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Tell me, who is the best person that you could ever ask for advice on how to be a content creator?
I don't know, let's ask the owner of a Kiwifarms spinoff doxxing forum! What a great idea!


You too can become another 2view to be groomed by Proctor Zakharov today.
Remember, if you manage to join a corpo, don't forget to spill your company secrets to him like many others have. It's how he found out that Kawaii was closing its doors long before the official announcement was made.
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You can totally trust this man.
doxxniggers should all be publicly executed by hanging from lamp posts
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apparently he will be homeless soon so a wood chipper might be the perfect ending for him.
Major faggot. Bad actor. Manipulative swine. Die
God willing.
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Bro got crapped on for inviting that creep on a live stream.
>sub-only chat
that fucking coward lmao
prolly only a short timeout before you can chat
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Hexa spilled all of the PC beans and talked about her friends boyfriends on his forum.
the time interval doesn't matter.
I'm mad because this stunt has retroactively invalidated his defense of Sayu.
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>Literally go with Kirsche for this topic and he wouldn't lose any credibility
Take your shitty advertising thread and controversy bait stream somewhere else asshole
fuck off AND DIE you useless doxxnigger
Have you remembered to take your meds this morning?
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And it didn't end well for her. >>83503485
Dont see how that didn't end well for her considering offkai got hacked later on and confirmed everything LMAO
FYI one of mods /here/ is friends with this groomer faggot and he will delete threads and posts that talk too much shit about Kirsche and other griftubers.
kinda dissapointed that the chairman would associate with that doxxnigger
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Not to worry, Proctor has got other 2views on his groom list, we can talk about them instead.
I've seen him or one of his butt buddies sniff after other chuubas in multiple generals, too.
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He streamed with Doxxsagi too https://www.youtube.com/@theArmcha1rExpert/streams
Yeah this fucker needs to eat a bullet, wouldn't be surprised if he had actual CP on flash drives.

His entire groomer faggot troupe needs to fuck off and die, we need to list all of their twitch and youtube accounts to put them on a global ban list.
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Unsurprisingly that guy is a TVA regular
Of course these containment breaching faggots all protect each others.
who and whomst
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Should probably collate a block/ban list one day, there's a few of his associates always lurking around, they don't hide themselves well. Some have paid him for banner ads too.
>doxsite also shills phase connect
aaaaaaaand this thread is gone.
>Verification not required.
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One day he's going to provoke the wrong crowd and end up in deep shit.
He was worried about getting banned from Vexpo, he knows he has stuff on that site that would get him ass blasted to hell and back.
I would not be surprised if he has some dead man's switch prepared full of dox and other incriminating information too when people turn on him.
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He watches so he can groom.
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so what do we know about this faggot so far?
I had no idea this faggot was completely open about being a groomer, I only knew he was the admin of TVA but now I actually hate him.
groomer + doxxnigger
what do you think would happen if he was actually successful with a small chuuba?
>Look at both of their channels
>non-stop drama slop
What a sad existence. Didn't know they existed before this post but I hope they both die in a car crash
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>Doxxsagi, ExpertArmcha1r and now Zakharov are all part of the same clique
Jfc I hate dramatubers so fucking much
And fuck any vtuber that collabs with any of them.
>defense Sayu
You don't get it do you, had the winds blown the other way he would have been worse than Kenji.
yeah, I know that now.
That's the bizarre part the TVA is where you can get the most detailed doxx info of anyone in phase on the internet, and I don't mean just faces, for some fucking reason they have a whole section of the website where you can find their fucking addresses including some of the staff members it's so weird.
How come Fishman hasn't taken down this site yet?
No idea, I think the website has the exact same retarded legal loophole that KF is also in
Right or not, it shows she's willing to go to a private VC of a bunch of doxxers and spill a bunch of secrets, that's really not the kind of reputation you want as a vtuber.
Considering that this is his opinion on relationship with streamers.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members of Phase Connect get a visit someday by this fucker.
as a pippa anti: pippa will earn my respect if this fag shows up and she shoots him dead.
These are the people that shit up this place.
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I just realized this is the guy with the fatty fetish who wants to fuck his mother, but had to settle for Kirsche.
Small world.
because none of this happened and OP got cucked by this Proctor guy or something.

A quick look at their rules say no address, no phone number, no contact, anyone who post them will get banned. Any information obtained through hacking/phishing is also not allowed.
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Back to VTA.
Nijisanji VTA?
This should be updated to include the toilet paper roll dilemma
>A qUiCk LoOk At ThEiR rUlEs
you aren't fooling anyone.
So fishman actually blacklisted her?
He didn't know kawaii was closing. He just wants retards like (You) to think he did. The next time a company goes under, he'll preform the same song and dance, claiming he "totally knew this was going to happen" and that he had "insider sources," and you faggots will lap that shit up. It's genuinely sad to see at this point. Go take a course on reading comprehension. You might learn about the concept of unreliable narrators. I can't for the life of me understand why anybody believes a single word that leaves that faggot's lips.
He's in a higher position than them so everything he says must be true.
This is just a conspiracy against him by nijisisters.
Oh we got an actual TVA shill here.
holy tourist of multiple boards
>implying doxxers aren't just exactly the same no matter what stripes they wear
kill yourself.
>Everyone is le equally bad
Okay sister. Still assmad he defended zaion and dunked on your hexy wexy?
when did TVA do ANYTHING for Sayu? I saw the incel supreme once beg her to join his shitty site, which she nodded along and ignored.
The armchair expert.
Nta but you're clearly a fucking retard then - because the issue anons have is with the faggot Proctor, and pointing out it's not great for the ArmchairExpert to associate with him.
armchair fag just completely invalidated his defense of Sayu by associating with TVA, retardchama. are you so dumb as to not realize this implication, or are you just another doxxnigger?
He is still being targeted by proxy. See here ->
Sure he did sis. cut4hex
post membership
Kill yourself, doxxfag. I hope Proctor gets raped on the streets when he and his family lose their house soon.
They were told to contribute on KF. Same as when the Pippa thread ended up on the farms.
Correct, and Proctor kicked Hexa to the curb too a few months ago. She had been posting under the name "midori".
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are you sure about that?
He kicked Hexa to the curb because she bitched about them posting her personal tweets even though she'd always tell the secrets of her vtuber friends.
This dude unironically deserves to die and I dont think that about many people
same with his beached landwhale who shit talks every other vtuber behind their back
>pretending Kirsche is worth a shit
kiwinigger detected
To be fair they were straight up doxxing her
its a bit different than bitchy female gossip
I hate doxxfags, and sympathize with her for that, but I feel like you have to be a special level of retarded to not see it coming when you pander to said doxxfags. Did she expect to be their protected darling?
crazy because the phase doxxes were posted there with all that information.
yea fully agree
at least she learned her lesson?
pretty sure she stepped away from them quite a while ago and they decided to amp up their harassment of her for that reason.
But hey... thats karma i guess?
She stepped away from them when they showed her vent tweet. Stop lying.
She was a part of Pippa's doxxteam on TVA.
Holy fucking teenager on the internet
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>Did she expect to be their protected darling?
Had to get something out of airing out dirty laundry about other VTubers and corpos. Koinu also yapped to the owner from time to time, as did other 2views in his "groomcord".
Just remember that when some of them end up getting a corpo gig because of how incestuous the community really is, they will tell him everything that he needs to know.
I tuned in to this retard like 3 times ever and every single time I did she mentioned Proctor directly by name.
Cant wait for her to collapse her new startup corpo with her doxniggatry
god you have no idea how hard people want them to fuck off, even when they started this shit people told them they didn't want anything to do with them but they're convinced they're this gay shadow gov group that are going to change the industry
it's hilarious how he easily gets dirt about some companies yet he has spent months seething about not getting inside info about VReverie which he has been trying to sink for some time now
well yea every annoying cunt of a whore who loves drama and doxxing flocks to him and sadly women are retarded and trust these women
Mozu is a big one for this, way too many retards trust her when she is in DMs with doxnigger like Proctor
Not spoonfeeding you, go check the website yourself.
>just trust me bro
>go use TVA yourself
>believe a dude clearly from TVA defending the website and saying something negative about someone they harass
not everyone is retarded as you faggots
oh and it's also the reason most of the retarded shit around phase happens, they think they're some cool shadowy group and all they do is plant a huge bullseye on phase at all times with their bullshit, even the thing where sisters thought Pippa was shilling herself on selen's stream it was one of those retards pulling another op
One who stares into the abyss will become a monster too
One who stares into the pasture will become a lolcow too
Was Mozzu the one who told him Kawaii was going down the drain?
>Koinu also yapped to the owner from time to time, as did other 2views in his "groomcord".
You got proof of this? It would be useful to have a list of these people so I know who to avoid.
NTA but she did it on stream all the time
no i dont have proof because i dont like her and also dont care enough to go find or grab any
>how to be a content creator?
create content
i didnt read anything else
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Megu was the other one of note, she is also involved in the same startup company as Koinu.
Kill yourself, faggot.
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Kek, this one's alright
megu is going corpo? which one?
Possibly StellarVersePro (SVP), take it with a grain of salt but the talent do post letters on Twitter and Koinu's graduation talked about finding her among the stars. Whether or not the management know they've hired leaky fruit farmers is anyone's guess.
Well... I've been looking into it and I think this one seems like her...
I was too into her streams so I might be reading into this a bit too far... heh :3
Remember to use a VPN or TOR when browsing this shithole, same thing applies to any doxxsite, don't think that you're safe just because you're not posting anything.
I like how Proctor just openly states that he tracks all the users and all of their ips as well as keeps dirt on all of them and they are all just ok with it like a bunch of retards
No. I simply opened the website when hexa had her first catalog thread regarding the VTA (with the voicechat leak). Search up Midori account there and see everything yourself.
This has been a great info dump thread, imagine if we had these more commonly, name-drops and stuff, no need to hide crucial secrets.
>do this
>literally nothing pointing to her doxxing Pippa
why are you lying?
Proctor cummies taste that good?
4chan jannies also do that, why are you still browsing 4chan?
Stop shilling your site, Proctor, and start worrying about where you're going to be living in a few days.
Doxxchads RUN vtubing.
A fair amount of users can't stand him with regards to his "insider knowledge", obvious chuuba grooming and blatant power abuse where he will ban you if you disagree with him. Just like how TVA split from KF, it wouldn't be shocking to see at some point in the future something splitting out of there once enough people have had enough of him and are ready to cut ties.
>4chan jannies also do that
logging IPs is not the same thing as holding them under peoples names and hording data to use against them if they ever make you upset
I remember when he used to constantly lie about and decline the existence of a private discord and when it was revealed he let people in to it finally and just made a 2nd private discord that he lied about existing and when that one was found out he made a 3rd discord that he currently lies about not existing
A hypocrite of the highest order, it's okay if he does it!
NTA and you won't collect my IP address either!

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