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Thread for avant-garde/alternative/horror/weird indie Vtubers!

>VTuber list

>Question of the thread
What's your oshi's favorite smell?

Previous Thread:
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Currently Streaming

Lobotomy Bunny - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Kiki's twitterspacing
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I hate this
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I love this
god, i want that to crawl out of my screen so badly
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Have you guys watched any good horror movies lately? I'm about to watch longlegs for the first time
The Shining, The Fly (with Jeff Goldblum) and Basketcase are good movies I'd recommend
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Annihilation is a good one
Did anyone archive Denko's latest stream?
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>not animated
i am disappoint
Longlegs was good, but it felt like it wanted to be more than it was but failed on that. Like obvious unreached aspirations.
Deadstream honestly feels like a modern Evil Dead 2
The Sadness is a good gore-ror flick
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I just looked up the sadness. How does a canadian guy direct a film in mandarin anyways? Sounds a little difficult
>How does a canadian guy direct a film in mandarin
canada is chinese
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Jabazz isn't a chinese name lol.
a lot of them aren't animated ;-;
i intended to record it but I screwed up my archiving scripts so I didn't get anything today. i should be recording all of denko's streams going forward though. gomen
body snatchers
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I see a lot of stitches and bruises from /freak/s, a lot of wacking and smacking, which is all nice, but how many of them are genetically engineered monstrosities that have lab grown organs with evolutionarily advanced functions?
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Maime friend Cereza:
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im so embarassed by that one I meant to use this one last thread ToT
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Oh yes. Just what I needed
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I hope Suwawa goes into detail sometime over her recovery process after being mown down by a Gatling gun
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Just finished longlegs. A+ for atmosphere, I really liked nick's performance too. Wild that he's kind of reinvented himself as a horror actor, his line delivery is just so great for these kinds of films.
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Please live /freak/
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I was gonna reply something, but forgot what
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time for sleep
g'night /freak/
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Gunai fren
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good morning /freak/! Cement Tea self posting here again to give some updates... Twitter is legal in Brazil again! Im just waiting my ISP to unblock it which will take about 24 hours, things are turning back to normal i guess...

Collab tune with Pamu is done and should be released in early november

Pic related is a even more nerdy Ematoma, just sharing to you guys, its also a thanks for all the support! Art is by nikopunk

wow i did a BGM to every single one of these with the exception of 2, thats a record!
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good morning /freak/!
glad to hear friend! looking forward to the collab tune!
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Good morning fren!
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Now that I have my food, I get to watch Pamu play Faith! Happy! Happy!
I have it. Just give it a few minutes to upload
thank you for the pancakes, friend!
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https://www.twitch.tv/vesper_awol Vesper playing Visage!
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https://x.com/DENKOYUNYUN/status/1843872648482492648 knocking the breath out of this bratty cat for steering the submarine into a wall and dragging us into some shady gambling den to play russian roulette!
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*headpats* You're welcome
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Pamu getting scared playing Faith is so precious, which reminds me, I don't think we had actually seen her play a horror game before. Also thank you for playing Pamu! I would give you a big kiss if you were here right now
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This bratty cat is such an exhibitionist! She can't go a single stream without flashing her chat and exposing those mosquito bites of hers to the entire world
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Going out for a bit. Keep the thread warm for me
Why not make a copy of the live2D model that doesn't have the nude toggle on it?
Cina is Streaming

Minori is streaming Minecraft
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OK here it is!
Cheers fren!
Ryo got some art in the draw thread
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Gunai frens!
Did we ever send that Chikage Canvas to Akira-chan?
goodnight friend!
https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka Cv playing Monomyth
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It'd be simpler to just change the hotkey to something out of the way
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Turn the machine on you coward.
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The first two V/H/S movies have some good fun horror shorts, it's a hit or miss overall through the other movies in the series
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What does it mean to be a /freak/?
To be a freak is to indulge in the less socially accepted aspects of being human. Malice, pain, violence, horror, etc.
Basically just the hellraiser cenobites but vtuber.
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i am so glad you guys are keeping up with denko's streams because there's no way in hell youtube's gonna give me live notifications on-time
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Maime here again, I recorded more bedtime stories:
Thanks Maime! Looking forward to relaxing and listening to this later!
https://www.twitch.tv/parasi Para's live!
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I'm really happy that Faith affected Pamu in some way but also sad that its potentially fucking her sleep up. If its any consolation, I had a lot of fun watching you play it, Pamu!
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https://www.twitch.tv/purityvalentine Purity has been live for a while
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bnnuy can scream wow https://www.twitch.tv/lobotomybunny/clip/InterestingShakingBobaFloof-YsDZ-csME0ZBWDiB
I love when women scream.
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pushing today's stream to tomorrow orz
Good morning /freak/!
sugoi... I'm impressed she can scream that loud, that rapidly
good morning friend!
Going to the gym today
Ganbare frens!
I want gym bro anon to wreck me
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Goodnight /freak/!
Do your best friend!
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thats funny I actually am watching south park right now lol
Shorts? It's an anthology series?
Yeah, it's an anthology series. Each release after the second one has a theme to it like 80s, 90s etc
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omo gone out fishing
we will never again have peak avant garde, like ripping off nails
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Maime live with more parasite eve~
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Sleep well fren!
Eh? We have Suwawa, what do you mean?
*approaches with a pear of anguish*
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My day at the gym was great, I'm really proud of myself!
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The voices
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What kind of burger would your oshi be?
I've been thinking about it too much since I saw this picture, and I decided Uruka will be a Miso Bear Burger; since eating real bear meat is popular in Hokkaido, and Miro Ramen is their most famous dish.
You could add popular ramen toppings like a marinated egg or seaweed, or just do more traditional burger toppings that might taste well with miso.

Now that I typed that I'm realizing I maybe should have made it something Taiwan inspired instead. Either that or something based on the kind of random food she keeps which I can't remember because there's so little of it and it's almost always expired.

Good job anon! Give yourself a nice reward for all the hard work!
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Woah, those are nice, wonderful detail
I got me a beer and a subway salad afterward, yummy!
>What kind of burger would your oshi be?
a sheetz big mozz
I like when Denko is using her asmr mic but still talks at full volume into the ears and they peak its absolute kino
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It'd be a rabbit meat burger with some mandatory veggies and chips on the side to make up for the low amount of nutrients, vitamins etc. in the rabbit meat
Kiki's got an announcement in 4 days
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Very cute. Would bully, punch and give kisses
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i watched the amityville horror and it wasn't very good. on the other hand i also saw the first poltergeist movie was actually pretty enjoyable
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goo night /freak/~
Gunai fren!
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Molly is live collabing with a cute DJ!

ecto is live too!
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good morning /freak/!
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Good morning fren!
how's your day been?
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It was great, finally started doing some bench pressing for the first time, quite proud of myself
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Glad to hear that! Does your oshi know you're getting jacked so that you can tear her apart?
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She must've caught on by now
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How is this masokitty so cute?
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https://x.com/DENKOYUNYUN/status/1844220170128195671 Her giggling while shocking herself really is cute and her pained noises are great. I want her moans of pain to blow my eardrums out
I love her laughter
Hello Tea!
Thank You for all Your hard work.
Welcome back!!
Wonderful to see you again!
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Gunai /freak/
Gonna eep early to fix my schedule
Chu~! <3
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Chu! Goodnight friend!
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Going out for a bit! keep this cute aussie company while she plays Silent Hill 2!
The binka looks at you
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Today, Esila Shephield from Nexas and anons wife, will be dissecting cows eye life on stream.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3rE9NvC_eE [Embed]
in 2h :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbjaSduaAAU [Embed]
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https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka Cv playing Nine Sols
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Someone I can pay to slap themselves 5o times
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https://x.com/YAMATA_IA_/status/1843597865534533944 Just saw that Yamata already reached the preorder quota required to begin production of the hoodies! Omedetou!
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https://www.twitch.tv/denkoyunyun Denko's live!
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She's dissecting it now!
Trimming off the excess fat and connective tissue!
She's completed one of her life-long wishes of spreading the vitreous humor from an eyeball onto a piece of toast.
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Man... slow day huh?
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Why did you rebrand this from ryona theme to vague "weird/horror" theme. And then you have a link to a list of ryona vtubers. The two concepts are only slightly related. If this is the ryona thread, say so
We used to be /meat/ and pretty focused on ryona and guro. But I guess the jannies thought it was too nsfw so the thread got changed to include other unusual chuubas as well. It's been growing into a pretty nice thread with lots of diverse and interesting content since then.
It's pretty much all the kookies and spookies of the vtubing world. From horror/surreal aesthetics, to bizarre/unconventional content, to the extreme ryona/weird crap
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I can't believe out of all vtubers it's /freak/ that would end up producing actual EN avtubers instead of chuubas that just bait lewd stuff or do occasional nudes
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Denko peets
I think she likes Madoka Magica
Would you be Denko's Homura?
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Good morning /freak/!
I ache all over!
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Time for me to go to the gym
Ganbare /Freak/
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fucked up shrodinger's cat is doing an ASMR stream with some slime
I want to be Denko's kyubey
She tasted the slime and proceeded to vomit...
/freak/ is inherently transgressive. It's not unexpected if you think about it.
I thought you were making some /freak/ fanfiction then I clicked on the stream...
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We still got it
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This image shouldn't make my heart flutter as much as it does. I love this angel
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Pumpkin got her internet back!
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who is suwawa? what is suwawa? why is suwawa?
Not flat. Get outta here!
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