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This seems desperate.
They will have 1 million subs and you will be here crying about it. Kind of funny.
The full on begging is pretty sad
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
It's LITERALLY fine when Hololive does it. Not other vtubers though, only Hololive. If I see someone else doing it, I'll shit on them
yeah, this thread is pretty lackluster and unoriginal. did kawaii's collapse buck break all their fans to spam the board with bait?
I think you're what people would call a hypocrite
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the mandate of Holo
Just when I thought that anon was the biggest fucking retard we'd get this thread, there's you bailing him out.

Just go google the term already you dumb fuck.
its working though they gained more subs in a week than (you)r oshi has total LOL
They know how to play the game
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For each other
I feel like they're doing this so they can request a Sololive (Duolive??) as their wish.
Why are they begging for this so hard? It will come naturally.
How do you think the older JP gens feel who took 5+ years to get to 1M?
based tbdesu
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>our dream of 1 million
The dream was 1 million within 1 year
Don't move the goalposts, Fuwawa
>Get slapped by Gura's tail
Again? I swear to god if anyone ever has anything negative to say about Kiara i will grudgepost with this and all the other begging attemts so far. And i dont even watch Kiara.
>still no asmr
10k away is guaranteed 1mil at this point. They can just do an endurance stream and get it in one day. They're just enjoy bringing attention to it.

Actually just check their channel they only need 8.3k..
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>still no asmr
Your bait? Yeah, it does seem desperate indeed.
holy cringe
Keep seething nijinigger.
but enough about Luxiem.
what is it about these two dork dogs that make some people so angry?
I wish janny would do their job and actually blast who faggots continue to bounce between the same shitposts.
Never, Gura isn't necessarily interested in people outside of her current circle
Degenerate subbeggars
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If they wanted 1 million, they could just fucking ask
...So they did.
Losing their asmr virginity to the holojp channel was a low blow to all ruffians but i do not think they are to blame. I blame Nodoka that devil in disguise
>make sure you never hurt
They really intensified their begging after Kronii beat them to it, wow. Guess they didn't expect to be beaten by someone who's the opposite of a numberfag.
their obsession with numbers and the incessant bau bauing makes them unwatchable.
That's the most insulting part to me. If I was Kronii, I'd be a little annoyed. I guess it's not really her in particular, but they're trying to beat at least some of promise. And now there's only one person left: Fauna.
Watching the dogs crash and burn has been so satisfying. Acting like a retard was never funny and now the tourists have left them.
>Holo doing sub begging
Wow how desperate.
>Other Vtuber doing subathon
Wow how brave and original!
our smiles were not protected
ok then don't look at them, moron.
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Yes, these threads are always made by vshojocucks. I don't know why they hate these girls, but they are obsessed with hating them.
Isn't it usually phase or /cgl/?
Nigga, they were losing to Mori earlier. They used to be second to only Gura.
...When they were being botted by ennacuck?
Are you seriously using those numbers?
The only thing we know for sure is that vshojofags hate these women and their fans, and they also make most of the anti-threads.
Have they shown up or something on twitter or whatever?
I can't imagine why the hell vshojo would have anything to do with the dogs.
>endurance stream for sub goal
>chat fucks with them and unsubs
Maybe if chat could grow up that would be a good idea.
1m dead subs
Zen lost an award during Filian’s show to FWMC, but that’s all I can think of.
Vshojo lost a lot of awards in that Filian award show. I don't think the dogs stood out at all.
Hell, Selen was the only one who won twice.
>the only time a Holo can get respectable numbers is when ennacuck bots them
The absolute STATE
Yeah, I just can’t think of a single other thing.
>now there's only one person left: Fauna
Not beating the reddit dogs allegations.
Yes. Your post here hoping for people to shit on FWMC is really desperate sister
>You shouldn't be allowed to get excited about a big milestone because......... YOU JUST CANT BE OK!!!! STOP HAVING FUN!!!!
Still lost to Kronii who actually hard to work hard for her 1M.
Lol what, Kronii took over 3 years to get there. In the time Kronii went from 990k to 1m FWMC went from 930k to 985k.
They're HUNGRY puppies anon.
>FWMC went from 930k to 985k.
Thanks to their begging on reddit yeah.
Holo board baby!
they don't stream during EU hours so I'm not subscribing
I know it's not something we do here but let's be adult about Fuwamoco case, their shilling can be largely forgiven because in term of money they are 2 individuals surviving on 1 corpo channel living in Tokyo (one of the most expensive city in the world), everything they gain is divided by 2 so making projects with that in mind must be pretty hard.

Moreover their coworker and even the japanese ones must understand that it's rough for them because they are shilling them to the max (Pekora, Marine, Towa, Fubuki, Suisei...) they really really shilled them after and during the GTA RP, they probably love their work and understand that collabing with them might be a fruitful endeavor but they must also understand that their kouhai need to make the channel for 2 person and giving them publicity is a win-win long term and is a good action that doesn't cost much.

So I think we can forgive them for shilling, I wouldn't be as lenient if it was for a single holo but their case is peculiar.
A 1mil sub milestone is nice and all but why arent you all excited for Millie reaching 500k? Thats a big one as well
She just got to 500k last week
Don't blame Nodoka, Axel put the idea in her head the fucking homo.
this thread seems desperate
>Kronii had to jiggle her tits in a swimsuit to win back subs
Let's not pretend like she didn't have to throw away her dignity for the numbers.
For the first 3 years of EN's existence there were endless complaints here about how lax and unaspiring the entire branch is. now that the twins showed up the rest of EN with how disciplined and ambitious they were, /vt/ resorted to calling them sellouts.

I wonder where this prominent crab bucket mentality came from.
>This seems desperate.
Is it? I mean, I kinda just forgot to sub Advent and Justice. My sub list is cluttered. Fuck it, I'll just give them one whatever.
it's sad that Nijien's influence has died yet the fans won't leave this site. continually seething for all of time.
Pretty much this. I get that it could seem like a bit much, but it's nice to see someone actually try to really make use of their opportunity while many ENs are squandering it by just drifting by and letting months and years pass without doing more than the minimum.

I don't see why we'd need even more of the girls to be lethargic and depressed.
They dont have a doxsite to go back to
They wouldn't be making twice the money if they had 2 separate channels, so the fact they share a channel is irrelevant
At the end of the day, their streams are a means to an end. As much as Ruffians want to cope that fuwamoco really love streaming for them, the only reason they do it is because they have to to get big enough numbers to matter for stuff on the back end. 1 million by their own admission will open a lot more doors to do 'homework' and give them more leverage to get things like sponsorships, connections, and will get them their wish which they can use towards one of multiple of their final goals. They have talked many times about burnout, have talked about basically everyone in Hololive telling them that they should chill just a little, and have thrown it all to the wind because they believe that they need to do as much as possible to get to a sololive. They're basically letting their doomerisms rule their outlook on their future ij Hololive.
It has brought them a lot of oppertunities though, because they will never say no to management. Just look at the fact that they somehow got announced for Nendoroids already despite the fact that Kiara's still isn't even colored and Promise got announced a day later. They basically skipped the line because of their popularity and the pressure they put on the back end after doing all of this shit.
At the end of the day though, it means their streams take a back seat to things that are more important to them. It's part of the reason why they never play the games they say they really like, because a majority of them are tereible for their numbers. It's also why they put very little effort into their streams and streaming setup. Neither of those things will result in more oppertunities on the back end for homework. Whether or not you care is up to you, as some of their streams still are fun.
To close it off, they talked recently in their members stream about how they want to have more oppertunities in the future to bring vtubing/vtubers to the outside world. They sited the Dodgers collab and Marine talking at some big event in Japan as things they dream of doing. They would much rather be idols than streamers, and it reflects in their actions.
You can still be disciplined and ambitious without having to resort to begging.
HoloNIGGERS are the biggest fucking retarded faggots ever lol.
That's a new low.
Baused numberpups.
>they want to have more oppertunities in the future to bring vtubing/vtubers to the outside world
I don't know what this obsession is with trying to push vtubing to IRL things.
Outside of Japan, it will always be met with hate, confusion or the butt of the joke.
It's like that one time when Ninja was really popular, he went to an event and started doing Fortnite dances. No one knew who he was or what the fuck he was doing.
That Dodgers game picture will always ignite massive second hand embarrassment in me.
Just keep vtubing in it's lane or risk becoming the new MLP.
They'll sub to her but it doesn't mean they will watch her. Just look at Mori.
Did you thought of that inside the farthest reaches of your brain stem?
You don’t know much they want to finally drop their EOP fans
None of that seems like a problem desu.
That's kind of why we supported them in the first place. We want to see them make it big, too. Idol journey and all that.
It is
Even in Japan vtubers are seen as weirdos, only Hololive gets some respect because of brand recognition and because they're shilled onto everything from billboards to noodle cups, the people there not interested in vtubing see them as mascots rather than streamers.
i have never seen a holo talent this desperate for a million, it's so weird. Of all the talents, they have no reason to worry either, they'll definitely hit 1 mil. It's so bizarre watching them practically plead for subs.
You should watch more holos then. Multiple JPs were just like this and almost died of joy and exhaustion when they made it after pushing hard.
What did they do to "push hard"? Stream and make content? Or beg on Reddit?
Correct, yes, all of that. Just like FUWAMOCO.
>Collab with Japanese Comedians
What did they mean by this
Male collab
IMAGINE if that's their 1mil wish
No no, for these two the specifically its sisters of the Niji and/or Homo variety
>see them as mascots rather than streamers.
They're not wrong to be fair
holy copepost
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>They will have a million subs after begging the japs to sub to them
Kind of pathetic actually.
Let's not pretend the dogs had any dignity to begin with anon, numberfags have and will always be cancer.
Why do you even care?
Seems like you are desperata for attention as well.
So why was Gura interested in Anya, a long time ago?
They don't as soon as I saw their promise list I already knew what they were about. These whore ain't in it for the fans they're using hololive as a stepping stone towards their idol reality show their pussies gets wet about. Once they obtain that they will drop hololive like a sack of potato
I feel like I saw this copypasta somewhere
Please. They are just desperate, after what happened to their past selves. They don't want to lose a job these turbo twin weebs want to do.
Also, they don't want to go back to canada.
>endless complaints here about how lax and unaspiring the entire branch is.
>source: trust me bro
Can I make an arguemnt against this fir a decent chunk of EN talents? No, but there have always been talents who've been putting in a lot, and they are usually the ones who were getting shit on day in and day out around here.
The difference between them and FWMC is that FWMC are willing to play shit games and pander to the Jap crowd because they saw it as their only means to getting to 1m subs. The other couple of girls who put in (and still are putting in) a real grind in EN actively choose to play games they want to play on their channels both as a means of supporting their true core fanbase and of a little bit more of a relaxing time while streaming. Those same girls still did things like sub pushes, used some vertical streams, etc., but you can tell that they put a hell of a lot more effort and time into what they're presenting on their channel in their day to day streams. FWMC dump all of their energy, resources, and time into the one-off streams every 2-3 months on average, and basically just show up, barely set up a stream, and play some JP horror game in an attempt to get JP tourists.
I wasn't there for it, but holos like Shuba and Pekora used to celebrate just getting 1000 more subs. Then you have Miko's story. I have nothing against the dogs, they are cute and quite funny, the numberfagging just kinda puts me off. Just be natural, they were always going to get there.
All of this will fall on deaf ears you can't reason with dog fuckers.
This IS natural for them, “getting the big number” is what they live for.
They weren't getting big numbers when they were go go nippon shut the fuck up faggot.
it's working though. they left their genmates behind with subs. but you make a valid point, they are sacrificing quality streams with pandering content, this is hurting them keep active fans. their ccv sucks, and has tanked compared to the beginning. ever since they started pandering to jp. I blame their fanbase, because when they bring it up on stream, they were supportive of them doing JP streams, and shit talked people who were against it. yet internally seethed that they were pandering to jp, and quietly left.
not as much as you seething daily about them kek
Are they both numberfagging or is it fuwawa who is number fagging considering she's the one with the big tits buff. Mococo is usually chilled and not a fucking tryhard like fuwawa.
People who still type kek in 2024 deserved to be roped then burned on live television so others see what happens when write stupid shit that makes no fucking sense.
>Kronii: Oh? I got 1 million? I didn't notice.
I thought switching to JP's surely would have got them to 1 million by now right?
>Also, they don't want to go back to canada.
Is it really that bad over there?
For real though, I was planning to move there eventually. Is it actually bad or is it "le brown people kowaii"
Imagine how fast they'd hit 1mil if they started making out onstream haha
It's more that they went to Canada, joined hololive EN, then immediately moved back to JP and started pandering to them.
>begging japs
>on Reddit
Are you retarded?
I never claimed it didn't work, it really does work well. Turns out when you try to attract a pool of people who normally wouldn't give you the time of day, you'll get a pretty good boost. They were willing to do 6 hours 7 days straight to play GTA because it got them subs, and they will never treat an EN group event the same way because it won't ever get them the same numbers. And that's not even me being desparaging about the content, there was plenty of fun to be had if you understand Japanese or don't mind reading half-completed subs missing context in the chat.
>They were supportive of JP streams
They were supportive of JP collabs, lets not try to twist what was said by a chunk of people in the VoD comments of Battle Plan 2.
I didn't know reddit hosted it's own streaming services and that fwmc were part of it.
I honestly don't understand their endgame.
You'd think that these two of all people would want to cultivate a hardcore, solid, stable fanbase the most so that they can keep it up at their idol dream but instead they playing the numbers game for the casual audience and aiming for mascotdom, which you can argue they've already achieved, but what's an idol without a hardcore fanbase to sing to and dance to?
Like, I could get it if we knew they wanted to just become recognizable faces to slap in all sorts of merch but all know that's not the case otherwise they wouldn't have grinded without success for so long.
Am I the only one who thinks this whole thing feels contradictory?
Oh neat. I can't really stand their accent so I don't really pay much attention but I'll help them reach such a milestone. Thanks OP.
I don't think they're even after being idols in the traditional sense, they have always appeared to be after mascot status. It's not like they're really into dance like Bae or Hajime, or singing like ERB.

They always struck me as massive weebs wanting to live a weeb dream life, and it's actually nice to see them pull it off even though I can't stand to listen to them. Watching people achieve their goals is just nice.
They want to live the dream and get paid to do nothing like Gura.
I just hope they chill with the shilling after they hit a million...
I know they wont...
They don't want to be vtubers. They're only doing vtubing because is a step towards their real goal if you watched them before they became dogs. The goal is to have their own idol reality TV show. They would drop the dog and vtubing act in a heartbeat if some Japanese TV producers scouted them for it. The west doesn't give a shit about idol scene other than weebs so of course they'll have to reach to japs where the idol scene matters.
I don't know. They've never given me the vibe of wanting to achieve mascot status to then sit on their asses collecting the merch money.
>It's not like they're really into dance like Bae or Hajime, or singing like ERB
The singing and dancing are the means to an end. What they've always wanted, in my opinion, was the stage. You can't be on the stage dancing and singing, even if it is not the best dancing and singing, and being cheered on and loved by the audience by sitting on your ass doing nothing just collecting money.
If that's the case then they're in for a very rude awakening sooner or later. There's a reason why their idol dream failed no matter what they did in the past. Vtuber doesn't translate to IRL like that. We already had Mori as a prime example of such a thing. Hell, it doesn't even translate from Vtuber Identity 1 to Vtuber Identity 2.
Maybe they'll direct their efforts into getting the rest of Advent hit the mil too.
Even they should be able to realize that hitting 2mil would be near impossible in any reasonable amount of time no matter how much they tryhard, grind and numberfag.
>Maybe they'll direct their efforts into getting the rest of Advent hit the mil too.
No thanks.
One of their biggest dreams is to make music and have their own original songs. Singing is highly important to them.
>There's a reason why it failed
Because of COVID. It destroyed 90% of their plans. Same thing happened to Kiara.
But just think of how nicely it would reflect on them for all of their gen to have 1mil too!
>Because of COVID
Nigga those two have been at this shit for a decade if not eve a bit more. Do your reps. Blaming the rona is utterly retarded.
>Do your reps.
No clown. YOU do your reps. If you're going to be doing the whole "le forbidden knowledge gimmick" you can at the very least get it right. This was talked about. The very fact that you said they're not passionate about singing shows how fucking little you know. This is entry level shit.
>N-No u!
I accept your concession.
I dont even watch these retards but the absolute aneurysm some of you have over people trying to be successful at their job... baffling.
Exactly. You know nothing. Return to /#/ with the rest of your ilk and rot.
I will say this as someone who likes them: this is wired and very heavy handed. They've done this for MONTHS. I remember when they used their 600k special Sukia game thumbnail twice to bait. They weren't even close to a million when started using the number counter. They use trend games like Bijou and Mori and will spam karaoke like EBR. When the Aqua and Ame train was leaving they made sure to hop on that good and early and had a collab

I can like someone and still criticize an aspect of them. But with stuff like this I start to doubt and question who they really are. The voice leak didn't help either. At some point this stuff hurts their genmates too as you're bring numbering to forefront.
They played the game to get the hardcore audience from the start and pulled back after moving. They talk about supporting them and 'please be patient and protect our smiles this time' pretty frequently, at least once every other week to try and keep people around. As for the mascot status, someone copy pasted a post I made a few weeks ago that addesses it. They said in their most recent members stream that they talked about "Wanting to do what Marine did giving a speech at a JP non-vtuber event and be part of stuff like Gura with the Dodgers".
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>normal excitement about an upcoming milestone is "desperate"
>t. fan of a company whose diseased liver organs are losing subscribers instead of gaining them
I didn't see Kronii beg for subs on reddit.
To be fair they are already doing some of that like when they joined Gura in Taiwan to do karaoke or they can or did join Mori and do international performances.
Yeah its slowly getting worse with higher taxes and its health care not as good as it used to be and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Based clock woman bitch slapping numberfags.
No, they meant outside of the vtuber/anime bubble specifically. They mentioned wanting to reach out to people who 'aren't in the circle already'.
The grifter dogs have been begging and numberfagging for months though, gotta get that 1m to wish for more money to do their roommate concerts kek
you can't possibly compare a homo collaber to FWMC
I'd rather watch Kroni, Mori, Kobo, Zeta,etc and I do.
The "homo collaber" isn't the one begging redditors to inflate her numbers and her ego.
It's like a worker asking for overtime every day. Shut up.
they better be dying of terminal cancer and desperate to reach their dream before the end. anything short of that and they are the worst, most pathetic numberfags that have ever lived. they make Kiara *not* look like a shill, and that's saying something
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>holo vs holo
not beating the allegations
Oh look, it's another one of those faggots using Doki as a shield.
losers hate seeing anyone achieve anything
happens all the time
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There's no reason to be mad about this unless you're insecure that your oshi is doing "worse" or looks lazy compared to them. Do you get upset when a street performer has more people giving them change than your average beggar who's just sitting down on the floor with their cup laid out?
They've been at this way before covid you tourist. Before they were vtubers for ggn they were fleshies doing idol stuff.
Who force them to move to tokyo? They can live in any 3rd world country to do their job.
>you can't compare to someone who rarely has collabs with males to literal reddit beggars
Gonna be 100 percent real with you here hombre, Fuwamoco are not the kind of vtubers you show to people who aren't already interested in vtubers or within the weeb circle.
Gura, Mori, Suisei, those I can show and get a relatively positive response from others. Primarily, because their appeal and image is widely known and broad. Fuwamoco? Not quite.
If you are being ironic, or if anyone else thinks this post is being ironic, consider that they are shilling themselves on a fan subreddit dedicated to an agency where every talent works for mutual benefit.
It would have been a lot less tasteful if they had made this post on r/VirtualYoutubers.

True, but I give them the benefit of doubt because the agency may hold on financial incentives for talents who reach 1 million subscribers.
Not only did they not make it in time, they are behind Coco and Botan as well as the 5 Myth girls and Kobo. If they do not get it in 10 days, they will be behind Chloe as well.
>The voice leak didn't help either
what the fuck are you talking about, voice leak? Are you referring to when they logged into Minecraft for half a second and we heard a mysterious voice that 100% doesn't belong to either Fuwawa or Mococo and was obviously someone at Cover studio or their home accidentally logging in, seeing their mistake and leaving?

Anyone who knows any forbidden knowledge knows that the person speaking wasn't either of them and that their real voices are just much less cartoonish versions of the act they put on.
You tell em quirk chungus!
divide by 2
>past lives were pretty unpoplar, not well known, had low numbers to the point where say could say good bye to every viewer with name
>well ahead of their gen mates since debut
>fastes growing sub count since council
>no other EN member even comes close to being that desperate for subs
If you just consider all these things and compare it to what they had before they joined Holo it makes this extremely awkward and questionable. Why are they under the impression that they deserve to be SO MUCH more popular then everyone else? Is it still not enough for them? Why so greedy?
Being ambitious is fine but they do it in the most stupid way possible, not even counting in their JP NTR arc that seems to be still ongoing.
I think it's likely that at least one anti sub-botted them, and when they do their inevitable marathon to 1 million stream they will do a mass-unsubscribe right at the finish line during a livestream, or am I just paranoid...
> Anon forgot the time when holo celebrated 10k subs milestones
You are so fucking desperate to defend this white woman, please give it a break. Fuwawa logged in, and a white woman's voice started talking, forcing everyone in the vicinity to fuck up their vods for the sake of FWMC, the golden child who can do no wrong. You don't know them personally, stop insisting you're their best friends.
Mass unsubscribe bots is news to me. Has that happened before?
what are you talking about? I'm saying I know their roommates voices and that wasn't either of them you fucking subhuman retard
That would be incredibly based and what they deserve
that would be funny as fuck
>He doesn't know

What will happen when they hit a million?
They stop trying
nah i'd only cringe if kiara did it
couldn't care less if anyone else did it
Canada is not that bad.
Granted, there is a bit of a housing crisis (similar to Australia and UK)
But life is a bit more laid back.
With that said, just make sure that you don't venture into East Hastings (aka the drug addict capital of British Columbia)
Didn't watch their pl much but consider their pl size it was surprising to see such an ambitious goal that also felt like a mocking attempt to the Promise girls. Glad Kronii the most jaded out one managed to hit 1m first without even streaming
That kind of cinema is beyond the powers of the SEA schizos that would sub-bot them to begin with.
Canada is a fucking shithole, this faggot saying its "not that bad" is out of his mind.
It obviously belonged to one of the girls but we will never know who lol. It would be hilarious if that hag sex voice belonged to biboo but to me it sounds very Canadian so there's a possibility is either fwmc or kronii
That voice wasn't Fuwamoco, dude.

kys retard this is what they spent 10+ years desperately trying to get and it's all they care about.
They deserve it.
Finally gonna completely ditch EN
Then who? Sounded Canadian to me
They do this to get you to shit on doki so they can rile up dragoons
immediately graduate and demand that Cover sponsors their idol duo act
How new are you?
Manager at Cover who was checking if their account works fine but didn't realize mic was on, retard.
>(one of the most expensive city in the world)
>2024: According to Mercer, Tokyo is the 49th most expensive city in the world, just ahead of Houston. This is a significant drop from 2020, when Tokyo was ranked third most expensive.
>2023: According to the EIU, Tokyo is ranked 60th in the world for cost of living.
>2021: Tokyo was ranked the fourth most livable city in the world.
Sure thing anon.
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Name one thing bad about hypocrisy
somehow you're even more desperate for attention than they are and, unlike them, it doesnt even benefit you.
The power of Russians who see three stripes on an outfit and assume their love of Adidas tracksuits is being pandered to.
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Russians are based for their love of Botan. Being an FPS gamer also naturally panders to them.
>Milkman I have come to bargain
You make unnecessary enemies and fast
Hololive is vtubing
Funny thing is russians didn't actually buy adidas, they got some bootleg stuff because the gopniks that stereotyped the look wouldn't even be able to afford it since it was a little after the fall of the soviet union. But she's a cute sexy hag so they should worship her anyway
kino, their mask immediately slipped off
My thoughts exactly king
the mandate of heaven is a chinese concept and China rejected Holo pretty badly, and even after they did came back begging I don't think they give a fuck anyway, they will never have that market.
>after china came back begging because they need holo to prop up bilibili
its expected, vtuberfans wouldnt even know how cheap it is to live in tokyo, ESPECIALLY when work has to pay for transport and most of the time you're at home milling about or doing online training, a lot of hololive can just retired with just one year of their earnings and never have to give a damn about the internet again
why do all you fags care so much?
Keep coping. Even if Cover was in a position of strength and decided to enter the market again anyways against the wishes of their fans, how can you blame China in that scenario? If they didn't, it's even worse because there is no leeway in that case. It's all about the money and they won't say no to China on that basis alone.
First of all cover never really left china just bilibili after the coco shit happened who you think manufactured your over priced Ali express tier merch? Anyways BiliBili pulled the ccp playbook by streaming hololive content violating copyright laws and what not then showed cover how much money they were making doing this and cover just decided to partner up with them again to take a slice of the pie. You have to consider the yen is in the shitter as a ceo yagoo job is to keep money flowing into the company at no point in time cover begged them it was the other way around.
>how can you blame China in that scenario?
>how can you blame China?
>how can you blame China?
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
are you guys already memoryholing the kobo streams in b2 back in summer. I wouldn't blame you, she pretty much flopped there anyway. Better to pretend it didnt happen at all.
lmao this is borderline japface or something, they wanna be japanese so bad
your BPD hobo tranny won't save you from being a retarded faggot, anon
>he honestly doesnt know

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