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How did Phase become the big fish in the EN small corpo pond?
Was it really the coffee?
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Cuckoldry is very profitable these days and a lot of their talents have dipped into NTR content.
Other small corpos just keep dying for some mysterious reason
free advertising from the holo fanbase
It's really as simple as just not being a complete dumpsterfire.
With the current state of EN corpos even mediocrity is all you need.
PRISM were the picture of mediocrity for years and it never got them anywhere.
Isn't this type of thread late? Like 4 hours late shit poster kun. Also what has Phase done lately to live rent free or is it still dementia anon trying to force yabs?
Muumi Aiko and Cece and the fact that they treat the girls good and listen to them, but mostly muumi, Aiko and Cece
Right winger americans like 4chan love them
Its part 2 >>87057071
Anon, hes selling drugs, its just a cover
Kill yourself, phasecuck.
Samefagging your own thread doesn't make it true phasecuck. Legit never heard of phase until 4chan. Phase is only good for shitposting.
>Was it really the coffee?
This helps. (Not being political, just a signal boosting issue) but Kizuna, Miko, Pikamee, and Pippa have all been given the rounds on various boards via memes or vtubing news.
>posted nearly exactly 3 minutes later
>cookie cutter shitstirring reply in every phase thread
Holocucks really are mindbroken
Are they deflecting again?
Inclining from all the other small corpos and NijiEn dying. All those anyone but Holo people just moved to phase
Wasn't fishman like Yagoo's understudy or something?
He's a massive Holo fan himself and his oshi is Marine
Pippa struck gold on the slightly chuddy crazygirl niche early on, which became a market for all other talents to lean on. Phase survived from this new branding while all the other small corpos were retarded enough to stick to their "Hololive but small and irrelevant" approach, even if it kills them.
Talent, good designs, no company killing drama. Idol could have been Phase but the talent was lazy, menhera, and in the end company killing drama. Having Pippa versus Rin as your flagship made a huge difference.

The other small companies don't have the stand out talents. I also think Phase absorbed a lot of the people who were initially into NijiEN who got put off by Luxiem. So people who wanted something edgier than Hololive, but also didn't want a bunch of males calling in on streams constantly.
it's amazing how good a mediocre company looks when their competition seems to be trying to kill themselves
He's going to hire Nene Amano and have Idol concerts
True, the fact that Holo can release Justice which is such a mediocre gen and yet everyone is eating it up says something about the state of EN corpos
Nobody watches the deer.
I don't think Nene would fit into the corporate culture of Phase, but then again most anons thought Hana/Beryl wouldn't either.
Oh I love circle jerk phasshills threads, it’s totally not pathetic begging you gotta believe me
Pipkin Pippa literally hard-carried the entire branch.
Arguably, Sony Music and an accelerationist policy is what killed PRISM. They released multiple generations in a matter of months faster than even Njijisanji, it was bound to fail.
Caffeine is the most popular, most widespread and least regulated drug on the fucking planet. Not only does it get consumed by almost everyone, it is cheap to sell and produce, your customers will comeback for more almost guaranteed. Now, add on top of it the otaku waifubait that are VTubers and you are left with a very potent recipe for financial success, as otakus are known to spend inordinate amounts of money for cheap, dumbass merch of their waifu(s) which makes them easy to exploit financially.

Sakana isn't a genius by any stretch of the imagination (if he was he would also be selling FUCKING TEA AND HOT CHOCO YOU FISHIE FUCK) but he IS at least smarter than average. Smart enough to see he has limits and can't do everything, smart enough to hire COMPETENT staff that cover his blatant weaknesses, smart enough to make use of opportunities when they open in front of him.
Sure, having money helps, but money can only lead you so far before your entire infrastructure collapses upon itself, you need to have a bare minimum of intelligence.
In the end, all Phase needed to do was sit on its ass and wait as the other corpos imploded because they were lead by management that was slightly to profoundly more retarded. They clearly are filled with flaws but their competitors are simply stupider and worse, so they win by doing nothing.
Semi competent business man can run a business. Hires managers that cover his weaknesses. Play the long game and never rush. Luck into hiring a star talent. Build a brand that separates yourself from the competition. Have a policy of ignoring drama
Pippa was a huge /here/ enabler and leaned onto whatever meme /pcg/ cooked, creating feedback loop. Later girls like Lumi, jelly, Panko, Muyu and Shiina also gave little nudges towards it and were rewarded for it. Keep in being /here/ is not as taboo as it used to, specially when even twitchtubers acknowledge /lig/
I literally keep forgetting justice is there. Advent felt groundbreaking and ambitious but Justice is just kinda there to be there, is what it felt like. Maybe part of it is because they have no Fuwamoco and they IMO were an authentic pinch of spice thrown into an otherwise really well-covered took set of ideas for chuubas. That doesn't happen very often.
Homos killed PRISM.

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