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VSMP (Vtuber Survival Multiplayer) is a whitelisted Minecraft server for vtubers hosted by PixelLink.

The server uses a custom modpack with the full mod list found here:

>Official Link

>Member List & Schedules

>Stream Playlist

>Thread Template

>VSMP Host Agency
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/

>VSMP Affiliates
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
PRIMA: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: 87014959
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Anchorpost for streams
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Anchorpost for clips/timestamps
Upcoming VSMP Streams (EDT):
Rowa 10/9 8pm
Kokone 10/09 8:30pm
Eva 10/10 9pm
Miuna 10/10 9pm
>plan for today is to clean up her shulker boxes
>then maybe fix the terrain around her house
>talking about travelling again, wants to see snow falling
>maybe the place with the wall (Berlin)
>but it's sooooooo cold there
>Roro's not yet used to the cold only seen -4(c? = 25f)
>wants to get tested for adhd
>farm animals are all mixed up. there's only one girl who could have done this but she's not here anymore.... Furi....
alright, I'm gonna go work out, be back in like 1.5hours. don't let the thread die!
that's a fancy lookin build
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Strange decision to leave the campfires lit
Makes it look like it's burning down
tradwife roro
yeah I don't understand her design choices. She really liked how the campfires glow when they're lit, but the fire and smoke don't make sense imo..
who raided Roro before Spica?
I missed it too. There's an extension that lets you rewind even when the stream is set to live only or wtv but when I tried it, the adblock stopped working.. you could always try:
and then you'll be able to go back.
>hotel with me
don't have to ask me twice roro
I mean on youtube, Spica did member stream today so only youtube.
yeah but she probably thanked them for the raid?
Raiders of the Lost Block
The Temple of Blocks
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couple new waiting rooms just went up.
Ciccino 10/9 7pm
Tomomi 10/9 8pm
Rowa, Kokone, Ciccino, and Tomomi
We're getting another V&U night!

Victoria Valerie 10/10 12pm
>We're getting another V&U night!
too bad Zebi will be busy having fun & playing in Silent Hill
SpooOOOooky blocks
I forgot to tell you guys about it but the latest (3 months ago) idol alert was shilling VSMP (Thanks Kai)
Ciccino changed plans and is doing an art stream instead.

Damn. I was looking forward to someone who hasn't been on in a while.
Well 3 girls is still a good night.
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>Kokone is already online
>Tomomi and Rowa are going to have fun and explore
>Tomomi trying to get goat horns
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>Cerenity joined and gave Tomomi a lead
>Rowa exploring on her own while Tomo tries to get rammed
>got 2 elytras
>going to give them out as prizes for first and second place in her ice race
>Kokone and Tomomi both had their game audio muted at start of stream..
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DK logged on to say hi and then left
>Kokone wants to fill a box with diamonds for trick or treaters
>She's a broke bitch
>Mining for diamonds
>Making a warden farm instead
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Spica is too far gone
Some technical difficulties at the warden farm
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Rowa in Kokone's chat being subjected to a demonstration of the warden farm
beef blocks
beefin for blocks
she's so cute
this whole bit with tomomi demanding to get rammed
oh my
this was posted in /pxl/. bro went all out with the editing
>just like five dozen pigs chilling around a house by echo's base
what the
also tomomi's stream is so fucking scuffed between the bitrate and her audio
IJBOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVu4DmKd4gw&t=43m46s
that pearl back, genius
kokone yurikago could jump for my beef
Lottie and company killed the warden.
Zebi and company killed the warden barehanded.
And now there's Kokone's warden farm.
Anime girls are the natural predator of wardens it seems.
I wish I were a warden
need to catch up... what's the purpose of farming wardens? afaik they only drop catalysts and heads. is there a modded use for catalysts?
dupes the fire ruby templates or something
kokone explains it after she finishes the farm around 3h50 or so
ahh that explains it, thanks. damn those upgrades are expensive
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Spica will be a parkour pro!
I believe!
Less than an hour til blocks!
was skipping through Victoria's last vsmp stream to remember what she'd been up to and found this...
made for dom loss
don't think I watched that one
Victoria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGbE54E8vZ4
>had some tech issues, currently on the specialite server.
>will look into fixing it.
>was looking forward to getting back to her cute house on vsmp
specialite blocks
flocks of blocks
fwocks of bwocks
eva blocks
miuna blocks
same time blocks
Just gotta keep the thread alive another 5.5 hours
Live, blocks, live!
not yet, the spell is not complete
undead we remain
even the top of page ten isn't safe for long today
blocks are too blocky
some say they aren't blocky enough..
only 1 more hour to go, lads
Hold the block!
Ten minutes from now I will be watching my chuubas.
Imagine where you will be and it will be so.
Hold the block, stay with me.

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>Eva in-game and alone
>Won't be alone for long
>Starting off with trading to get a shovel
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>She's got her plans for the horse trail redy to go
>Figuring out the starting point
>Miuna joined! Not alone anymore
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>vsmp lives forever !!!
last time, on eva vsmp in HD
>remnants of the wither battle

this race track is gonna be massive
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forgot pic...
The craters add character
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>Eva taking a tummy ache break
>Meanwhile Miuna is sticking to her die instead of eating plan
Miuna is talking about tea
Miuna is trying to speak japanese
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Horse trail progress
Miuna felt from a first floor and died
Miuna got attacked by a creeper
This'll be a neat server landmark
She is a fragile bunny. She must be protected.
Both girls have made a lot of progress on their builds.
Productive girls!
>Eva gone
>Tummy hurt
bless her heart (and womb)
Miuna's bakery is taking shape
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eepy blocks
good morning /vsmp/
The woman debuff...
Reminds me of this Furi and Chio moment:

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