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Stamp Rally Champion Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Michi is LIVE! And is about to hand Hime the stamp rally leadership. She's going to be collabing with Hime today! And then later on a second collab with Froot, IPN, and Elia. Good collab day. Alternatively Mouse is LIVE! And is playing more Satisfactory. Tonight is the final full night of the subathon! Look forward to its grand finale tomorrow night. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/XMegantronX/status/1843854386411516229

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>87043432
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Hell yeah brother
KyrioCifer will be the next vshojo. His asmrs will help get in the a fresh wave of female fans.
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I miss Henya
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America is great
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I run this thread
Is that THE Michi Mochievee I see on my screen? HI!!!! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU
Our zoomer girlfriend
This will be the collab of the year if we get zooted Michi x drunk Hime.
it would be pretty based
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she read the last thread
>michi mentions her period
yeah this is gonna be a good stream
Michi is good at design
Geega is not "cool" and she needs to be held to account for promoting MSM and ruining countless lives
Geega is not "sexy" and she needs to be held to account for misleading viewers and ruining young boy's virginity
Geega is "sex" and she needs to be held to account for promoting BDSM and ruining countless lives
Geega is not "Italian" and she needs to be held to account for promoting American food and ruining countless lives
Michi's audience is pretty damn ignorant of the other VShojos.
nah their giving the correct answers
Me and Henya every day since her hiatus.
When’s the collab with Hime?
is that better faggot?
>sugar daddies as a fan name
The GFE is insane
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Yes :3
my god it actually is the year of Hime
Ok, I'm glad you're happy now
Michi likes ugly things
Will she want to date me?
She's looking at your gut I assume
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It's so fucking over Himebros
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bill gates just hacked michi
Mass is about to commence
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at some point tonight
who is michi is that your male?
The prime Himefag
The backlash against all AI is retarded. AI sure souless. But as a search engine or curator or virtual assistance AI is great.
No that's Henya
Hell, some AI art pieces are even good.
Generative AI basically gave it a bad image.
I guess you never seen The Terminator, Skynet is REAL!!!
Then explain why google search AI is such ass get it off my fucking screen
Yeah but even some instances of that are good. Artists using smart selection or smart clone tools are all Machine learning based these days. AI predictive frame generation for Graphics for Gaming or CGI is also a game changer.
Michi + Period talk = kino
Google is behind the game and too married to their old search dominance. I unironically use bing\copilot now
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AI should only be used in simple tasks that can be completed without much complex thought.

I do not need AI trying to summarize livestream chats or to come up with an answer for something I searched--ESPECIALLY when Google had already had a feature which highlighted a common/relevant page regarding the search.

I cannot and will not trust half-baked algorithms to solve a problem for me. It's only good for expediting the solution.
that's my favorite beatles song
>Hime opens Michi's stream
I love Michi
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I changed my mind. AI was a mistake.
Michi Bimbo plastic surgery
Free speech strikes again
Hime will meet up with Henya soon, it's so over
>Hime messaged Henya about meeting up
This is why Hime is in VShojo
Gunrun saw the future
listing sources like a paper is actually dope
Michi going for 3 this week
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HOLY KINO!!!!!!!!!
Don't really care about Hime desu
>literally just names the five most prominent indies
So intelligent
>what the fuck is a fugi
>we can get a fugi
>yeah we can get a fugi on screen... what the fuck is a fugi
Brace for kino

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This fugi might be a little out dated
Why the fuck is Hime's mic so bad
i mean... its not wrong lol.
We need to get Michi out of Indonesia
Do Michi and Hime have female viewers?
Hime and Michi periods are linked
Well, at least it's accurate in the strong presence Bunny has.
Yea, not me.
yeah, Mata
first time? that's cute
It's kinda scary how it got 3 correct.
I shit you not, the Fairy is also retarded so the Fairy only set up all of the stuff of the mic on OBS, and Discord has directly the mic.
it's possible
Hime and Michi are having a retard off...
Hime Henya hentai collab
>they are dead
>they can die? like have no heart beat
I'm fucking dying
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Michi and Hime talk about dog knot
The official VShojo intelligence rankings might need a readjustment and we're only 5 minutes into the collab kek
Hime Bao would go hard
combined collab IQ of 3
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wait it does look better lol. someone plz help our scuff queen. gunrun plz
Nerfed tits in HD
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>me when hime tiddy
This is so great kek
Michime is my new favorite VShojo collab pair.
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That's pretty good anon
>What's your lore
>um... it's something alright.
Sorry, wrong link
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Geega I'm so thankful for the stamp rally
jared just got cooked
Hime called Jared ugly...
Michi and Hime are both SEA girls so they collab well together
He is kind of a freak
Vtubers in particular tend to take an anti-AI art stance because they rely on artists much more than normal flesh streamers. Even Vedal refuses to use or talk about AI art because it's the safe thing to do.
I'm fucking dying
me too, this is a collab for the ages
>I can no longer shitpost about Hime never streaming
good problem to have I guess
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We need to use AI to make Mata sing this song
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We have Haruka for that now
Michi definitely has some, she's close friends with Kuro so some of his viewers watch her.
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kino in the making
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>Hime looks better on Michi's stream than her own stream
I made butternut squash soup today, it was god tier
Does Hime have bad posture?
She always looks like she leans forward
Possibly a downside of her eye operation, and being so used to using glasses. Or just shrimp pose
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Hime needs a new PC
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Hime is officially winning the stamp rally. Though I think Michi has a Kuro collab tomorrow so they'll both be at 2. Enjoy the 24 hours of Hime DOMINANCE
They're going to fire Haruka when she doesn't get any.
Hime the collab queen, I'm rooting for her to win
shit would be hilarious
Didn't Hime earlier just message Geega saying she wants to collab or something lmao
>the first one has 2 at best
soooo sushi doesn't know the SH2 twist huh
that's exciting
she also said she has a collab with kuro planned
I wouldn't expect her to, she's barely played any video games
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>all that was new was friendly competition
Haruka pls
Does the stamp rally end when one member has all the stamps?
it's so ubiquitous I've never seen anyone figure it out in its natural state
No, but they have permission to eat the member with the least stamps. And then it's over.
Yeah, but I think it won't stop the plans for everyone to collab for some people, like GEEGA.
And it have to be on stream
So since the winner of the stamp rally gets to choose the next member of VShojo who do you think Hime's gonig to go with? Emirichu? Daidus? Giri?
Not giri I hope, she's dogshit
she's going to make her grandma a vtuber
I do wonder what the price might be
Song collab? Forced Collab upon everyone? Paid something?
>Most collabs in VShojo
>More stream time than Gura
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But at what cost dayo
You didn't hear? She's dragging Henya outside her house
This Death in Unison game is kinda boring
I don't understand this game
Hime was the protagonist all along
She will fix Henya
Michi also said that she's doing room reviews with GEEGA on Saturday
>Geega judges my geegoid gooncave
I'd cum
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Geega should rebrand as an Eldar
these geegooners get more depraved by the day
It's a multitasking under stress simulator
When will Hime met Henya IRL?
an undisclosed time
if you only knew how bad things really are
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stop being a sad panda
what if the prize is actually the first vshojo themed backpack?
actually, why there's still no vshojo backpack merch is kinda crazy
gunrun keeps pleasure and business separate
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>Hime wants a Risk collab.
Oh my god.
Who's this Hime.
>Hime asks an Indonesian if she knows a board game about European colonization of the world
Has geega said anything about the goongoon situation?
You know, Hime at first sight you think she doesn’t care about this or about the girls, but she genuinely tries to be her friend. I’m curious now on the Kuro collab kek
Yeah, she said she'll only accept GEEGA gooning from boys under 25
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You can’t escape the Dutch
is this girl lewd or am i just a pervert
Yep, I love this side of her, I bet she's a social glue irl.
Also, I think thanks to this stamp rally, we are discovering she just needed a goal to start streaming regularly
this is now a model trains game, innit
She's a loli now so you decide
Well it seems the rules are corrected
Haruka might have a shot again

There can be only one POV, but needs to be planned
haruka about to win all the stamps
It's over
Michi and Geega room review
Michi has planned collabs with Kuro and Geega. Until Dawn with the former and room review with Geega. Also she already wants to chicken out of Until Dawn she didn't know it was a horror game
My girlfriend and my wife....
AND a planned Kson collab in Buckshot Roulette where they gamble with real money. Michi is in it to win it lmao
two-timing slut
>hime has the most collabs
>haruka is the new hime
>mouse is healthy
>henya is constatly dying
>the most subbed streamer on twitch went from fleshie to 2D
What the fuck is this timeline
>Until Dawn with the former
She knows it's single-player right
They already did it before
Haruka’s one is next week too
Tier List/Ranking VShojo AU
Michi is talking about Shondo lol
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Not really she's just talking about the content of her tweet.
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Your reading comprehension was just ass
Oh wow she is shadowbanned what the hell?
oh yeah it'll be the last subathon vod
>About to go to bed while listening to Michi
>Check the catalog one last time
>Weird shit from Ina being posted
Prepare for another wave of /in/posting and thread shitting
luv you pphead :3
youtube is always highly censored, even individual comments are shadowbanned to promote certain narratives.
all me
I wish I was Michi’s heat pad
I wish I was Michi's tampon
That’s haram. Got to keep the hymen intact
Soooooo no BJs from Michi then
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She is getting bolder
Michi anal sex
Yup she's /in/
If she really is /in/ and honestly? The way she's talking is even starting to convince me I hope she debuts really fucking early 2025. Get her straightened out asap then move on to other audition results.
>>Weird shit from Ina being posted
that's indeed very cryptic.
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Reading through it Cover was just too retarded to get her a work visa.
That level of retardation gives NijiEN a run for it's money.
Too busy making sure Holofags doxx non-Holo Vtubers, please understand
Yep, she just confirmed that it's a visa issue on her RM account
I want to hug Geega
What visa did Giri/Hime/Henya use to stay in Japan?
Michi found a chair position that gets rid of her period cramps LETS GOOOO
What’s with listed companies unable to secure a work visa? Didn’t expect this from cover.
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Ina is /in/
Me too. She must feel so soft.
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Nah, despite being the biggest corpo, Cover is incredibly inept.
All JP corpos in general are pretty inept due to JP bureocracy being also incredibly retarded, but Cover is a special type of inept.
Picrel, this was after Rushia was terminated, they deleted Luna instead.
No Froot :(
Michi spitting truth
>Hey, can you remove the bottom 3rd loli girl that makes the V sign?
>Gotcha boss

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