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Recent survey of Japanese franchises and their fanbase.
22nd place
25th place
You tried this earlier anon
This list is for women only, for men and combined Hololive is ahead
Holobros not like this…
The hell? That's actually impressive if the hologirls are nearly as popular with women as the boytoys like Kuzuha
Post the list for men then, I am waiting
>female only
how is the pagpag OP?
>bot polls just like they bot their views
Who are you quoting? The list is for both female and male fans combined.
It's all Towa.
I’m going to bed so you can just scan the stuff from the last version of this thread if you wish, I assume the blue one is men.
Nijisanji has always been more popular in Japan, I’m not surprised
In which part of OP's image you can see 女性????
>low res poorly cropped image from april
Nah that does not prove anything. I am still waiting for your "male" list.
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Here is a graphic break down with the preference by age and sex of the above list.
I look forward to you trying this thread again tomorrow!
Good luck!
The evidence speaks for itself, you should accept your defeat
Nijisanji already lost global, japan and men.
Japanese female is nijisanji last bastion. And they are reclining.
Post the full image. You won't.
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Here is another breakdown with the axis Y being "how much are you spending on your "oshi"?"
Hololive doesn't particulary stand out of the bulk.
That is the full image, you should post it if you want to prove otherwise
>female only
who are you quoting?
What's stopping you from posting the link to the article rather than cropping it?
Delete this it goes against the /vt/ narrative
What's stopping you from posting it yourself?
Ok, so if I found the correct Japanese words. Hololive has a fanbase mostly in it's 30s and the gender distribution is I'll say 85% men 15% women. Niji meanwhile has a fanbase in it's early 20s and it's the opposite in gender to Hololive, with a 77% going to women and 23% going to men.
I mean, just do a simple google image search and find by yourself that is the full list. There is not a division by 男性 and女性.
Btw, you can que that the average Hololive Production suporter is almost exactly in their 30's and skew to a ~90%male to 10% female.
The Nijisanji one is their early 20's and are (unsurprisingly) almost 80% female to a little more of 20% male.
You are correct and by this other >>87068815 the sisters are willingly to spend a little more than your average hololive production fan. But still in line with almost everybody else.
Idol fans, Love Live Fans, Beatles Fans, Prince of Tennis Fans and Duffy and Friends Fans are on their own.
I'm not getting those graphs from the google image search.
First result is this:
The rests are unrelated charts.
The closest one is from imgur:
>The closest one is from imgur:
This one is from March. You can read the ENT! 2024.3 in the botton left.
OP's is from November. The date is in the same corner.
>Got laughed out of /#/
>Got laughed out of previous thread(s)
>Still trying with the female table, refuses to post the male and general ones because they show different picture
Good attempts, sis
>>Got laughed out of /#/
>Outing the /#/ monkeys as japanelets
rumao, even
found this from a random forum:

It's a paywalled content from this site:

OP and shitposters can't post the full disclosure since they are too poor, and only here to shitfling.
Why not post it yourself?
>random forum
I mean, is not surprise because that is normalfag central but still...
Keep trying. Maybe you can convince some naive anons
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>gundam is at 15th
I mean, you could read it by yourself. It's only missing one page of the article were they talk about Hololive. But the labeling of the graphic is pretty straightforward. Do it, is a good chance to do your reps.
People already pointed out the difference in color scheme and how it is usually presented 87017497 , but yeah, keep trying. Maybe you can convince some anons that they decided to change the long running format just for this issue for some reasons
You are just so cute in your attempt, sis.
Those are two different editions of the magazine. Like you actually see the page and the date of the edition. And the missing page is probably just fluff text based on what you can read in the pages 24 & 25.
Like I said, give it a try. Those are easy reps. Stop being a japanelet.
Keep coping
Why are there dots below 0 yen line? Do those fandoms pay you instead?
Yeah, yeah, because a magazine just decide to change its long running format all of a sudden for no reason, right?
It doesn't matter if it's two different issues because that has been the format for those tables for years, sister
Keep trying. Maybe in another dozen threads you can sell it
Why can't you post the "real" chart?
From what I understand the question is "How much more more you want to spend on your oshi?"
Seems that Fans from Ado, Re-Zero, Lycoris Recoil, Higashino Kiego, Smartphones and Slot Machines are satisfied enough with their spendings.
*There is an unnecessary more in the sentence.
"How much more you want to spend on your oshi?"
Female lol
75% female only rank 22nd
10% female rank 25
This is embarrassing, nigga
>youtube #2
fake and gay study. literally makes no sense.
Are you actually retarded?
Nijifags never change. They only care about JP when numbers suit them.
Again, point out any part that contain the label 女性
Have u no shame, nigga ?
The fact that you can't understand that those are two different tables with different labels is hilarious.
>Already done this post
>Still thinks we want to read moonrunes
So we can all agree this is numberfaggorty and coping about NijiEN?
What the flying fuck is "Snow Man"
>VSPO #283
higher than Elden Ring, golf, Vocaloid and Sazae-san
Something you need to understand is that the whole ‘manjisanji’ meme really only applies to Chronoir and ROFMAO. Outside of those six the women have any other dude covered.
Idol group featuring the dude that is Switch friends with Suisei for some undisclosed reason.
Good for you
You really have no shame
Post this shit again tomorrow, nigga
>male idol group at #8
Ok, so it's 1000% a female-only survey as everyone was saying
But it's not a female only survey. It literally matches >>87068486 which isn't female only.
I can't read moonrunes. Which IPs are on the top 10 list in OP?
The same ones that are top 10 on the chart with the circles. You don't even need to be able to read to match the symbols.
Sis pls
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>EOP's being EOP's: the thread
I accept your concession.
What concession? You can't even read what those charts say.
I can. I'm just not going to tell you what the top 10 is because I already know what you're going to say.
>I won't tell you because it would prove you right
Ok, this time I will actually accept your concession I guess
How would it prove you right? One Piece being number one already proves that it's not a female only survey.
>One Piece being number one already proves that it's not a female only survey.
You're the retard here, retard.
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No, you are the retard. This is from 7 years ago. Ratios have caught up even more since then.
OP is one of the biggest IPs on Earth.
If anything, a male idol group being in the top 10 proves that it can't involve a male audience.
Your logic of "this one specific piece of media proves it can't be female only" is retarded beyond all belief.
Especially when you consider that top list is filled to the brim with female-only franchises. But you're too fucking stupid to decipher Japanese I guess and only recognize first two positions.
Why are you posting completely random and irrelevant numbers when the gender ratio for this survey is literally right here >>87068486?

And? It wouldn't be number one if the list was female only.

>calling one piece a female only franchise
Who's the retard here again?
>female franchise
>>calling one piece a female only franchise
I did not, you retarded shitposter. I mean garbage like Haikyuu and male idols.
Your rotten cunt stinks so badly i'm getting sick just talking to your lard ass.
You said the top of the list is full of female only franchises.
One Piece and KnY look almost the same size on the circle chart, but KnY has 50% women while One Piece only has 20%
One Piece literally cannot be number one if the list is female only.
Are you now going to call the circles with gender ratios female only too?
Gundam is massive in Japan in general, just like One Piece. Idols do have large female audience you retarded newfag, especially the top group.
Learn how to read you inbred pakistani goat bicycle.
I said that the top list is filled to the brim with female-only franchises What's posted in the OP is a top list. It says right there in the title that it's top300.
In this graph>>87068815 it says gundam has 90% male fans, while noizaka64 has 80% male fans. If it's a female only graph, kpop group like BTS would be much higher on the list than those male dominated fanbase
If the list was female only then One Piece wouldn't be number one. We have already been over this.
Yeah, we have already been over this and you were proven wrong but in classic nijinigger fashion you ignore that and loop back to the start. I fucking hate women like you. Go die in a sewer.
You have not proven me wrong at any point. Blow your brains out, faggot.
Before you continue talking, you should learn more than 5 names from top300 list.
I already know all of them, while you only know the ones not written in Japanese.
I only need to talk about One Piece because it's enough to prove you wrong AND it makes you extremely mad.
Looks like none of the retards can refute this.
i find it funny that holobronies tried to post the april chart to "prove" this is female only, but that would require one piece to jump from 11th to 1st in half a year, nogizaka46 and gundam (lol) to suddenly enter the female list and much more
it becomes even more obvious what's true when you compare the numbers beside the entries
see >>87067963
How could this be?

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