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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87002767
wa & h
>wake up
>see twitter
>get pissed as fuck
I warned you guys about those subhumans but you didn't listen... you reported me for racism but here I stand proven right my racism wasn't for nothing.

also I guess we are not missing much since we are losing the 7DTD collabs and Devour. I guess it's not a big loss but still it has ruined the little respect I had for the company.
is that Ina's toy?
Yeah me
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Getting deported is kinda cool...
ayame probably got a new job at the immigration department...
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the fuck are you retards talking about? speak!
too cool for the country, they were afraid of her starting another ice age
I never doubted how cool my priestess was, but she always exceeds expectations!
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yeah I told Ina to chill it with the beheadings in japan but she just couldn't behead less than 100 people everyday there. The police noticed and now we are here.
Like some kind of delinquent!
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I love this dope even more for doing her best to relieve my worries.
Oooohhh, so that's what it was. My immigration appointment was cancelled yesterday, now I know why
Wow. A thread dedicated to a criminal who might also wield eldritch powers. I'm telling my uncle.
ayame was right...
I can't believe Ina was detained by the Japanese immigration services on suspicion of illegal residence.
I think I just experienced my first panic attack ever in my life. I woke up twenty minutes ago, and literally the first thing I see in my notifications is that tweet. Since I literally just woke up, I completely misinterpreted the fuck out of what she was trying to say. As soon as I read the first sentence and saw how long it was, my breathing got heavier, my eyes started watering. I have tinnitus, so all I kept hearing was ringing in my dark room. The biggest feeling of dread came over me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I wanted to kill my self. Then I saw the rest of the tweets (including the forbidden one) and covers official statement that put me at ease, but I still feel like complete shit even writing this. It genuinely ruined my day and it barely just started. I can’t imagine the day it really happens, and I probably won’t be able to see it live because I’ll be sleeping. I thought I would be strong enough to not let it faze me and completely respect her decision to leave if that’s what she chose, but this just proved me wrong. I’m not ready for this to be over, I don’t want this to be over. Sorry for typing up a novel, but I’m still tense and feel like absolute shit.
They were right, I'm ina's resident
I do think the statement was worded incredibly weirdly and Japanese in style. I wonder if she was told to word it that way as to give the impression of MAXIMUM COMPLIANCE.
They're touchy about talking about real-life stuff, but they did let her put all the fault on Cover for it even if what "it" was was frustratingly ambiguous.
>what did you get deported for?
>a fucking spider
Ina's yakuza arc starts now
it is not advised to explicitly admit law breach in public
Go outside and buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke the whole pack while relishing the morning air then don't go to work because fuck work (but actually go to work, times are tough and losing a job would be dumb if you can't get unemployment bennies).
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It's gonna be fine! But at the same time, Ina is not gonna be there forever. While she's still there you really need to start developing other things and hobbies to latch on for when she's gone, that's what she wants for all of us. It's not healthy to have her this big in your life!
Stay strong tako
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>apology for poor english
>when were you when Ina deported?
>i was sat at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring
>"Ina is die"
>and you??????
I first woke up and read not-Ina's cookies post and thought it was lol so random so I came and saw the previous thread and expected the worst for like 10 seconds before opening twitter to actually read what was going on.
I glad it's not that other thing at least. I bet she's a sobbing mess with tears running down her chest. I feel sorry for Ina. Everything was feeling comfy until now. Ina love...
Ina ,Paper Please
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Twitter is being retarded and won't let me retweet this so I'll just share it directly here
That's so cute
So how much space would you need to archive all her VODs
Holy shit that's a tweet to wake up to
just woke up man I'm glad I didn't see that first post in realtime I might have slipped and hit my head on the corner of a cabinet.
When I said it would be a million times worse during Ame's last stream I did not think we'd be treated to a test run so soon. Time for an involuntary break.

Good luck Ina
Crazy how she just played this before all of this happened. Unless… it was part of her plan?
How many dimesnions does the chess game she's playing have? My feeble mind cannot even begin to speculate.
I can't imagine she didn't already know this was (or could be) an issue, she almost certainly played it on purpose
by then she probably was already told by management one of their monkeys fucked up, so my theory is that this was no damn coincidence...
Even if it wasn't calculated, it's easy to imagine this reminded her that the game existed.
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I miss Ina
I just realized that she lost her PT and won’t be able to get in her /fit/ reps in. Not only that but she’s visiting her big ass family so she’ll probably be eating like it’s thanksgiving. My Ina will get thicker and fatter…
And it will all go to her boobs...
I don't think she's capable of getting fat, she eats too slowly.
She is still in Japan until her planned visit home next week, if anything she will have more time at the gym
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It all goes into the flaps...
wait wot?
I don't hate cover as much as some but I'm pretty sure they aren't giving her a PT on their dime.
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Tako status?
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...was that the reason she tweeted the Linkin Park video?
Oh yeah, that's probably what that was about
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How are you guys so sure she's getting deported?
I read minds.
I miss Ina...
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Too relieved to be really sad but I miss Ina.
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I'm the one deporting her
Those are just anons exaggerating, surely
I don't think Ina would be so chill about it if her prospects of entering japan in the next few years were fully blocked by a fuckup like this
Yea and I'm sure Gura isn't being paid either, begone phasecuck.
Does anyone have a link to the missing Ina extension? Imma need it for the next week.
I woke up to the thread having 200 unread posts and then her tweet as well. Definitely wasn't pleasant at all. Thankfully I saw her other tweets reassuring us right after.
Anyway, please do value yourself a bit more. It's not good that killing yourself was your first thought.
Honestly if it was super serious I don't think she'd send bae an ill be back gif. Shes probably just chilling waiting to catch a flight back. I don't think this dropped out of nowhere and I wouldn't be surprised if her visa actually expires next week but they made her stop now so they for sure cover their ass. That way they can prove 100 percent she stopped streaming before it expired.
This. She knows how to handle our anxiety and did let us panic for long enough to truly get sad about it.
I still miss her though.
what was ina's living situation before all this? was she in a hotel or something more permanent?
little bit sad about her missing tonights collab, not that sad about 7 days to die, but i do think ina would have been dopey there.
Just sucks that this happens right in my week off. I was kinda planning on staying up late and watching my inner, oh well
likewise if the visa expired before she stopped making videos she could be banned from Japan for a significant amount of time. Huge fuckup from Cover.
Yeah. The biggest problem is, as she said, that recordings, appearances and other stuff she had planned for these next weeks will have to get cancelled/rescheduled with some luck.
Depending on how long it takes for her to get back to Japan I fear her live will suffer too, and who knows what else. It sucks, but getting deported would be way worse for the future.
why dont they just move japan to NA
Might also just be Japan being lazy fucks. Same thing happens in other parts of the world from my experience... retarded government workers will wait till the last possible day to renew anything.
It was me I pooped in cover hq
also immigration department is outdated as fuck, still a lot of paper work and manpower
where other countries have automised a lot of this stuff
>Posting on Twitter is considered working
Imagine getting paid $1 for every 1,000 a chuuba tweet generates
You clean that up right now, mister
>also the fact that I have to stay till the end of the year means there must be something near the end of the year as well right
>and it so happens that Ninomae Ina'nis who promise to have one 3D live a year hasn't had one yet
>so you wonder hmmm could it be the reason Ninomae Ina'nis decide to go to Japan for multiple months because she has all these lives back to back to back
>huh I wonder
>although I have to say Ninomae Ina'nis probably will make you wait until end of the year
>but um that is just how the studio decided was going to be so Ninomae Ina'nis has to comply
But who the FUCK is this spider manager?!?!
I have no idea, all I know is that I hope she's a cute girl.
How does the damage control strategy work exactly? Is it that they have to say logistical issues instead of visa fuckup because admitting the latter openly makes them seem like a border-disrespecting company?
>signed: kuromane
it is a "logistical" issue though, request probably came too late, is still stuck in the office or additional requirements/documents are necessary
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I think this is her...
Using yt-dlp i calculated all her non-member streams to be about 3.2TB
The irony of Ina playing papers please back to back and then this happening not even a week after. She really is the unluckiest girl in the world…
At 1080p? Seems low, but if that's accurate that's fairly doable
ngl, i'm kind into scuff
i hope ina keeps having visa issues and so in a last ditch effort to keep her promise of having one 3D live a year, go back to amestudio and give us some SOVL scuffkino
(shame about all the other guest appearances though)
I meant why they couldn't say openly it's a visa issue. I don't see what kind of blowback can happen.
I used

yt-dlp --print "%(filesize,filesize_approx)s" https://www.youtube.com/@NinomaeInanis/streams

which i'm assuming just goes for the highest quality.
Not sure if it includes audio tho
>go back to amestudio and give us some SOVL scuffkino
Would be fun, but a logistical nightmare as well as something that Cover simply wouldn't let happen since they're big control freaks.
it would make the company seem even less competent. I doubt the government really cares if they say it.
Could also be that cover is afraid of rabid holofans sending acidbombs to the nip government
You think that investors would want a company to admit a retarded fuckup like this to everyone?
Kayfabe, man
That hasn't stopped them from mentioning vtuber health issues in the past, but legal ones? They're pretty quiet about that stuff.
japan has absolutely badshit insane laws around defamation
even if what you're saying is true but "considered as damaging to their image or reputation", you can get sued for defamation
imagine if ina outright said "cover fucked my visa so i can't work for the rest of 2024" and ended up tanking cover stock price
She said cover hooked her up with a decent place she could rent, if I'm remembering right.
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Simple as.
a shame MM didn't get a season 2...
Man I don't think this is the time to be horny, i really hate when these people try to take advantage of the situation to shill themselves and also retards who post things like "lmao mane chan my new oshi lololol" under the last tweets
Ina said things are going to be fine so we have nothing to worry about
She was never my #1 but I always really liked Ina a lot.
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow
from the posts on both of his accounts all I get is that this nigger is trying hard to get any kind of attention to get comms. He is basically an attention beggar, worth less than a clipwatcher.
So what do we do now with no Ina?
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I can't believe Led Zeppelin made a song specifically for Ina
my gacha is getting a new chapter at takotime+6 so I'll just play that...
wait... is Ina going to be in the 7days collab?
I mean i worry because i care but yeah guess you can't really control what everyone else does
Also is the fit tako here? I got some questions
I tried using ytdlp the other day but I'm kind of retarded and I only got it to download the smallest resolution.
Our best
Not anymore. Or at least not until she gets home.
Yeah no, I was really looking forward to daily ina for 7 days.
I know we like to shit on shills here but the guy is literally the original Enma simp, which was the first ever en manager, if anyone is legit interested in manechan art it's them
anon Enma hasn't been mentioned since 2021, this shitter is living in the past
He also drew one of the sexiest Ina images ever I can't possibly hate him.
my guy never got the news Enma isn't a person it seems, that's like not even clipwatcher level
Enma got a design, it doesn't matter that they aren't a specific person.
Miku isn't a person either but I will coom to art of her
Link pls
guys I think Ina forgot to tell her coworkers she won't be able to participate on today's collab
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>Also is the fit tako here?
jwu why are people talking about spiders?
Is you? Because I really want to do my reps but I feel dead tired all the time so i wanted to know if there's some kind of specific exercises to gain stamina
From what i've searched on yt there's only weight loss and muscle gain and the only people i talk on the regular don't do exercise so yeah i don't know where to ask
I take back ever time I've called her a dope.
Doesn't work for me when testing now, I could swear it worked just recently?
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You need your body to get used to a constant load of effort, so my best recommendation would be to start from a given amount of reps to an exercise (let's day 5 per example), and then add one as soon as you start feeling like you're comfortable with that range of reps (don't know if I'm really clear here, but basically, just slowly add to a simple base). Also, don't forget that at least half of your workouts are accomplished by a good rest and enough nutrients in your food (does suck but sadly it's true).
To specifically gain stamina, weights aren't the best, so a good amount of cardio (can be simple walking) and weightless exercises (like push-ups) can help. Alternate between these and more strenght-focused workouts alongside a better lifestyle, and the results will come.
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I think this reflects situation better
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One thing that helped me a lot when I started was to do set progressions like this:
Say your max is 10 pushups in a row
Do one set of 5 pushups, rest for 2 minutes, do a set of 4 pushups, rest again, 3 pushups, rest 2 pushups, rest 1 pushup.
Then the next day you do 5 then 4, 3, 2 and another 2 pushups
The next day you do 5, 4, 3, 3, 2
Then 5, 4, 3, 3, 3
Etc, same thing for squats, pull ups and other exercises. Obviously you might need to test things out to find a good starting point, Maybe start with 4 reps instead of 5 or only do 3 sets.
I can't remember how it's called but apparently it's recommended a lot to beginners.
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I actually do the contrary, I add reps to every set so that I can get closer to failure. Apparently does help muscle growth and it's called hypertrophy I believe, but I don't know if it's the best for beginners.
I shouldn't have opened my Ina nendo yesterday. I didn't know unsealing it would cause such chaos...
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Thanks i kinda got it, i might have to learn more about nutrition on my own because i have no idea about carbohydrates and stuff, i like cooking but doing it specifically for fitness sounds difficult but i'll do it
Everything for my Ina
You better learn fast because as much as it sucks to say, having the proper diet is 50% of the process to getting fit. Remember tako ATP is very important; do not neglect it. You literally cannot live without it since it’s what gives you energy to even move your body, and keeping it low by eating trash foods will make you constantly feel fatigued. Also, take vitamin gummy bears like Ina if pills aren’t your thing. Supplements aren’t necessary, but they can boost your system. Creatine and Whey are the most important; everything else is meh imo.
I can handle another week, I'm tough, seasoned by breaks and hiatuses. I am however mad because this will cause a time crunch and also because we're missing out on some cute collabs.
The Devour collab has been rescheduled to an unknown time.
It's too late, ya stupid tako, I have sent your beloved priestess to Lebanon to erect the Crusader State of WAH.
I would die for the holy war and Ina Inshallwah
I wanna cavity check her
Mating press until submission, orders of the immigration office
Art takos post the first thing you drew since you started watching Ina and your most recent drawing please.
I wanna see your improvement post-Ina.
>see your improvement
Anon, I...
I only draw for the aggie and the shittiest of edits
Ina should masturbate today and beat up a Visa agent
>be me
>skim thread
>read cookie post
>actually posting in english on that acct and not larping for once
I delete all my fanarts after posting them or pasting them to our aggies...
Good to know
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The first thing I ever drew was this, for her draw-along with Bae. The most recent thing would be the baguette holding Tako I drew in one of the previous Aggie...
dont kill yourself over someone who doesnt give a fuck about you
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Bro works fast.
Tentacle patterns on the spider legs is a nice touch
I really appreciate Ina explaining the situation better in her main account. Those Cover subhumans would have left us confused in the dark otherwise. God bless my Ina.
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I wish I'd drawn a lot more, but I've improved.
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You gotta be in this biz, earliest fanart usually decides the concept
(See also mamas and papas)
she is literally me frfr...
Also I've gotten way better at drawing tentacles.
A Holy Wah, if you will...
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Sorry bros, I'll get her a green card soon
>Sorry for typing up a novel
Don't flatter yourself, you're not a good writer.
Looks really cool. I think she should have an AO-chan symbol on her back
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I love an eight legged manager for an eight legged talent
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>ERB delayed the collab stream to a year from now

I guess they'll be waiting for Ina. Pretty nice of them.
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I have deadlines that I will need to accomplish by skipping sleep, I'm tired as hell, no Ina for more than a week, my life has no real direction and it's already late. I'll do it for her.
Am I autistic for not liking when managers name themselves
And I prefer they name themselves instead of just posting with Ina's socials. Besides it's usually the talents that name them.
In a situation like this it seems like the better option.
I gave up temporarily
why is it a spider again?
Kumo = spider
not really since "mane-chan" would've been enough. using a nickname may in some way be interpreted as attentionwhoring.
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what >>87115012 said
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I never finish any fanart... and if I finish it then by the next day I already find something I hate about it so I end up never posting it...
also I draw as fast as a turtle with parkinson's and I am too busy with my studies...
here are some of the things I drew this year
That ship sailed when the Enma idea didn't stick.
In this case it's at least a reassurance that things are being handled by somebody Ina works with rather than a faceless suit.
Called it. Pretty good design overall, monster girls are hot. I'm still on the fence when it comes to giving so much attention to managers, but as long as she treats Ina well and was given the ok for this then it's alright.
it didn't stick because 2 subhumans didn't get the notice that EnMa was supposed to represent all EN managers and then decided to creature more manager characters.
The problem was actually that she double parked her Peanut.
To this day, nothing comes close to how kino Enma was, from her design down to her name. I'm still sad the idea got canned, especially since it'll get awkward when the now named managers end up leaving.
I think Ina should unalive all her coworkers, that way she will keep all managers to herself.
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do ya really want to exchange vows with a person that sounds like a husband beater? think and reflect on it, takochi
Ina should beat me up
i get you, but ina simply calls her manager "mane-chan". the name is a way to identify his/herself from all the other mane-chans. the intention may be that they want to assure us that someone's personally taking care of things, but at the same time, it may be taken as me me me.
Ina punching me to death? that would be kinda cool...

Hey those are pretty cute.
And the only way to get faster is to grind, friend. I suggest you do a lot of less finished doodles. When you get faster at step 1 of the drawing, you get faster in general.
IJGBFW what the fuck happened
She started going to the gym so she can beat me up more effectively. I go to the gym so I can take more hits
Visa didn't get renewed on time, cannot do work while in Japan without a work visa, how long it's fucked up for is anyone's guess but she'll be home next week so she'll be able to stream at least
I'm gonna make kyoani look like a fucking joke
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Cover fucked up and forgot to renew Ina's work visa. Ina, with extreme rage, beheaded a thousand japanese men so now she is in jail like Lucy from Elfen Lied
I wonder if they just realized that it wouldnt be renewed in time and sent her packing to be super careful because running a simple days calculator puts her at 70-72 days depending on when she got there. Thats assuming it was a 90 day visa and they didnt ACTUALLY get her the wrong visa cause theyre idiots
yeah, I figured they're being overly compliant, otherwise they wouldn't let her make the initial tweet and risk a bigger issue by technically working while the visa is expired.
Matters not what happened. They fucked up and one of their talents now has to leave the country when she should be recording stuff. That's all that matters, they fucked up and I am pissed as fuck.
no he definitely should kill himself for being this schizo
Based anon loving his oshi

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