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Kawaii dying in 1 hour thread.
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company theme?
Go back to your cage Phasechud
Time to have a forbidden fap
Remember to archive.
And nothing of value will be lost.
I don't even think about your nonexistent company.
phasecuck next
If it were phase coming apart at the seems, I wouldn’t be so passive about it, I’d be taunting them every single minute.
>t. phasecucks coping
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>Kawaii dying in 1 hour thread.
Yae, to me!
I'm falling sleep, please relate what she said when stream happens.
Oh, thanks for the correction! :3

Yea, to me!
phase is too big to fail now
How did this happen and who can we blame for it
>company theme?
Only the best one.
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life goes on :(
>it's another Nene clickbait
>yet another new coomer model with shit rigging
No company is too big to fail. They are 1 Pippa graduation from going back down to small corpo status and losing their money maker, and that would be assuming Tenma, Lia and Uruka wouldn't leave with Pippa if she left.
is it really dying? it not just a rrat?
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it was about time lmao
Inshallah brothers. I can feel it.
Sike, it's another concert.
Your oshi is next.
>female viewership is rising
you are only feeling the explosion from your pager.
Pippa isn't going anywhere, she's too lazy to put in the work needed to thrive as an indie.
>it's a work
don't be a mark
why would they hype up a closure annoncement?
Rape the rabbit hole like her favorite movie prison-raped the fans of its prequel.
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Kawaii Productions will close their doors November 30th, 2024.
what an odd way to announce your company is closing.
This was worse than what Prism did for their announcement. Shadowdrop and then have the talents all have a determined schedule to stream relay pretty much for every talent to have their own time to announce. Everyone is right now stepping over each other right after the press release.
kawaii dead, continue as indie under same IP
What a fake ass crying
>mfw this is not even the most ccv Nene has had.
Yae's in V4Mirai, anon. Maybe you're thinking of Kaya?
Nene outlived the company itself kek
t. literal autist
I closed the stream. Heard all I needed to hear.

Good for her, or sorry that happened. Not sure since Nene was Production Kawaii.
There were other girls besides Nene?
I wonder if all the girls get to keep their IPs
Well well well look who just joined EN5.
nice, fuck those whores.
nene says she's keeping hers, so it would seem so
Nene's a girl?
I honestly forgot nene was part of a company. The only one from there i ever bothered watch was nene
I'm not surprised desu, 3 years and barely any growth with that whole company
They were given the option to buy out their model and only nene could afford it.
Well that wasn't very Kawaii.
There wasn't anything cute about that.
read the announcement dumbass
didn't read kawaii's announcement until now, only nene's link in her stream. that's good, i'm happy for the rest of the girls
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Gen 3 won. Get fucked
Mozzu is literally going to quit over male collabs though.
qrd? I hate that bitch kek
Check the archives, she has been seething on her priv.
Shame. I love her tits.
Where does this notion come from that if Pippa leaves, the other Gen1 leave as well? That's not realistic at all.
isnt it kawaii is that one that graduated a whole gen
only casually followed hmzk
why did Ran graduate again? and who is she now?
Kind of feels like she's the big loser in all of this
nah they're going to Phase in
they graduated the whole company now
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>and who is she now?
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge
She just launched her new channel
They fired one person, and the remaining 4 members quit abruptly. It wasn't exactly a graduation.
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being fair to her, Ran was a buget model with shitty rigging and everyone knew. Lynne is much better. Good investment. Her loss was the subscribers and views.
To be honest I like this model more, so I came out winning
lmao genuinely
Sounded like Nene was fake crying at the beginning of her announcement right after the plug for her latest song nobody cares about because it's vtuber music.
Fuck you buddy. This song means a lot to me. And I'm happy that Nene got a record deal and a karaoke deal which is apparently a significant thing in Japan to land. And she's getting radio airplay too.
She wasn't the best musical talent in kawaii but she is the one I love.
it is very realistic considering Pippa, Tenma, Lia and Uruka threatened a mutiny 2 months into Phase and were gonna quit (which would have ended the company) unless their voices were heard and changes were made. They weren't fucking around that is a very serious and real thing that happened.

I posted in another thread earlier, but now consider these 4 girls started a company together from nothing, they weathered the storm together, they all achieved their dreams together, they have traveled the world together... they are not the best of friends, but they are very loyal to each other I believe it. They are bonded forever as vtubers.

It doesn't mean they would all quit and form their own group, but just that I would believe it that if certain ones quit, they would follow just because "fuck it we started together we end together. I am bored with vtubing anyway I achieved all of my dreams, anyway"
phase connect lives and dies by their en gen1 they are the focus of the entire company, and it would send giant redflags if any of those girls who have survived this long are ready to bail
Thread about Kawaii. REEEE why is Phase alive!?
>too big to fail
Tell that to bleeding money nijisanji
this is worring

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