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Hoshimachi Suisei Thread

>Latest songs
ムーンライト / Moon Light

>Youtube Channel + Playlists (Original MVs, Covers, Collab songs, Etc.)
https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati - https://twitter.com/suisei_submati
https://pastebin.com/Jp67bL4F (Twitter music-related uploads)

Buy/stream the album
Shout in Crisis Blu-ray
Vinyl https://cover.lnk.to/Specter_LP

>Still Still Stellar
Buy the album
Stellar Stellar (The First Take Ver.)
Stellar into the Galaxy Blu-ray
Vinyl https://merch-matome.com/still-still-stellar-lp/

>Midnight Grand Orchestra
Buy/Stream the albums

>Upcoming Events
[11.14 / 12.10 / 12.28] Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 - Spectra of Nova

Suisei x KAF Interview
Now on Space (VILLS Ver.)
scrap & build ! (Shiraken's 1st EP)

>Music Space & NHK Radio (requires a VPN)
NHK Radio Archives / ぶいあーる: https://pastebin.com/Q8tBPxLK

For any questions you may have and older threads, check the FAQ:

Previous thread: >>86994269
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Suityan my beloved
mahou wo...nee...
mahou wo...kakete
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making a webm of a really dumb and cute sui
who's this girl?
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I think I already posted this one in the last thread, but audiences renews, so, here it is.
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A fellow performer of the CDTV event as well as a member of the throat hort club, it seems.
Oh snap this is the girl who she was talking about on stream right? Cute. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything from Candy Tune
>grooms kaf
>grooms tuki
Who's next
Not me..
Yeah, me.
why fast board
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one day the board will slow down
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There's a schizo whose mission it is to kill /hlgg/ before it hits post limit and to achieve this it starts bumping every single thread in the catalog the moment /hlgg/ hits bump limit with posts like >>87117664. It also tends to bump the bait threads first and generals second as well as getting active around this time, so there's a high chance it does it manually.
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Can I still get the MGO water bottle?
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Before KAF goes Aqua.
I bought mine like 3 months ago on CDJapan
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In case anyone is in Tokyo for the Osaka or Fukuoka concert, on 5th of December there is a Hololive doujin event: https://holokle.info/#guide_general

At a glance there are:
27 MiComet booths (+2 cosplayer booths that probably will also have MiComet)
16 Suisei solo booths (+1 one cosplayer booth that probably has solo Suisei in addition to MiComet)
3 random groupings feat. Suisei booths
3 As_tar booths
2 MiComet+Polka booths
2 Shiraken booths
2 SuiTowa booths
2 Gen0 booths
1 Startend booth (+1 Aqua booth that might also have Startend)
1 Suiseiroha booth
>1 Suiseiroha booth
this is the weirdest one.
If there isn't at least one smut doujin out of the 16 there for Suityan then I'm not interested.
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There's a double booth and a single booth, plus two booths selling MiComet smuts.
really? im surprised there isn't more gang suichan fucking the jail cell keys out of police iroha or anything to that effect. the thin books write themselves
New suisex AV will drop soon
>not blue hair
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>plus two booths selling MiComet smuts.
Yeah but I can already picture those faggots being all insecure to a paranoid degree and against their stuff getting scanned. This always happens with shipfaggots.

Get this Nisemono out of here lmao.
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>5th of December
Uh the date says 11/10 though so that's like 4 days before SSA
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Can the other jiganons back me up for tonight... sorry.
No one scans shit anyway anymore, who cares if there is
I'm feeling unsettled.
I really want to buy Suimerch. Please announce more stuff, I already have everything currently released. It's addicting.
GSC keeps teasing me and it's driving me nuts.
Thanks anon. Such a nice design.
315 pieces
Jukebox tentatively on
Finished in 27 minutes 26 seconds.
Thank you anon.

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How could you..
You monster!
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I did it like THIS
>the gun
Take a break if you need, I'll have one up tomorrow, still getting over jetlag anyways
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I've been a little sleep deprived lately but, nah, I really can't excuse myself like that. I'll make the next one tomorrow.
>Not one but two guns
Truly am in the US once again
i can't believe my oshi can bachikon properly now
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>there's a non-zero chance you might stumble upon shiraken in fukuoka
>and you will never know
i'm going sightseeing as well
Just hit up every Yakiniku spot while you're there
Suiちゃん... groom Iroha too... please.
No, Iroha should just admit that she is property of Hoshimachi Suisei, who can do with her as she pleases. There should be no need to groom her, just get her to admit the facts.
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> admit that she is property of Hoshimachi Suisei, who can do with her as she pleases.
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hey suinyan what are you doing ?
https://x.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1844308371018744266 Rehearsing
https://x.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1844308698023473403 And spending another $1000 on a new justear IEM
Uh yeah that teehee
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kinda funny when they go "hoshimachi suisei-chan". reminds me of a radio guest (forgot who) calling her suichan senpai".
When is Kaf's live?
Sweatermachi fanart onegai
Hopefully with a top zipper butted in for no reason kek.
Suityan please get Tetsuya Nomura for the next outfit
It’ll be zippers galore
10月11日<<< You are here
10月26日 みこちのソロライブゲスト出演
11月4日 花譜4th ONE-MAN LIVEゲスト出演 <<<<<<<<<<<<
11月14日 ライブツアー 埼玉
12月10日 ライブツアー大阪
12月11日 YouTube Fanfest Japan
12月28日 ライブツアー 福岡

Could have sworn there was a nornis appearance somewhere, but I may have just imagined it
>>87160734 (Me)
Also, I've just realised that Miko live is at the same time of a wedding I'm attending
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there's TL under the frames.
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Why even bother with a spoiler tag
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A point well made, actually.
Made you hover
Because people may be retarded, like me, and not seeing it after you already read it (or tried to) in Japanese.
as soon as you open the image you can see it has english text
are you saying you're trying to read without opening? teach me
I'm not going to continue this dumb conversation, I already explained myself.
glad you know you're dumb
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Retardyomi love
Sometimes, I wish I could punch people through the screen.
One more single before tour?
We still don't know what that #HoshimachiGraffiti tag is for yet no?
This album has some weird ass vibes
>a princess with serious issues
>a hobo loli
>#HG is most definitely a black SuiMan
I love it so far
this shit makes me irrationally angry. spell it right you fuckers.
>>a hobo loli
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sorry, you were chosen to be the swan song of a dying game.
Definitely at least one song released at one of the shows
I forgot Xion is going to be in SchizoSchizoSpectrum (title in the works)
it's just the mandatory sponsored song. jibunkatte dazzling remains unmogged (though i don't really like it).
Dazzling, 7days, AND Xion are all great songs. I really love the drums and Suityan’s singing on Xion.
I like JD but I keep forgetting it's a sponsored song lol
Thanks for the reminder, my memory sucks
I love 7D. Zion was as remarkable as a bag full of soggy lentils
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Yeah, Xion is not my favourite, but it's good enough. 7days is one of her best.
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You look like a soggy lentil
I think it would’ve been better if it didn’t have the slow parts. Could’ve been a good rock track
xion is my least favorite of the 3 but it's not bad, yeah. i was just expecting better out of shimomura who's one of my favorite jrpg composers.
Not familiar with this stuff but I remember anons saying he was a legend
yoko shimomura is a woman by the way. she's well known for doing the soundtrack for the kingdom hearts games but personally i became a fan because of her live-a-live and super mario rpg soundtracks.
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We love Suityan~!
Damn what a catalogue. I grew up with KH so good to know who influenced my childhood
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>Página 10
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Cute today too
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please, stab me!
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Thicc mommy suityan isn't going to stab you, she's going to use that knife to cut a piece of cake
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