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Is her lack of streaming management-related?
If by mamagement you mean pregnancy, then yes
Anon ... please understand, her tummy horts.
Sorry, I've been keeping her extra busy with her anal training. She'll be back again soon chumbie.
she mentioned the "mixing team in Japan"
Kaela's "A" tweet
sore throat with no other symptoms
take that as you will
I'm retarded. Tell me what you're trying to say.
Yes, in that management refuses to make her work on SOMETHING or be terminated.
keep crying nijisis
Nah she just doesn't like the thought of having to interact with (You).
It’s pretty clear she hate her fans and is at the point that she’s waiting for Cover to approve her updated contract to be the one Ame took.
More like it's alcohol related
It's related to literally making a million dollars and not needing to worry about anything in her life anymore.

Gura was never the same after Mori brought her to that dive house and she got raped by a hobo.
Obviously. They rejected 90% of her projects, and the result often not good enough, according to her standard
>le tired chuuba faec
>dumb time-wasting question
>15 replies in 3 hours
Good god this is a mess.
She has said in multiple streams she has some health issues to work through so stfu clip watcher.
indirectly. they made her take the c19 jab, which gave her damage
If you mean laziness by the word "management" then yes it is management related
Chumbuds will blame her lack of streaming on anything else that doesn't paint gura in a negative light, so the answer would be yes.
Every time she goes to sweden, someone loses gallons
>COVER started using All-gender bathrooms
>Kaela cornered Gura while she went in and forced her to suck on her massive dong
>Gura still has a sore throat to this day, and can't stream.
Yes, her visa expired.
No, she just hates (You)
Gura is so lucky...
It's kind of hilarious that Gura pretends she has high standards when everything she puts out in so half-assed.
Lol fuck off
Sex with Ame.
No, it's laziness
management lives in her tummy that's why it horts
source: my dreams
It's chumbuds taking that out of their asses because they think Myth is the best product on Earth.
Is not about standards shithead holoen was supposed to be just a streamer group none of that idol shit until a year later gura has right to protest since doing idol shit is something she didn't agreed to
she just doesn't like streaming, simple as
she'd rather just continue performing and drop streaming altogether if that was possible
She hates her fans, why can’t you retards get that through your thick skulls
By the time she joined, hololive had already been known for moving in idol direction
Revisionist faggotry by a retarded shrimp not the fuck knowing what he was watching.
>haha funny shork miney crafta!
c um
yeah, mine
>holoen was supposed to be just a streamer group none of that idol shit
I don't need projects or idol stuff or anything like that, I just wanna watch her have fun playing vidya. She's one of the closest in HoloEN to my taste in games, but outside of Kirby and the Forgotten Land she's never finished any of them (I'm counting it even though she couldn't beat Chaos Elfilis)
No, that was the reason for her lack of streaming in 2022 and 2023
Her parents (maybe hers too?) home Keeps getting hit by big hurrcaines the past weeks
>muh proof
All in stream shit. Dad nascar guy and used to go to races, she would go to Disney every week be it trips or work, she knows the FL terms and has actual fear of gators. Yeah she lazy as shit but I think these few weeks can be forgiven
I'm not even a fan of Gura, but it's pretty obvious that Holo management is shit when it comes to perms and individual projects. If you watch HoloEN regularly, almost everyone of them are complaining.
It’s more like “having a bf and being lazy” related
Yes. She simply can't manage to give a shit.
I hope they find it.
She doesn't stream she's busy being my traditional wife. Force correction works and I can vouch for it don't let your dreams be dreams and force correct your oshi.
Her moles are so cute
Did another brown hand vt x account was banned or something. Why brown love doxxing so much
We will never know
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