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Ever since she lost her sexo corpo model, she’s been going menhera over her dwindling numbers. With the announcement that Kawaii all get to keep their numbers after the company goes under, while hers will likely be deleted forever, she might actually an hero over this.

PLEASE give her a boost, even if just a little bit. Leave her stream running off-tab while you watch something else, or while you go to work, even. Just please, get her out of this 30CCV hell. I’m worried she won’t be around for much longer if this keeps up.
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Honestly, the heads at Kawaii should be executed for the crime of locking away this model forever
they should unironically give her her model back. I don't care if she's an evil bitch or whatever, her asmr streams were pure sexo
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>she might actually an hero over this
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Buy an ad for her
Does she play games? I remember really liking her singing, but asmr is not for me.
Doesn't kawaii use Vtube Studio, and not some proprietary program? There shouldn't be a way for kawaii management to yank the model off her computer, right? What's stopping her from whipping it out once kawaii shuts down?
She should try to buy the model back at least. Though slim, she does have a shot in getting it back.
you people are vile
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leave her alone anon she didn't do nothing
I look like this
Honestly, she needs to do better. Change things up, rebrand, ANYTHING. Obviously shit isn't working. I don't watch ASMR but I can tell her zero-effort attempts at AFK streaming are hurting her massively.

I've been following Utada Zoey for a while and I can definitively claim she isn't evil. I'm also 99% certain the doxxing was accidental or her being retarded instead of malicious. It doesn't change anything, of course, but the vicious character assassination she received by /pkg/ and company was completely undeserved. Especially in hindsight of how Gen 3 was treated.
10 times
Your literally who 2view whore is going to off herself and I will be here for it, cackling.
I gave her a sub and I’ll check her out. But she’s not doing herself a favor by doing react content slop. Also is she unicorn friendly?
AkioAir was copyright striking their old talents’ models after shutting down, and they made 1/10th of what Kawaii did
She was the 2nd most popular GFE streamer back when she was in Kawaii
She is manifesting her beliefs through her actions.
If she wants to change her reality she needs to look consciously at her beliefs and her past and to rewrite her perception of her history into something more positive.
She has to imagine her negative past, to feel the negative emotions to release them, then imagine a different reaction to generate a positive result.

What she really desires is inner peace and the only way to find it is by looking inside and facing her fears.
The external world can never fill the emptiness she feels inside because the problem lies inside.
Kill the GFE and I will watch her. I don't watch women for companionship faking. Fuck that noise. I rather watch or listen to them gaming and talking about the game in general.
>no talent
>make low-effort content
>"wtf is my channel not growing"

lmao this bitch needs to take a step back, get a real job and maybe try vtubing as a hobby. She clearly doesn't enjoy it and is only for the money, else she wouldn't be bitching like this. Also, asking your community to view bot is beyond pathetic.
Extremely. I can count on 1 finger the times she's collabed with other. It's just her and her chat.
4th gen truly got fucked over hard some deservedly so others did it to them selves sadly
Just admit your a homobegger anon it takes less words.
It's crazy to me she has so much talent as a vocalist but does this cringe gfe shit. Oh well. Does she even do ear licking slutty asmr for her fans? That's the one reason I'd watch a dumpster slut!
Only if she shows me her tits.
what the hell did she even do to get terminated and why?
it was always weird to me, especially how the rest of her gen left anyway
Yes (this is a lie).
She should just stream on Twitch, theres plenty of ASMRists there, not Bazzeele recently started doing asmr under the name feyre and shes doing well
Is that AI art?
Gen 3 framed her as doxxing them and then Nene because she was out preforming them (Gen 3 not Nene). But Gen 3 was too greedy and wanted 3D before the other gens got theirs and threw a temper tantrum which ultimately resulted in them quitting after grifting via a donothon
The rest of 4th gen made up some bullshit to get her fired because she refused to back them up on renegotiating their contracts (at the time Oceana was the biggest in her gen and 2nd or 3rd biggest in the corpo) the reason the rest of her gen got fired is a combo of the truth coming out and their demands for contract renegotiations
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I'm the biggest holofag in this board and refuse to watch anything that isn't Hololive.

This fucking sex of a model was the only thing that made me check out a vtuber outside hololive for the first time. It's not a discount Subaru, it's just pure sex Subaru skin.

Still not watching anything that isn't Hololive btw
they dont exist anymore she could just get someone to make her a look alike model useing that one as a reference
Exactly what others said, she was an angel
her pl discord raided kawaii girls with dox for weeks because she was them as rivals
Anon, did you open this chinese wastebasket weaving forum for the first time yesterday?
looks like it
>Generated by AI #AIkuZozo
I'd have said your mothers should be punished for letting you exist, but I am probably replying to bots.
Why does Oceane still have simps?
Why does the rest of Gen 3 have idiots who believe they were poorly treated by Kawaii?
she could contact the artist
well now, you guys can buy the model and gave it to her...
She was doing well for a while with good growth for a youtube indie but then she tried to game the system too hard and it ended up backfiring
Her suffering is entirely self-inflicted
Bitch harrased and doxxed her coworkers, she should start streaming on kick and show her tits.
>indie vtuber wallows in 2viewdom on YT
Tale as old as time
Oceanne literally did nothing wrong and Kawaii deserves to burn
>Anons claim that numbers like CCV or views are meaningless
>Here is one of countless chuuba losing hearts over their CCVs
Wish her all the best, though
Gave her a sub, my time is limited tho and vtubing has become so oversaturated. It is not covid times anymore with people stuck at home desperate for entertainment
her pl discord saw them as rivals you mean?
why the fuck would they be retarded enough to think or do that
Fuck off Reine simp
Oceane got what she deserved
You will get used to it don't worry about it
Christ; she has 70k subs, that's actually pretty impressive, what went wrong?
I love her voice, but ASMR and reaction streams are not my jam.
Also I think her karaoke streams are pretty good but I rarely get to watch them live.
she's had close to two years to figure it out at this point
YT's algo likes asmr and RP, isn't it?
>why the fuck would they be retarded enough to think or do that
Because she was literally telling them to
Her and the other traitorous whores of Gen 3 should not be allowed to have their old model.
Thread tourist here, give me the TRUTH
who was actually in the wrong between her and the rest of her gen?
ehh theyre only marginally better than flips. good luck to her though
It was never proven that was the case like a lot of things kawaii claimed were never hard proven as fact about any of the former talents look where that type of grease ball shit got you all too fucking faggots lol
Not sure if you should be posting this on 4chan tho
she had a really good thing going in kawaii. amazing ccv and sub count, but she had to go and ruin it
>Ever since she lost her sexo corpo model, she’s been going menhera over her dwindling numbers

>ai in members
I know it's part of the sad reality about trying to make it as a low numbers girl or small indie etc. but something about "please just leave my stream open so it counts as 1 ccv" and the constant talk about needing more numbers turns me off.

I get it, I know they want to grow and be able to live ofd it one day, I know they all look a lot at their viewership and analytics. But somehow I still don't want to hear about it.
just another body for the "wait I have to have actual talent?" pipeline
She actually did have talent, she just wasn’t a good person.
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jav debut first then I'll give her my support
she's just another woman who thinks she deserves success rather than putting in effort.
2view better pull a alien mixture and get a job
>woman struggles to cope with dwindling male attention
Humans have been dealing with this for thousands of years. The only solution is to get pregnant.
>hard carried by sex model
>low effort in everything else
># begging

better get a part time job

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