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>internal (((logistical))) issues
pregnant for sure.
Who's logistical?
>She tried and fought really hard
Turns out that was a lie aimed at throwing shade against cover who knew.
relating to or involving organization and planning.
"logistical problems"
Hope this helps
I can't believe my wife was an illegal alien all along
shes too full of my cum interally, im sorry bros
Ina better come back before November, or else she's not coming through the wall.
The funny part is that the holobronies actually believe it.
yeah they couldn't find a truck big enough to carry her fat ass around in time. Should be resolved soon hopefully
Cover's intern F up the timing to renew the working visa status. Now she has to leave JP, no 3D studio, her plans and invesment went down the drain
Cover's intern F up Ina's taxes. Now there's an arrest warrant out for her and she's being summoned to Canadian court. That's why she has to fly back.
damn, that's some Nijisanji level shit. Did she confirmed it?
how come myth keeps having internal problems? this cant be coincidence
He is talking out of his Ass. Everything beyond some "Logistical Issues" is tin-foil hat bullshit. It was almost definitely Visa issues, but no one has confirmed anything. Don't let the haters hate so hard you loose braincells
I'm the judge btw, I will sentence her to 300 hours of service at the town stockade to defend the town
How would a VISA problem prevent her from posting on twitter?
Social media posts on your holo account are considered work activities
Its literally her job to perform as Ina. She can't do it without a work permit.
>Ame out
>Gura one foot out the door
>Ina about to go scorched earth

So what are Calli and Kiara gonna do next?
that post was made by her mane so it is engrish
Each other.
Why is she still in Japan anyway? Go home Ina! You're no better than the mexicans now.
Buddy how are you this stupid?
I don't know much stuff.
Kiara will just go back to shitting on management while continuing to stay because she has battered woman syndrome
Imagine Ina laying the facehugger eggs
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I yearn for the octopussy...
No one has explained how she was able to make that tweet it all tweets are considered work
Visa related, you're not allowed to work if your visa isn't right.
she became a hardened criminal in HoloGTA.
Either Cover allowed her to make one tweet or her manager copy pasted her message
You can't stay longer than 90 days on a work visa. When did she enter japan to start prepping for breaking dimensions? Everyone else has gone home already or is in japan long term like Bae and fuwamoco.
Either she was skinwalked or Holo basically suspended her for the visa stuff
dont you just love corpos? isnt it just great that they can kill your oshi on a whim?
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But if you close your eyes
It is. Keeps things from being too boring
With all that money you would imagine SOME of it would go to hiring competent management...
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Cookies and credit cards, what could it mean?
So her VISA ran out and she has to go back to leafland?
We know for a fact that managers have access to their twitter accounts, hell people used to give Gura shit for obvious manager tweets during her extended breaks
The funniest thing is that skinwalking is now proven true, of all the rrats
Haachama's and Gura's merch shill tweets during their hiatuses didn't clue you in?
It's funny how Holofags ate the skinwalking up as if its something that regularly happens
look at holofans outside of 4chan
They probably still EN as a lower priority to an extent, or Cover as an organization has become too large and bureaucratic ever since it became publicly listed on the Tokyo stock exchange.
probably view EN as a lower priority*
So why'd her first tweet make it sound like it was cover's fault? It sounds like a japanese government problem.
don't jap gov don't see streaming as a job..?
because she'll say she just asked her manager to post it for her, as holo en made sure to confirm right after to get her out of that trouble
anon, the intern in charge of renewing her visa clearly fucked it up
You can't apply for a visa for someone else's behalf, no? She just needs to turn in the correct documents herself.
My jp visa is literally being renewed by someone else on my behalf right this moment, yeah you can, lol
my work handles my visa
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I want to have sex with all 4 of them
I'm surprised they can't just say "visa issue". From the unclear wording it sounded like very bizarre and seriously bad situation.
Certainly still an abrupt and troublesome situation that ruins some of her plans so that's unfortunate, but not something more serious.
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Yup, same thing happened to Petra a few years back - she couldn't do jack shit because she was in Japan on a student visa instead of a student/work visa.
Ina can't stream or tweet on her Holo accounts, can't log on to the company Discord, and can't do literally anything else as Ninomae Ina'nis until either her visa get renewed, or she's physically back in her home country (Canada?) and passed Customs.
Work visas are requested by the employees
every company no matter how big will fuck up sometime. the problem was how they dealt with it. cover training new staff all the time (story about manager changing or new manager get to manage subaru because she is easy to manage) so those mess up got fired is not something crazy to imagine. ofcourse you dramafag will call me cope.
because cover would like to take those critics than for talent to have any bad rep. you dramafag can shit talk about cover all you want as long as ina fan was completely fine with ina and will continue to support her non change. cover don't have face. this is how corp should act, corp is soulless and faceless, it should take criticism for talent and not throw talent under the bus for corpo rep.
It's a security issue. Cover doesn't want a crazed stalker waiting for Ina at the Narita check in counter.
>But Ina doesn't have a stalker!
Good. It should stay that way, and Cover's secrecy helps keep it that way.
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>we already know it's a visa issue
>there are already like 4 other threads
There is 0 indication that a new staff member caused the issue so yeah I'll call it cope, especially since something that important should be double checked either way.
because she made it herself duh
I think you're misunderstanding the situation here, ICE isn't literally at Cover's door demanding Ina stop tweeting right this instant, Cover is just trying to be preemptive and super careful starting from the last tweet of Ina (because they still deem the communication to be important) by ceasing any and all activities that could be considered work. Ina after all is a cover IP that earns cover dosh, so anything involving her, be it recordings, streams, or social media, can be seen as work. Can be seen as work by who you ask? Anyone with a hardon for Cover's ass right now, so nijizhangs and holoantis. Cover, depending on the situation, could be doing undocumented foreign labor (I forget the correct term right now) with Ina since her visa might have already been expired.
It's Cover's ass on the line right now, and that's why they're being super careful, they know from experience that one talent's misfortune can end up affecting ALL of the talents.
ligger seething about the top corp episode 120230
Why cant she just marry a random salaryman instead of all this visa bullshit?
or is japan not that easy to game?
You don't even have to guess, there's a contract leak from Niji that says that managing social accounts is actually included in "vtubing activity".
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when did she move to japan?
>No one has explained how she was able to make that tweet it all tweets are considered work
Same way that Gura was good enough to join several collabs but was too sick to shill her anniversary merch. Myth is furious and their is some obvious damage control on both /vt/ and the Hololive subreddit because the official stories from Cover are obvious lies.
That's also why they can't be up front and say that it's a visa issue.
I'm astonished at how terrible /vt/ards are at piecing shit together, despite the supposed reputation this place has for rratmancy
she didn't she's getting deported
They overworked them with non-streaming bullshit just like theyre soing to promise, the Broken Promise musical will also be a graduation announcement for kronii or mumei
It's not that they're bad at piecing shit together, it's that they aren't even trying to do so in the first place.
They choose a rrat to believe first and then argue from there.
They want to believe Ina is le graduating because they're tribalfags who hate Holo
You don't get automatic citizenship or even permanent residency when marrying a japanese national, you still need to apply for a spouse visa that lasts 1-5 years and you need to live continuously in japan for 10 years to be eligible for permanent residency
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
Lol drones defending Japan and Hololive
Big word, I know
all I know is, I woke up to Ina doomposting and it scared me
i hope it gets straightened out soon
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>More small companies dying
>Hololive imploding
>Nijisanji still stands strong
Get FUCKED everyone else.
I think the cover company outsources the work visa application to a specialist firm.
I don't know which office handled it, but I don't think it was the responsibility of the cover company.
Looking at the address below, I don't think ‘Cover Company forgot to do it’.
I don't think the cover company would be inclined to apply themselves as it is difficult to apply.


It's difficult if you don't have a specialised administrative office, as you can see from the automatic translation.
I'm sure Cover Inc's legal department would have left it to them to decide that outsourcing was a reasonable thing to do.
...I think the persuasion of the administrative law firm that was taking the order didn't work with the Immigration Department.
The address suggests that there is also a ‘screening to see if the accepting company is decent’, but in her case, she's not only working with the cover company, but also with the publishing company, isn't she?
Then there would be more than one ‘receiving company’ and the immigration office would be like, ‘What do you mean?’ wouldn't they?
Wouldn't the documentation for just the cover company be enough?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
>Ina was a fucking Wetback this whole time
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I think you guys are missing the obvious. We all know Ina has anger management issues. Who did she beat the shit out of this time?
>Broken Promise musical will also be a graduation announcement for kronii or mumei
I am cynical but at the moment no one is doomposting or acting furious on their RM accounts. With all the fishy things going on with Ina and Gura though it's hard to know what really happened with Ame. I can't blame anyone for expecting another graduation.
Gura outlives another one
Anon do you seriously think a hololive vtuber would just go up there and start shit talking the japanese government? For better or worse, Cover talking the blame is the move to go. Even if no doubt they had a hand on it.
Maybe the manager tried to backseat her work visa and ina got pissed.
>interpretation and context cant change words meanings
her home is Korea, she is a fucking immigrant
/jp/ drones getting uppity
How does "visa" issues stop her from going online and posting on twitter? Since it doesn't and she can access social media whenever why does she say she can't post on social media anymore
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We bought too many cookies on her credit card and now she's going to jail for fraud
What the fuck is the context? You guys are talking but not really specifically mentioning anything about the topic so it feels like I'm listening to a conversation in a dream.
Now Ina is an illegal immigrant, Ayame might actually cut her down.
Whorosisters... we got too cocky...
What's the Ayame lore here?
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She can’t post as Ina, because under Japanese law, Ina is always working, no matter what. Her rm can hang around a bit longer while they figure this out, but legally Ina tweeting right now would break the law.
Yes, it’s stupid. Blame the Japanese government, not Ina’s roommate.
according to holofans tweeting is legally seen as a job in japan? No source on this one so far... they just keep repeating as if tweeting is part of a streamrs job yet literally everyone else in the world can tweet whenever and wherever they are.
>need a work visa to work in Japan
>all online activities as Ninomae Inanis count as work
>no work visa = unable to legally be Ina in Japan
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Maybe they're being careful. Petra from NijiEN had a similar issue when she moved to Japan to continue her studies on japanese uni. She still tweeted but it feels like a grey area.
JP autism, anon. JP corpos have to follow a lot of rules foreign companies can afford to ignore, because the retarded old fucks who come up with these laws are Japanese
If their contracts are similar to nijisani's, then using her Ina twitter is considered part of her work activities and technically could be considered undocumented migrant working
A-chan left and hololive fell apart. First they lost Aqua then ame left now they have visa issues. Seriously was one woman really tardwrangling 50 plus women by herself?
Ayame also once ambushed Kronii, kicked her in the head and screamed
>This is MAGA country
after Kronii ordered a Subway. That's why Kronii has a meltdown over anyone mentioning Subway in chat nowadays.
>50 plus women
Mah dik
tell that to Brazilians.
Retardbro, we've seen Niji's leaked contract during the Selen drama and using their corpo social media accounts is considered part of their "virtual youtuber activities", so if hololive has a similar clause in their contract, then tweeting from her Ina account is legally considered part of her job
No don't do that, you'll upset the children.
I bet some of them still don't even realize / accept that all the concerts are pre-recorded dance segments.
Fuck, some of them could even be getting skinwalked by pro dancers and we wouldn't know shit unless they fucked up in later streams
>some of them could even be getting skinwalked by pro dancers and we wouldn't know shit
too many faggots in that profession spill tea for a living, we would've known if this happens in more than say a few cases
So basically cover screw her over with the visa thing and now she has to cancel many projects including her RM career. Cover just wanted to protect themselves legally to not get sued. They will also not even back her up financially because of this cover staff mistake.
We know what Skinwaking looks like and it’s 10 Korones doing flips and shit like Nijisanji used to do
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You can even call it FORESHOWING
Do you not know what managing means?
Do anybody know what ina pussy taste like
like bags of sand
Work Visa is the responsibility of the employer.
I always wanted Petra to shit in my mouth.
Gods, I wanna be Ina's incompetent manager...imagine getting pummeled by her tiny korean fists.
Ina Costava...
Anon... have you seen penguins shitting?
Boring korean woman.
I want to see this one up close while I obediently serve her.
>First they lost Aqua then ame left now they have visa issues.
The chimken also ran out of work visa like 2 years ago and wasn't locked out of streaming or using her twitter account.
Kiara clearly does not give a fuck.
the issue is that they had ordered her termination months ago but it got lost in their databases, and they just noticed she's still around
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They wouldn't be having this problem if Ina would just go home.
The issue is that she couldn't officially married to Flare quick enough to not need a visa renewal due to local bureaucracy being slow about recognizing their marriage.
Isn't there a Korean zone in Tokyo? I think it literally called Koreatown.
Shin-Okubo is still Japanese soil, senpai.
Abe was alive and wanted the chimken to shill Japan
Now with the new Prime Minister of Japan, he just enforces shitty old Japanese laws
>90 days
That's just sad, wouldn't be an issue for Ame though since Mexicans can stay 180 days in japan
if you watched it Ina's Papers, Please playthrough, you can see how stern she is about following the rules.
gaijin go home
Korean soil now
American bases in Japan = Japanese soil
Is Ame Mexican?
It's Latinx for you, chud.
Kiara's situation was different, she was already in Japan before joining hololive with one of those gimmick visas for cosplayers and she actually had to leave when she got into hololve because she couldn't work with that visa
Would Flare defend Ina from Ayame?
Does Ayame tolerate nergos?
Look, I'm not going to judge you, and I would actually kind of respect it, but do you enjoy the idea of being assaulted by Ame for saying that?
Legit question. What did ina even "fight for" in this situation? If it's some shit regarding immigration laws in japan, there's no fighting that. I feel like there's something else regarding management.
this one is just randomly shooting shit now
Did you even see the tweet? That was clear JP management speak
Probably ripped the intern a new one. Imagine, raging Ina.
I knew it was coming and I still kek'd
She probably wanted to keep streaming or at least tweeting while the situation is resolved but Cover in their usually overly-cautious attitude told her to go full radio silent
She's probably been reminding them for weeks that her visa was expiring soon and they still didn't get their shit together.
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>What did ina even "fight for" in this situation?
Your guess is as good as mine, don't know how complicated is getting a work visa in japan so this is nothing but a huge rrat being peddled by desperate takos.
I thought she graduated years ago
Ultimately, it's your own responsibility to make sure your visa is in order. If you relied on someone else to make sure your visa was getting renewed properly instead of doing it yourself, that's a grave error on your part. Ina has no one to blame but herself.
I hope you guys know that Ina is moving to Japan. She will visit her family in November, but she's definitely moving to Japan.
Her roommate made a tweet / joke indicating that is a VISA problem. who is responsible ? it's unclear

I ignore how it is for Japan specifically, but working visas usually require paperwork from your employer.
>ma! How do I mikoposter rite?! Ma!!
Who the fuck cares for her roommate. I care for her, not who she lives with.
did she really use her rm account for that joke? based
roommate meens boyfriend retard
>What did ina even "fight for" in this situation?
Cover is delaying things in her contract and it's obvious Ina has been asking for a less sleazy model design. Hololive keeps delaying it and that is why Myth has a tense relationship with management. Myth is treated like garbage considering how much money they earn and the walls are starting to crumble.
Maybe in Japan lol but outside of Japan they are done no chance for expansion even again.
you know she is tall, right? way taller than her model
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did you attempt to make 4ch look more retard?
because acting as Ina is the job, the person behind the character cannot do it legally right now
Who the fuck cares for her Boyfriend. He doesn't stream or play Mario Party with other Vtubers. (At least that I'm aware of)
wtf I always thought their character heights matched their actual heights
and you know this because ....
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That or Ina shamelessly motorboated Lamy's lamies in front of tens of thousands of people
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It's Visa issues that are hopefully going to be resolved by next week. Majority of the posts are just shitposting and rratmaxxing.
obviously it's the company fault considering what she has said, probably something along the lines of a manager or intern forgot to renew the visa or they accidently summited the paperwork with something missing causing it to be rejected etc.

It's 90% on the employer side for work visa's, the most the visa holder needs to do is head to their local immigration office and had over some paperwork saying where they work and where they live.
If by resolved, you mean deported, yes.
Funny how she was just playing Papers Please
>Japanese immigration paperwork
>one week

We'll be lucky if we see her by December.
Even best case it takes at least 10-15 days for the government to process the paperwork. this does not even account for international shipping the paperwork from your home country and other bumps you cannot control.
I never cared about PLs before coming here regularly and now by mere lurking I keep learning more and more of them
Yeah, unironically
Imagine being retarded on purpose.
"Roommate" means their past-life account.
True, it's less likely.
The only chances of shit like that happening would be if it was a personal dancer to do stand-ins, that way if they blabbed they'd get royally fucking shit on, legally speaking.
sasuga takodachi
baste Ojou
thats okay Ill take her
There's so many schizo takes on this thread can someone gives me a simplified qrd for the events?
Cover screwed up the renewal of Ina's work visa and she can't stream or use her Ina twitter while in Japan because it could be considered working without a proper visa
>For some reason Ina's Work Visa expired
>It is illegal to work for a Japanese company without a work Visa
Anything she does involving Ina, tweeting, streaming, collabing, is considered work and is illegal, so she is forced into going dark until she gets her work visa.

That's it.
That's unfortunate I hope that issue is resolved because knowing ina she probably had a few outside projects she needed to work on in a Japan and may have to cancel on them. It's not her fault but Japan being Japan caring all about reputation will no doubt give her shit for it and brand her as unreliable on their eyes for something that's out of her control.
The answers you were given so far are bullshit. This would've been a nothing burger if she said nothing or wrote her tweet with better tact if she did need to notify people. Cover responding to her tweet is also causing a Streisand effect.
The anti-myth schizo is going to be so crushed when Ina streams in a week lol
So she should've swept their fuck up under the rug?
Okay but why has the work visa only been an issue with Ina and why make a huge deal about management taking over her work accounts? The last time Hololive did this Haachama vanished on a 8 month health break.
Because there is supposed to be a big EN Collab that she has to miss now because being Ina is legally considered work under her currently expired Visa, which is illegal. So in the meantime her Manager is just relaying tweets for her, I don't get how people are having a hard time understanding it
She can still live in japan, she's not being deported or anything, so she can continue to do things outside of holo. The worst part of Japan and work visas is you have to apply for them in your home country, so she physically has to go to the japanese embassy in her home country to even get the paperwork started.
If there was one, which is all speculation, and she wants it to be known, she should be crystal clear about it. Don't pussy foot around if you're playing with fire, especially if risking your job.
More than likely this isnt even Cover's doing. My company recently hired a lawyer to work on a visa to hire someone from Japan. The tard lawyer forgot to make payment on the application and the whole thing was cancelled. Cover probably hire a immigration lawyer that fucked this up.
Man... that sucks. Well hopefully she get this sorted out. I just hope this doesn't demoralize the other girls.
I wonder if Biboo was VISA'ed as well
Bae was being pretty goofy about it when the first tweet went out, probably just a bit frustrating for Ina, nothing too serious.
She's gong to Canada for a week to give birth so her kid will have Canadian citizenship obviously
Biboo didn't stay long enough for it to be a problem.
Biboo stayed in Japan for 6 months anon. Even nerissa was already showing sign of being homesick.
I’m not gonna lie I forget Ina often till I’m rarely reminded on this board.
She’s boring as fuck
No she didn't Anon, she went back after the first batch in June and stayed home for a few weeks.
Why is Selen's neck so fucking long?
She went home for about two weeks then she went back to Japan for two more months.
And edit I know I'm not far off but cus I still remember talking about biboo possibly obtaining those bb perms in /gem/
Wrong. That is American property and we will continue to impregnate your women then fly them to America
It isn't just a Visa problem. It's also a management problem where they neglected her and would push back against her trying to get shit figured out herself
She can assault me any day
You’re genuinely retarded if you believe that
Someone fucked up hard for this to happen, we wont hear about it, but someone is most likely getting / is already fired over it.
Nta but how?
Since a work visa has been never been an issue with any Hololive talent before today? Management has given obvious lies for taking over work accounts and the radio silent health break with Haachama started with the "flu". Maybe things will get settled quickly but letting Ina make a single tweet and than having management take over her account is fishy.
And her name is Ina
Fishy because they're probably pissed ina made cover corps look incompetent not only that but that opens the possibilities of people doing their reps about Japanese bureaucracy which cover doesn't want because they don't want foreigners to know Japan actually hate them.
Cover is a multinational multimillion dollar company with a legal department. They fucked up not their employee
When this happens nobody says anything normally, but Ina was obviously really mad. She has every right to be, the company is supposed to take care of all this stuff to allow the talent to concentrate on their job.
If I was in the same situation, you'd call me a dumbass for not having my shit together. You're just simping for ina.
go back already + you have to be 18 or older to post here
Ina did 9/11!
Retardchama, the management tweet just cited vague "logistical reasons" it was Ina herself on her RM who hinted it was because of visa problems
You don't work for a multi billion yen corporation like ina does
Cover has a history of having incredibly retarded logistics and planning. Too many interns most likely.
Ina getting mad is completely justified and an intern or two are getting a pink slip soon most likely.
You don't apply for work visas directly the company your working for applies for them on your behalf in an almost sponsorship like position. For renewing Visa the company also provides most the paperwork and application forms, the only stuff the employee needs to provide is very basic stuff like your passport, mynumber card, and a recent photo of yourself, and walk it in person to the local immigration office.

So unless Ina could lost her passport, or take a photo, I have a hard time believing it is anything other than the company.

>t worked in japan a few years
Satan the issue isn't that Ina had issues with her work visa but that management keeps treating Myth like garbage. That is getting really suspicious considering that Ame left to be an indie vtuber.
No fucking way...
it's obvious it's just a negotiation period for her contract with hololive.
contract negotiation period happens before their anniversary
>treating Myth like garbage
you're a broken record buddy
remove ame from this image lmfao

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