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For the ケイソン組 and 桐生会
Previous: >>86667292
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Live on twitch with more SH2!
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Whoa, fast day, huh?
I like remake Eddie he's even more pathetic
Yeah, I'm alright with him, he's got one of the better interpretations.
I watched a hard mode puzzle stream and the coin puzzle was a lot more complicated. Also wow Chiho has a lot of viewers today.
Yeah I also noticed that. Good for her but I've never seen her get close to these numbers.
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>people posting spoilers in chat
Wonder if you actually have to fight him in this version
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So far I'm liking this remake.
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Are you ready to learn English in 12 hours?
Still feels unnecessary and not really an upgrade but I definitely expected worse.

Looking forward to it!
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What happened?
sonch rejected her marriage proposal
Well, too bad for her Guutara beat her to it.
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Tonight I might finally fix my sleeping schedule
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2 hours!
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please okite
Time to learn English
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Let's go!
Time for English Lessons!
I love that intro, stream is lagging for me though...?
I am now fluent in English
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I'm actually kinda tired so gonna try to sleep early. GNMF!
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please okite
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More GTA coming up soon.
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Holy smokes I slept all night
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okite again
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Is that Chibison model available for download anywhere?
Not that I know of
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I don't mind furries, conceptually, but breasts on reptiles always feel wrong to me...
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Why was this necessary anyway?
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i remember when she used to say glass instead of grass during asacoco
it's those things i'll still remember when i'm 80 years old
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2 hours!
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10 minutes
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Next stream is MonHun at 20:00! GNMF!
I want her to teach me a thing or two, if you know that I mean.
MohHun at 20:00!
There were some interesting quirks in her speech at that time, such as pronouncing wasei eigo like the original English words. "Apuri" becoming "appli" for example. Really sticks in your head because it's not quite here nor there.
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MonHanson with other oldtimers
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