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Previous thread: >>87005666
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

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Streams / M.E.S.
>【#holoGTA Clips Watchalong 切り抜き同時視聴】WATCHING HOLOGTA CLIPS WITH MOOMS!【hololive ID | Anya Melfissa】
>WHAT are you DOING in my SWAMP?! | Shrek The Musical Watchalong
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these girls are exhausting
5 more years of moom confirmed!
Hagmei soon!
wait so who won?
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These girls are so silly. Love them.
We did
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If I was in prison I would prefer bunking with crackheads over these five lmao
wait weren't those chips banned?
I'm pretty sure that she tweeted that she bought it for the 1M stream like a year ago
Cover Corp's profits
yeah you can still get em aftermarket, the manufacturer isn’t allowed to sell them anymore but people who still have them can
aww, cute. I love the rrat drawfag
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Wasnt it also just not really that spicy and all the videos were just pretending?
>dies from a fucking chip
that was a boring stream my god
didn't ask
go back
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>does he know
kek. when was this?
Mumei. She's the host.
he should know moom only reads orange or higher supas
what a faggot
This is the stream they decide to send that shit? She was the most adult in the room for this one
is this the same projecting esl from 2 years ago. dude needs to fuck off
no thats shinji ikari from evangelion
Pretty much the last SCs she got, dude should be fighting off them angels and shit
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la creatura
I was wondering what this reminded me of but thats some yippee ass drawing
There's really no appropiate time to send that kind of message, but in terms of this stream she was quite scatterbrained. But that has little to nothing to do with any speculative autism is and has more to do with the diagnosis we already know she has
I need her to end so I can watch the musical teaser, I was in the bathroom and missed it
yep. chronic feather-brain!
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FauMei crumbs...
it's just some ERB lore narration you didn't miss much
Man, now I'm excited for a musical. I haven't been excited to see one since my high school days.
That would be something to put on the HoloEN youtube. Not like that channel is getting a lot of use.
You weren't excited for shrek?
I'm glad they opted for something different, I think bae always wanted to perform something like that
they will. where else they are going to put it? Myths was there too.
kissing mumei!
so are they gonna stream the orgy at bae's place?
only for me.
well, we know they have to go to japan for the musical so maybe in december
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unless kanauru has his grubby hands all over it and it's only voiceovers
really think Mumei would pass the opportunity to perform? And Cover might be retarded at times but even they know better.
Hagmei will become
Kronii mentioned this was part of the homework she had to do the past week that her manager was going to have her killed over, so it's either that, or it's still a traditional 3d live, and they're just skinwalking the ones not in japan or having them record remotely in some studio in the US.
IRyS moaning
>they're just skinwalking the ones not in japan
I mean would you rather the alternative be Mumei leaves for Japan again and not stream some more?
I want mumei to spend time with her friends while she can. Overseas trips are tiring but fun.
Yes? What's the point if they are skinwalked. Acting is as much part of a musical as singing.
Mumei has done short trips to Japan, hell, she might have already been there.
Didn't he make Carbonated Love? I liked it.
I kind of agree here
I'm not even against skinwalking, flying to japan constantly is not always realistic
but for a musical? man, it kinda does defeat the purpose
the problem with him is that it's often quantity over quality as well as the fact that he inserts memes into fucking everything to the point of it being annoying
plus hoomans put a lot of the blame on him for the dan dan fiasco
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I know it's a 3D model animated, but the idea of a grown male shaking his ass for the motion capture and you liking it obliterates my sides
Lies! That was not a male shaking his butt... no...
Huge rrat but: Ame mentioned we'd maybe see her in stuff happening in the next couple of months. I can see her wanting to be part of a musical and making a special appearance. That means she would have needed to record for it and since she has a studio at home the girls who couldn't/didn't want to go to Japan could have visited her as well.
That would be nice too.
It's a rrat alright but I choose to believe it
of course it's a jailbird
Its a Promise anniversary 3D, Ame wont be there
as expected, but still, it's so over
What kind of DMs were those
pussy pics
Cameo for letting them use her studio.
they showed each other my dick pick and were giggling at its size on stream
Please mumei a cloak merch, I beg of you
how tha fuck is the card holder 19 dollars got damn
okay but what about the girl that live in japan? or we are just gonna get baerys and the rest for separate?
Friend is one of the most valuable IPs in the world, and his licensing cost reflects that
That's the power of prerecorded 3D you see, they don't have to physically be in the same place or record at the same time.
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Look at this cool borgermei
It's a fluffy cardholder, made from the moombush.
I hope we don't start getting an uptick of extra begging, especially something so absolutely retarded
This is Friend posting by the way. The paper bag will get a cut of the profits and relocate to Chile.
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>prerecorded 3D
No such thing. It's HoloLIVE not Holoprerecorded 3D
Hey man I think small dicks are cute and no joking matter!
mori focus on your stream
Good thing you are just joking, right?
>I mean would you rather the alternative be Mumei leaves for Japan again and not stream some more?
The alternative isn't playing a long game from beginning to end so don't be disingenious here, the alternative is maybe missing a few collabs or karaokes but also gaining a few off collabs in Japan. So fairly equal output all things considered.
coom in the moom butt
And how many off collabs we have from this year? When they go to Japan, they usually dont have time.
MuBae is always on the menu no matter the season.
I took a nap about an hour in. What the actual fuck happened there at the end? Management told them to end the game? What the fuck was that bit with the DMs?
>Management told them to end the game?
We don't know that, but the thing which is 100% certain is the Promise girls themselves were tardwrangling Mumei to get her to judge the drawings and end the stream in under 2 hours instead of in 3 hours. Which is understandable considering how even the point system was thrown out the window for an everyone is a winner ending.
Discord sex can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone... yes, even (You) are not safe!!
I don't think tardwrangling is the right term.
Moom (and friends) on the Japanese building telly
awww, cute!
That's amazing. That's fan paid right? Cover didn't fork out money for it?
I doubt Cover paid for it. They have no reason to shill Promise there
JPnikkis love Mumei! (and promise)
I love how moom is eating from bae's pop corn
Mumi henti...
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Mumei can finally live out her theater dream, happy for her. Love Mumei. Love Promise. Simple as.
It's one of his better works but it's still pretty scuffed. It's saved by being IRyS and a fun song. 2 problems I noticed on first watch were when IRyS is falling and when she throws the can. That shit is elementary animation shit yet someone being paid good money to do so can't? He's definitely milking the shit out of Cover/talents and the fact that he most likely commissioned that artwork of him taking pictures of IRyS is a huge red flag imo
>the fact that he most likely commissioned that artwork of him taking pictures of IRyS
IRyS was apparently okay with it but it's definitely pretty sus imo.
Mumei is extremely fertile today
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Forgive me for ship faggotry but excluding EN, who is your favorite pair for Mumei? Is Towa still leading the scoreboards?
Mumay should do more stuffs with korosan
People are obsessed with Anya for some reason.
Rubbing soft and fluffy Nyanashi ears..
ERB was still the worst pick for the narrator of the 3d live teaser the more I think about it. Since it was a storybook being opened, Shiori would have fit better, if they wanted to be nostalgic, Hope aka IRyS doing the narration would have been a nice call back to the beginning. ERB is just given the job because of her bong theatrical style and nothing else.
ERB is omega, it fits.
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Towamei is still one of my favorites just because of how Towa handles Mumei.
ESLs think that she sounds cool because she's British and don't know that she sounds like a fucking grandma
what the fuck
Opposite of what Ceci and Raora got..
uh...ogey. that's pretty fucking weird
Cece has a very attractive tone to her voice, and has an attractive laugh Raora is something you get used to I would say.
Super weird. Wtf is going inside management?
Saw some people speculating that it might be visa issues that would cause her to not be able to work anymore while she is in Japan? idk
Best guess from people is either she lost her company phone and needs to reset everything OR it is just a pending contract thing where you can't stream until they have a renewed contract on file.
most likely speculation
japan immigration is very strict with what you can do and any sort of income has specific visa requirements
>it might be visa issues
Is she semi-permanent in Japan now for months? I know she is there a lot lately.
Sounds more like she's going on strike because she's pissed at Hololive for fucking something up
wow the music is loud
where the loudspeakers located for something like this?
Kill yourself
I mean, you don't get a personal trainer which locks you into a months long contract if you aren't planning on sticking aorund for a long time.
Ina’s talked about wanting to move to Japan, so maybe the part with her flying home next week has to do with visa issues in addition to that. Until she clarifies a bit next week, it’s mostly going to be speculation and dramafagging.
My crackship is AZKi but realistically it can only be Towa can't it?
Yea sure, but I meant the language begging.
Looks like a work visa issue where she can't do anything that qualifies as work until it's cleared up
Some middle manager fucked up paperwork I bet, useless managers
Everywhere you go, middle management will fuck you up.
Tweeting is considered work now? Damn.
She confirmed visa problems in another place
Nothing to panic about
If you're a vtuber, I guess every time you're on any of your vtuber account it counts according to Japanese beancounters.
Yeah I just saw, I figured it was something dumb like that. Glad it was nothing worse, but Cover needs to get their shit together
it could just as easily be japan
their shit is so archaic and shitty. I've had the displeasure of dealing with it and getting a visa there
kek, thanks Ina
I wouldn't fully lay the blame on Cover as it could easily just be plain Japanese bureaucracy at work that's screwing her over, but I could see why you would.
So why so doom posty about it instead "sorry, my work visa expired"?
no idea honestly
Ina has always been weirdly cagey about life/work stuff like this in the moment, dunno why.
Hmm, I guess since she just streamed yesterday technically she's been working illegally, and they want to avoid saying it outright for plausible deniability? Maybe there's some legal stuff idk
She's not the only one that keeps it to a need to know. It is annoying for stuff like this where nothing really bad happened and its just paperwork gone wrong.
Well hopefully Bae posting the I'm Be Back gif calmed things down for anyone who misinterpreted the original tweet as being more serious than it really was.
Japan is very strict about work visas, that’s probably it.
Bae is a real one for that, people are pretty on-edge after Ame just suddenly left
it's probably amusing from the inside when you are privy to stuff happening behind the scenes
you see people lose their minds over something minor
I bet they've gotten some laughs from fandom reactions to various things
Lean o'clock hip hop (it rhymes!) suggests otherwise.
Go away, schizo.
"Wait what happened D:" vibes
it's... not at all similar
and that's off topic
>a vtuber melts down in public citing company issues
>coworker tries to defuse the situation
Nakadashi Wombmei
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NTA but you are very retarded.
Wanashi Mumei
Bae is going to have comfort sex with Ina and Mubae will be left in the dust
Mumei needs to take action before Takobaelz wins permanently
What is going on in Mimei's mind?
Good job, now the bread stinks like dog..
I imagine it's a constant sound of Viking raiders terrorizing the British countryside.
Here's your answer
She's not using her account
It's not as bad as skinwalking the account, but it's still retarded. There's nothing new here.
Nah I'm pretty sure those tweets are hers, they're just saying she won't be using the account until she gets home and managers will post updates or something
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you are also correct
(I'm not gonna keep spamming /who/ with this, it's just somehow weirdly been that a tweet comes out that is almost a direct response to comments here)
anyway, keep calm and moom on
We already know that most of them are /here/ (Hi Mumei) + inter-kuns.
Hi Mumei!
Please use Boomei again before the month is over.
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I can’t stop imagining the moment when Moom’s luscious moombutt lowering itself onto my face. The sheer mass of her booty blocking out all light, warmth, and air. I want to feel the exact moment when her flesh makes contact with my skin, the way the weight would build gradually, then suddenly crash down like a smothering wave. My nose would be buried deep between the pillowy folds, surrounded by nothing but Moom herself.

Each second beneath the moombutt would be a form of suffocating bliss, a heaven forged from her complete control. I want to feel the weight increase, the soft yet firm flesh compressing my face, forcing every thought, every sensation, to be about her.

I want to feel Moom's scent filling the tight space between us, a scent that would grow stronger, more intense, the longer she stays perched atop me. I wouldn’t want it to end, craving each second that her weight presses down on my head, squishing my features flat beneath her, forcing my face to reshape itself around her form.

And then, in that suffocating, intoxicating darkness, I want Moom to let go, to release a fart with such raw, earthy power that it reverberates through her flesh and straight into me. I want to feel that explosion of gas, hot and rank, bursting from her as if her body can no longer hold back. The air would thicken with the acrid scent, so foul and pure that it becomes all I can breathe, filling my lungs in a rush of heat and musk.

I want to drown beneath Moom, to suffocate on her gas, to be crushed and humiliated beneath the vast, overpowering glory of the moombutt.
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Take your fucking meds
I will take my meds when Mumei stops taking her adhd ones

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