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> Made a tweet talking about logistical issue
> Started spamming graduation baits and black company baits
> Turned out it's visa issue, confirmed by her PL
> Started coping and denying the facts

Holobros remain unaffected as usual
>Holobros remain unaffected as usual
explain them sperging out
watch as this will get deleted, unlike the retarded schizo rrats
make sure to crosspost yourself next, just don't forget to remove the (you) part
Getting really defensive over some banter, holochud? Aqua and Ame fucking off must have hurt. Maybe you shouldn't have spammed how Niji is dying every other day.
>so unaffected you made a shitty thread
>channels4_profile (9)
Shitposting, on my shitposting site? The nerve
You're an unironic faggot retard. Now get back to sewing my clothing.
Jezas OP looks like you got linked on their discord channel already, they are all coming to seethe here kek
Lurk more faggot
Kys newfaggot
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I wish the jannies deleted the graduation shitposting for the other holoEN members as fast as they did for Ina.
But I guess fans of other HoloEN members just have to put up with the shitposting even fucking up our generals.
Holy shit, that's fucking hilarious that she actually did that. Simultaneously completely subtle but also like she's trying to hit her fans over the head for being retarded as usual. It's funny because she usually seems very much against Holofans interacting with her roommate.
You forgot
> space after >
Its as if OP confirms he is SEA (chinese leaning)
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>visa issues
>can't use social media and streams
I'm dumb but not paint sniffer. COPE
A visa issue could mean that she cannot legally work in Japan. Any activities as Ina qualify as work, and could get potentially her employer in trouble.
Would get herself in trouble as well, since she will want/is trying to make a new visa
she's a contractor not an employee, their contracts get signed yearly in advance. It has nothing to do with visa.
She's using her personal social media just fine, where she said it's a visa issue (which is why everyone knows it is even though they guessed as much through common sense).
you're not even trying anymore
>but due to the company's internal logistical issues
>but due to the company's internal logistical issues
>but due to the company's internal logistical issues
I know it's hard to read
U sure? This is Ina they were talking about.
The silent, quiet, calm, collected Ina. The Ina who doesn't even want to laugh loudly. She's the type that keep it to herself. The useless management fucked up and it made her snapped. Yes, they managed to make the most patient holo angry, well done. Ina never complain about management before, but now she does.
Think about what they could have done to others. Both akutan and watson are very gentle soul irl, and they left cover. This suggested some kind of bullying and isolation by management to talents in the dark.
>just don't forget to remove the (you) part
Fucking up her Visa and ruining her two months stay in Japan is still a complete disaster. Imagine how much of her time they just wasted. Imagine the delays.
That's literally the point, the fact that quiet Ina made a post directly calling (you) a retard shows that she's actually genuinely annoyed you're trying to turn her being upset she can't work into claims she doesn't want to.
This is when you argue with her on her PL twitter and screenshot the result HERE!!
I believe this is what she's been told, but I also believe it's just hololive management being retarded and incredibly risk averse. Let's suppose it actually is a real visa issue that would prevent her from even tweeting and not just an unfounded fear, the likely outcome if prosecuted is a minor fine, the worst outcome is a larger fine and Ina getting deported and banned from entering Japan for some number of years.
>Maybe you shouldn't have spammed how Niji is dying every other day.
Obious larp attempt, 2/10, wouldnt use Niji anymore.
Good thing that there wont be Vtubers on twtich by next year, so all you fags will have moved on from my hobby. Cant wait.
Cover is risk averse because they know from experience an issue with one talent can turn into an issue for all talents.
Keep ur degenerated imagination elsewhere, faggot. She couldn't work and they wasted her precious time.
Ina also has other work in jp outside of cover. She couldn't do that either. Of course she would be furious. She has to take the responsibility because of someone else's fault
Hololive official twitter accounts are work accounts, retardo
back to jungle
Yes. Really annoying when she can't tweet on her alt about how great my dick felt in her small Korean Body
Obvious falseflagger
t. samefag
Yeah, Cover failed to fill out the necessary paperwork on their end.
While I do enjoy these vultures and brownoids getting btfo, I still have to wonder how the fuck cover/ina blundered her visa application/extension.
Did they both forget?
Did they give it to a dumbass intern who got her the wrong kind?
yeah, apparently it is for you. She's already basically confirmed what happened on her RM account anyway
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you mean all those affectionate tweets from my oshi were just business.....
No Anon, Not your Oshi, She's different. in fact, she made them especially thinking of you ^^
fucking retard
but thx for that pic anyways
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So basically cover are afraid Ina's suing them for screwing her up and just pulled the plug on her for the time being.
no no, her tweeting a pic of something is totally work so she needs visa. if she tweets without a visa interpol will come for her!
that's the most retarded interpretation I've ever heard
No, it’s that she’s technically an illegal alien until she leaves Japan due to their fuckup, so they’re taking precautions to avoid getting her into legal trouble.
you need a work visa to work in japan, and being inanis (working on projects, using her social media, streaming) is working
but keep shitposting and maybe your 2view will incline soon
that doesn't make sense
>Cover fucks up ans blames the talent
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are you just drifting around in every thread copy-pasting your cope to defend the honor of m'lady? does mild funposting really make you that angry?
If she tweets from her work account, then immigration authorities might consider that “work.” It’s not hard to understand.
That’s literally not what’s happening, nor was I implying anything of the sort.
Not that anon, but ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Holy shit, I knew it! Thanks anon!
Cover probably messed up. There could have been delays or complications Korean to the process. I'm sure whoever made a mistake will be transferred somewhere else in the company to punish them.
Doesn't Japan have new visa rules for people working for jp companies? I'm pretty sure they get special treatment. How does that affect her though? it's not like her contract is different from gura's
Special treatment is for people who have their paperwork in order.
You frame it as if she needed the visa to for holo in Japan when any holo en traveling to japan do their task with cover without visa...so I fail to see the problem here.
immigration staff are public employees, they dont give a fuck and do even less than the bare minimum
Anon, EN and ID don’t have visa problems if they are in and out within two months, you need a visa if you’re staying for longer than that. That’s why Biboo had to briefly go back to America when Advent were in Japan for their 3D debuts.
Her initial post must have been at the peak of her anger and frustration as anyone who watches her streams already knew she had plans to stay in Japan till next year but now this throws a wrench in the order of her scheduling and there is no way to know how soon she can get back the visa
Sometimes I forget that this place is infested by 11 year old SEA children
Yeah. No idea what the fuck Cover is doing but I remember hearing she was planning to be in Japan until January-ish. So what, she has to go back to Canada for a couple weeks till they get this shit sorted out, delaying or cancelling anything that she might have been prepping for (Assuming 3d related)? That's gotta be really irritating.
They screwed her financially without compensation basically
How do you know there's eleven of them?
>we were just pretending to be retarded
that, and thirty something neet trannies who have never spent a day in the professional world
So why are you not allowed to tweet because some goverment fag said no you cant enter?
anonchama it's not that complicated , anything public she does under the name of Ina counts as work for Cover
I doubt the gubment are literally telling her not to, they just decided that to avoid legal trouble (if there's anything you should know about holoantis and nijizhangs it's that they will try and go for any angle to fuck you over) she's not to do any work whatsoever while in Japan; since that would be, or rather what she has been doing, is being an illegal alien. So that means no doing anything with Inanis the vtuber that earns money through work (recording shit, streaming, even using her work social media) until she leaves. They're basically covering for her, giving no ammo to antis.
kek do you really believe this? Is this reply me working for my employer too?
Whats the real reason? Was her room mate slightly critical of Holo or something?
probably someone got fired
Your 4chan post isn't affiliated with your employer retard, neither is your NEET ass employed in a foreign country on a work visa.
All of these posts of yours are just dumb, no other way to put it. Even if I was a Holo anti like you I'd know it'd be ineffective shit since nobody is getting endeared to your side/pov since everybody just sees your schizophrenic babbling as retarded
/vt/ needs to be cleansed at this point. Too many Holo antis settling here, samefaging, making up shit and begging for graduations. Peck leech behavior.
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All this has taught me is that Holoponies can dish it out but can't come anywhere close to taking it in return. Really is the softest fanbase.
Because black company shit is okay when Hololive does it
ever since a-chan left more and more issues are popping up
holo have been taking it since beginning newfag chama. not just 4ch but from normie too. you think holo was this big from the start and never get shit on?
You don't genuinely believe Cover is employing a real-life tentacled girl with Eldritch powers, do you? Did you think they just hired someone and based all their merch on her pre-existent self?
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>we were just le trolling!!!
ironic shitposting = shitposting
you're really proud of this picture, aren't you?
So why are Visa issues causing her to cancel everything?
she can't work in japan because of it
would posting in social media count as working kek
yeah cause inanis is a cover IP and anything she does being ina is work technically
you have to understand, this is a employee sponsored visa so it's cover's ass on the line here if it becomes an actual issue.
That's why they're being extra cautious and shutting everything down preemptorily. Nijizhangs and antis will use anything to get at Cover, just look at the shit they tried to pull with the Nintendo collab.
Everything you see Ina do is work.
She's on an entertainer visa. Those are a lot less clear than others and she works in a very new area. You don't do risky things with immigration.
it's just hilarious having to fly out of the country to use social media, and even then she won't
guessing if she does before the visa gets fixed japan might get uppity
You don't want to very publicly break the law, especially when they can deny or even ban you from entering the country in the future on a whim, with little recourse. Little recourse, unless the country is corrupt and you have connections, which might apply here.
The situation is stupid, but shit happens. Anons are always surprised when Cover tries to follow the law.
Damn, did she really have plans to stay in Japan until next year?, because if she had a schedule set then this is a massive shitfest... We talking easily 3 months lost.
>Ima says "I was hired as a babysitter for Bae's nephew" live on stream
>Some sister sees a chance to use this to denounce her cause it's not entertainer work under the company
That or the AmiAmi ambassador thing created a conflict, fuck, she's not gonna be able to fill in that until this shit is solved, it's become quite the composite issue
Based sister honestly
Hololive had it good for too long
Time for Myth to disband
Then explain how she was able to tweet about the so called "logistical" issues, retard.
not her private account. It's company issued property. Japs are picky like that, she'd be considered violating the law if she does
cover fucked up real bad this time
Ina getting deported while japs ship in more towelheads. Anime us dead.
Go look up on YouTube about working in Japan or about working visa stuff. Japan is so fucking retarded for these stuff
Her competence is sorely missed.
That's the best case scenario. The worst is both Ina and Cover haven't noticed the visa problem until the government told them. A stain in her record and more difficulties if she wants to return to jp in the future
Thanks to US and Jews
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Ina is dead.
Welp, i hope cover does a naked dogeza in front of Ina and gives her a lot of leeway in the future to make up for this massive fuckup. Knowing Ina she must be pretty pissed right now, rightfully so.
This is just my personal wish but i hope this will somehow spark the end of all these japan arcs for months of recordings and shit.
It's not like she won't be back in Japan in a few weeks, it's just that it really fucks the timing up on stuff and might end up in cancellations/delays for things like 3d apperances or Hologra recordings.
I think it'll take 2 more weeks.
people confused about why she'd even put out the first tweet need to realize we're talking about Japanese bureaucracy/companies here. A public statement showing contrition, not explicitly blaming anyone and expressing a desire to obey whatever is causing the "issue" is essentially the best option from a public relations standpoint. This is as much an appeal to whoever is going to be reviewing her visa as it is a message to her viewers.
stop overanalyzing

>company's internal logistical issues
this is just the most polite way of saying cover fucked up
>Holobros remain unaffected as usual
This still looks like really bad for Cover. Not sorting out your talents' papers even after they have to pester you to take action...
I don't know how you can look at that RM tweet and not see it as her throwing shade.
I don't get the random seethe about cover
They fucked up they fuck up a lot why do idiots think holofags can't say that?
It's the easiest shit in the world to say
They better cover her flight tickets, those fuckers.
Good joke
>At the 3rd fes. some key visuals lacked Luna by mistake. To make up for that, Cover corp. made a blu-ray promotion ad with a solo visual of Luna!
which group are you from?

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