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I don't get it, what is the "Homestay project"? Is Towa going to stay at someone's home for the night or something like this?
she's ntring her teacher with other pro players so she can stop sucking with ed
Man, I cannot imagine being an OP, always switching between being a faggot or a cuck.
Offpako relay
I'm just asking man
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humiliation ritual
It would be nice if someone could give an actual answer
idk you gay though
Towa…. I am so glad I dropped this whore ages ago.
This is just sad at this point.
If I had to guess the "homestay" will be just be the day's schedule being entirely dedicated for this event, while being supervised.
But it's mostly another excuse to involve her boyfriend in more videos. Her fans seem to like it though.
A lot of people complained about her content when she started SF6.
tachi in cuck window... no...
Who is it?
>luke player

well, that's one way to say you have no taste
he plays modern ed and classic manon
Erectile dysfunction?
people like this?
It's her bf
dead thread
Because nobody cares when Towa does it
There are people who do
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