known for their legs, not for their necks
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the freaks were busy being freaky but they're here now maybe
>>87179307 was not correct at all
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this is a real stream now i think maybe idk
>None of them know about the game
>Enya just sent it and no one asked questions
In for a fun time
>Lisa is doodeedoo
very beabadoobee core
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Is it weird to say chuubas especially /wool/ chuubas have greatly influenced how I interact with people online? Back then I use to not give two fucks about what I would say and would start arguments just for the lulz. Now I'm careful with what I say and I don't engage in arguments anymore. Anyone experienced something similar?
>dollie want to have a gamer sups cup one day
presumably so she doesn't have to drink like a giraffe anymore

>i was eating wa-
>i wa pumpkin pie and playing warhammer
>i was not eating warhammer
>that's my best memory of being in America
It's not weird
Being treated with kindness does that to people
Congratulations on reaching oldfaghood, faggot.
>I'm afraid of the dark don't leave me
Liser... I can't wait for the screamies
>im afraid of the dark
>dont leave me!
Lisa cute
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ragi plays suika game but it's pixelated
The voice chat audio fucking up is really adding to the experience
>Lisa tooks meds to get motion sick
>Tonya didnt have any and is getting sick
>Enya is just running around unbothered

proximity voice chat is great for ambiance
this game might over dampen as you get further away but that's spookier so it works
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Lisa is screaming in terror but her model is just sitting there like :D
this game is great
best lisa screamies in forever
Glad you're not a shitter anymore, hope good things come your way
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>James Patterson's Max Ride was an inspiration for Dollie Hitsujida
>a book about people with animal cosmetics essentially
rare dollie lore drop
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>Lisa you are the devil and I summon you
This really is the Baphomet thread
>Enya hard carrying
>summoning her girlies back to life
she really knows this game huh
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short stream but sounds like everyone loved the game and we'll get more of it next week
>Tonya raided Lala who is also being a baby
This was a good wool day.
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>happy little friday
>rose got new hair (after the break up as girls tend to do)
>>new hair new me
>dressed cute just to go to the store for a bit, back in PJs to stream
>we went to get hair dye, but i was distracted by the nail section
>they left me alone for 5 minutes and when they came back they were like
>>we leave you alone for FIVE MINUTES and you're all covered in glitter...
>i did buy cute glittery nail polish

>story about raki being mutuals with a vsinger Rose was listening to she turns to me and is like
>other people at the table are looking at us, someone went
>>this person is my childhood!
>she was like "i hate you, that's my dream!" she was joking obviously and everyone at the table is looking at me like i did something
>and rose turns to me and says
>>we're talking about this at home!!

>after the hair/nail shop we were gonna go eat, Rose and Sun were not sure where to go
>so wagi begged with her puppy eyes to try the kwabby patty
>the frosty was amazing because of the texture of it
>i like when i can eat milkshakes with a spoon
>couldnt finish the burger, kinda made me throw up

>got glass out of my foot
>i was walking and felt pain
>looked at my foot with my phone flashlight and there's something shiny in it
>i took the piece of glass out and then lost it again
>i would have totally posted it on twitter dot com
>thought the glass would disintegrate in my body
>i was surprised it was still there

>sometimes i think about getting shot

>ragi being sassy and snappy and high energy today

>not sure when i can go home, maybe not till the end of this month
>also birthday i think i should do it here

>Rose said she would drive me home so i can get my recording gear and record at the appartement
>also said she'd leave when i need to record
>so maybe 2h girls road trip this weekend

>tripping on everything outside, talking to strangers when she clearly should not, that very creature, Raki Kazuki, has to do a presentation on how to be safe on campus...

it does feel like Raki's energy has shifted since living with Rose and Sun, not in a bad way
and yet she is still the babiest creature ever
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>now playing SHEEPY, a short adventure
and spotting French things everywhere
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The dollers enjoys the audio-visual prettiness of this sheepy game
>thinking about AI and talking to AI Raki
>wondering about this planet and mars
>thinking about the space too much scares me

>would be scared to travel through Europe alone, i feel they would be more harsh
>thinking about to Japan with Rose

>checking on the whale-shark and learning that it is indeed a fish

>asking for halloween ideas
>ashamed of her doodling skills "your profile pics are worth more than that"
>asking pans about their special skills, getting meh answers
>how can i have confidence if you guys dont have confidence

>used to have a vocal lessons teacher who would make her pray before each lesson and would have her daughter sit with them during the lessons, just staring at raki

>pans are raki's best girls
all my little sisters keep trying to sissify me and i'm not into it
I'm sure Esi would love this, too, but I'll forget about it till next stream.
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bratty puppy fren's answering marshmallows if you wanna get to know her better
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Lillie went to Denmark to have sex
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Pillow plays FNAF in VR

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