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Spended x 1 week no pay. But why.
>Cover intern f up
>The korean complains
AIEEE, she just had to stay silent. Sus pended 1 week.
Browsing this hellhole when you're sleep deprived is a bad idea.
Eat a curb and get stomped.
Im sure ina cussed out management
She had to cancel other rm projects she was set to work on booked 3 months stay in Japan in advanced and probably won't be reimbursed for the money she wasted because of their incompetence.
ok, so at this point i think it's fairly obvious that something is up with Ina and that she might actually be leaving Holo. if you look at the last collab, she was obviously unfocused and angry. Mori tweeted something about Ina not pulling her weight or something, I'll find the screenshot. Definitely looks like some sort of rift is deepening between Ina and the rest of Myth. Myth's recent graduation is seriously affecting her, not even a month past it. Hololive is trying to keep quiet about it but Ina has turned into a serious alcoholic and has driven her credit into the ground and alienated almost everyone in her life. When Kiara and Mori confronted her about it, she smacked Kiara in a outburst, making an already emotional Mori cry. There's a reason all of Ina's "recent" streams seem similar. All of her streams now have to be filmed on the same day whenever they can get her in the building sober, which is becoming more and more infrequent and is affecting production deadlines. Mori is really bending over backwards to keep things afloat but you can tell Kiara is both concerned and fed up with the situation and wants Ina to take a sabbatical for a few months. Mori is an emotional wreck, constantly crying about Ina's current state, Kiara takes advantage of this because she wants to replace Ina.
It's not looking good
>sus pended
it's kinda fucked up how Civer can't even get their talents their work visas on time
Schizo babble.
She didn't meet her monthly blowjob quota
Kek, imagin cover fucking Ina over just to suspend her for speaking out against it. If this were ture shes on her way out.
So much nijinigger seething. Luxiem is dead, you got to let it go sisters.
schizo deflection thread
try thinking
Last night your people said it was graduation. What will it be tomorrow?
That she's on break because she hates her fans?
That she couldn't pay for her cookie with her visa card because Holo pays them less than minimum wage?
Yeah, Ina is suspended
over my dick lmao
ok, so at this point i think it's fairly obvious that something is up with Ina and that she might actually be leaving Holo. if you look at the last collab, she was obviously unfocused and angry. Mori tweeted something about Ina not pulling her weight or something, I'll find the screenshot. Definitely looks like some sort of rift is deepening between Ina and the rest of Myth. Myth's recent graduation is seriously affecting her, not even a month past it. Hololive is trying to keep quiet about it but Ina has turned into a serious alcoholic and has driven her credit into the ground and alienated almost everyone in her life. When Kiara and Mori confronted her about it, she smacked Kiara in a outburst, making an already emotional Mori cry. There's a reason all of Ina's "recent" streams seem similar. All of her streams now have to be filmed on the same day whenever they can get her in the building sober, which is becoming more and more infrequent and is affecting production deadlines. Mori is really bending over backwards to keep things afloat but you can tell Kiara is both concerned and fed up with the situation and wants Ina to take a sabbatical for a few months. Mori is an emotional wreck, constantly crying about Ina's current state, Kiara takes advantage of this because she wants to replace Ina.
It's not looking good
She tried to rape Gura in an effort to get her to stream
blame korea
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blame canada
There's be countless threads about it if that were the case.
And by countless I mean actual confirmation that she got suspended.
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Gonna need a real good sauce there, buddy. Pretty sure my one true oshi getting suspended would warrant a fucking sticky.


You had me for like three lines then it descended into the kind of incoherent nonsense you see scrawled in blood and shit on the walls of mental institutions in Outlast clones. Or is this the new copypasta?
Korean women got the lewdest coomerbait outfits in the EN branch so they do have legitimate complaints. Ina didn't want to be a sleazy priestess and Kronii didn't want to be a cosplay stripper. Hololive management aren't villains but there was some Japanese racism in how they believed Korean women would be good for the sexy designs.
I love that your faggot ass always shows up whenever Ina or Kronii are involved.
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I don't this it's too unobvious that she got deported or in other ways 'frocefully' removed from Japan, perhaps even detained for a bit. Maybe her papers expired or something like that. It's not Hololive related.
She already said she would still be in Japan until next week or so, anon…
Yes, exactly she'll be back home next week for some reason even though she was supposed to stay longer, still with many things planned that are now being cacelled. To me it sounds like they're romoving her from Japan due to [somenthing].
If she was deported, she'd have already been gone.
Going by rm tweet, her visa just ran out. Cover messed up (didn't renew it in time? Booked flight ticket on the wrong date?) and now she is stuck in JP until next week without a working visa. Being on tourist pass doesn't allow her to work, so there we have it
I'm sorry, you're asking too much
The perils of being Korean and trying to fit in with Japanese society
Ina was talking about staying until the end of the year in August so her suddenly needing to leave Japan because of a Hololive work visa is several layers of suspicious. Anyone who believes there won't be anymore bad news hasn't figured out how management deals with damage control.
Kanade better be paying attention.
They never do lol
>oh it's different today
>oh I'm one of the good ones
News flash: it's never the case
I like that at least you had the decency to not mention Gura to make it more believable since she doesn't fucking care.
Ina was already planning to go home for a bit at the end of October.
Outfit schizo....
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WTF??!!!???!!! INA??
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and let that be a lesson to you, Kronii, and Kanade to even suggest a Korean only stream ever again
Why her manager is the one tweeting now? Black doritos scared that she will spill LMAO
>Inas has issues
>Kronii has issues
>Bibbo has issues
>Bae has isses
>Shiroi has issues
Mmmm im starting to see a pattern here
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This isn't even the first time, why does Ina keep hitting Kiara....
For being Korean
ESL. Why are you women always jealous?
>openly shitting on incompetent manechan
sirs you can't do that *takes over your twitter account*
Let her be, she has to learn on her own that she isn't actually wanted there aside from the "lmao look an actual korean" factor.
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Trying to embarass the company to fans is unprofessional.
They are all non japanese asian anon.
being an unprofessional company is unprofessional
what happened to the Niji fags?
retardposting is my favorite thing ever
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>Bae has issues
That one remark alone means the entirety of your scizo rrat can be dismissed. Bae had covers ear so much she got them to host a whole god damned concert in australia.
If bae's having problems it's the usual side effects of thinking she could handle the stresses of living in a foreign nation, not cover intentionally screwing her over.
Same thing that happened to Vesper and Magni
What happened to Vesper and Magni in Japan?
Ina literally told you what was happening on her roomate

how are these threads still happening? How are these posts still happening?
New copy pasta
>Bae had covers ear so much she got them to host a whole god damned concert in australia
I'm not gonna touch on your other points or OP's rrat, but the event organizer guy behind Dreamhack was a massive Holo fan and he's been trying to get Hololive on as guest for a couple of years. It would always have to be a concert too because you can't fit Hololive in under any other context when DreamHack is exclusively a Gaming and Esports con.
>real rrat kino like the old days of /vt/
>nothing but canned seanigger replies
This whole thread smells like phase and SEA
>Ina literally told you what was happening on her roomate
No she actually didn't and Ina hinted that it was related to her visa but why bother vaguely referring to that on her RM account while Cover is being extremely vague? What does it even mean that "I really tried and I really fought for it" while management takes control of her work accounts? Hololive is known for their absurd suspensions and you are ignoring the 8 month radio silent health break with Haachama that started with the "flu".
Anon, the Japanese government doesn't play around with immigration.
If your VISA runs out, they literally have already a whole ass squad of armed cops on the way to your house or last seen location to get you the fuck out of the country by force. They will also penalize you with up to 10 years of no entry permit if it was on-purpose or you were too stupid to comply or read, (the 10 yera ban includes tourism travels) and in the case you did something too stupid, illegal or after REPEATED offenses or both, outright lifetime banned from entering the country.
This is why Kiara left like a whole half-day before her VISA ran out, so she wouldn't accidentally break JP immigration laws. Many people commit the mistake of starting to leave the day it already expired and they get the knocks on their door, not even having started to pack anything to go because they thought that like in the U.S. or other countries, the Gov won't care unless you refuse to leave for several days or weeks after, and they can have an extra "day to leave" the country. Nope. You are fucked if the cops get your ass in the expired timeframe.
OP is a schizo, Ina is just dealing with the pain in the ass that is dealing with VISA issues.
>All the anti-COVER discourse is exactly things we were joking months ago that NIJISANJI actually does, confirmed 100%.
Niji deflection thread.
OP is a seething sister.
Poorly writen bait.
All things phase faggots do as well...
This is your fetish, isn't it?
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>Ina has turned into a serious alcoholic
cute rrat but more believable if you used Gura, the actual genuine ex-alcoholic capable of relapsing
Literally the only reason she had to break character on her RM is to clarify it's a visa problem and nothing else weirdos are trying to spin it as you fucking dipshit. Jesus Christ. Of all the EN Holos, she keeps her identities separate the most and takes that very seriously so the fact that she broke her own rule for you retards and you still don't get it is beyond ridiculous.
You're talking to the unappologetic schizo like hes human. He doesnt care what the facts are, he just wants drama and drama accessories.
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I know you're just a catalognig baiting but if I were to take what you're saying at face value, I'd think you're misunderstanding the situation here. KOORI isn't literally at Cover's door demanding Ina stop tweeting right this instant, Cover is just trying to be preemptive and super careful starting from the last tweet of Ina (because they still deem the communication to be important) by ceasing any and all activities that could be considered work. Ina after all is a cover IP that earns cover cash, so anything involving her, be it streamin', recordin', or using her social media, can be seen as work. Can be seen as work by who you ask? Anyone with a hardon for Cover's ass right now, so nijizhangs and holoantis. Not to mention we've seen that leaked niji contract and using a vtuber's socmed is still under the definition of "vtubing".
Anyway, all this means is that Cover, depending on the situation, could be doing undocumented foreign labor with Ina right now since her visa might have already been expired.
Therefore it's Cover's ass on the line, and that's why they're being super careful, they know from experience that one talent's misfortune can end up affecting ALL of the talents.

I'd love to hear the reason why you think muh stealth suspension Ina is graduating is a more probable series of events than that, especially since you'd have to make multiple unfounded assumptions from the getgo.
NTA but thanks for clarifying so the weird schizos look even weirder
Don't trust me Phase had nothing to do with the rrats that killed NijiEN. It was the company that got arrogant and committed sepukku.
WHy you bringing up nijien out of nowhere phasecuck?
Now this is more like it. Tasty truth from a good perspective. SEAs wish they have writing comprehension
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Niji mentioned twice already , attacking someone who you want to pin the blame on for your schizo rambling. Ngmi retard if your mental map is the size of a fruit bowl
How the hell do people not understand how visas and work visas work?
Am I actually sharing this board with underageb& seaslurs who haven't worked a day in their lives?
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You schizo enough to believe there are only 3 people in this thread or something?

i just don't understand why she can't even tweet
Whats so hard to understand between
>work visa not working
>work account not allowed
idk. it just sounds stupid
Its jumping through hoops at a federal level. Of course its stupid
Shouldn't have talked back to the management. Hope they're not too rough on her while she's working off her "debt".
No, you sound stupid.
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Why would phased connect do this? I can't believe phaser connected would do such a thing. Well I guess it's an open and shut case, this is Faze connect's doing. God I hate them, fellow holochads.

If you were one of those nijigai antis, wouldn't you pounce on the opportunity if Ina was still tweeting?
Don't you remember the unhinged behaviour they had during the nintendo museum collab?
Lmao, there are retards who think she would be 'okay' staying in Japan with an expired visa right now. Technically, it's a crime in Japan and will result in immediate deportation with a 5-10 year ban. Basically, it's over for them.
Graduate when?
your visa can expire for like a couple months while in japan, they'll only deport you if you didn't take any measures to renew it
you just can't work without a valid work visa, not one day more than the deadline.
Also ina has to go back to Canada since Japan only accepts/processes entertainer visas from the home country, you can't renew or apply for it while in japan
>your visa can expire for like a couple months while in japan
Dokdo is Korean territory
visa is basically just to get in and to work in the case of work visas
your listed period of stay could be later than a visa exp. date
fuck these AI bots are getting so good kek

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