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Wrong Turn Edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Vereverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>87058493
where were you when kawaii die?
I hope Kaolin and Furi find comfort with each other's body.
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kawaii FINISHED but it was a good Ran (she got fucked)

i was in bed thinkig abot isla wen phone ring

"kawai is kil"

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The girl who was cucked to death
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This neutral affirmation has never been more comforting than now. Isla, please...
she cucked us and she got cucked in return
it's a cuck cucks cuck world
What will happen to her now?
Amano Nene status update?
(Im a tourist)
she will go back being a whore at comiket
indie and depressed
Shee (again)
soon may the liggerman come
if nene makes coomer asmr my dick will evaporate
>has a stream beforehand to talk
>continues talking in new game stream
bless shee
she won't, she despises it
I hope we can keep this thread at least. I was there for the Novamore debuts, and even the debut who shall not be named, I feel like absolute death rn. Makes me really upset reading Isla talking about her dream being dead
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you need to fund isla's concert
She will never do anything that sounds like an ear lick. Even if it is just a slime that emulates the sound.
Koha will bite and lick my ears, I just know it
I'll be here as long as Isla streams
The thread's not going anywhere. Most of the girls are sticking with their IP, we're just waiting on Isla now
KEKEDknight lmoa
Nene can lick ears now that she's going indie
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she will also go back to her pl e-sport homos
That's okay. All my money will go to Isla to fund her dreams
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>"Keep stroking that cock for me chump... good boy."
i was in silent hill
but she still doesn't want to
Is she staying as Kohaku or going back to Quokkani?
relax guys, I don't think Isla is going anywhere
she probably just didn't realize the tweets were too subtle
wait for her next stream, aster
If I supa enough she will
You might want to watch the part where Nene talks about how some things are now impossible. It was early on. Multiply that by some for Isla. Coleknights have my sympathies. I hope we can get her that one concert at least.
oh yeah definitely, she had big dreams for music stuff and sadly that's going to be too difficult now
I don't think she'd stop streaming though
>Vdere won
>They lost their model
>They lost at least half of their fanbase
>They have to deal with the Whorse's fans that literally want to fuck her toes
>Sava is jumping ship again

>Our girls keep their models, channels and fans
>Going to star earning double
>Most ongoing or almost finished projects are still on track
>>They have to deal with the Whorse's fans that literally want to fuck her toes
how did Aletta manage to attract the most parasocial fans?
vdere being a thing caused this so in a way they still won
The most grim time was when it was just gen 1. Couldn't even keep a thread up on this board consistently.
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I'll treasure this memory for the rest of my life, I'm glad I was able to experience the idol project even if I couldn't to go to Forever Bloom in person
>discordtroons paid for kaya ads
this corpo deserved to die after all
>get to keep channels/twitters for free
>meaning all those hundreds of thousands of subscribers are theirs to keep
>get to keep IP for free
>get to keep models for free
>get to keep the 3D for free
>no longer have to split their money with a corpo
sounds to me like the former kawaii girls won bigly. vdere walked so ex kawaii could run
Isla and Spica should make up and kiss
I don't want a single one of them to join Phase, they have a totally different vibe, except for maybe Hina who is basically like a slightly lewder Kawaii girl.
I never got to see Nami's fat tits in a different outfit...
is isla getting a sololive
Reina would fit in better with Phase Connect than at least 20 of their talents. She is friends with several key members and has common traits and interests with them
losing kawaii was a big loss to the current talents, don't try to spin this as a "win" against a 1year+ boogeyman
Reina would work and maybe Charzu
phasefags would doxx and anti charzu
what are they losing, anon?
they get to keep everything they worked for, oh and they get to keep more money now plus no retard perms.
Have you watched the streams? They all told you what they lost.
>gained everything
>erm actually they figuratively lost it all. mozu won.
Fuck Mozu, she's a BPD whore
she got cucked out of everything, EONIA still exists so they might try to get her those things back but who knows for now
Refreshing and I don't see it. Either they are being outbid by crypto and OF hoes or you mean an ad somewhere else.
Go tell that to Isla then
Sava was vindicated
They lost the company they worked 3-4 years to build, yeah they got their shit back but nobody wanted it to end like this, not even Nene who had the most to gain from going indie.
>kawaii gave everybody everything free and clear
damages the vdere propoganda that kawaii is a black company
They bought ads for Kaya, that's why she inclined suddenly. They did the same for Hiyori probably, given her random incline.
Yeah, mine
fucking kek, she showing up on hmz chats was probably she thinking it was a mass graduation
I was trying to figure out if you meant 4chan ads. Inferring you meant youtube ones. I wonder how expensive those are. I am also interested in that new hype thing youtube teased. I suspect I will be buying into that instead of supas in the future. At least until Nene hits the 500K cap.
About Hiyo, I'm glad she did the aquarium stream finally because that was something that caught my attention way back. I like to think Hiyo would know better than to get herself tangled in NijiEN but we will see.
She showed them!
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I wanna go back to 2022, things looked so bright for kawaii back then
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We can never go back to Arizona!
discordtroons said 500 dollars for the latest kaya incline, around 4k subs (?)
I refuse to believe someone could yab this hard
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how fitting
KEKEDtomo lmao
Thanks again anon for keeping tabs on us.
go back bitching about discord and patreon in another board
Shee has clippers fwiw. Charzu has that one guy. Nene has a couple.
Remember when this company was offering to pay clippers not too long ago? LMAO. We can forget about that.
You are a tourist
The new girls are the only ones that'll go full whore, Reina if she doesn't jump on flaycuck dick to get into phase and maybe Shee with who her close indie friends are.
Nene might if the inner circle rrat is to be believed, which I believe at this point
what a shame, best stage presence and timing ruined it
sounds kind of expensive doesn't it?
Charzu works with no one. She's the Batman of vtubing.
Aren't her current fans unironic cucks that want her to get a bf?
I hope phase gets reina because she's fucking shit and they clearly need more useless nepohires
Are they fucking Flips?
Groomgods and cliquechads won. Nene will soon be independent and on her own fancord where her biggest paypigs can talk to her and DM her privately. Then it won't be long before meetups with the inner circle at cons.
Let me pre-emptively congratulate whichever wealthy cloudtomo it is who wins in the end, paying for the highest tier on patreon and SCinf a lot will have been worth it.
Andrew lost, Neme won
Akkan won
I won't give her a dime since I have a big dick and tall and that is all you need
hoop king?
Tomos are working overtime to shill Nene on the catalog huh
White which she prefers but brown hands can keep coping if that helps you sleep at night
doesnt match with her donothon earnings
Its phasefags falseflagging as always you should know this by now
>he doesn't know
Nene would have what it takes for holo
Go back
You phasefags made numerous bait threads you can be in
yeah, a black boyfriend
Charzu, ditching the stars system would be a bad idea imo. Gamifying donos even if you have nothing to offer as a reward and you aren't getting that budget off hitting it, is still effective as a psychological tool.
how are these girls here 24/7 but they dont even use 4chanx
Isla didnt have it either
>shee's a 3view
damn the kawaii imploding buff is real
retard, Shee has been 3viewing
>how did Aletta manage to attract the most parasocial fans?
did you not remember her content at all?
I will drop the ones that join another corpo
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>Get over here chump, we're gonna fruit
Her content right now is constant male collabs fyi
joining another corpo is not what you should worry about, get ready for the male collabs to cock carousel pipeline
with nijis
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and forcing others to do constant male collabs
What if they join Phase?
I never considered gen 5 to be kawaii, in corpo and in spirit
yeah I know, but when she was aletta it was all shitty motivational shorts and GFE chatting streams with "daisuki da yo"s
on esport games and streamer games, she could be an ephemira member if I didn't know her
Especially phase they are everything wrong with vtubing now that idol is irrelevant
Blame Aviel for running Idol into the fucking ground and being forced to sell it after going broke.
I trust in Aviel's plan.
nene I know you're reading this thread right now. please for the love of god do some JOI asmr. I will pay whatever you charge.
Half the talents themselves were horrible people
phaseGODS will buy all of exkawaii and make a new idol branch for concerts
the only one who ended up being a horrible person was yuko really
only for fast jamaicans
pochi and riro were also trash
Aviel is fucking cashed out
That's why I trust his plan.
he sold to Brave and bought some missiles for the war
Kaya has a 3d model in the works and also copied Koha
Kaya will always be a vtubing mistake
She's phases problem now
lmao no, she will phase out of existence as an indie like it was meant to be
honestly, I'm surprised Charzu said she won't do male collabs
not that I thought she'd do male collabs but I wasn't expecting her to announce that since she doesn't really like unicorn types
not liking males doesn't mean you have to like unicorns
Ben died for this
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poor girl
>no 4chanx
disgusting. i hope she granulates.
I haven't heard that name in a long ass time.
she will not make it as an indie
bringing homos to her streams will only accelerate her death
dont want to be mean but i looked at her account now and i dont think she's even a streamer
surely you could at least start streaming to improve your chances if that was your dream
she's probably a talentless whore but the fact that anyone in hmz got in over her is indeed sad
Lethe pivots hard to AKA is pretty funny
She's already only VTubing as a side gig, the only way an indie can fail is by being literal 0view.
I wonder if Lethe will begin streaming more in indog now that she's no longer beholden to being in an EN corpo
>side gig
side-side gig
wait this is Mel
probably, but let's just ignore it so we don't get even more shit stirrers here
4chanx is literally an NSA backdoor
Mel Nekomata (fuwakyo/elfin) is kawaii friend
Fart girl? If so then bullet dodged.
lol, lmao
Should've collabed with guys
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I like Lethe
yeah shes fun
Okay, so who do you think will make it as an indie? Nene aside
they're all going to make it
they just need to improve their social skills because it's going to be difficult without networking
everything is a nsa backdoor, including your moms butthole.
None of them
Isla and Shee for sure
Would we still be alive if Koshita hadn't sold the company?
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She could have carried this company out of bankruptcy…
worst case scenario would be complete stagnation without any managers or skeb/cover budget or new gens until the girls slowly left one by one
I knew selling to suits was a bad idea
that would actually be worse than the current situation , but it probably wouldn't come to that
I dont think Koshita really cared about the future of kawaii when he was making the deal though
jesus, hearing nene sob like that fucking broke me. i just want to hug her, bros...
Why don't all the good gfe kawaiis get back together to make their own new group
Did he look like he had multiple buyers for Kawaii at the time and was there a period where he was peddling it to other people? It felt like Culture Entertainment was the first to come up and offer him an exit and he just took it without considering if someone else would've wanted it. I do agree that this is better than a potential EIEN/Vreverie styled death.
I hate that this had to be the outcome of the purchase in the long run
No one, no growth as 2view indie nobody
Laying in bed thinking about Isla
Fuck off, Isla would do much better in Hololive by a long shot.
Very true, too many lolis and koreans. Thankfully Isla is neither of these.
Sava stole money and continues to do so to this very day by never delivering on what she promises, lol
My main issue was that they took a year to decide kawaii was a lost cause when they had all the numbers in front of them to do analysis of how good or bad buying kawaii at the time was before getting to this point. It was false hope that didn't deserve to assure us that things were alright. The only solace for this dumbness is that the someones who pushed and greenlit this inside Culture is definitely getting demoted over this.
They were probably banking on substantial growth and then killed it when the girls couldn't grow quickly enough.
LMFAO V-Dere literally copy pasted Gen 3, ran away with it, and made money from it. They quite metaphorically cucked PKG. Enjoy the cuckshow pkg
they became homo collabers and menheras, they will self implode on their own and their traitor fans are worthless they can go toghether to hell.
Please stop Elia the witch whore from ruining everything, Spica and Airi need to be rescued
Lethe's announcement soon
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production kawama
Considering that Reddit/twitter comments seem to be remembering kawaii positively we managed to redeem ourselves from being 'the company that went mad and lost Gen 3'.
Lethe suspected it 3 months ago
Not the brightest idea, other companies will be suspicious of you if you start trash talking your old company
>I've only been here for 6 months, I will not feel the way as the other girls
I'm glad Lethe is being honest about it
>Just another thursday for me
>I dont care about kawaii a all
I appreciate how dead inside she is
Ephemira confirmed staying as a unit
>im tired bruh
>its been four years
Nene saying she was planning on going to conventions killed my relief. At least she isnt hiding the fact that she will go twitch/ethot style "vtuber" now. I should have believed the inner circle crap but I had more faith in her
yeah, her reaction to this is very indonesian
lethe is so fucking done lol
I wonder if Lethe is pissed off she got let down again, and if she blames kawaii or culture more
Lethe said she isn't serious about it anymore, so why would the fans be serious about her? just pick another girl to follow.
Lethe will be removing her tiered memberships holy based
>ephemira membership tiers were forced upon them
knew it, hope the rest of ephemira revise their membership tiers too
>says she isn't going to swear
theres no way that was a real sneeze
She called out a dramafag pretending to support lmao
there it is the woman brain in action
fuck you
okay, next question
This fake bitch pity baiting bitch literally burned PKG to the ground and none of you can do anything about it
based, what happened
I bet there are a bunch of dramafags waiting to dm them to hear their side of the story.
Some grey said something like when you go indie, we will always support you
Then she called him out and said she's never seen him before and asked where he was before the announcement which he admitted he only came to the stream due to the announcement
I try not to judge peoples past to harshly but you should have know. The rate of corpo turned indie vtubers turned to ethot whores is at like 90% chance of happening. I thought some kawaii girls would have had a better shot since they were in kawaii for longer than most and therefore knew that an actual seiso outlook worked
It is nene and she at least knew to warn people right off the bat, although her talk about supporting porn creators last week might have meant something more than a passing comment in retrospect
damn ms bonapuchi, I wasnt familiar with your game
Lisa is as well. Nene tier but worse.
you indeed are correct instead she will go back to flashing them phat cheeks on fanbox for a 10 buck subscription plan because she is totally above horny coomer stuff and is a proper lady lmao
This is just outing yourself as a gullible retard lmao
They didn't change, you were too stupid to notice, skill issue
Just like there are men that spend their lives jerking off to porn while also seething with hatred that some dirty whore would dare sell access to her body to perverted men, there are also women that produce porn while seething with hatred for filthy perverted men who like to look at women naked.
Women are more likeable under an oppressive rule set, Nene is not magically better than all the whores that grifted before her
At least we have a chance of a con sex tape leak now
I would be lying if I said I wasnt dissapointed though
Least obvious samefag retard

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