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>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
V4Mirai + globie + VSPO! EN: >>>/vt//v4m/

Previous thread: >>87032012
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>biggest thing that could ever happen to us happens and we sill can't get a kawaii /corpo/ OP
kawaii are still around for a couple months don't be a crybaby
Wait until December
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smol khajiit running a TCG shop
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unity in an hour

i love how our girls start connecting with each other because we interact with their content on social media and see each other being discussed here
now that's /corpo/core
Aria my Americanized SEA wife, I will give you the green card soon enough so that we can have copious amounts of mating every day
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Who's this? Also why is her mic peaking so much?
Who is vivi, is this an ex prism manager? or a mod?
Victoria Brightshield?
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No someone named smileyvivi
I thought this might be an ex talent because they are followed by exprism and prims community, but i am 100% sure now that this is a discord mod that i forgot about so never mind, shes been here for awhile. Not corpo in other words so nvm
The distilled essence of /corpo/
I wonder if her mom is one of those toxic ones that demands a cut.
im kind of tired of all these maro responses clogging up my xitter
Lillian is super cute and has a cute model.

I wonder why she hasn't been able to grow at all.
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be there or be square
got to hit the algo just right unfortunately
or drop half a grand on ads and hope it pays off
She has a male in her company, that already scares groomers
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Idol is getting a futa
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She gets the occasional trending tweet because of how good her 3d is, but sadly tweets translate poorly to stream growth
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>v4m(brave) releases a hyena
>idol(brave) releases a hyena
why? and yes it was a recent "acquisition" but idol and brave have been "partners" for quite awhile now
>fixed her mic mostly
finally, still a little peaky, but now I can listen to the sex cat without my brain getting nauseous
she hates anons!
bluebell undressing
that and then i seem to be shadowbanned on all the channels unless i chat through my phone...
you know I wish they had a little feedback button next to chat so you could tell a streamer why you left and they could review it when they're brave
lock it to like once per account and filter it for retarded shit
they never know how many people they filter with chat settings, poor audio, bad chat grooming, etc
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The CEO of her old company did run a doxx campaign on her, so I'm not that surprised
Project KV died so now we need to have our own vtuber "swordfights" with hyenas
Elia hate and rape. Good night.
Am I alone in thinking that Lorelai shouldn't be given too much credit for liking horror, since she can't really see the scary stuff?
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she's super cute, but every time i've tried to get into her streams, something isn't quite there for me. maybe because she doesn't interact with chat a whole lot, which is especially noticeable when chat moves slow enough that she could easily reply to everyone if so inclined. and to compensate for the low chat activity, one of her mods doesn't quite understand the assignment and spams the whole thing with blue text.

it adds up to make new viewers not feel as welcome, like i was intruding on a private conversation. she's naturally adorable, so "cute, cozy, and welcoming" should be her strength/niche if done right
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Ex-corpo vtuber and notable huge-tits-haver Aishii Ai is finally getting a 2nd outfit next week.
Did miya kimino from hanjo tv ever reincarnate?
now I know sentenno is not inner circle because lmao that last tweet
hard to make it out of 2view land without giving 2view viewers what they want
feels like it's harder for them to build a good chat base on youtube to begin with, too
She simply doesn't do anything that makes me want to watch her over someone else, especially since her usual streams are on prime time or too early.
I think the same people spamming chat is the reason she doesn't interact with chat. In my experience, they're very creepy.

If she had a more active chat, maybe she'd read it out more and get more engagement.
mods need to be explicitly told that their job is to moderate, not chat. i find it to be a major problem in a lot of small channels: chat is filled up with blue name text and makes you, pleb grey, not want to chat. i understand that they might want to fill the empty space and engage their streamer, and let's be honest a lot of mods are groomers that want to score and so are naturally inclined to rizz up their girl, but it hurts channel growth in a major way. The girls need to stamp down on it. I hope Acti will read this and help the others improve.
I think it's really a problem when they give mod powers to their regulars, which is kind of necessary if she wants mods but is also a nonstarter for keeping chat not filled with the blue spam.
>makes you, pleb grey, not want to chat
Not true as I am simply not autistic
Post it coward
>mod active chatter because they're around often (mistake)
>they become overactive (ew)
>don't recognize the detriment (mistake)
>can't tell them to shut the fuck up (skill issue)
>can't unmod them without blowup (grim)
mods = fags, and unnecessary the majority the time anyway
and people might think we're just being sensitive, selection bias, anonymous forum, yadda yadda, but welcome to 2view viewers where it legit seems like a decent slice of the pie and they could afford to keep around a few extra well-meaning sensitive autists
this is very true. the reality is these channels are so small there's no fucking need for mods in the first place. get back to me when you have at least 100 ccv, then 1 might be necessary, but even then....
>which is kind of necessary if she wants mods
Nobody with <200 CCV has any need for a human mod. Virtually any service that a human moderator could provide could be done by taking 10 seconds to google "how to set up Nightbot" and, optionally, "how do I time someone out".
I think you're just socially retarded
rather have some retard come in and spam something retarded every once in a while than have to read a modwall every single stream
shoutout to fat mint that made it to 400+ccv before getting a mod and meat still just has the one
He verifiably isn't there. He either unfollowed or got removed by Mozzu.
Bizarre if true, I’m pretty sure he’s one of her paypigs
inb4 “he doesn’t need to follow her tweets, he lives in her house”
Who from Kawaii will be revealed to be in good standing with V-dere after the corpo dies officially?
None of the newer girls care about the drama
Nene has the potential for the greatest heel-face turn in history
never happen, though I kind of wish Isla would, I like her despite it all
You're gonna have to dig because I don't remember but yeah, she appeared some time later, really small channel though
Obviously referring to the first 2 gens, the later 2 have already been in similar circles
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this is a shop btw
post it coward please you can cypher it with the actual post if you want
>have to switch to my grey name second account for chats to go through
i hate these fucking random shadow bans on youtube. never have this problem on twitch, at least there any ban is intentional.
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The poor girl, she doesn't want to admit how little that will remain true
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>3. Ephemira (my gen) will stay associated as a group
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Reiya spooky stream pt.2
Anyone who thinks everyone in the entire corp will stay, or even currently are, in close relation with everyone else is silly, but gens are usually fine and "associated" doesn't promise much more than occasional collabs. You're dooming just to doom
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Look at my bratty beautiful dog
To be fair probably all but lethe-nano will stay together, Hiyori will probably be nepohired somewhere tho
Hiyori would be such a good PixelLink hire
I'm going to bully your bratty dog until she learns her place and then pamper her like the cutie she is
Lethe I get. Why not Nano? She has unity with the others. Tomoe has unity too but she also has timezone hort that might be a problem longterm for her keeping on touch. She is also insane and never sleeps so idk
Wasn't the Ephemira off-collab at Nano's place? I don't see any reason to think Nano wouldn't stick with the girls at least in the near-future.
I can see having a good mod that stays quiet being a great asset to just snipe retards that ruin the chat, but thats going to be a rare find for a small chuuba
which is why unless you have a high ccv, the better option is to just not have mods
tomomi toraya
You guys really not have any streams to post?
I'm expecting Mozzu to approach some of them to fix their relationship
I'm guessing Reina and Isla
>Reina and Isla
>tech talk
>she's making a fast food tier list
Eva pls
I've no idea what the V&U twitter is doing but I love the genderbent chuubas art and thank god and them for keeping on posting that
I feel like an Isla / Spica collab could be fun, they both have that kind of slightly boke energy.
I vaguely recall people saying Isla seemed pretty pissed about Gen3 though.
what's wrong?
I'm watching sad kawaii girls
>Isla seemed pretty pissed about Gen3 though.
no shit?? But i don't remember her saying anything though, probably kept it to herself
>i don't remember her saying anything though
That's what I meant: I recall someone saying she was outwardly pissed about them, like she talked about it on stream.
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I mean, everyone was pissed about it understandably. I don't think she really said anything bad about them though, unlike Nami who seethed every stream for months and even shat on Spica in her members stream because /pkg/ still liked her and she wanted to change their minds
Isla is pretty nice and doesn't strike me as some who'd hold grudges, I can see it happening. Especially if Mozzu wasn't lying when she implied that the management blocked them from talking to the other girls, if that's the case they should talk to Reina too because gen3 leaving after they talked to her and agreed to stay actually broke her.
It may take some time (or very little, depends) but if at least one member on each side agrees to talk it's gonna be interest to see how it develops after that, it's gonna mindbreak too many if that ends well
I'd expect any reconciliation between ex-kawaii and vdere to be gradual and indirect, at least at first, starting with participating in karaoke relays and large group collabs
Color me shocked if they make peace but if they do I think that would be fine.. Company is dead. There is no more team to win or to lose as, just individuals, and they can associate freely as they desire.
Nene was always the problem
Nami won't be friends though she wasn't the problem
Charzu is too busy eating fried chicken to care
Everyone else doesn't give a shit about vdere drama and are willing to let bygones be bygones
The real question is will Nene sabotage anyone willing to break bread with the traitors
I think Nene’s smart enough to know that the leeway people give her for hating on Gen3 wouldn’t apply if she starts trying to torpedo her former friends.
Of course, this is a woman we’re talking about…
I hate Nene because I stubbed my toe one time while her stream was playing in the background
quite bad, but i expected worse, much worse
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AFAIK nobody outside V-dere knows why they left, gens 1 and 2 were left with the same questions as anyone else
Now with no management meddling and enough time for the wounds to heal, if only 1 of the 7 still wants to know why they left, she'll probably get the answer
Now Mozu, if you truly believe you guys were in the right, don't fuck it up before they contact you
I hate Nene because she won't do ear licking
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cool, they should rape me I think
As long as the tears don't extinguish her fire she will be fine and get her sololive at some point
Isla doesn't deserve this...
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no chuuba i know has suffered more than isla, she doesn't deserve this shit man....
If only she could get into an actual good corpo this time...
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Why is Pina such a bitch
Ultimate Elia hate
no dog wife stream tonight so goodnight /corpo/
Good morning! Elia hate and rape.
On a different note, Menace seems to want me to masturbate to her every time lately.
Hey /corpo/, does anyone here know what happened to Lorelai Loch (Project F) aka StabiTabi? Did she leave or reincarnate somewhere else?
good morning mozzu
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she's still around
went on hiatus for a bit due to heart issues, but seems to be back to semi-regular streaming
she kept all her socials, and got a new model design from the same artist as doki and daiya
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corpo hate
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i can take care of her. just needs to marry me
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Vdere may not want drama but you guys are making a lot of assumptions about them wanting to be friends
Elia prepping for Japan trip
Normies have fantasy football, we have this
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birthday girl, birthday live
Spica singing and piano / OffSeason Live encore
vote no for Airi making the beef jump
My beloved pink cloud!!!
holy sexo
>Roro stopped getting shilled after she got completely naked for everyone
I'm gonna nootice
roroposter doesn't post one stream and you lose your fucking mind
Spica started her setlist
Aria cure
Aria sex
Aria wife
makes me think she should get naked more often, maybe even more maid streams
Aria cute*

Sorry I was typing with one hand
Elia raided, Spica now breaking down the 20 songs mashup for the raiders
VOLs really is the perfect microcorpo. Cute, funny, willing to pander to fans, consistent (shitty) merch. And most importantly, full of my SEA wife harem.

I'm gonna be sad if they ever go out of business.
nice to see OffKai staff in chat, they really love Spica
What's Twisty's endgame?
Become popular by self posting so that when nijiEN explodes, she leech off the brand
from what I can gather, sex with her brother
>off niji
you should go get ready for bed
It should have been me
I thought she hated her brother?
She has an actual brother? I only coom to some of her asmr
that was a long breakdown now she doesn't have much time for other things on setlist and song requests
Skye karaoke
Kiara's Sleep Talking now
>this is a shop btw
show me your wares
Context? There are a lot of vivis probably.
It's entirely possible, look at the Prima girls. Aoiku is still a thing.
I wonder if Mint knows about this?
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say that to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens
Isla is not the type of person to bother others, for better or worse
obligatory "nice"
Actually I really like the effort they're putting into these. Solid attempt at establishing brand identity.
did some requests
Unravel, Ocean Eyes and a little bit of Bad Apple

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