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Not just september
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mm yes what do the chicken entrails read today
>Aki fucking Rozenthal 9th

I still don't get how her and Azki managed to incline so well. When is Roboco's turn?
what the point of these stats if they don't include wester vtubers. I genuinely don't give a single fuck about Japanese vtubers.
are you blind
see >>87094683 >>87094830
That anon is probably referring to Twitch vtubers. They'll have to wait until streamcharts releases their updates. Hopefully, some party comes along to keep track of Kick too. Data can't be compared 1:1, but as long as the data is being recorded somewhere, people can work backwards at some point.
VSPO should be a little bigger considering they double dip into twitch yeah
Isn't this the fourth thread about this this month?
can't be, this is only from this week
perhaps you saw a thread about the september report
Spamming streams doesn't make her popular.
CC rank 25??
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Why does Cover advertise her as the number 1 vtuber in Japan when she's clearly not that relevant? They gave her a 2 day event at the second biggest venue any individual hololive member has ever had and she's struggling to sell tickets for the event.
streamcharts tracks everything but yt. afaik there's no big vtubers on kick but there's fairly on afreeca
What >>87095679 said. Also this is the quarterly stats reports for Q3 CY2024 (July - Sept) and not the monthly stats
nigger, the average 枠数 for those 50 vtubers is 70.42
her stream count of 78 is just barely above average
Hello, Marineschizo
Why are you talking about a completely irrelevant number?
When will Roboco get her incline too?
Varium STRONG! Nina is so cute and so bratty.
It was a genuine question, retard. Explain why a literal nobody gets called the number 1 Vtuber in Japan.
>Average CCVs of every groups in top 5 except Phase dropped
Phase is inclining!
Tell me about AKA Virtual
Who the fuck are they?
*gives average number of 3rdQrt YoY in 70.42*
*compares her 78 to 70.42, not even a standev away*
HoloID's competition
Why are you avoiding mentioning the stream length?
Someone explain Phase's constant growth.
Anons in other threads keep claiming the company is stagnant or shrinking.
>chart that measures 総視聴時間
>marine's 配信時間 is only 44.7
You're the retard here, asking something a middleschooler could figure out
It's a chart that shows how popular someone is and Marine is at the bottom.
Niji bros, since when did ID have an actual market?
spamming would imply interval of release, which in this context would imply number of frames.
I see what the issue was, it's your command, or lack of, over the english language
Long hours is also spamming, retard.
They're a mixed corp but their BFE Homos are hard carrying the branch.
no, it's a chart that measures 総視聴時間

in order to extrapolate popularity you'll have to use certain statistical analyses, i'd assume something like levelling watch time, number of frames, number of viewers per frame, etc. in order to develop a standardized measurement or unit
>no, it's a chart that measures 総視聴時間
Exactly. It measures popularity.
hit the books retard
think about it in the original context, spamming in usenet or BBS would have been multiple messages sent with as high a volume as possible.
your understanding is something like sending only one long message thinking it's equivalent
Nijisisters are afraid to admit that there is a serious challenger for NijiEN for the EN #2 group position now without having to rely on SEA / CN fujo. Makes sense that they would spread BS about Phase
that doesn't look like like 人気さ or 認識度 to me
Long streams are spamming. At this point you've effectively conceded the argument and admitted that I'm right because you can only argue semantics.
Watch hours determines how watched (read: popular) someone ins. Aki is more popular than Marine now.
Oh sweet. Probably can use that data also to determine quarter-to-quarter growth of vtuber-streaming, streaming-at-large, and whether vtuber-streaming is becoming a larger share of streaming-at-large. Will be some fun numbers just to analyze.
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If you're a catalog tourist who fell of a parachute /here/, this is not a /#/ breaking containment, it's a Phasecuck Discord raider who is backed up by the Phase janny loser.

If you stumble into one, just "off-topic" it. Numbers discussions should remain into /#/. And before I leave, let me put truly "numberfag" material before I take my leave.

Have a good day.
if a vtuber has 5 viewers and they stream 20 hours she gets 100 watch hours
if a viewer has 300 viewers and they stream 20 minutes they also get 100 watch hours

that's why you can't judge popularity just from watch hours, you need a standard measure
The standard measure is watch hours.
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Most people who watch streams don’t stay for the whole stream, retard. That’s just your schizo ass. I don’t give a fuck if it’s my oshi, I am NOT watching an entire four hour stream. I don’t have the time for that shit, because my life includes other things besides vtubers too
Every can represents an hour of a sub-10k vtuber's stream.
It’s because Phasefags on Twitter are a bunch of retarded SEAs that make the whole fanbase look bad. Phase Connect is basically replacing NijiEN as “the EN corpo you watch if you’re not into Hololive but don’t want to waste time figuring out all the indies and small corpos”.
That used to be NijiEN, but then they did all their bullshit to antagonize Lazusydia fans. Phase Connect is where you go if you want something other than Hololive, while NijiEN tried to brand itself as the place you go if you hate Hololive. Some people who watch Phase do hate Hololive, but a lot of people (like me) watch both. I just watch one or the other depending on what kind of vtubing content I feel like that day.
I think the “sad girl” corpo branding also helped. It made them distinct, for one. But also, it helps get rid of that inferiority complex. A lot of other small corpos have the stigma of the talents “not being good enough to get into HoloEN”, while Phase is more “the girls are too schizo to get into HoloEN”. That might be a psychological boost to the talents or something idk
>“the EN corpo you watch if you’re not into Hololive but don’t want to waste time figuring out all the indies and small corpos”
This is part of it. The other part includes the fact that Phase members will interact with other streamers on stream or in chat more consistently. This was also something NijiEN had over holoEN, only to be completely negated by 1st quarter yabs.
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Funnu chart, but Niji is still more popular than Holo. Better luck next year Holochump.
damn, the stars are dragging down the average hard.
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go girl go!
Stars always bring everything down. They are shitters without numbers, that’s why no one likes them
EN, ID and stars all bring the average down.
Niji refugees looking for something to watch that isn’t hololive. That’s really all there is to it.
Gotta keep the average up. Fire everyone except pekomiko
She makes me wanna punch her belly
Allegedly most of the Phase girls have seen a large amount of female viewer growth.
Even Shiina who just a year ago had nearly 0% female viewers now has over 15%.
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Nice chart unfortunately you forgot one thing, better luck next time holochuds
>1000+ hours streamed
kuzuha matches her with less than half the stream time lmao, and miko with a third. those guys don't even need to bot, afk viewer farm, and sleep subathon either
This is an obvious bait - don’t be falling for this
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>be me
>wonders what anon means
>open stream
this bitch is literally asleep lmao, 6000 tabs
Queen and King together
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>that result with 1200 stream hours vs 447 and 278 hours on top 1 and 2
holy grim
those guys were awake for their streams too
so if you remove the en part nijisanji is bigger than hololive in Japan?
that chart is japan only, en is already removed.
you can see dev_is and stars are also separated.
yeah youre reading that right, one weird experimental gen of five weirdo girlfailures is bigger than all of starsjp by a factor of 3
Let's say she slept 7 hours a day for 30 days that's would make 210hours multiply it with a stable 5k viewers that would give you 1 million hours watched. even if you deduct it from the 10 million she would still clear everyone but King.
oh you're right then it's really competitive with slight edge to cover.
that's not what I'm pointing out, even with 990 hours like that it's embarrassing to need to have twice or three times the stream time (this is a subathon month to boot) to match them.
pure viewercount is honestly a better metric than hours watched, but I'm sure there's a better unit that can be created
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At this point you're making up rules in your head. It has been established by every professional streamer, sponsors and even Vtubers that the gold standard for popularity is watched hours. Now you can stay in your echo chamber and make up the stat pad you need to feel a sense of achievement but that not what reality outside is.
I just don't think the fan base known for getting butthurt over mcdonalds and Starbucks are switching over to watch Phase.
It's not embarrassing to be 1st or 2nd regardless of how you got there.
She would still be listed here even if you divided her watchhours by her time streamed. She was 9th or 10th by that metric in September, would be somewhere in the top 20 in 3rd quarter overall.
NijiEN still exists so it is effectively containment. The best of their casual fan base disappeared with Mint and Doki leaving the McDonald pol obsessed twitter cancer fans left and fan groups mostly isolated. Those who moved on to their indie choice probably get more exposure to who else is out there so Phase wins out by having done events.
lmao sorry nobody rightly takes sleepathon numbers seriously
and sorry that kuzuha and miko would double and triple her if they were as lazy as her and left stream on while asleep
no need to take it personal
my posts are more at the expense of this dumbass who insists the vtuber who can't break kanade ccvs without qt clique and otv raids is #1
She is literally #1 (or maybe #2) by this metric.
Nobody seriously believes Ironmouse is the #1 vtuber worldwide overall. However she is still huge, especially in the smaller EN market, which is why she breaks all these records and takes all these achievements.
>At this point you're making up rules in your head
numberfaggotry in a nutshell
by which metric? there's like 4 different opinions on what metric is best to measure popularity ITT
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She has always been in the top 5 for the last 4 years
If you repeat it daily maybe it will become true and everyone would stop counting her. Spam more in your delulu thread about how they are doing it wrong. Lmao get a load of this fella.
Now that I think about it IMfags are just mad the rest of the numberfags in /#/ don't include them
This is why numbermonkeys are insufferable. They jerk it to numbers, but not thoooooose numbers. Those numbers don't count because.. because... not Holo.
have some self awareness IMcuck, you're literally mad other numberfags don't care about you
I don't even like ironmouse. She is boring as fuck. I just think numbermonkeys are hypocritical cancer sores and a plague upon the board
>IM opinion
>Holo hate
I don't get why holo still lives rent free with you all, even after the problem whores left vsj
it's not like I wasn't mentioning both kuzuha and miko
I have seen them lit dropping the super chat tally because Niji males were topping them. Their number-monkey thread just a holo-circlejerk. and even that was in the past. Now it's just an anti thread holo included.
More like it's fun to watch the wheels spin as they come up with increasingly implausible reasons why her numbers don't count.
I see you struggle with reading comprehension. I'm sorry. Continue arguing with yourself anon
you're in a numberfag thread retard.
john, you are the numberfags
quit acting like a self-hating seaslur
Making up things. Nice.
so yeah, cope mechanism because the other numberbrowns won't let you play with them.
numbermonkey sourgrapes
You've left the hugbox. Catalog is fair game to ridicule
you telling me you got bullied out of numbers?
that's marine schizo, he's mentally ill and doesn't understand what anything means please don't feed him
Brave group...
Twitch trannies in a nutshell.
Watch hours measures popularity.
Akirose is objectively more relevant than Suisei and Marine.
Ironmouse is the most popular vtuber ever.
Nah you're the schizo here for not accepting the most commonly understood metrics for streamer popularity.
>akiroze popular
this again?
Why are you denying that wath hours is the commonly accepted metric? See >>87106828

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