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>Promise Anniversary



>Promise Mini series
>ME and my bean wifeRyS
>Jet tag
>BD Merch


>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
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https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
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*sip* Ah...
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how are we feeling moomRyS frens
I hope someone will use the TimeRyS moans in porn animations in the future
It's not over but it also hasn't even begun
The duality of delusional shippers
I, the moom schizo, forgive Mumei
She literally self-inserts into the cuck chair watching them. If forced to participate, like she's playing a game where a Kaworu-type is a love interest, then she will self-insert as Shinji.
I am unironically excited for the musical
What specifically made you change your mind
yeah that seems about right, it's like any ship where the girl is your type but you cheer for her to win the MC bowl
>the possibility of them both going on a killing spree
>or both going yandere for ME
meh, it's ight'
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This trading card having IRyS is cute.
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I love Promise
I love IRyS, Fauna, Mumei and Bae too
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I'm moomin'. (part 1)
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(part 2)
part 69 doko
I'm glad to see real character growth from you
That's bancho with alt hair
go fuck yourself
she was nice
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Logo look better on the bench or the ground?
ground for sure
or have the logo be the light source
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Doesn't mean she should be haunting Promise art still they're on their third fucking year, and first year as a gen. She didn't last a year
Yeah, I was thinking the ground too. Thanks
I gotta admit hopelings or whatever it is you're all called, your oshi is pretty sexy
thanks mooman
Nono that's her genderbend name they're called uhhh hootards I think. Cheeb told me
What did we learn from today's stream?
if someone else starts making sex noises around her IRyS will start making them too
GuyRyS is in her heart, coom and goon are barely an afterthought
i miss IRyS...
I RyS IRyS...
can I trouble you to share some erotic AIrys audio?
fuck off
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>GuyRyS is in her heart
That’s not news. She always thinks of me
I am trying my absolute best to stay level headed and keep my expectations in check
i am completely through the moon
Nerissa and Mori are more your speed.
Nori and Melissa.
IRyS' moans got drowned out unforunately. It's just like Ifuudoudou
Not... that bad actually?
I think you're gonna have to be the one delivering anon
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IRyS drew her as a corndog so its basically sex
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Mumei actually at least has had some connection with every member of CoucilRyS (to the point to where a ship between them wouldn't be out-of-nowhere) so it almost feels weird how this isn't the case with IRyS
I would personally like it if they "had more to do with each other" other than being in the same gen/unit but given how they are I doubt it'll ever happen, which is fine to I guess...
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Night! Wait is that a
Just finished Mouthwashing
It's a scifi psychological horror game about making choices
I think IRyS would fucking love it
Can Kronii and Fauna sing in the musical?
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Try again asshole
w-why are they looking at me like t-that??
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Kiara is doing another bag reveal stream tomorrow. Keep an eye out for potential IRyS bag contents.
Guys, why is your oshi always the butt of the joke in every Promise collab?
shes a little bit bullyable
IRyS is autistic and everyone in Promise exploits that to bully her.
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that's not what happened in the doujin
What doujin?
I didn't get why everyone was calling IRyS stupid so I went back and watched it and I still don't get it. WTF were they shushing her over? (If that even was the stupid part.)
I... assume it's because the chip isn't obtainable anymore and Kronii either had to do something stupid to get one, or she isn't actually going to be eating one and IRyS was ruining the joke.
people have died eating the chip so talking about it is a nono
maybe we're lucky and she got an actual chip
It's because it's illegal for frostbacks to buy and she's clearly told her that and the rest of them know
Has anyone ever died on stream
its not illegal in canada, it just got recalled
Can't recall one. There was that one really sad story of the chuuba who was killed on her way home from the konbini though, she was on her way home to stream too...
So it's not just Takis or some shit? w/e
It'd be funny if Kronii was the first case
takis are an overrated tiktok zoomer meme
why even bring them up? go fuck yourself
Are you foreign or something? Takis have always been a thing
how much stock is round1 going to have?
I don't know how many holofans there are in Cleveland but I don't wanna miss the IRyS stuff...
What matching costume do you want to do with IRyS this Halloween?
Varies on the location, I could probably hustle getting just the IRyS merch from the one here.
it's really annoying that I'll have to buy drinks I won't drink just to gacha the coasters
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Kronii and Fauna will reconcile in the Promise musical.
And then they execute Kronii, the end
it just clicked, MILP means man I love promise
>8 months ago
no fap was a mistake
were they talking about that "one chip challenge"? that's not for sale anymore? i was also confused about that during the stream.
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What would you do, if this rat showed up at your door on the coldest night if winter?
kill it
then fuck it
They use the same emoji. InaRyS Bros!!
Yeah. The death was a kid (they said kids shouldn't eat it) who had a heart defect. It's not illegal or anything, but the company who makes it pulled it from the shelves and stopped making it.
https://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1843935427516047604 This is your fault somehow...
They kicking her off until homework is done? Has anyone besides Promise talked about homework lately?
idk but I hope they leave IRyS the fuck alone, you can tell how much she was just dying to stream when she played that card game for almost 10 hours despite trying to do a short stream so she could preserve her voice for even MORE offline work
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I'm more of a MILI only guy myself
What do you do with the multi use case?
Did you get turned on my Kronii's and IRyS's moans today?
Multiple things.
Can you fuck off and ask your retarded questions to your discord instead?
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Lol, no.
Thankfully I don't have to subject myself to mori's 7dtd now. Hopefully IRyS takes Ina in
Tongue in the nephilim butthole
I'm gonna bake blueberry muffins and eat most of them in one sitting
>IRyS having anyone over at her grandma's house
She'll have to go back to leafland for now
What would IRyS and Ina do if they lived together?
Share some, Cheebs
It's her VISA.
What's up with IRyS' visa?
Ina's visa. That's why she has to go home and leave Nippon.
wow I don't fucking care. this isn't /wah/, dumbass
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oh so you're a krocuck too? go figure
I knew that would make you seethe, you type exactly like that faggot.
Also way to out yourself as someone who doesn't watch IRyS; you think she has a work visa.
Guys, stop fighting over Ina. This is an IRyS's thread.
you're a bigger dumbass for thinking I'm that same retard, krocuck. did getting cucked on stream really rot your brain this much?
Ina smells
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This is now a drama thread even though notina already tweeted what it was. Now for the spam schizo or the kronie to be cunts like usual
That is one fat cheebes
post more kronii to make the numberfag melt down
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The backpack actually looks pretty sweet, I want to get it.
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tldr: Ina made a post that was a bit concerning about having to cancel everything for a while so catalog tourists went wild screaming graduation, turns out it was her visa expiring
same but IRyS said she wanted to do a proper backpack as merch at some point too so I'm reluctant on this one
Post InaRyS sex please?
I am ritaRdyS
it's actually hilarious how hard the kronie was seething because people were showing concern for Ina compared to constantly shitting on kronii
you get both, the promise backpack is crazy cheap. expect IRyS to be 1.5x-2x more expensive than this
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This is how the gameshow looked on the private cams they shared with each other.
Is the kronie in the thread with us right now?
So what were they laughing about in dms that they can't show on stream?
any guesses?
They were going to take turns running a train on Bae at her house
Yes they are
Your bot is broken
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Seethe, faggot.
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kronies are the easiest people to trigger I swear, like oshi like fan
Oh, you're so possessive, you have to keep Kronii all to yourself.
I you've got a love/hate thing going on and that's why you seethe so much.
says the guy barking at shadows and calling them kronies
I'm gonna buy the promise merch with these kronie (You)s
Ohhhh, you're getting paid in gift cards to seethe, yeah, I've heard about you people.
I really don’t get it. The announcement is about Ina, so why are kronies melting down so hard /here/?
Where are the kronies?
everyone ITT is a retard except me :3
Mane chan is so cute.
my theory is they're seething because we're not unanimously shitting on Ina like whenever kronii gets posted, literally jealous their oshi is not allowed here
Because we actually care about Ina. They know if something worse happened to their whore, we’d be laughing our socks off
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Samefagging schizos, wonderful.
oof now it’s trying to cope with its delusions
why is an Irys thread not talking about only Irys :3
Everyone loves Kronii except /HiRyS/.
there's an indonesian numberfag here absolutely obsessed with kronii and sometimes he explodes and melts down about it for hours
You know it’s seething when it’s trying to post anything off topic to shit up the thread. Poor thing…
That faggot already fucked off. The only one seething here is the kronie rn
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One day these schizos will kill themselves, we just have to wait for that glorious day.
please be nice to the kronies, they're on edge because they were waiting for Fauna to dispel the allegations that she hates kronii and they're afraid IRyS will end up hating her too
lol thanks for making me laugh, anon
why does this shit always happen at the sea-eu hours
seafags love ntr and shipping, guess who offered this kinda content in spades
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Sorry that I will only love IRyS. Hope it makes you seethe ;)
You thought she had a work visa, retard. You don't even know anything about her.
>You thought she had a work visa
Oh it’s the schizo that thinks everyone is the same person.
And then you (or some schizo who is exactly as retarded as you) started seething.
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We are too hostile I have to take a break from this thread.

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