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A thread for the Seven day Savant, Calliope Mori
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Remember to love your Mori
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I missed it when Miko played, what's 7 days to die about?
I guess you spend 7 days preparing for a zombie invasion. Then it happens. Reminds me of Vladeska Drakov from ravenloft
Rust with zombies
I'm in the game
I want Mori to wake up to the sounds and sensations of me raping her in her sleep.
I want her to stare up at me, locked in sleep paralysis and unable to struggle, barely able to croak out the word "NO!" as I inseminate her.
I want her to sob uncontrollably as her body betrays her by involuntarily orgasming. She doesn't moan, she doesn't begin to enjoy it; it's a purely physical response.
I want to see the flight response on her face as she feels my hot cum flooding her womb - freezing up in shock and hopelessness at not only the ruination of her life and career, but the debasement of herself as a person.
Hi CC, you're my favorite hater
DVR thing happened again, looks like she fixed it
Umm what the sigma
Chat, is this real?
Yea she mentioned turning it off right as the stream started
This is fun, really prefer the universal VC compared to local for this
Where is ina
Probably sitting this out until her visa problem gets fixed
Probably still flying back to Leaf Land
Visa troubles means she can't play :{
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She was last seen being detained at the Arstotzka border and taken away by some border patrol guards.
A handsome woman enters
Hey Debbies, just wanted to drop by to give thanks to your oshi for making this collab happen-- this is one of my favourite games ever! So, this is pretty awesome. Thank you!

t. autistic ruffian
May I see the work?
I kinda like it too but I don't like the blood moon mechanic. Really ruins my immersion, but I suppose it's fun for streamers.
Mori should probably decrease the night duration. It gets bogged down.
Mori, if no one answers your question, REPEAT THE FUCKING QUESTION
you were expected to coordinate shit, don't let your autism wash over it
What she say?
had to step out, anything i miss in the last 20 minutes or so?
They're mostly spreading around to gather resources
Makes them sound like a colony of ants or something
That's kinda true lmao.
Biboo is getting Berserkpilled......
Biboo doesn't know how to use "over," over
Based and cincinnatus-pilled
Most people don't.
Lmao at CC shot-calling the pig fight like this was an MMORPG raid
CC really likes to RP randomly too. Maybe she can join the next TTRPG.
She would be a DM's worst nightmare, but perfect as a DM
CC before the zombie apocalypse
Mori is in old school let's player mode
Is that good or bad
Funny joke about her L2D not working and just playing without it like old school LPers used to before face cams became the rage
Is...is not having your face on the screen that dated? Okay, now I feel old
sex with mori and shiori
When did face-camming blow up? Like 2011 or 2012 I think?
Face cams has been the norm for like a decade by this point dude. There are very few successful ones who don't use a face cam nowadays. Soviet Womble is the only one I can think of.
I know face cams are very common, I didn't realize no face cam was that dated
Yeah, you gotta be pretty special to get big without one now.
>ywn cooperatively shit in the same toilet as Mori
fuck this life
Omphalos hypothesis but for zombie apocalypse
how has 7 days been so far?
How that they have figured out the game and got organized it's pretty good.
Basically the only people that are successful without facecam are those that got successful before they became the trend, real OGs like the Vinesauce crew. Funnily enough, a lot of the reasonably popular female nocammers ended up becoming vtubers.
I can't believe calliope mori is fucking dead
It's been alright, they're figuring how to gather resources and build up their base
Why has she had her hand up for the past 72 hours?
embarrassed about her stinky breath and armpits
This is also why I watch Anya Melfissa lol.
I swear there's gotta be a better melee weapon than this poopy club thing she's been using lol
Spears are pretty good.
it's a shame the voice chat is always on
Mori's got a gun!
Not really, stops her from mumbling to herself and getting lost whenever she dies
that's what I want
Yea it's actually kinda nice, there's not really a dull moment/downtime where you're just waiting for an interaction
I'm enjoying this comfy MoriShioBiboo kino
It's nice but now that pizzatime is a thing I also want to see how Mori would mesh with them, considering she's pretty close to both
Who were the best let's play channels of all time?
Does retsupurae count?
For me, it was SSoHPKC
Mori should play Shadows Over Loathing
Both Mori and Biboo being able to bounce off Shiori's randomness really makes for some conversation lmao.
Does she just not pay attention to her health bar?
TwoBestFriends / Super Best Friends and Jesse Cox/OMFGCata.

I still watch Pat and Woolz, as well as Jesse. Every once in awhile I watch a "Wha happun?" from Mat, but his normal content just isn't as appealing.
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God that SM2 Co-op is gonna be so great
I've unironically been watching 40k lore videos after Mori got me into it with the Space Marine streams, I love how Biboo is vibing with it too. These girls are fucking nerds
I'm glad Biboo agreed with me that they should just get a new emperor.
My oshi is a need...perfect
If they could get a new emperor, that would be a good idea, but they don't just grow on trees
>>87140962 me
>Emperor is a Skeleton Man
Oh, shit, The Emperor is a fucking Deadbeat!
Mori is now a full on 40k fag kek
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I think it's kinda pathetic that humans from the 40kverse have to rely on some human created long long ago.
He was my fav back in the day too, he's the reason I played Dark Souls.
shame he was too stupid to realize that people didn't want lets plays, they wanted streams after a certain point.
humans have always relied on him. Without him we would have doomed ourselves a thousand times over.
>that humans from the 40kverse have to rely on some human created long long ago.
It's kinda like real life when you think about it tbqh
Every time you cook a meal? you're relying on some dude named "Grug" or some shit who decided to set mammoth meat on fire before eating it
this game seems a little jank
I was gooming for an hour until I busted. What happened?
Were you gooning to Mori?
Uhhh Tombstone spend like 30 minutes talking about WH40k lore and then they rendezvoused with Kronii/Raora to do some quest
Their SM2 stream is going to rule
No, AnimA
Google is showing an AI partner, is that it?
Aren't girls who consume nerd shit usually pickmes
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>not even shooting fat loads to your own oshi
Perhaps surprisingly, the archetype of girls being nerdy as fuck to attract nerdy guys seems like a dated stereotype. The Young people don't seem aware that acting like a redditor could ever be pickme behavior
>good artstyle
>0 Mori pics
I am disappoint
No, pick mes only get very surface level knowledge to try and pass as a fan and don't spend every moment of free time consuming lore videos.
One day...
Pickme is just a term women use to get other women to stop thinking freely.
That was fun
no one on this site uses the term correctly
originally the moniker "pickme" was for women who specifically ragged on other women/female gender as whole to appear more relatable and thus attractive to men
I think Kiara's group was waiting for them to come in and say hi or goodbye, Biboo was also the one who initiated joining Kronii and Raora.
Mori cannot let her autism get in the way if she's to lead this event and socialize..
Guess it evolved to mean "not like the other girls behavior in general"
this dumbass will give herself an increased cancer risk with all the X-rays over a cough
like bitch, you keep recording and talking for hours, you are obviously not healing quickly
Relax anon she wasnt coughing as much over the last week
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Favorite game? That's great to hear!
Meanwhile the gameplay didn't get me hooked since I never played this one, so I went back to sleep with an earbud in.
I saw a dream where I was at a holo sleepover and touched Mori toes, so I guess I still got something out of it, kek
The flights she has taken the last few years gave an order of magnitude more radiation than a couple x-rays. Every overseas flight is equivalent to a a older style chest x-ray.
By that logic, Taylor swift should be a futanari by this point
>142 MB wallpaper
Mori what the fuck
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Someone other than Grug would've come up with a recipe soon afterwards anyway
Meanwhile, good luck finding someone else doing all this shit
Anon still running on a 500MB hdd
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only really matters because gigafile is slow as shit
Why couldn't Daaku draw her looking cute like the one where she's looking at Tutu? If he drew all of his art for her like that instead of the ugly shit he did it would've been so much better
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You're not lying holy shit
It's more you don't have to worry about radiation unless you directly work with radiation sources daily.
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Not him but I may have a problem with it too
Yea this art is ass no one is gonna use it
Ririsya continues Dead Spacin'
>Missed the august wallpaper
Bro I swear I've missed like 80% of these just off forgetting to download them lmao
That's just prosaic incrementalism, not "this one guy is such a lodestone that everything will collapse without him."
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this can be a cute phone wallpaper
Finished downloading, and it's kinda good lol
I still have a 50gb hard drive from 2005
I bet you also got a 100 stack of cds as well grandpa
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This shit lagged the fuck out of my PC when I opened it
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I just realized the second thumbnail she commissioned form GTA is a Redline reference
500 GB Mori wallpaper when
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That's the prefect rez for my battle station, thanks Morp
Almost every thumbnail was a reference
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kek, that explains it. I still have ~100gb of free space on my laptop and was meaning to back shit up anyways so I'm not super bothered
anyways have a good night /morig/! that was honestly kind of a fun stream even though I think the game is meh
just because I want to see other debbies happy
Yeah I only bring it up because that one specifically was bothering me. Like dammit I know this one, and it just hit me.
thats the septembie one debbie
Big titty Mori laying on the field with a pic of Myth was August
Thanks bud, but I think that one is from the past month
you'll have to forgive me I'm have asleeb
god this one is cute
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Thanks brudda
Looks like 2 weeks of no gutslliope
I JW* how was the stream? I'm going to watch the VOD anyway but were there any standout moments?
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>pic so big you could cover your entire house with Mori
How the fuck do artists expect you to view the image as intended?
The whole thing pretty fun and chill
The 1st hour or so is pretty chaotic because they're all basically in the same VC, and it takes them while to figure how to split off into groups in their sperate calls to do little resource gathering missions
The Mori/Biboo/Shiori/CC group was pretty fun
Just make 5 Malcador clones
nice breasts
The imperium doesn't seem very good at solving problems, so much as pigheadedly enduring them
The thing about the Imperium is that after 10 thousand years of slow decline they only have two or three tools in their kit and while they still can do the job, they're getting less effective year over year. If you can't drown a problem in bodies with the guard, decapitate it with the Space Marines/Inquisition/assassin temples, or crush it with a Mechanicus god-machine, it's just kinda gonna sit there and get worse. The Imperium administrative state is capable of just *losing* entire solar systems due to a rounding error or paperwork mistake. As in they just forget they exist. It still has tremendous, overwhelming inertia just due to its size and the parts of it that still do work, but the crises it faces are of a galactic scale.
Much like it’s Emperor the Imperium is a rotting corpse which only keeps going via blood greasing the wheels which are manually pushed by 10 million slaves
Yeah and that extends to the entire galaxy. Nobody's really any good at solving problems for a variety of reasons. The Imperium is actively decaying, the Eldar are too few and too hubristic to reliably work with others. The Necrons might be a net good in the short term with the Silent King returning and Trazyn preferring Chaos doesn't consume everything, but they're slow and fractured and 99% of them are mindless killing machines. The T'au are tiny and naive and maybe fixing to plunge into a civil war. Dark Eldar are part of the problem and when they moved to North Hollywood they had to go door to door telling everyone they're sex offenders, Orks are part of the problem and they are fucking loving it, and the Tyranids are THE problem. And of course, there's Chaos which wants the grinding attrition to go on forever because that's how they eat.
The Tyranids are fantastic at solving the problem of being hungry
>the Eldar are too few and too hubristic to reliably work with others.
And their most "progressive" faction wants to commit suicide on the galactic scale to take a shot at the newborn god subduing Slaanesh and getting a restart for the entire species on top of that.
>The Necrons might be a net good in the short term
I wouldn't trust the guys who are at the beginning of galaxy's problems with solving anything. Their tech may help against chaos but fully awakened Necron race is just as dangerous for the entire galaxy as Tyranids.
>The T'au are tiny and naive
And each time they're exposed to the reality of the galaxy, they're becoming less naive and more like Imperium. By the time they become a major player they'll just be Imperium but with blue people and gundams.
The harsh reality is that Imperium is still the only faction that has any shot at solving most problems - even if only through eradicating all other sentient lifeforms in the galaxy.
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nighty noodles debbies
Good night boobbeat
>I wouldn't trust the guys who are at the beginning of galaxy's problems with solving anything. Their tech may help against chaos but fully awakened Necron race is just as dangerous for the entire galaxy as Tyranids.
Emphasis on the "might." Their lords are whimsical at best. I don't know being a threat on the scale of Tyranids because they have a very real problem of the vast majority of them are slogging automatons. If they started making common use of their time travel technology, now that's a problem.
>The T'au are tiny and naive
I think the potential civil war thing could bite them very hard, but you do have to hand it to the T'au. Every instance of snickering "and then they tried to *negotiate with the orks*" is followed up with a coda like "so yeah after that burned them they came back and killed everyone because at the end of the day they can still shoot you over the horizon."
I'm watching her metal gear playthrough the gunshot noise immediately after screaming "snake" was too fucking funny.
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>looking at right side
>left side
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Thanks Gura
God, the MGS-athon was so fucking funny
I gotta rewatch it someday
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Was it an enemy that found her and shot her post-mortem?
Catbeats, thoughts on this one? hella cute imo
VERY cute
of course zoombie would name a cat "michael"
>Ollie off-collabing with Michael cat
But yeah, that's adorable
She named her jump king Matthew. Does she like anglicized bible names?
I bought SM1 and 2. The firs tone feels like I'm playing in a cartoon compared to the second lmao.
Mori needs to he milked every day.
Mori should play an old Mario game. I want to see how she would do with old platformers.
I was hoping she would play a Paper Mario
She should play Sunshine or something
Been watching Biboo playing SM2. There's something endearing about a tiny anime girl going 'RIP AND TEAR!' and 'FOR DEATH AND GLORY!' that I really want to see Mori do a co-op collab with her in operations
I was thinking of more along the lines of the 2D side scrollers.
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Mori's totally radical!
>That Mighty number 9 vid
So, will something ever oust the current #1 in Worst Fighting Game ever?
Sad there was no r34 of the kawaiikute gomen outfit
Mori will never be ballin
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I feel like I haven't seen this in three years

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