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Welcome to V&U + Korean VTubers General, a thread for discussion of Virtual & Universe, as well as other Korean VTubers.

>V&U Website: https://vnuentertain.com/
>V&U Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/VNUofficial
>V&U Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VNUEntertain
>V&U Schedules:

Symphoria Original Song "Crown US":
Solstice Original Song "Wild Things":
Gens 1-3 Original Song "We Are Traveling":
Song Cover Playlist:

>What does V&U stand for?:
V&U stands for "Virtual and Universe." It also means "VTuber and You." V&U is an agency that operates in South Korea, but their talents are encouraged to speak English. They are not limited to speaking Korean and Japanese.
>V&U Members and links: https://pastebin.com/qt2RxQxu
>V&U Fanfics, Fan websites, and other fun stuff: https://pastebin.com/Uc1KjwW8

>Info about Korean Vtubers, English-speaking KR Vtubers, Korean language learning materials (Edit Code: kr): https://rentry.org/kr_general
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Previous thread: >>86935564
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Based Tomomi once again telling groomer mods and M*ster to fuck off!
Little ninja, Little Nightmares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbbzNBtxHes
Meerkat chibifying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRZNVp0C4xw
they're gonna talk shit about her and delete it later
One of those is a PLfag.

I don't get it why they are trying to do vtubing 'their way'.
You are a vtuber act like one ffs.
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>You are a vtuber act like one ffs.
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idk what the fuck is Tomomi doing but she's fucking over herself and her viewers by acting retarded.
How hard can it be to hold a normal fake-birthday...
intern-kun and/or m*ster, you will never get in their pants. i'm sorry.
Sliment Hill 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUyliRx2gbM

Tomomi Toraya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVu4DmKd4gw
Rowa Arctoes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EguVNGAVwyg
Mivi Yakuza3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Zt9U34a1c
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they go from no streams to maximum overlap really quick
Everyone hates each other
Koko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmZgRoMX88c
I think I'm going to soundclip that Zeli slurping.
I think Tomomi should stop playing slop and finish Half life
i think you should soundclip that zeli slurping
Cerenity is on Rowa's POV
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Maeve ironically struggling at the one part where her gorilla playstyle works
Hey m*ster I can tell you why. Because she fucking hates you. Hope this helps.
i think you’re right that you think that they think they should soundclip that zeli slurping
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I can't believe THE Tomomi Toraya cannot whistle
>DK knows that I've been sending her friends DMs saying that I want her to step on me
I can't tell if I'm warming up to the SH2 Remake or if it's just cause I'm enjoying Zeli's playthrough
remake kind of sucks but zeli makes it fun
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That arm? Mine
unmuted obble..!
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She's jobbing to these hands
I wish Rowa would compliment my clock
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does this girl not realize she's part of a corpo and is supposed to bring in $$?
tomo cute I will save her
I like it. She's breaking all the unspoken rules of corporate vtubing. She is the Rian Johnson of vtubers. My expectations of what a vtuber should do have been subverted, and I am happy because it is something new that I have never seen before.
it's reverse psychology, autists are the best at it
Sounds like someone else needs a hand applied to their backside
i don't get why would anyone be mad about tomomi saying this
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>don't waste your time
>just spending time is more than enough
She's based for this, actually.
isn't kind of fucked up they make her do a donothon?
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I love Cerenity and I wish she was my girlfriend
Seeing Kokone in a cave would be so scary
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and then she beat it
november 15 huh, time to go all in with the Chiefs until then
I'd rather see myself inside of Kokone's cave
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Rowa the fent dealer
I need to see Rowa's tiny hands.
how hot is rowa in real life jfc
>prof hampter
is this codeword for the fat guy?
its gen 5's female manager. at least they claim she's a female.
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where did you come from
During the release party, Prof Hampter was on the stream. The cute mane-san who was in V&Universe as well. When she was speaking, gen 5 were in chat screaming about her. That would be an awfully strange thing to have an entire gen at once spontaneously lie about.
don't out yourself as a tourist so quick retards
sure sure, believe everything you see or hear on the internet.
>why believe the girls working with her if you can believe some 4chan retard
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Sisters must be starving if they're here of all places
I'm honestly stumped on which to vote for
wanna watch a movie again tomomi? my threat
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>my threat
There's a catalog thread after all
i know what i said
I guess they are
They’re worse than tourists, they’re /pkg/ immigrants who want to turn this place into a schizo circlejerk about Dicksword jannies
Damn, S*rafi is making her personal army go into overdrive
no one likes you m*ster, kys
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>you think I’m a retard for circlejerking about Discord janny, you must be M*ster!1!1!
Unironically obsessed
It's what they did to my old thread too, and it's never recovered.
My sympathies, no one should have to deal with /pkg/niggers
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Went and had a look, it’s the same “muh black corpo” bullshit from the S*rafi’s simp army and the same “THIS CORPO BAD BECAUSE LOW NUMBERS” that the numberfag subhumans tried to peddle last time.

You’d think they would try a different tactic when every single one of their bait threads didn’t stick, but I suppose S*rafi is too assblasted that her crusade against V&U failed to come up with a creative form of boardshitting
i bet Cerenity would like that Mouthwashing game
tomomi schizos are the retrofags
>15 before noon in Jakarta
No, we're not.
retrofags (male lovers) constantly anti her
retrofags (male haters) liked her but their thread is dead
>retrofags (male lovers) constantly anti her
It's like two or three fags that usurped the thread (one of them being a janny). Everyone else still loves Tomomi.
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I still have no fucking clue what's going on in this dog game
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It's like she still thinks she's an indie or something
[Bad News] No more Liora sweat
>request she doesn't get gifts
>puts out statement confirming she doesn't want gifts
>will still do a donothon anyways
>guy who wouldn't give her money or a gift is mad about this because...?
stop giving retards attention
She has a few whales anyways so it's not like it matters
they don't actually care, she just has some actual antis
both the faggots from discord and some /vt/ schizos
I love Echo Lyne!
w-woah what's going on in here?
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Nothin', really
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>Building decks for games she has no one to play with
please have sex with me liora
Whoever had the genderbent art idea is a genius, it's made for me and I love it
deckbuilding is more fun that actually playing anyway
Well, that is true.
Please let me have sex with your thighs Liora
Whats a "retrofag"?
schizos from the retro thread
eating out Liora while she works the cash register
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Dona fans, rejoice.
She posted a teaser too.
I want to give Cerenity my mushroom
Because faggots wanted to do something nice for her and she just denied them.
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More like cumming soon amiright
sexy bitch, still curious what she's planning for that shift
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gn vnuggies
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amoriman? amorio? amario?
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I wish korean tits were real
Korean boobs will betray you
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I fully trust in Korean boobs
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I wanna untie those shorts right in front of a bunch of younger guys
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You could see her half butt from the other side
>t. Liora

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