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The Scarlet Witch Edition


>Current Live:

>Unarchived Karaoke:

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>【COVER】OTONABLUE (Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame)

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

Previous thread: >>86883065

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
Currently Live!
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Make that money Liz
Very comfy stream, I wonder how long she'll play
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Hag Love!
I would imagine not that much longer since its already past midnight there
For people missing the stream, cover hopefully coming out either tomorrow or Friday, also some bits and bobs shes working on that she can't talk about. Confirmed that she won't be part of 7DTD though
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>quotes r. kelly without hesitation
I like how she's huddled up in a corner opening her packs
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Kisses for good luck
Is it the same NPC that keeps buying the deodorant?
Damn, that dude still shopping even with the shop being closed
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Hyped for the cover, please no last minute management delays for the love of god
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Some cold-blooded Bloodflame subjects, these folks are a creeping contradiction
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The art is based off of Liz saying that the Lizbians might have a different form than normal rosarians and that they would be lizards if so.
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Yeah, was just putting my best Attenborough voice
Oh I see, sorry I missed the reference. At least its good lore for people who weren't watching that stream
No worries, the more we talk about them the better. Keep these creatures coming
I have not the slightest idea about the lore reason for this Liz form however
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Did she ever confirm what normal Rosarians look like?
No, not yet
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She's mentioned having sketches but she seems noncommittal.
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luv ma erb
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Night night
Cute picture, also good night
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