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First up on Doki's crazy crazy crazy two months. Are you guys ready?
>here's your "holo" collab
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You rike?

Axel has a lot of work to do. I watched him stream Deadlock last night. He's bad.
Oh boy. Sorry to whatever the fuck her fans are called.
no yagoo san i dont rike
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They're not on the same team.
Doki's team is Gumi, Sajam, and some deadlock sweats that Gumi and Sajam brought in to fill because SureFour had a DnD game that day.
why bancho repping filipine but not tavi?
Dunno, take it up with Liquipedia.
Also, Doki only accepted this tournament last night, so I don't think it counts as part of the crazy months.
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I didn't know people actually like holostars
Shan't watch groombullet
yes very much, this keeps the homos away from my wives
She can't leech from losers who are miles below her in popularity. If anything this will only farm a bunch more antis for her.
I got nothing better to do later. So I'll watch it
>Sexpest Prime
>some other fag
Great roster there
is this a good game?
It's a damn moba but shooter.
Doki fucking hated her time playing it because she gets too bored in laning phase, but she made a random unplug once on stream, which was the highlight of her time playing it.
So basically 10-15 minutes of fucking nothing happening, and then occasionally she'll kill someone or get fucked.
All of them are homo losers, where bettel and shinri?
She can't get any more Holostars antis after the Wrestletuber
Altare is there to carry the dead weight.
So are doki and the homos the mystery guests? Or are there any other guests other than these that havent been revealed? Sorry I'm ESL.
omg, unless Goldbullet has some secret skills in MOBA they are going to get curb stomped.
Ruze is probably making more than Bettel and Shinri as this point.
They probably would prefer it. Their games are at 7 in the fucking morning for the americans and might last two days.
I don't think either of them play Mobas or shooters
Goldbullet has 200 hours in Deadlock.
those are baby numbers for a moba AND for a fps
is ame joining?
>Spell error
>Keeps the Stars guest a “secret” but quotes Axel and Regis in the post
Whoever made that tweet mist be an ex-niji too, this is some “quality” post I expected from them.
>I don't think either of them play Mobas or shooters
As opposed to Jurard and Octavio? I watch them "playing" apex and was a terrible shitshow, gameplay wise.
>Trying to shit on her malecollabing
Tell me, how much tourist you are?
It's the hot new thing and it's quite fun for most. Worth a try considering all you need is an invite.
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Weird, even thought Watch StarsEN sometimes, I kinda feel annoyed by this, IDK why?
Anon do you have to ask? You are in a fucking catalog rage-bait thread with the OP pre holostars reveal. Yes, more people are going to be revealed, this MAY include some of the new FPS hires this year, we will see.
Holoen blacklisted her already?
The only ones here who cared to learn this game are Altare and GB, everyone else sucks.
The actual answer is that they didn't have a final team.
Doki didn't accept the invitation until literally last night.
She was the "mystery guest" because she literally was not in the tournament before yesterday and thus could not be announced.
No idea for the boys, though. Probably something similar. .
>S4 had a dnd game that day
sasuga The DND Guy
it keeps happening
Goldbullet is their best player, he's been addicted to the game since it came out
You're annoyed that Dokibird is taking part in a charity event for disabled people that Holostars will also be in, on a separate team?
Ignore that anon, he's trying to make a problem out of nothing and doesn't even have an argument for it
>it's doesn't cound as a male collab because they aren't on the same team!!!
Coping Cuckgoons

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